Display the comments from the Appinn forum on the bottom of the corresponding page on the main site.
// ==UserScript== // @name Appinn comment // @name:zh-CN 小众软件评论显示 // @namespace hoothin // @version 2024-06-08 // @description Display the comments from the Appinn forum on the bottom of the corresponding page on the main site. // @description:zh-CN 将小众软件论坛的评论内容显示在主站对应页面下部 // @author hoothin // @match https://www.appinn.com/* // @icon  // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @connect meta.appinn.net // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; const commentLink = document.querySelector('a.wpdc-join-discussion-link'); if (!commentLink) return; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: commentLink.href, method: 'GET', onload: function(res) { try { let doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''); doc.documentElement.innerHTML = res.response; let dataPreloaded = doc.getElementById('data-preloaded'); if (!dataPreloaded) return; dataPreloaded = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(dataPreloaded.dataset.preloaded)["topic_" + commentLink.href.match(/\d+/)[0]]).post_stream.posts; let posts = document.createElement("ul"); posts.style.maxHeight = '90vh'; posts.style.overflow = 'auto'; posts.style.margin = '0'; let title = document.createElement("h3"); title.innerText = "评论内容"; document.querySelector('article').appendChild(title); document.querySelector('article').appendChild(posts); dataPreloaded.forEach(item => { posts.innerHTML += `<li style='border-top: 1px solid #313131;'><p style='font-weight: bold;'>${item.display_username || item.username}</p>${item.cooked}</li>`; }); } catch (e) { } } }); })();