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Украсьте веб-формы великолепными градиентами

Автоматически применяйте цветовые градиенты ко всем столбцам таблицы, чтобы украсить ее.

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Beautify web forms with gorgeous gradients

「 Automatically apply color gradient beautification to all columns of tables on web pages. 」


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🛠️ Beautify web forms with gorgeous gradients Change log

📅 2024/9/6 05:41 - Ver

Revise: Change to automatic gradient color.....

Gorgeous Gradient Table Beautification Script

This script automatically applies gradient colors to all tables on a webpage, based on the numerical values in each column. It enhances the visual appeal of the table without any manual clicks or operations by the user.


  1. Automatic Gradient Application: The script scans tables on the page and automatically applies gradient colors to each column based on the data, without requiring user intervention.
  2. Data-Driven Gradients: Colors are generated based on the minimum and maximum values in each column, with greater color variation for larger or smaller values.
  3. Continuous Monitoring: The script checks the page every second to automatically apply gradients to any new tables that are loaded.
  4. Gradient Color Configuration: Colors are based on the HSL color model, with adjustable parameters for hue range (HUE_RANGE), saturation (SATURATION), and lightness (LIGHTNESS).

Key Parameters

  • HUE_RANGE: Sets the hue range for the gradient color, with a default value of 120 degrees, representing a gradient from green to red.
  • SATURATION: Controls the color saturation, with a default of 80% for a vibrant color effect.
  • LIGHTNESS: Controls the color lightness, with a default of 88% to ensure a soft and non-straining color gradient.

Core Logic

  1. extractFirstFloat: Extracts the first floating-point number from the cell's text, ignoring non-numeric content to ensure only numerical values are used for gradient calculation.
  2. applyGradient: Automatically calculates the minimum and maximum values for each column and generates corresponding gradient background colors.
  3. initializeTables: Periodically checks for tables on the page and applies gradient colors to any new or uninitialized tables.

Use Cases

This script is suitable for any webpage containing tables, automatically applying gradient colors to enhance data visualization and make it easier to distinguish data differences.

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Recommended browsers and script managers:

  • Greasemonkey + Waterfox
  • Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey + Firefox
  • Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey + Chrome
  • Userscripts + ios Safari
  • Violentmonkey/KiWiBrowser + Android

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