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Greasy Fork is available in English.

Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all

不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:zh-CN   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:zh-TW   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:ja   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:ko   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:de   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:es   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:eo   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:fr   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:it   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:ru   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:vi   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:pt-BR   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:id   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:ar   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:bg   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:cs   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:tr   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:el   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:hu   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @name:th   Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all
// @icon         https://img.icons8.com/?size=100&id=9a46bTk3awwI&format=png&color=000000
// @version      1.2.1
// @description  不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:zh-CN   不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:zh-TW   不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:ja      不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:ko      不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:de      不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:es      不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:eo      不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:fr      不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:it      不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:ru      不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:vi      不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:pt-BR   不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:id      不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:ar      不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:bg      不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:cs      不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:tr      不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:el      不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:hu      不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @description:th      不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// @author       evanlai
// @match        https://www.youtube.com/*
// @exclude      https://www.youtube.com/shorts/*
// @require            https://openuserjs.org/src/libs/sizzle/GM_config.js
// @require            https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/sweetalert.min.js
// @require            https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/cdn.min.js
// @grant              GM_getValue
// @grant              GM_setValue
// @grant              GM_addStyle
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/732057
// ==/UserScript==
if (window.trustedTypes && window.trustedTypes.createPolicy) {
window.trustedTypes.createPolicy('default', {
createHTML: string => string,
createScriptURL: string => string,
createScript: string => string,
display: inline-flex;
margin-left: 2em;
align-items: center;
vertical-align: middle;
color: gray;
font-size: 2em;
line-height: 2em;
text-decoration: none;
margin-left: 1em;
#Y_settings > div{
font-weight: bold;
function wait(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
function inArray(array, element) {
return array.indexOf(element) !== -1;
function toNumber(value){
let num = Number(value);
if (isNaN(num) || !isFinite(num)) {
return 0;
return num;
var runflag = true;
var firstEnterThisPage = true;
async function dismissCurrent() {
let clickedSomething = false;
let foundAusblenden = false;
for (const item of document.querySelectorAll('ytd-menu-service-item-renderer')) {
if (item.icon === (GM_getValue('videoOrCreator') === "video" ? "NOT_INTERESTED" : "REMOVE")) {
clickedSomething = true;
// else if (item.icon === "__") {
//     foundAusblenden = item;
// }
if (!clickedSomething && foundAusblenden !== false) {
return true;
async function dismissAll() {
let list = document.querySelectorAll('ytd-rich-grid-media button[aria-label]');
while (firstEnterThisPage && list.length < 1) {
await wait(1000);
list = document.querySelectorAll('ytd-rich-grid-media button[aria-label]');
firstEnterThisPage = false;
let i = 0;
for (let item of list) {
await wait(50);
await dismissCurrent();
await wait(100);
if (i >= parseInt(GM_getValue('maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation'))) break;
if (runflag) {
runflag = false;
// await dismissAll();
window.dismissAll = function() {
window.openGmcSettings = function() {
let settings = document.getElementById('J_settings');
settings.style.display = '';
content: settings,
buttons: {
cancel: "close",
}).then(async (value) => {
settings.style.display = 'none';
function createButton() {
var elementForInsertNewButton = document.querySelector('#start') || document.querySelector('#logo-icon') || document.querySelector('#country-code');
var dismissAllLink = document.createElement('a');
dismissAllLink.id = 'J_dismiss_all';
dismissAllLink.href = 'javascript:';
dismissAllLink.onclick = window.dismissAll;
dismissAllLink.textContent = '⟳';
var openGmcSettingsLink = document.createElement('a');
openGmcSettingsLink.id = 'J_open_settings';
openGmcSettingsLink.href = 'javascript:';
openGmcSettingsLink.onclick = window.openGmcSettings;
openGmcSettingsLink.textContent = '⋮';
// settings
document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => {
var maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation = GM_getValue('maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation');
if(typeof maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation === 'undefined') maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation = '12';
GM_setValue('maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation', maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation);
Alpine.store('maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation', {
value: maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation,
GM_setValue('maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation', toNumber(this.value).toString());
var autoMode = GM_getValue('autoMode') === 'on' ? 'on' : 'off';
GM_setValue('autoMode', autoMode);
Alpine.store('autoMode', {
value: autoMode,
async toggle() {
let oldvalue = this.value;
this.value = this.value === 'on' ? 'off' : 'on';
GM_setValue('autoMode', this.value);
if(this.value === 'on') {
await wait(1000);
var videoOrCreator = GM_getValue('videoOrCreator') === 'creator' ? 'creator' : 'video';
GM_setValue('videoOrCreator', videoOrCreator);
Alpine.store('videoOrCreator', {
value: videoOrCreator,
toggle() {
let oldvalue = this.value;
this.value = this.value === "creator" ? "video" : "creator";
GM_setValue('videoOrCreator', this.value);
if(GM_getValue('autoMode') === 'on') window.dismissAll()
var gmcSettings = document.createElement('div');
gmcSettings.id = 'J_settings';
gmcSettings.style.display = 'none';
gmcSettings.innerHTML = `
<div id="Y_settings">
<span>Maximum number of blocks per operation:</span>
<input type="text" x-model="$store.maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation.value" x-init="$watch('$store.maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation.value', value => $store.maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation.valueHasChanged())">
<button style x-data @click="$store.videoOrCreator.toggle()">Block video or creator: <span class="config-current-value" x-text="$store.videoOrCreator.value.toUpperCase()"></span></button>
<button style="display: flex; align-items: center; margin:auto" x-data @click="$store.autoMode.toggle()"><span>Automatically refresh the page and process all: </span><img x-show="$store.autoMode.value === 'on'" style='display:inline-block; width:1.5em; height:1.5em; line-height:1.5em' src='https://img.icons8.com/?size=100&id=12226&format=png&color=000000'><span class="config-current-value" x-text="$store.autoMode.value.toUpperCase()"></span></button>