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darkbb-fixer (phpBB)
// ==UserScript== // @name cendoldarkbb-qrfixer // @namespace // @description darkbb-fixer (phpBB) // @author idx ( // @license (CC) by-nc-sa 3.0 // @include http://** // @match http://** // @version 0.7 // @timestamp 1309373780487 // ==/UserScript== // -!--latestupdate // // v0.7 - 2011-06-30 // Improve PM send-to like kaskus forum (vBulletin) // // v0.6 - 2011-04-26 // Fix failed shortcut // // -/!latestupdate--- (function(){ // Initialize Global Variables var gvar=function(){}; gvar.__DEBUG__ = false; /* javascript:window.alert(new Date().getTime()); */ function init(){ gvar.img_path= ""; gvar.id_textarea= "text_editor_textarea"; gvar.domain = location.protocol+'//''/'; gvar.pathloc = location.pathname||''; gvar.search_path = ''; gvar.pasangan= rSRC.getSetOf('pasangan'); gvar.coloroptions= rSRC.getSetOf('color'); gvar.fontoptions= rSRC.getSetOf('font'); gvar.sizeoptions= rSRC.getSetOf('size'); getAuth(); // -------- // let's roll if(gvar.auth) start_Main(); if(gvar.pathloc=='/privmsg') event_txta(); } function start_Main(){ var par,el, vB01='vB_Editor_001'; // relayout current editor relayout_tpl(); // place global style GM_addGlobalStyle( rSRC.getCSS(), 'css_darkbb', true ); if($D('#text_editor_controls')) $D('#text_editor_controls').innerHTML = rSRC.getTPL_qr_control(); if(Dom.g(gvar.id_textarea)) on('keydown',Dom.g(gvar.id_textarea),function(e){return is_keypress_pressed(e)}); // event for each element for(var id in gvar.pasangan){ if(!isString(gvar.pasangan[id])) continue; if(el=$D(id)) switch(gvar.pasangan[id]){ case "Bold":case "Ital.":case "Underl.":case "Strike":case "Left":case "Center":case "Right":case "Justified": on('click',el,function(e){do_align_BIU(e)}); break; case "Quote":case "Code":case "Image":case "Link":case "Video": on('click',el,function(e){do_btncustom(e)}); break; case "line_break": on('click',el,function(e){do_btncustom_single(e)}); break; case "dotlist":case "numberlist": on('click',el,function(e){do_btncustom_list(e)}); break; default: break; } } // end for // event buat Other el = create_popup_other(); par = $D('popup_btn_other'); if(par) Dom.add(el,par); el = $D('#btn_other'); if(el) on('click',el,function(e){clickpick(e,'popup_btn_other_menu')}); // fungsi click pick var clickpick = function(el,id){ var ve=$D(id);''?'none':''); if(!='none') try{Dom.g(id+'_dumy').focus();}catch(el){} }; // event buat kolor par = $D(vB01+'_popup_forecolor'), el = create_popup_color(); if(par) Dom.add(el,par); el = $D('#pick_kolor'); if(el) on('click',el,function(e){clickpick(e, vB01+'_popup_forecolor_menu');}); // event buat size el = create_popup_size(); par = $D(vB01+'_popup_fontsize'); if(par && el) Dom.add(el,par); el = $D('#pick_size'); if(el) on('click',el,function(e){clickpick(e,vB01+'_popup_size_menu')}); // event buat font el = create_popup_font(); par = $D(vB01+'_popup_fontname'); if(par) Dom.add(el,par); el = $D('#pick_font'); if(el) on('click',el,function(e){clickpick(e,vB01+'_popup_fontname_menu')}); // event buat clear el = $D('btn_clear'); if(el) on('click',el,function(){vB_textarea.set('')}); } // end start_main // event multiple send PM like (vBulletin) function event_txta(){ var els = $D('//input[contains(@name,"username")]'), el, txta, leng, inp, par, Attr, tmpTxt; gvar.search_path = gvar.domain + 