Greasy Fork is available in English.
Удалите теги YouTube Shorts, элементы, которые можно отклонить, ссылки на Shorts и полку с катушками
// ==UserScript== // @name Remove YouTube Shorts // @name:zh-CN 移除 YouTube Shorts // @name:zh-TW 移除 YouTube Shorts // @name:ja YouTube の Shorts を削除 // @name:ko YouTube Shorts 제거 // @name:es Eliminar YouTube Shorts // @name:pt-BR Remover YouTube Shorts // @name:ru Удалить YouTube Shorts // @name:id Hapus YouTube Shorts // @name:hi YouTube Shorts हटाएँ // @namespace // @version 2025.1.13.0 // @description Remove YouTube Shorts tags, dismissible elements, Shorts links, and Reel Shelf // @description:zh-CN 移除 YouTube 上的 Shorts 标签、Dismissible 元素、Shorts 链接和 Reel Shelf // @description:zh-TW 移除 YouTube 上的 Shorts 标签、Dismissible 元素、Shorts 链接和 Reel Shelf // @description:ja YouTube 上の Shorts タグ、ディスミッシブル要素、Shorts リンク、および Reel Shelf を削除 // @description:ko YouTube의 Shorts 태그, 해제 가능한 요소, Shorts 링크 및 Reel 선반 제거 // @description:es Eliminar etiquetas de Shorts de YouTube, elementos desechables, enlaces de Shorts y estante de carretes // @description:pt-BR Remover tags de Shorts do YouTube, elementos descartáveis, links de Shorts e prateleira de rolos // @description:ru Удалите теги YouTube Shorts, элементы, которые можно отклонить, ссылки на Shorts и полку с катушками // @description:id Hapus tag Shorts YouTube, elemen yang dapat dihapus, tautan Shorts, dan Rak Reel // @description:hi YouTube Shorts टैग, खारिज करने योग्य तत्व, Shorts लिंक और Reel Shelf निकालें // @author StrangeZombies // @icon // @match https://** // @match* // @grant none // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; // 配置项 const hideHistoryShorts = false; // 是否移除历史记录中的 Shorts 元素 const debug = false; // 启用调试模式 // 通用选择器 const commonSelectors = [ 'a[href*="/shorts/"]', '[is-shorts]', 'yt-chip-cloud-chip-renderer:has(a[href*="/shorts/"])', 'ytd-reel-shelf-renderer', 'ytd-thumbnail-overlay-time-status-renderer[overlay-style="SHORTS"]', '#guide [title="Shorts"]', '.ytd-mini-guide-entry-renderer[title="Shorts"]', '.ytd-mini-guide-entry-renderer[aria-label="Shorts"]', ]; // 移动端选择器 const mobileSelectors = [ '.pivot-shorts', 'ytm-reel-shelf-renderer', 'ytm-search ytm-video-with-context-renderer [data-style="SHORTS"]', ]; // 特定页面选择器 const feedSelectors = [ 'ytd-browse[page-subtype="subscriptions"] ytd-grid-video-renderer [overlay-style="SHORTS"]', 'ytd-browse[page-subtype="subscriptions"] ytd-video-renderer [overlay-style="SHORTS"]', 'ytd-browse[page-subtype="subscriptions"] ytd-rich-item-renderer [overlay-style="SHORTS"]', ]; const channelSelectors = ['yt-tab-shape[tab-title="Shorts"]']; const historySelectors = ['ytd-browse[page-subtype="history"] ytd-reel-shelf-renderer']; // 移除 Shorts 元素的函数 function removeElementsBySelectors(selectors) { selectors.forEach((selector) => { try { const elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector); elements.forEach((element) => { if (element.dataset.removedByScript) return; // 跳过已处理的元素 let parent = element.closest( 'ytd-video-renderer, ytd-grid-video-renderer, ytd-compact-video-renderer, ytd-rich-item-renderer, ytm-video-with-context-renderer' ); if (!parent) parent = element; parent.remove(); parent.dataset.removedByScript = 'true'; // 标记为已处理 if (debug) console.log(`Removed element: ${parent}`); }); } catch (error) { if (debug) console.warn(`Error processing selector: ${selector}`, error); } }); } // 根据 URL 定位要处理的选择器 function removeElements() { const currentUrl = window.location.href; if (debug) console.log('Current URL:', currentUrl); if (currentUrl.includes('')) { removeElementsBySelectors(mobileSelectors); } if (currentUrl.includes('/feed/subscriptions')) { removeElementsBySelectors(feedSelectors); } if (currentUrl.includes('/channel') || currentUrl.includes('/@')) { removeElementsBySelectors(channelSelectors); } if (hideHistoryShorts && currentUrl.includes('/feed/history')) { removeElementsBySelectors(historySelectors); } // 通用选择器适用于所有页面 removeElementsBySelectors(commonSelectors); } // 防抖函数 function debounce(func, delay) { let timeout; return (...args) => { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(() => func.apply(this, args), delay); }; } const debouncedRemoveElements = debounce(removeElements, 300); // 初始化脚本 function init() { if (debug) console.log('Remove YouTube Shorts script activated'); removeElements(); // 初次加载时执行清理 // 跨浏览器支持的导航事件 const isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.includes('Firefox'); if (isFirefox) { // Firefox 使用 popstate 监听导航变化 window.addEventListener('popstate', removeElements); } else { // Chrome 使用 yt-navigate 事件 document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', removeElements); } // 监听 DOM 变化 const observer = new MutationObserver(debouncedRemoveElements); observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } // 等待 DOM 完全加载后初始化脚本 if (document.readyState === 'loading') { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init); } else { init(); } })(); //const selectors = [ // // '[is-shorts]', // YT Homepage - Hide the Shorts section // '#guide [title="Shorts"]', // YT Menu - Hide the Shorts button // '.ytd-mini-guide-entry-renderer[title="Shorts"]', // YT Menu - Hide the Shorts button // 'ytd-search ytd-video-renderer [overlay-style="SHORTS"]:upward(ytd-video-renderer)', // YT Search - Hide Shorts // 'ytd-reel-shelf-renderer', // 'ytd-browse[page-subtype="channels"] [role="tab"]:nth-of-type(3):has-text(Shorts)', // YT Channels - Hide the Shorts tab // 'ytd-browse[page-subtype="subscriptions"] ytd-grid-video-renderer [overlay-style="SHORTS"]:upward(ytd-grid-video-renderer)', // YT Subscriptions - Hide Shorts - Grid View // 'ytd-browse[page-subtype="subscriptions"] ytd-video-renderer [overlay-style="SHORTS"]:upward(ytd-item-section-renderer)', // YT Subscriptions - Hide Shorts - List View // 'ytd-browse[page-subtype="subscriptions"] ytd-rich-item-renderer [overlay-style="SHORTS"]:upward(ytd-rich-item-renderer)', // YT Subscriptions - New Layout - Hide Shorts // '#related ytd-compact-video-renderer [overlay-style="SHORTS"]:upward(ytd-compact-video-renderer)', // YT Sidebar - Hide Shorts // '.pivot-shorts:upward(ytm-pivot-bar-item-renderer)', // YT Mobile - Hide the Shorts Menu button // 'ytm-reel-shelf-renderer', // YT Mobile - Hide Shorts sections // 'ytm-search ytm-video-with-context-renderer [data-style="SHORTS"]', // YT Mobile - Hide Shorts in search r###lts //];