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Analyze ratings from friends on Letterboxd, including paginated ratings, and show a histogram below the global one.
// ==UserScript== // @name Letterboxd Friend Ratings Analyzer // @version 3.5 // @description Analyze ratings from friends on Letterboxd, including paginated ratings, and show a histogram below the global one. // @author // @match* // @grant none // @license GPLv3 // @run-at document-end // @namespace // ==/UserScript== const username = "YOUR_USERNAME_HERE"; const film = window.location.href.split('/').slice(-2, -1)[0]; const fetchRatings = (user, film) => fetch(`/${user}/friends/film/${film}/ratings/rated/.5-5/`) .then(response => response.text()) .then(html => Array.from(new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html').querySelectorAll(".film-rating-group")) .flatMap(section => { const [, score] = section.querySelector("h2 > .rating")?.className.match(/rated-large-(\d+)/) || []; const reviewCount = section.querySelectorAll("ul.avatar-list > li").length; return score ? Array(reviewCount).fill(parseFloat(score) / 2) : []; }) ); // Construct the friends' rating histogram with links const constructHistogram = (ratings, user, film) => { const bins = Array(10).fill(0); ratings.forEach(rating => bins[Math.floor((rating - 0.5) * 2)]++); const maxCount = Math.max(...bins); return ` <section class="section ratings-histogram-chart" style="height: 27px;"> <div class="rating-histogram rating-histogram-exploded"> <span class="rating-green rating-green-tiny rating-1"><span class="rating rated-2">★</span></span> <ul> ${, index) => { const stars = ((index / 2) + 0.5).toFixed(1); const ratingLink = `/${user}/friends/film/${film}/rated/${stars}/`; const barHtml = `<i style="height: ${(maxCount ? (count / maxCount) * 44 : 1)}px;"></i>`; return ` <li class="rating-histogram-bar" style="width: 15px; left: ${index * 16}px"> ${count > 0 ? `<a href="${ratingLink}" class="ir tooltip" title="${count} ${'★'.repeat(stars).concat(stars % 1 == 0 ? '' : '½')} ${count == 1 ? "rating" : "ratings"}">${stars}★ ${barHtml}</a>` : `${stars}★ ${barHtml}`} </li> `; }).join('')} </ul> <span class="rating-green rating-green-tiny rating-5"><span class="rating rated-10">★★★★★</span></span> </div> </section> `; }; // Place histogram below the global one, adding links const placeHistogram = (histogramHtml, averageRating, user, film, count) => { const globalHistogramSection = document.querySelector('.ratings-histogram-chart'); if (globalHistogramSection) { const friendsRatingsLink = `/${user}/friends/film/${film}/rated/.5-5/`; const friendsHistogramSection = document.createElement('section'); friendsHistogramSection.classList.add('section', 'ratings-histogram-chart'); friendsHistogramSection.innerHTML = ` <h2 class="section-heading"> <a href="${friendsRatingsLink}">Ratings from friends</a> <span class="average-rating"> <a href="${friendsRatingsLink}" title="${count} ${count == 1 ? "rating" : "ratings"}"> <span class="display-rating">${averageRating}</span> </a> </span> </h2> ${histogramHtml} `; globalHistogramSection.parentNode.insertBefore(friendsHistogramSection, globalHistogramSection.nextSibling); } }; // Main function to run the script fetchRatings(username, film) .then(ratings => { if (ratings.length) { const averageRating = (ratings.reduce((sum, rating) => sum + rating, 0) / ratings.length).toFixed(1); placeHistogram(constructHistogram(ratings, username, film), averageRating, username, film, ratings.length); } });