Greasy Fork is available in English.
Создавайте собственные стикеры в WhatsApp Web.
- // ==UserScript==// @name WhatsApp Sticker Creator with Custom Maker Enhanced// @version 1.2// @name:af Persoonlike Stickertjies// @description:af Skep persoonlike stickertjies in WhatsApp Web.// @name:ar ملصقات مخصصة// @description:ar إنشاء ملصقات مخصصة في WhatsApp Web.// @name:az Fərdi stikerlər// @description:az WhatsApp Web-də fərdi stikerlər yaradın.// @name:bg Персонализирани стикери// @description:bg Създаване на персонализирани стикери в WhatsApp Web.// @name:bn কাস্টম স্টিকার// @description:bn WhatsApp Web-এ কাস্টম স্টিকার তৈরি করুন।// @name:bs Prilagođene naljepnice// @description:bs Kreirajte prilagođene naljepnice u WhatsApp Webu.// @name:ca Gomets personalitzats// @description:ca Crea gomets personalitzats a WhatsApp Web.// @name:cs Vlastní nálepky// @description:cs Vytvářejte vlastní nálepky ve WhatsApp Webu.// @name:cy Stickeriaid addasedig// @description:cy Creu stickeriaid addasedig yn WhatsApp Web.// @name:da Brugerdefinerede stickers// @description:da Opret brugerdefinerede stickers i WhatsApp Web.// @name:de Benutzerdefinierte Aufkleber// @description:de Erstellen Sie benutzerdefinierte Aufkleber in WhatsApp Web.// @name:el Προσαρμοσμένα αυτοκόλλητα// @description:el Δημιουργήστε προσαρμοσμένα αυτοκόλλητα στο WhatsApp Web.// @name:en Custom Stickers// @description:en Create custom stickers in WhatsApp Web.// @name:eo Propraj glumarkoj// @description:eo Kreu proprajn glumarkojn en WhatsApp Web.// @name:es Stickers personalizados// @description:es Crear stickers personalizados en WhatsApp Web.// @name:et Kohandatud kleepsud// @description:et Looge WhatsApp Web-is kohandatud kleepsud.// @name:eu Pertsonalizatutako itsaskiak// @description:eu Sortu pertsonalizatutako itsaskiak WhatsApp Web-en.// @name:fa برچسبهای سفارشی// @description:fa ایجاد برچسبهای سفارشی در WhatsApp Web.// @name:fi Mukautetut tarrat// @description:fi Luo mukautettuja tarranauhoja WhatsApp Webiin.// @name:fr Autocollants personnalisés// @description:fr Créer des autocollants personnalisés dans WhatsApp Web.// @name:gl Adhesivos personalizados// @description:gl Crea adhesivos personalizados en WhatsApp Web.// @name:gu કસ્ટમ સ્ટિકર્સ// @description:gu WhatsApp Web માં કસ્ટમ સ્ટિકર્સ બનાવો.// @name:he מדבקות מותאמות אישית// @description:he צור מדבקות מותאמות אישית ב-WhatsApp Web.// @name:hi कस्टम स्टिकर// @description:hi WhatsApp Web में कस्टम स्टिकर बनाएं।// @name:hr Prilagođene naljepnice// @description:hr Stvorite prilagođene naljepnice u WhatsApp Webu.// @name:hu Egyéni matricák// @description:hu Hozzon létre egyéni matricákat a WhatsApp Webben.// @name:id Stiker kustom// @description:id Buat stiker kustom di WhatsApp Web.// @name:it Sticker personalizzati// @description:it Crea sticker personalizzati su WhatsApp Web.// @name:ja カスタムステッカー// @description:ja WhatsApp Webでカスタムステッカーを作成します。// @name:ka მორგებული სტიკერები// @description:ka შექმენით მორგებული სტიკერები WhatsApp Web-ში.// @name:kk Таңбалар// @description:kk WhatsApp Web-де тұтынушыға сәйкес таңбалар жасаңыз.// @name:km ស្លាកតាមតម្រូវការ// @description:km បង្កើតស្លាកតាមតម្រូវការនៅលើ WhatsApp Web។// @name:kn ಅನುಗುಣವಾದ ಸ್ಟಿಕರ್ಗಳು// @description:kn WhatsApp Web ನಲ್ಲಿ ಅನುಗುಣವಾದ ಸ್ಟಿಕರ್ಗಳನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಿ.// @name:ko 사용자 정의 스티커// @description:ko WhatsApp 웹에서 사용자 정의 스티커를 만듭니다.// @name:ku Stikerên xwerû// @description:ku Di WhatsApp Web de stikerên xwerû biafirîne.// @name:ky Көнүлгө ылайыктуу стикерлер// @description:ky WhatsApp Web'de кардардын көңүлүнө ылайыктуу стикерлерди түзгүлө.// @name:lt Pasirinktini lipdukai// @description:lt Sukurkite pasirinktinius lipdukus „WhatsApp Web“.// @name:lv Pielāgotas uzlīmes// @description:lv Izveidojiet pielāgotas uzlīmes WhatsApp tīmeklī.// @name:mk Прилагодени стикери// @description:mk Креирајте прилагодени стикери во WhatsApp Web.// @name:ml ആവശ്യമനുസരിച്ച് സ്റ്റിക്കർ// @description:ml WhatsApp വെബിൽ ആവശ്യമനുസരിച്ച് സ്റ്റിക്കർ സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക.// @name:mn Өөрийн хүссэн шошго// @description:mn WhatsApp Web дээр өөрийн хүссэн шошго үүсгэх.// @name:mr कस्टम स्टिकर// @description:mr WhatsApp Web मध्ये कस्टम स्टिकर तयार करा.// @name:ms Pelekat tersuai// @description:ms Cipta pelekat tersuai di WhatsApp Web.// @name:my စိတ်ကြိုက်နှိပ်ပုံများ// @description:my WhatsApp Web တွင်စိတ်ကြိုက်သတ်မှတ်ထားသော နှိပ်ပုံများဖန်တီးပါ။// @name:nb Egne klistremerker// @description:nb Lag egne klistremerker i WhatsApp Web.// @name:ne अनुकूलित स्टिकरहरू// @description:ne WhatsApp वेबमा अनुकूलित स्टिकरहरू सिर्जना गर्नुहोस्।// @name:nl Aangepaste stickers// @description:nl Maak aangepaste stickers in WhatsApp Web.// @name:nn Tilpassa klistremerke// @description:nn Lag tilpassa klistremerke i WhatsApp Web.