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Some Visual Studio Code's useful features ported to the web!

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✨ Introduction

Editio is a simple script that ports some features from Visual Studio Code to the web. It's lightweight and (theoretically) runs on all websites.

🪄 Features & Configuation

  • 🖇️ Pairing: Pairing brackets and quotes
    • ➕ Auto close: Autoclose brackets and quotes (Similar to editor.autoClosingBrackets in VSCode)
    • ➖ Auto delete: Remove adjacent closing quotes or brackets (Similar to editor.autoClosingDelete and editor.autoSurround in VSCode)
    • 🚫 Auto overtype: Type over closing brackets (Similar to editor.autoClosingOvertype in VSCode)
      • The input character is a closing one and the same as the character after the cursor
      • The character before the cursor is the respective opening one
      • Doesn't work for pairs with the same opening and closing characters
    • 🔁 Jumping: Jump between paired brackets
      • Press Ctrl + Q to jump to the matching bracket
      • Doesn't work for pairs with the same opening and closing characters
    • 📜 Pairs: A list of characters that should be paired (The length should be even)
  • ↔️ Tabulator: Tab-related features
    • ↪️ Tab out: Pressing (Shift+) Tab to move to the next (or previous) character specified (Similar to the extension albert.TabOut)
    • 📜 Tab out chars: Characters to tab out of
  • 🔗 URL: URL-related features
    • 📋 Paste into selection: Paste the URL into the selection in Markdown format
    • 🔍 Recognized schemes: Recognized URL schemes for the URL-related features
  • 🖱️ Mouse: Mouse-related features
    • 🚀 Fast scroll: Scroll faster when holding the Alt key
      • Note that smooth scrolling is disabled explicitly when using this feature
    • 🎚️ Fast scroll sensitivity: Scrolling speed multiplier when pressing Alt
    • ⏱️ Consecutive scroll threshold: The threshold of time difference for the scroll to be considered consecutive
  • ⚙️ Advanced: Advanced options
    • 🔒 Capture: Set capture to true for the event listeners
      • If enabled, Editio's handlers are likely to override the website's handlers
    • 🚫 Default prevented: Don't handle the event if it's defaultPrevented
      • If disabled, Editio might handle the event again, even after it's been handled by the website
    • 🐞 Debug: Enable debug mode

📃 Notes

I've done my best to make Editio work as similar to VSCode as possible. However, there are still some minor differences:

  • Editio always closes brackets and quotes, while VSCode can be configured to languageDefined or beforeWhitespace.
  • Editio always deletes and overtypes adjacent closing brackets and quotes, while VSCode only does so when the closing character is automatically inserted.
  • Selections and cursor positions are not kept in the editing history.
  • Editio's fast scroll does not support smooth scrolling.

Contributions are welcome!