'search?mode=searchuser'; // take one element & mae event for em if(leng = els.snapshotLength){ inp = els.snapshotItem(0); par = inp.parentNode; // get all value of username tmpTxt = ''; for(var j=0; j<leng; j++){ inp = els.snapshotItem(j); if(inp.value) tmpTxt+=inp.value + ' ; '; } // recreate with textarea Attr={id:'send_to','tabindex':'100',dir:'ltr',name:'send_to_username','style':'width:450px!important; height:50px!important;float:left;'}; txta = createEl('textarea',Attr, tmpTxt); par.innerHTML = ''; Dom.add(txta, par); // == POPUP username == // create container of hidden username_list el = createEl('div',{id:'hidden_username_list', style:'position:absolute; left:-10000;'}, ''); Dom.add(el, par); // create container popup_cont el = createEl('div',{style:'position:relative;'}); par.insertBefore(el, par.firstChild); par = el; el = createEl('div',{id:'popup_cont', 'class':'vbmenu_popup',style:'overflow:hidden; margin-top:50px!important; display:none;'}); Dom.add(el, par); // do event vB_dbb_AJAX_Nam###ggest('username', 'send_to'); // event for preview & send buttons els = ['btn_preview', 'btn_post']; for(var i=0; i<els.length; i++){ el = $D('#'+els[i]); if(el) on('click', el, function(e){ e=||e; var vals, par = $D('#hidden_username_list'), txta=$D('#send_to'), el, Attr; if(txta && par){ vals = txta.value.split(';'); for(var i=0; i<vals.length; i++){ Attr = {'name':'username[]', 'type':'hidden', 'value':vals[i].trim()}; el = createEl('input', Attr); Dom.add(el, par); } } }); } } } /*======================================================================*\ || #################################################################### || || # vBulletin 3.8.0 || # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # || || # Copyright ©2000-2009 Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. All Rights Reserved. || || # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # || || # | # || || #################################################################### || \*======================================================================*/ function vB_dbb_AJAX_Nam###ggest(varname, txta_id){ this.textobj = $D('#'+txta_id); this.varname = varname; this.fragment = ""; this.donenames = ""; this.selected = 0; this.menuopen = false; this.timeout = null; this.names = new Array(); = false; this.allow_multiple = true; this.min_chars = 2; this.popupname = 'popup_cont'; var that = this; this.get_text = function () { if (this.allow_multiple) { var E = this.textobj.value.lastIndexOf(";"); if (E == -1) { this.donenames = new String(""); this.fragment = new String(this.textobj.value); } else { this.donenames = new String(this.textobj.value.substring(0, E + 1)); this.fragment = new String(this.textobj.value.substring(E + 1)); } } else { this.fragment = new String(this.textobj.value); } this.fragment = this.fragment.trim(); }; this.set_text = function (E) { if (this.allow_multiple) { this.textobj.value = (this.donenames + " " + (this.names[E]).trim() + " ; "); } else { this.textobj.value = (this.names[E]).trim(); } this.textobj.focus(); this.menu_hide(); return false; }; this.move_row_selection = function (E) { var F = parseInt(this.selected, 10) + parseInt(E, 10); if (F < 0) { F = this.names.length - 1; } else { if (F >= this.names.length) { F = 0; } } this.set_row_selection(F); return false; }; this.set_row_selection = function (E) { var