// @name:no Egne klistremerker// @description:no Lag egne klistremerker i WhatsApp Web.// @name:pa ਕਸਟਮ ਸਟਿੱਕਰ// @description:pa WhatsApp ਵੈਬ ਵਿੱਚ ਕਸਟਮ ਸਟਿੱਕਰ ਬਣਾਓ।// @name:pl Niestandardowe naklejki// @description:pl Twórz niestandardowe naklejki w WhatsApp Web.// @name:pt Adesivos personalizados// @description:pt Criar adesivos personalizados no WhatsApp Web.// @name:ro Autocolante personalizate// @description:ro Creați autocolante personalizate în WhatsApp Web.// @name:ru Стикеры// @description:ru Создавайте собственные стикеры в WhatsApp Web.// @name:si විශේෂිත සටිකර// @description:si WhatsApp Web හි විශේෂිත සටිකර සාදන්න.// @name:sk Vlastné nálepky// @description:sk Vytvorte vlastné nálepky v službe WhatsApp Web.// @name:sl Prilagojene nalepke// @description:sl Ustvarite prilagojene nalepke v WhatsApp Spletu.// @name:sq Ngjitës të personalizuar// @description:sq Krijoni ngjitës të personalizuar në WhatsApp Web.// @name:sr Прилагодљиве налепнице// @description:sr Направите прилагодљиве налепнице у ВхатсАпп Вебу.// @name:sv Anpassade klistermärken// @description:sv Skapa anpassade klistermärken i WhatsApp Web.// @name:sw Lebo maalum// @description:sw Tengeneza lebo maalum katika WhatsApp Web.// @name:ta தனிப்பயனாக அட்டைகள்// @description:ta WhatsApp வலைதளத்தில் தனிப்பயனாக அட்டைகள் உருவாக்கவும்.// @name:te అనుకూలిత స్టికర్లు// @description:te WhatsApp వెబ్లో అనుకూలిత స్టికర్లు సృష్టించండి.// @name:th สติกเกอร์แบบกำหนดเอง// @description:th สร้างสติกเกอร์แบบกำหนดเองใน WhatsApp Web// @name:tr Özel etiketler// @description:tr WhatsApp Web'de özel etiketler oluşturun.// @name:uk Власні наклейки// @description:uk Створюйте власні наклейки в WhatsApp Web.// @name:ur کسٹم اسٹکر// @description:ur WhatsApp ویب میں کسٹم اسٹکر بنائیں۔// @name:uz Maxsus stikerlar// @description:uz WhatsApp Web-da maxsus stikerlar yarating.// @name:vi Nhãn dán tùy chỉnh// @description:vi Tạo nhãn dán tùy chỉnh trong WhatsApp Web.// @name:zh 自定义贴纸// @description:zh 在WhatsApp Web中创建自定义贴纸。// @name:zh-CN 自定义贴纸// @description:zh-CN 在WhatsApp Web中创建自定义贴纸。// @name:zh-TW 自訂貼紙// @description:zh-TW 在WhatsApp Web中建立自訂貼紙。// @author DeveloperMDCM// @match @icon @grant GM_addStyle// @run-at document-end// @compatible chrome// @compatible firefox// @compatible opera// @compatible safari// @compatible edge// @license MIT// @namespace @homepage @description Create custom stickers in WhatsApp Web.// ==/UserScript==(function () {'use strict';console.log('Script en ejecución by: DeveloperMDCM');const HEADER_STYLE = 'color: #F00; font-size: 24px; font-family: sans-serif;';const MESSAGE_STYLE = 'color: #00aaff; font-size: 16px; font-family: sans-serif;';const CODE_STYLE = 'font-size: 14px; font-family: monospace;';console.log('%cStiker Maker for Whatsapp Web\n' +'%cRun %c(v1.0)\n' +'By: DeveloperMDCM.',HEADER_STYLE,CODE_STYLE,MESSAGE_STYLE);// Variables globales para rotación y hoverlet isRotating = false;let initialRotateAngle = 0;let initialElementRotation = 0;let hoveredElement = null;let currentMousePos = { x: 0, y: 0 };const colorsText = ["#000000", "#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff", "#ffff00", "#00ffff", "#ff00ff", "#ffffff", "#ff000000"];GM_addStyle(`/* Panel principal */#stickerPanel {position: fixed;top: 0;right: 0;width: 580px;height: auto;max-height: 90vh;overflow-y: auto;background-color: #111b21;border: 1px solid #202c33;padding: 10px;z-index: 10000;box-shadow: 0 2px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}/* Pestañas */.tabsContainer {display: flex;justify-content: space-around;margin-bottom: 10px;}.tabsContainer button {flex: 1;padding: 8px;border: none;cursor: pointer;background-color: #005c4b;color: #fff;font-weight: bold;}.tabsContainer button:first-child { margin-right: 5px; }.tabsContainer button:last-child { margin-left: 5px; }/* Sección Clásica */.dropZone {border: 2px dashed #ccc;padding: 20px;text-align: center;margin-bottom: 10px;cursor: pointer;background-color: #111b21;}input[type="file"] { display: none; }#createSticker, #createCustomSticker {width: 100%;padding: 8px;margin-top: 5px;background-color: #005c4b;border: none;color: #fff;font-weight: bold;border-radius: 3px;}#status, #customStatus {font-size: 12px;color: #555;text-align: center;margin-top: 5px;}#previewCanvas { display: none; }/* Sección Personalizada */#customSection { display: none; }/* Toolbar y menús emergentes */#customToolbar {display: flex;flex-wrap: wrap;gap: 5px;margin-bottom: 5px;align-items: center;}#customToolbar button {padding: 5px 8px;cursor: pointer;border: none;background-color: #005c4b;color: #fff;border-radius: 3px;}#customToolbar select { padding: 4px; }/* Panel de opciones del lápiz y de formas */#pencilOptionsPanel, #shapeOptionsPanel {display: none;margin: 5px 0;padding: 5px;border: 1px solid #ddd;background-color: #005c4b;font-size: 