Greasy Fork is available in English.
不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa
// ==UserScript== // @name Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:zh-CN Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:zh-TW Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:ja Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:ko Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:de Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:es Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:eo Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:fr Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:it Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:ru Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:vi Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:pt-BR Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:id Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:ar Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:bg Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:cs Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:tr Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:el Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:hu Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @name:th Youtube block all, not interested in all, dismiss all // @icon // @version 1.2.1 // @description 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:zh-CN 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:zh-TW 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:ja 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:ko 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:de 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:es 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:eo 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:fr 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:it 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:ru 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:vi 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:pt-BR 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:id 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:ar 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:bg 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:cs 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:tr 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:el 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:hu 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @description:th 不感兴趣, दिलचस्पी नहीं है, 興味なし, 관심 없음, Kein Interesse,لا يهمني,Pas intéressé, Не интересует, Não tenho interesse, No me interesa // @author evanlai // @match* // @exclude* // @require // @require[email protected]/dist/sweetalert.min.js // @require[email protected]/dist/cdn.min.js // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @namespace // ==/UserScript== if (window.trustedTypes && window.trustedTypes.createPolicy) { window.trustedTypes.createPolicy('default', { createHTML: string => string, createScriptURL: string => string, createScript: string => string, }); } GM_addStyle(` #J_dismiss_all,#J_open_settings{ display: inline-flex; margin-left: 2em; align-items: center; vertical-align: middle; color: gray; font-size: 2em; line-height: 2em; text-decoration: none; } #J_open_settings{ margin-top:1px; margin-left: 1em; } #Y_settings > div{ margin-bottom:10px; } .config-current-value{ font-weight: bold; color:blueviolet; } `); function wait(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); } function inArray(array, element) { return array.indexOf(element) !== -1; } function toNumber(value){ let num = Number(value); if (isNaN(num) || !isFinite(num)) { return 0; } return num; } var runflag = true; var firstEnterThisPage = true; async function dismissCurrent() { let clickedSomething = false; let foundAusblenden = false; for (const item of document.querySelectorAll('ytd-menu-service-item-renderer')) { if (item.icon === (GM_getValue('videoOrCreator') === "video" ? "NOT_INTERESTED" : "REMOVE")) { clickedSomething = true;; } // else if (item.icon === "__") { // foundAusblenden = item; // } } if (!clickedSomething && foundAusblenden !== false) {; } return true; } async function dismissAll() { let list = document.querySelectorAll('ytd-rich-grid-media button[aria-label]'); while (firstEnterThisPage && list.length < 1) { await wait(1000); list = document.querySelectorAll('ytd-rich-grid-media button[aria-label]'); } firstEnterThisPage = false; let i = 0; for (let item of list) {; await wait(50); await dismissCurrent(); await wait(100); i++; if (i >= parseInt(GM_getValue('maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation'))) break; } if (runflag) { runflag = false; // await dismissAll(); } window.location.reload(); } window.dismissAll = function() { dismissAll(); } window.openGmcSettings = function() { let settings = document.getElementById('J_settings'); = ''; swal({ content: settings, buttons: { cancel: "close", }, }).then(async (value) => { = 'none'; }); } function createButton() { var elementForInsertNewButton = document.querySelector('#start') || document.querySelector('#logo-icon') || document.querySelector('#country-code'); var dismissAllLink = document.createElement('a'); = 'J_dismiss_all'; dismissAllLink.href = 'javascript:'; dismissAllLink.onclick = window.dismissAll; dismissAllLink.textContent = '⟳'; var openGmcSettingsLink = document.createElement('a'); = 'J_open_settings'; openGmcSettingsLink.href = 'javascript:'; openGmcSettingsLink.onclick = window.openGmcSettings; openGmcSettingsLink.textContent = '⋮'; elementForInsertNewButton.appendChild(dismissAllLink); elementForInsertNewButton.appendChild(openGmcSettingsLink); } createButton(); // settings document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => { var maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation = GM_getValue('maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation'); if(typeof maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation === 'undefined') maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation = '12'; GM_setValue('maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation', maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation);'maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation', { value: maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation, valueHasChanged(){ toNumber(this.value).toString(); GM_setValue('maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation', toNumber(this.value).toString()); } }) var autoMode = GM_getValue('autoMode') === 'on' ? 'on' : 'off'; GM_setValue('autoMode', autoMode);'autoMode', { value: autoMode, async toggle() { let oldvalue = this.value; this.value = this.value === 'on' ? 'off' : 'on'; GM_setValue('autoMode', this.value); if(this.value === 'on') { await wait(1000); window.location.reload(); } } }) var videoOrCreator = GM_getValue('videoOrCreator') === 'creator' ? 'creator' : 'video'; GM_setValue('videoOrCreator', videoOrCreator);'videoOrCreator', { value: videoOrCreator, toggle() { let oldvalue = this.value; this.value = this.value === "creator" ? "video" : "creator"; GM_setValue('videoOrCreator', this.value); } }) if(GM_getValue('autoMode') === 'on') window.dismissAll() }); var gmcSettings = document.createElement('div'); = 'J_settings'; = 'none'; gmcSettings.innerHTML = ` <div id="Y_settings"> <div> <span>Maximum number of blocks per operation:</span> <input type="text" x-model="$store.maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation.value" x-init="$watch('$store.maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation.value', value => $store.maximumNumberOfBlocksPerOperation.valueHasChanged())"> </div> <div> <button style x-data @click="$store.videoOrCreator.toggle()">Block video or creator: <span class="config-current-value" x-text="$store.videoOrCreator.value.toUpperCase()"></span></button> </div> <div> <button style="display: flex; align-items: center; margin:auto" x-data @click="$store.autoMode.toggle()"><span>Automatically refresh the page and process all: </span><img x-show="$store.autoMode.value === 'on'" style='display:inline-block; width:1.5em; height:1.5em; line-height:1.5em' src=''><span class="config-current-value" x-text="$store.autoMode.value.toUpperCase()"></span></button> </div> </div> `; document.querySelector('body').appendChild(gmcSettings);