Reusable library that initialized the boxicons css and serves functions to turn stats and menus into icons
Этот скрипт недоступен для установки пользователем. Он является библиотекой, которая подключается к другим скриптам мета-ключом // @require
Create a new User Script with content that looks roughly like this:
// ==UserScript==
// @name AO3 Stat Icons
// @match*
// @author you
// @description Adds icons for stats
// @namespace ao3-fonts-and-icons
// @version 1.0.0
// @icon
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
iconifyStats: true,
iconifyUserNav: true,
Will turn the Stat names and the user navigation links into icons.
All described properties have to be in the settings object that is given to IconifyAO3
boxiconsVersion: String
- used version of boxicons. (default: "2.1.4"
, check for updates)iconifyStats: Boolean
- if set to true
, stat titles will be turned into icons. (default: false
)statsSettings: Object
- sets individual options for stat icons. See below. (default: {}
. Leaves all stat icons as picked by me)iconifyUserNav: Boolean
- if set to true
, user navigation texts will be turned into icons. (default: false
)userNavSettings: Object
- sets individual options for user nav icons. See below. (default: {}
. Leaves all navigation icons as picked by me)Define individual icons and tooltips, using the statsSettings
iconClass: String
- name of boxicon icon (see Boolean
- sets the icon as solid or not. See selected icon properties on https://boxicons.comtooltip: String
- description that shows on mouse hover. Default is stats titles.{
statsSettings: {
kudosOptions: { solid: false }
Will turn the solid heart for kudos into an unsolid heart. Note that the default settings will stay intact if not overwritten here.
, chaptersOptions
, collectionsOptions
, commentsOptions
, kudosOptions
, bookmarksOptions
, hitsOptions
, workSubsOptions
, authorSubsOptions
, commentThreadsOptions
, challengesOptions
, fandomsOptions
, workCountOptions
, seriesCompleteOptions
, kudos2HitsOptions
, timeToReadOptions
, dateWorkPublishedOptions
, dateWorkUpdateOptions
, dateWorkCompleteOptions
Define individual icons and tooltips, using the userNavSettings
iconClass: String
- name of boxicon icon (see Boolean
- sets the icon as solid or not. See selected icon properties on https://boxicons.comtooltip: String
- description that shows on mouse hover.{
userNavSettings: {
accountOptions: { iconClass: "user-rectangle" }
Will turn the round user icon into a rectangular one. Note that the default settings will stay intact if not overwritten here.
, postNewOptions
, logoutOptions