12px;border-radius: 3px;}/* Botones de color y tamaño */.colorButton, .sizeButton {width: 15px;height: 15px;border-radius: 50%;border: 2px solid #ccc;display: inline-block;margin: 2px;cursor: pointer;}.sizeButton[data-size="2"] { width: 8px; height: 8px; }.sizeButton[data-size="4"] { width: 12px; height: 12px; }.sizeButton[data-size="6"] { width: 16px; height: 16px; }.sizeButton[data-size="8"] { width: 20px; height: 20px; }#pencilColorContainer, #pencilSizeContainer { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; }/* Panel para formas */#shapeOptionsPanel button {margin-right: 5px;padding: 3px 6px;border: none;color: #fff;border-radius: 3px;cursor: pointer;}/* Área de canvas con fondo ajedrezado */.canvasContainer {border: 2px dashed #ccc;width: 100%;height: 60vh;max-height: 60vh;margin: auto;position: relative;}#customCanvas {width: 100%;height: 100%;background-size: 20px 20px;background-image:linear-gradient(45deg, #ccc 25%, transparent 25%),linear-gradient(-45deg, #ccc 25%, transparent 25%),linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 75%, #ccc 75%),linear-gradient(-45deg, #fff 75%, #ccc 75%);background-size: 20px 20px;background-position: 0 0, 0 10px, 10px -10px, -10px 0px;display: block;}/* Botón flotante */#openStickerPanel {position: fixed;bottom: 20px;right: 20px;padding: 10px 15px;background-color: #005c4b;color: #fff;border: none;border-radius: 5px;cursor: pointer;z-index: 10000;box-shadow: 0 2px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);}/* Panel de edición de texto */#textEditorPanel {margin-top: 10px;padding: 5px;display: none;border-radius: 3px;}#textEditorPanel label { margin: 3px 5px; }/* Panel de emojis */#emojiContainer {position: fixed;top: 0;right: 600px;width: auto;height: 400px;background-color: #111b21;border: 1px solid #ddd;box-shadow: 0 4px 12px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);z-index: 10000;display: none;flex-direction: column;border-radius: 3px;}#emojiCategoryContainer {display: flex;justify-content: space-around;padding: 5px;}#emojiCategoryContainer button {background-color: #005c4b;color: #fff;border: none;padding: 5px;cursor: pointer;flex: 1;margin: 0 2px;border-radius: 3px;}#emojiContent {overflow-y: auto;height: 350px;padding: 10px 0 30px 10px;display: grid;background-color: black;grid-template-columns: repeat(6, 1fr);gap: 5px;}#textFontSelect {width: auto;appearance: auto;}#textFontSelect:not(:invalid) {color: #fff;}.textEditorContent {display: flex;flex-direction: column;gap: 6px;}`);// =========================// Espera a que la página se cargue// =========================window.addEventListener("load", () => { setTimeout(initStickerTool, 3000); });const emojis = {faces_emotion: [{ "emoji": "😀" }, { "emoji": "😁" }, { "emoji": "😂" }, { "emoji": "🤣" },{ "emoji": "😃" }, { "emoji": "😄" }, { "emoji": "😅" }, { "emoji": "😆" },{ "emoji": "😉" }, { "emoji": "😊" }, { "emoji": "😋" }, { "emoji": "😎" },{ "emoji": "😍" }, { "emoji": "😘" }, { "emoji": "🥰" }, { "emoji": "😗" },{ "emoji": "😙" }, { "emoji": "🥲" }, { "emoji": "😚" }, { "emoji": "☺️" },{ "emoji": "🙂" }, { "emoji": "🤗" }, { "emoji": "🤩" }, { "emoji": "🤔" },{ "emoji": "🫡" }, { "emoji": "🤨" }, { "emoji": "😐" }, { "emoji": "😑" },{ "emoji": "😶" }, { "emoji": "🫥" }, { "emoji": "😶🌫️" }, { "emoji": "🙄" },{ "emoji": "😏" }, { "emoji": "😣" }, { "emoji": "😥" }, { "emoji": "😮" },{ "emoji": "🤐" }, { "emoji": "😯" }, { "emoji": "😪" }, { "emoji": "😫" },{ "emoji": "🥱" }, { "emoji": "😴" }, { "emoji": "😌" }, { "emoji": "😛" },{ "emoji": "😜" }, { "emoji": "😝" }, { "emoji": "🤤" }, { "emoji": "😒" },{ "emoji": "😓" }, { "emoji": "😔" }, { "emoji": "😕" }, { "emoji": "🫤" },{ "emoji": "🙃" }, { "emoji": "🫠" }, { "emoji": "🤑" }, { "emoji": "😲" },{ "emoji": "☹️" }, { "emoji": "🙁" }, { "emoji": "😖" }, { "emoji": "😞" },{ "emoji": "😟" }, { "emoji": "😤" }, { "emoji": "😢" }, { "emoji": "😭" },{ "emoji": "😦" }, { "emoji": "😧" }, { "emoji": "😨" }, { "emoji": "😩" },{ "emoji": "🤯" }, { "emoji": "😬" }, { "emoji": "😮💨" }, { "emoji": "😰" },{ "emoji": "😱" }, { "emoji": "🥵" }, { "emoji": "🥶" }, { "emoji": "😳" },{ "emoji": "🤪" }, { "emoji": "😵" }, { "emoji": "😵💫" }, { "emoji": "🥴" },{ "emoji": "😠" }, { "emoji": "😡" }, { "emoji": "🤬" }, { "emoji": "😷" },{ "emoji": "🤒" }, { "emoji": "🤕" }, { "emoji": "🤢" }, { "emoji": "🤮" },{ "emoji": "🤧" }, { "emoji": "😇" }, { "emoji": "🥳" }, { "emoji": "🥸" },{ "emoji": "🥺" }, { "emoji": "🥹" }, { "emoji": "🤠" }, { "emoji": "🤡" },{ "emoji": "🤥" }, { "emoji": "🫨" }, { "emoji": "🤫" }, { "emoji": "🤭" },{ "emoji": "🫢" }, { "emoji": "🫣" }, { "emoji": "🧐" }, { "emoji": "🤓" },{ "emoji": "😈" 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cx, p.y - cy) : ctx.lineTo(p.x - cx, p.y - cy); });ctx.strokeStyle = el.color; ctx.lineWidth = el.brushSize;ctx.lineJoin = "round"; ctx.lineCap = "round"; ctx.stroke();} else