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Drag a link to open in a new tab; drag a piece of text to search in a new tab.

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🪄 Features

  • Drag a link or image to open in a new tab
  • Drag a piece of text to search in a new tab
  • Customizable search engine and maximum search term length
  • Customizable minimum drag distance
  • A circle overlay to indicate the minimum drag distance
  • Dark Reader support
  • Todo list
    • Using Esc to interrupt draggy (might not be possible to detect)

⚙️ Configuation

  • 🎨 Appearance settings: Settings for the appearance of Draggy overlay.
    • Circle overlay: When to show the circle overlay。
      • Always: Always show the circle overlay when dragging is detected
      • Auto: Show the circle overlay only when the detected dragging is targeting text selection or links
      • Never: Never show the circle overlay
  • 🛠️ Operation settings: Settings for the operation of Draggy.
    • Open tab in background: Whether to open new tabs in the background。
    • Open tab insert: Whether to insert the new tab next to the current tab. If false, the new tab will be appended to the end.
    • Matching URI in text: Whether to match URI in the selected text. If enabled AND the selected text is a valid URI AND its protocol is allowed, Draggy will open it directly instead of searching.
    • Minimum drag distance: Minimum distance to trigger draggy.
  • 🔎 Search engine settings: Configure search engines for different directions. Use {<max-length>} as a placeholder for the URL-encoded query, where <max-length> is the maximum text length. If <max-length> is not specified, the search term will not be truncated.
    • Search engine (default): Default search engine used when dragging text.
    • Search engine (left): Search engine used when dragging text left. Leave it blank to use the default search engine.
    • Search engine (right): Search engine used when dragging text right. Leave it blank to use the default search engine.
    • Search engine (up): Search engine used when dragging text up. Leave it blank to use the default search engine.
    • Search engine (down): Search engine used when dragging text down. Leave it blank to use the default search engine.
    • Author's configuration
  • ⚙️ Advanced settings: Settings for advanced users or debugging.
    • Allowed protocols: Comma-separated list of allowed protocols for matched URI in texts. Leave it blank to allow all protocols.
    • Maximum time delta: Maximum time difference between esc/drop and dragend events to consider them as separate user gesture. Usually there's no need to change this value.
    • Debug mode: Enables debug mode.

📃 Notes

If you're using Microsoft Edge, you might find that "Super Drag Drop" is what you're looking for, which has its own pros and cons compared to Draggy. Below is a comparison table between the two, and if you prefer Super Drag Drop, enable the flag at edge://flags/#edge-super-drag-drop, then enable the feature at edge://settings/superDragDrop.

Feature Draggy Super Drag Drop
Drag link, text and image 🟢 🟢
Open tab in background 🟢 🟢
Open tab insert 🟢 🔴*
Compatibility 🟡 🟢
Custom search engine 🟢* 🟡*
Custom allowed protocols 🟢 🔴*
Maximum search term length 🟢 🔴
Minimum drag distance 🟢 🔴
Cancel drag 🟢* 🟢*
Prompt 🟢* 🟢*
Website exclude list 🟢* 🟢
Hackability 🟢 🔴
Privacy 🟢 🔴*
Cross-browser 🟢* 🔴*