P=$D('#'+this.popupname), F = getTag('div',P); F[this.selected].className = "vbmenu_option"; this.selected = E; F[this.selected].className = "vbmenu_hilite"; }; this.key_event_handler = function (E) { E = E ? E : window.event; if (this.menuopen) { do_an_e(E); switch (E.keyCode) { case 38: this.move_row_selection(-1); return false; case 40: this.move_row_selection(1); return false; case 27: this.menu_hide(); return false; case 13: this.set_text(this.selected); return false; } } this.get_text(); if (this.fragment.length >= this.min_chars) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); if( this.fragment.indexOf('*')==-1 ) this.fragment+= '*'; var that = this; this.timeout = window.setTimeout(function() { that.name_search(that.fragment); }, 500); } else { this.menu_hide(); } }; this.menu_build = function(){ var el, that, upto=15, tgt=$D('#'+this.popupname), that=this; if(tgt){ tgt.innerHTML = ''; for(var i=0; i<this.names.length; i++){ upto++; el = createEl('div', {'id':'mnu_el_'+i,'class':''+(i==0 ? 'vbmenu_hilite':'vbmenu_option'),'style':'text-align: left; font-size: 12px;'}, this.names[i]); on('click', el, function(e){||e; var'mnu_el_', ''); that.set_text(F); }); Dom.add(el, tgt); if(i > upto) break; } = true; this.menu_show(); } }; this.menu_show = function(){ if ( { $D('#'+this.popupname).style.display = ''; this.menuopen = true; } }; this.menu_hide = function(){ var tgt=$D('#'+this.popupname); if(tgt){ tgt.innerHTML = ''; = 'none'; this.menuopen = false; this.selected = 0; } }; this.name_search = function(q){ var that = this, spost = '&search_username='+q + '&search=Search'; GM_XHR.uri = gvar.search_path; GM_XHR.cached = true; GM_XHR.request(spost.toString(),'post', that.handle_ajax_request); }; this.handle_ajax_request = function(reply_html){ if( isUndefined(reply_html) ) return false; reply_html = reply_html.responseText; this.names = []; var ret, that=this, parser = function(S, $1){that.names.push($1)} ret = reply_html.replace(/>([^>]+)<\/option/gi, parser ); this.menu_build(); }; on('click', this.textobj, function(){ that.menu_hide();; }); on('blur', this.textobj, function(){; var T=this; window.setTimeout(function() { T.menu_hide(); }, 300); }); on('focus', this.textobj, function(){}); on('keyup', this.textobj, function(E){that.key_event_handler(E)}); on('keypress', this.textobj, function(E){ E = E ? E : window.event; if (E.keyCode == 13) { return (that.menuopen ? false : true) } }); } // relayout, prep everything before making change function relayout_tpl(){ var tgt=Dom.g(gvar.id_textarea), par = tgt.parentNode, el, Attr, onc, cucok; var delAttr=function(o,at){ if(isUndefined(at)) at='tabindex'; o.removeAttribute(at); return o; }; // recreate textarea to remove default event if(tgt) { gvar.isQR = $D('#quick_reply'); var tmpTxt = tgt.value, lW=tgt.clientWidth; if( Dom.g(gvar.id_textarea) ) Dom.remove( Dom.g(gvar.id_textarea) ); Attr={id:gvar.id_textarea,'tabindex':'102',dir:'ltr',name:'message', 'style':'width:'+(gvar.isQR?'575px':(lW-5)+'px')+'!important;'+(gvar.isQR?'height:125px!important;':'')}; el=createEl('textarea',Attr,tmpTxt); par.insertBefore(el, par.firstChild); //resize textarea'height', '125px', 'important'); if(gvar.isQR)'width', '580px', 'important'); } // reorder tabindex [title,txtarea,preview,post] el=$D('.//input[@name="subject"]',null,true); if(el){ el=delAttr(el); el.setAttribute('tabindex','101'); } // redesign preview and post el=$D('.