if (el.type === "text") {ctx.font = el.fontSize + "px " + el.fontFamily;ctx.textBaseline = "top";if (el.bgColor) {const metrics = ctx.measureText(el.text);const padding = 2;ctx.fillStyle = el.bgColor;ctx.fillRect(-el.width / 2 - padding, -el.height / 2 - padding, metrics.width + 2 * padding, el.fontSize + 2 * padding);}ctx.fillStyle = el.color;ctx.fillText(el.text, -el.width / 2, -el.height / 2);} else if (el.type === "shape") {ctx.strokeStyle = el.color; ctx.lineWidth = 2;if (el.shape === "square") {ctx.strokeRect(-el.width / 2, -el.height / 2, el.width, el.height);} else if (el.shape === "circle") {ctx.beginPath();ctx.arc(0, 0, el.width / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2);ctx.stroke();}}ctx.restore();} else {if (el.type === "image") {ctx.drawImage(el.img, el.x, el.y, el.width, el.height);} else if (el.type === "emoji") {ctx.font = el.fontSize + "px sans-serif";ctx.textBaseline = "top";ctx.fillText(el.emoji, el.x, el.y);const metrics = ctx.measureText(el.emoji);el.width = metrics.width; el.height = el.fontSize;} else if (el.type === "drawing") {ctx.beginPath();el.points.forEach((p, index) => { index === 0 ? ctx.moveTo(p.x, p.y) : ctx.lineTo(p.x, p.y); });ctx.strokeStyle = el.color; ctx.lineWidth = el.brushSize;ctx.lineJoin = "round"; ctx.lineCap = "round"; ctx.stroke();} else if (el.type === "text") {ctx.font = el.fontSize + "px " + el.fontFamily;ctx.textBaseline = "top";if (el.bgColor) {const metrics = ctx.measureText(el.text);const padding = 2;ctx.fillStyle = el.bgColor;ctx.fillRect(el.x - 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20, 8, 0, Math.PI * 2);ctx.fillStyle = "green";ctx.fill();ctx.strokeStyle = "white";ctx.lineWidth = 2;// Dibujar flecha circularctx.beginPath();ctx.arc(0, -selectedElement.height / 2 - 20, 12, -Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, false);ctx.stroke();// Punta de la flechactx.beginPath();ctx.moveTo(4, -selectedElement.height / 2 - 20);ctx.lineTo(8, -selectedElement.height / 2 - 24);ctx.lineTo(12, -selectedElement.height / 2 - 20);ctx.stroke();// Indicador de redimensión (cuadrado verde)ctx.fillStyle = "green";ctx.fillRect(selectedElement.width / 2 - 8, selectedElement.height / 2 - 8, 16, 16);ctx.strokeStyle = "white";ctx.strokeRect(selectedElement.width / 2 - 8, selectedElement.height / 2 - 8, 16, 16);} else {// Fondo verde semitransparente y bordectx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,255,0,0.2)";ctx.fillRect(selectedElement.x, selectedElement.y, selectedElement.width, selectedElement.height);ctx.strokeStyle = "green";ctx.lineWidth = 2;ctx.strokeRect(selectedElement.x, selectedElement.y, selectedElement.width, selectedElement.height);// Indicador de rotaciónctx.beginPath();ctx.arc(selectedElement.x + selectedElement.width / 2, selectedElement.y - 20, 8, 0, Math.PI * 2);ctx.fillStyle = "green";ctx.fill();ctx.strokeStyle = "white";ctx.lineWidth = 2;// Dibujar flecha circularctx.beginPath();ctx.arc(selectedElement.x + selectedElement.width / 2, selectedElement.y - 20, 12, -Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, false);ctx.stroke();// Punta de la flechactx.beginPath();ctx.moveTo(selectedElement.x + selectedElement.width / 2 + 4, selectedElement.y - 20);ctx.lineTo(selectedElement.x + selectedElement.width / 2 + 8, selectedElement.y - 24);ctx.lineTo(selectedElement.x + selectedElement.width / 2 + 12, selectedElement.y - 20);ctx.stroke();// Indicador de redimensiónctx.fillStyle = "green";ctx.fillRect(selectedElement.x + selectedElement.width - 8, selectedElement.y + selectedElement.height - 8, 16, 16);ctx.strokeStyle = "white";ctx.strokeRect(selectedElement.x + selectedElement.width - 8, selectedElement.y + selectedElement.height - 8, 16, 16);}ctx.restore();}// Dibujar bordes azul dashed para multi-selecciónmultiSelectedElements.forEach(el => {;ctx.strokeStyle = "blue";ctx.lineWidth = 1;ctx.setLineDash([5, 5]);ctx.strokeRect(el.x, el.y, el.width, el.height);ctx.restore();});// Dibujar rectángulo de selección múltiple si está activoif (multiSelectRect) {;ctx.strokeStyle = "blue";ctx.lineWidth = 1;ctx.setLineDash([5, 5]);const rx = Math.min(multiSelectRect.startX, multiSelectRect.currentX);const ry = Math.min(multiSelectRect.startY, multiSelectRect.currentY);const rw = Math.abs(multiSelectRect.currentX - multiSelectRect.startX);const rh = Math.abs(multiSelectRect.currentY - multiSelectRect.startY);ctx.strokeRect(rx, ry, rw, rh);ctx.restore();}}// Actualizar variable hoveredElement según la posición del mousecustomCanvas.