typescript pixelplace.io bot
Pixelplace.io websocket userscript written in TypeScript using trim21's webpack userscript template.
Made by azti with love.
If you want to make your own version, visit the GitHub
Make sure to be in the top javascript context (the dropdown at the top left in the console.)
- Makes a square, press to select Pos1 then Pos2. (select color normally)
Alt + B
- Press on the coordinate to start, drop image.
// Returns the auth of the currently logged account.
saveAuth(username, authId, authKey, authToken)
// Saves the account auth and username from the arguments.
// Automatically saves the currently logged account.
deleteAccount(username or index)
// Deletes either the username or the index of the accounts list in the args.
connect(username or 'all')
// Connects bots to the websocket for the multibot.
disconnect(username or 'all')
// Disconnects bots from the websocket for the multibot.
bots: [],
// array of active bots (there will be always 1, which is the client)
pixelspeed: 21,
// ms from one pixel to the next one.
queue: [],
// current pixels in the queue.
inprogress: false,
// queue in progress. (boolean)
protect: false,
// queue pixel protection.
tickspeed: 1000,
// lag prevention from continous loops. (lower to reduce lag)
order: 'fromCenter',
// Current sorting methods are 'rand', 'colors', 'vertical', 'horizontal', 'circle'. (if invalid will be circle)
Tags: pixelplace pixelplace.io, pixelplaceio bot, pixelplace, pxp, MXO, MXO bot, bababoy, turuslan, 0vc4, owmince, PPClient, 7placer, 7p, PPClient++, azti, multibot, place, rplace, r/place, reddit, 7placer+