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => {const rect = customCanvas.getBoundingClientRect();currentMousePos = { x: e.clientX - rect.left, y: e.clientY - };// Si no se está arrastrando, redimensionando, rotando o dibujando, detectar hoverif (!isDragging && !isResizing && !isRotating && !drawingInProgress) {hoveredElement = null;for (let i = customElements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {const el = customElements[i];if (isPointInElement(el, currentMousePos.x, currentMousePos.y)) {hoveredElement = el;break;}}drawCustomCanvas();}});// =============================// Eventos del canvas// =============================customCanvas.addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => {const rect = customCanvas.getBoundingClientRect();const x = e.clientX - rect.left, y = e.clientY -;// Si hay un elemento seleccionado, comprobar handle de rotaciónif (selectedElement) {const cx = selectedElement.x + selectedElement.width / 2;const cy = selectedElement.y + selectedElement.height / 2;const rot = selectedElement.rotation || 0;const handleOffset = { x: 0, y: -(selectedElement.height / 2 + 20) };const rx = cx + handleOffset.x * Math.cos(rot) - handleOffset.y * Math.sin(rot);const ry = cy + handleOffset.x * Math.sin(rot) + handleOffset.y * Math.cos(rot);if (distance({ x, y }, { x: rx, y: ry }) < 15) {isRotating = true;initialRotateAngle = Math.atan2(y - cy, x - cx);initialElementRotation = selectedElement.rotation || 0;return;}// Comprobar handle de resizeconst vectorBR = { x: selectedElement.width / 2, y: selectedElement.height / 2 };const brx = cx + vectorBR.x * Math.cos(rot) - vectorBR.y * Math.sin(rot);const bry = cy + vectorBR.x * Math.sin(rot) + vectorBR.y * Math.cos(rot);if (distance({ x, y }, { x: brx, y: bry }) < 15) {isResizing = true;resizeStartX = x; resizeStartY = y;if (selectedElement.type === "text" || selectedElement.type === "emoji") {originalWidth = selectedElement.width;originalFontSize = selectedElement.fontSize;} else {originalWidth = selectedElement.width;originalHeight = selectedElement.height;}return;}}if (isDrawingMode) {drawingInProgress = true;currentDrawing = { type: "drawing", points: [{ x, y }], color: drawingColor, brushSize: brushSizeInput.value, rotation: 0 };selectedElement = null;} else if (isMultiSelectMode) {let inSelected = multiSelectedElements.some(el => x >= el.x && x <= el.x + el.width && y >= el.y && y <= el.y + el.height);if (inSelected && multiSelectedElements.length > 0) {isGroupDragging = true;groupDragStart = { startX: x, startY: y, positions: => ({ x: el.x, y: el.y })) };} else {multiSelectRect = { startX: x, startY: y, currentX: x, currentY: y };multiSelectedElements = [];}selectedElement = null;} else {let found = false;for (let i = customElements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {const el = customElements[i];if (el.type === "drawing") {const xs = => p.x), ys = => p.y);const minX = Math.min(...xs), maxX = Math.max(...xs);const minY = Math.min(...ys), maxY = Math.max(...ys);if (x >= minX && x <= maxX && y >= minY && y <= maxY) { selectedElement = el; offsetX = x - minX; offsetY = y - minY; found = true; break; }} else {if (isPointInElement(el, x, y)) {selectedElement = el;if (x >= el.x + el.width - 15 && x <= el.x + el.width + 15 && y >= el.y + el.height - 15 && y <= el.y + el.height + 15) {isResizing = true;resizeStartX = x; resizeStartY = y;if (el.type === "text" || el.type === "emoji") {originalWidth = el.width; originalFontSize = el.fontSize;} else {originalWidth = el.width; originalHeight = el.height;}} else {isDragging = true;offsetX = x - el.x; offsetY = y - el.y;}found = true; break;}}}if (!found) { selectedElement = null; }drawCustomCanvas();updateTextEditorPanel();}});customCanvas.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => {const rect = customCanvas.getBoundingClientRect();const x = e.clientX - rect.left, y = e.clientY -;currentMousePos = { x, y };// Si se está en modo rotaciónif (isRotating && selectedElement) {const cx = selectedElement.x + selectedElement.width / 2;const cy = selectedElement.y + selectedElement.height / 2;const currentAngle = Math.atan2(y - cy, x - cx);selectedElement.rotation = initialElementRotation + (currentAngle - initialRotateAngle);drawCustomCanvas();return;}if (isDrawingMode && drawingInProgress && currentDrawing) {currentDrawing.points.push({ x, y });drawCustomCanvas();ctx.strokeStyle = currentDrawing.color;ctx.lineWidth = currentDrawing.brushSize;ctx.lineJoin = "round"; ctx.lineCap = "round";ctx.beginPath();currentDrawing.points.forEach((point, index) => { index === 0 ? ctx.moveTo(point.x, point.y) : ctx.lineTo(point.x, point.y); });ctx.stroke();} else if (isMultiSelectMode) {if (isGroupDragging && groupDragStart) {const deltaX = x - groupDragStart.startX, deltaY = y - groupDragStart.startY;multiSelectedElements.forEach((el, idx) => {const initPos = groupDragStart.positions[idx];el.x = initPos.x + deltaX; el.y = initPos.y + deltaY;});drawCustomCanvas();} else if (multiSelectRect) {multiSelectRect.currentX = x; multiSelectRect.currentY = y;drawCustomCanvas();} else if (isDragging && selectedElement && !isDrawingMode && !isResizing && !isRotating) {selectedElement.x = x - offsetX; selectedElement.y = y - offsetY;drawCustomCanvas();}} else {if (isResizing && selectedElement) {let newWidth = originalWidth + (x - resizeStartX);if (newWidth < 20) newWidth = 20;if (selectedElement.type === "text" || selectedElement.type === "emoji") {let scale = newWidth / originalWidth;selectedElement.fontSize = originalFontSize * scale;selectedElement.width = newWidth;selectedElement.height = originalFontSize * scale;} else {let newHeight = originalHeight + (y - resizeStartY);if (newHeight < 20) newHeight = 20;selectedElement.width = newWidth; selectedElement.height = newHeight;}drawCustomCanvas();} else if (isDragging && selectedElement && !isDrawingMode && !isResizing && !isRotating) {selectedElement.x = x - offsetX; selectedElement.y = y - offsetY;drawCustomCanvas();}}// Actualizar cursor sobre handles (para rotación y resize)if (!isDragging && !isResizing && !isRotating && selectedElement) {const cx = selectedElement.x + selectedElement.width / 2;const cy = selectedElement.y + selectedElement.height / 2;const rot = selectedElement.rotation || 0;const handleOffset = { x: 0, y: -(selectedElement.height / 2 + 20) };const rx = cx + handleOffset.x * Math.cos(rot) - handleOffset.y * Math.sin(rot);const ry = cy + handleOffset.x * Math.sin(rot) + handleOffset.y * Math.cos(rot);const vectorBR = { x: selectedElement.width / 2, y: selectedElement.height / 2 };const brx = cx + vectorBR.x * Math.cos(rot) - vectorBR.y * Math.sin(rot);const bry = cy + vectorBR.x * Math.sin(rot) + vectorBR.y * Math.cos(rot);if (distance({ x, y }, { x: rx, y: ry }) < 15) = "grab";else if (distance({ x, y }, { x: brx, y: bry }) < 15) = "nwse-resize";else = "default";}});customCanvas.addEventListener("mouseup", () => {if (isDrawingMode && drawingInProgress && currentDrawing) {customElements.push(currentDrawing);saveHistory();currentDrawing = null; drawingInProgress = false;}if (isMultiSelectMode) {if (isGroupDragging) { isGroupDragging = false; groupDragStart = null; saveHistory(); }else if (multiSelectRect) {const rx = Math.min(multiSelectRect.startX, multiSelectRect.currentX);const ry = Math.min(multiSelectRect.startY, multiSelectRect.currentY);const rw = Math.abs(multiSelectRect.currentX - multiSelectRect.startX);const rh = Math.abs(multiSelectRect.currentY - multiSelectRect.startY);multiSelectedElements = customElements.filter(el => (el.x >= rx && el.y >= ry && (el.x + el.width) <= (rx + rw) && (el.y + el.height) <= (ry + rh)));multiSelectRect = null; drawCustomCanvas();}} else { if (isDragging || isResizing || isRotating) saveHistory(); }isResizing = false; isDragging = false; isRotating = false;drawCustomCanvas();});customCanvas.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => {if (isDrawingMode && drawingInProgress && currentDrawing) {customElements.push(currentDrawing); saveHistory();currentDrawing = null; drawingInProgress = false;}isResizing = false; isDragging = false; isGroupDragging = false; multiSelectRect = null; isRotating = false;drawCustomCanvas();});// =============================// Agregar imagen personalizada// =============================addCustomImageButton.addEventListener("click", () =>;customFileInput.addEventListener("change", () => {if (customFileInput.files && customFileInput.files[0]) {const file = customFileInput.files[0];const reader = new FileReader();reader.onload = function (event) {const img = new Image();img.onload = function () {const size = getDefaultImageSize(img);if (file.type === "image/gif") {const element = { type: "image", isGif: true, originalBlob: file, img: new Image(), x: 50, y: 50, width: size.width, height: size.height, rotation: 0 };element.img.src = URL.createObjectURL(file);customElements.push(element);} else {const element = { type: "image", img: img, x: 50, y: 50, width: size.width, height: size.height, rotation: 0 };customElements.push(element);}saveHistory(); drawCustomCanvas();};img.src =;};reader.readAsDataURL(file);}});// =============================// Panel de emojis// =============================let currentCategory = 'faces_emotion';const emojiContainer = document.createElement("div"); = "emojiContainer";const emojiCategoryContainer = document.createElement("div"); = "emojiCategoryContainer";const btnEmotions = document.createElement("button");btnEmotions.textContent = "Emociones";const btnAnimals = document.createElement("button");btnAnimals.textContent = "Animales";btnEmotions.addEventListener("click", () => { currentCategory = 'faces_emotion'; loadEmojis(currentCategory); });btnAnimals.addEventListener("click", () => { currentCategory = 'animals'; loadEmojis(currentCategory); });emojiCategoryContainer.appendChild(btnEmotions);emojiCategoryContainer.appendChild(btnAnimals);const emojiContent = document.createElement("div"); = "emojiContent";emojiContainer.appendChild(emojiCategoryContainer);emojiContainer.appendChild(emojiContent);document.body.appendChild(emojiContainer);const emojiToggleButton = document.getElementById("openEmojiPanel");emojiToggleButton.addEventListener("click", () => {if ( === "none" || === "") { = "flex"; loadEmojis(currentCategory); }else { = "none"; }});function loadEmojis(category) {emojiContent.innerHTML = "";const data = emojis[category];data.forEach(emojiData => {const btn = document.createElement("button");btn.textContent = emojiData.emoji; = "24px"; = "5px";btn.classList.add("addEmoji"); = "1px solid #ccc"; = "5px"; = "pointer"; = "#f9f9f9";btn.addEventListener("click", () => {const element = { type: "emoji", emoji: emojiData.emoji, x: 50, y: 50, fontSize: 70, width: 0, height: 0, rotation: 0 };customElements.push(element); saveHistory(); drawCustomCanvas();});emojiContent.appendChild(btn);});}loadEmojis(currentCategory);// =============================// Configurar menú emergente del lápiz// =============================pencilColorContainer.innerHTML = "";const pencilColors = colorsText;pencilColors.forEach(color => {const btn = document.createElement("div");btn.className = "colorButton"; = color;btn.addEventListener("click", () => {drawingColor = color;Array.from(pencilColorContainer.children).forEach(b => = "#ccc"); = "#000";});pencilColorContainer.appendChild(btn);});pencilSizeContainer.innerHTML = "";const pencilSizes = [2, 4, 6, 8];pencilSizes.forEach(size => {const btn = document.createElement("div");btn.className = "sizeButton";btn.setAttribute("data-size", size); = "#777";btn.addEventListener("click", () => {brushSizeInput.value = size;if (selectedElement && selectedElement.type === "drawing") {selectedElement.brushSize = size; drawCustomCanvas();}Array.from(pencilSizeContainer.children).forEach(b => = "#ccc"); = "#000";});pencilSizeContainer.appendChild(btn);});// Toggle lápiz: ahora alterna entre activar y desactivar el modo dibujotoggleDrawingButton.addEventListener("click", () => {if (isDrawingMode) {isDrawingMode = false; = "none"; = "#005c4b";} else {isDrawingMode = true; = "block"; = "#ddd";// Si se activa el lápiz, desactivar modo = "none";selectedElement = null;}});// =============================// Configurar menú emergente para formas// =============================toggleShapesButton.addEventListener("click", () => { = "none"; = ( === "none" || === "") ? "block" : "none"; = === "block" ? "#ddd" : "#005c4b";});shapeSquareButton.addEventListener("click", () => {const element = { type: "shape", shape: "square", x: 50, y: 50, width: 100, height: 100, color: "#000000", rotation: 0 };customElements.push(element); saveHistory(); drawCustomCanvas();});shapeCircleButton.addEventListener("click", () => {const element = { type: "shape", shape: "circle", x: 50, y: 50, width: 100, height: 100, color: "#000000", rotation: 0 };customElements.push(element); saveHistory(); drawCustomCanvas();});// =============================// Configurar botón multi-select// =============================toggleMultiSelectButton.addEventListener("click", () => {isMultiSelectMode = !isMultiSelectMode; = isMultiSelectMode ? "#ddd" : "#005c4b";if (!isMultiSelectMode) { multiSelectedElements = []; drawCustomCanvas(); }});// =============================// Configurar edición de texto (botones de color)// =============================const textColors = colorsText;function populateColorButtons(container, callback) {container.innerHTML = "";textColors.forEach(color => {const btn = document.createElement("div");btn.className = "colorButton"; = color;btn.addEventListener("click", () => { callback(color); });container.appendChild(btn);});}populateColorButtons(textColorButtons, (color) => { if (selectedElement && selectedElement.type === "text") { selectedElement.color = color; drawCustomCanvas(); } });populateColorButtons(textBgButtons, (color) => { if (selectedElement && selectedElement.type === "text") { selectedElement.bgColor = color; drawCustomCanvas(); } });addTextButton.addEventListener("click", () => {const text = prompt("Enter the text:");if (text) {const element = { type: "text", text: text, x: 50, y: 50, fontSize: 30, width: 0, height: 0, color: "#000000", bgColor: "", rotation: 0 };customElements.push(element); saveHistory(); drawCustomCanvas();}});// =============================// Resto de controles: bringForward, sendBackward, etc.// =============================bringForwardButton.addEventListener("click", () => {if (selectedElement) {const idx = customElements.indexOf(selectedElement);if (idx !== -1 && idx < customElements.length - 1) { customElements.splice(idx, 1); customElements.push(selectedElement); saveHistory(); drawCustomCanvas(); }}});sendBackwardButton.addEventListener("click", () => {if (selectedElement) {const idx = customElements.indexOf(selectedElement);if (idx > 0) { customElements.splice(idx, 1); customElements.unshift(selectedElement); saveHistory(); drawCustomCanvas(); }}});deleteElementButton.addEventListener("click", () => {if (selectedElement) {const idx = customElements.indexOf(selectedElement);if (idx !== -1) { customElements.splice(idx, 1); selectedElement = null; saveHistory(); drawCustomCanvas(); }}});clearCanvasButton.addEventListener("click", () => { customElements = []; selectedElement = null; saveHistory(); drawCustomCanvas(); });downloadButton.addEventListener("click", () => {const dataURL = customCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");const a = document.createElement("a");a.href = dataURL; = "sticker.png";;});undoButton.addEventListener("click", () => {if (historyIndex > 0) { historyIndex--; customElements = cloneCustomElements(history[historyIndex]); drawCustomCanvas(); }});redoButton.addEventListener("click", () => {if (historyIndex < history.length - 1) { historyIndex++; customElements = cloneCustomElements(history[historyIndex]); drawCustomCanvas(); }});// =============================// Panel de edición de texto: actualización en tiempo real// =============================function updateTextEditorPanel() {if (selectedElement && selectedElement.type === "text") { = "block";textContentInput.value = selectedElement.text;textFontSelect.value = selectedElement.fontFamily || "";textFontSizeInput.value = selectedElement.fontSize;} else { = "none"; }}textContentInput.addEventListener("input", () => { if (selectedElement && selectedElement.type === "text") { selectedElement.text = textContentInput.value; drawCustomCanvas(); } });textFontSelect.addEventListener("change", () => { if (selectedElement && selectedElement.type === "text") { selectedElement.fontFamily = textFontSelect.value; drawCustomCanvas(); } });textFontSizeInput.addEventListener("input", () => { if (selectedElement && selectedElement.type === "text") { selectedElement.fontSize = parseInt(textFontSizeInput.value); drawCustomCanvas(); } });// =============================// Animación: Si hay algún GIF, redibujar continuamente// =============================function animateCanvas() {if (customElements.some(el => el.type === "image" && el.isGif)) { drawCustomCanvas(); }requestAnimationFrame(animateCanvas);}animateCanvas();// =============================// Crear sticker personalizado// =============================createCustomStickerButton.addEventListener("click", () => {if (customCreateClicked) return;customCreateClicked = true;createCustomStickerButton.disabled = true;customStatus.textContent = "Generating custom sticker...";selectedElement = null;hoveredElement = null;multiSelectedElements = [];drawCustomCanvas();const gifElements = customElements.filter(el => el.type === "image" && el.isGif);if (gifElements.length === 1 && customElements.length === 1) {simulateWhatsAppFileUpload(gifElements[0].originalBlob, customStatus);customElements = []; selectedElement = null; drawCustomCanvas();createCustomStickerButton.disabled = false; customCreateClicked = false;} else {customCanvas.toBlob(function (blob) {if (!blob) { customStatus.textContent = "Error generating sticker."; return; }const stickerFile = new File([blob], "sticker_personalizado.webp", { type: "image/webp" });simulateWhatsAppFileUpload(stickerFile, customStatus);customElements = []; selectedElement = null; drawCustomCanvas();createCustomStickerButton.disabled = false; customCreateClicked = false;}, "image/webp");}});}// =============================// Simulación de subida a WhatsApp// =============================function simulateWhatsAppFileUpload(file, statusElement) {openAttachmentMenu();setTimeout(() => {const waFileInput = document.querySelector("input[type='file'][accept*='image']");if (!waFileInput) { statusElement.textContent = "WhatsApp file input not found"; return; }const dt = new DataTransfer();dt.items.add(file);waFileInput.files = dt.files;const event = new Event("change", { bubbles: true });waFileInput.dispatchEvent(event);statusElement.textContent = "Sticker loaded. Sending...";setTimeout(() => {const sendButton = document.querySelector("span[data-icon='send']");if (sendButton) {; statusElement.textContent = "Sticker send"; }else { statusElement.textContent = "Submit button not found"; }}, 1000);}, 500);}// =============================// Abrir menú de adjuntos de WhatsApp// =============================function openAttachmentMenu() {const attachmentButton = document.querySelector("div[title='Adjuntar']") || document.querySelector("span[data-icon='clip']");if (attachmentButton) {; }}// Función auxiliar: distancia entre dos puntosfunction distance(p1, p2) {return Math.sqrt((p1.x - p2.x) ** 2 + (p1.y - p2.y) ** 2);}})();