//input[@name="preview"]',null,true); if(el) { el.title="Preview (Alt+P)"; = "btn_preview"; el=delAttr(el); el.setAttribute('tabindex','103'); } el=$D('.//input[@name="post"]',null,true); if(el) { el.title="Post (Ctrl+Enter or Alt+X)"; = "btn_post"; el=delAttr(el); el.setAttribute('tabindex','104'); } // hide helpbox is available if(el=$D('helpbox'))'none'; } // uploader auth function getAuth(){ // collect uploader auth var el = $D('servimg'), onc=el.getAttribute('onclick').toString(), cucok; if(cucok=/([^\(]+).([^,]+).\s*['"]([^'"]+).,\s*['"]([^'"]+).,\s*['"]([^'"]+)/.exec(onc)){ gvar.auth= {}; gvar.auth.func = cucok[1]; gvar.auth.obj = cucok[2]; = cucok[3]; gvar.auth.hash = cucok[4]; gvar.auth.tid = cucok[5]; }else{ gvar.auth = false; } } // event for every button function do_insertTag(tag, value){ vB_textarea.init(); vB_textarea.wrapValue(tag, (value ? value :null) ); // phpBB no need this: (isNaN(value)?'"':'') } function tTagFromAlt(e){ var tag=e; if(typeof(e)=='object'){||e; e=el; if(el.nodeName!='IMG'){ e = getTag('img',el); if(e.length) e=e[0]; } return e.alt; }else if(typeof(e)=='string'){ return e; }else{ return false; } } function do_align_BIU(e){ var el, tag=tTagFromAlt(e); var pTag={ 'Bold' :'B', 'Ital.' :'I', 'Underl.':'U','Strike':'STRIKE', 'Left' :'LEFT', 'Center' :'CENTER', 'Right' :'RIGHT', 'Justified' :'JUSTIFIED', }; if(tag && tag.indexOf('Align ')!=-1) tag = tag.replace('Align ',''); if(isUndefined(pTag[tag])) return; vB_textarea.init(); vB_textarea.wrapValue(pTag[tag],''); } function do_btncustom_list(e, nospace){ var tag=tTagFromAlt(e), mode=(tag=='numberlist' ? 'number':'dot'), ins='1'; //case "-List":case "Ordered List": // [LIST] do_insertTag('LIST', (mode=='number' ? 1:null) ); //gvar.firstRec = 1; vB_textarea.focus(); reInsert(); } function reInsert(pass){ var ins=prompt("Enter a list item.\nLeave the box empty or press 'Cancel' to complete the list:"); vB_textarea.init(); if(isUndefined(pass)) vB_textarea.setValue( '\n' ); if(ins){ vB_textarea.setValue( '\n' + '[*]' + ins + ''); reInsert(true); }else{ return; } } function do_btncustom_single(e, nospace){ var tag=tTagFromAlt(e); var pTag={ 'line_break' :'HR' }; vB_textarea.init(); vB_textarea.setValue( '['+pTag[tag]+']' + (!nospace ? ' ':'') ); } function do_btncustom(e){ var tag=tTagFromAlt(e); var tagprop = ''; if(tag) tag=tag.replace(/[\[\]]/g,'').replace('Insert ','').toLowerCase(); var pTag={ 'quote':'QUOTE','code' :'CODE' ,'link' :'URL', 'image':'IMG' ,'spoiler' :'SPOILER' //,'transparent':'COLOR','noparse' :'NOPARSE','youtube' :'YOUTUBE' ,'video' :'YOUTUBE' }; var endFocus=function(){ vB_textarea.focus(); return}; if(!tag || isUndefined(pTag[tag])) return endFocus();; vB_textarea.init(); if(tag=='quote' || tag=='code'){ vB_textarea.wrapValue( tag ); }else if(tag=='spoiler'){ var title = prompt('Please enter the TITLE of your Spoiler:', gvar.settings.lastused.sptitle ); if(title==null) return endFocus(); title = (title ? title : ' '); gvar.settings.lastused.sptitle = trimStr(title); //setValue(KS+'LAST_SPTITLE', title); vB_textarea.wrapValue( 'spoiler', title ); }else{ var text, selected = vB_textarea.getSelectedText(); var is_video_link = function(text){ text = trimStr ( text ); //trim if( text.match(/youtube\.com\/watch\?v=[\w\d-]+/i) ){ var rx = /youtube\.com\/watch\?v=([^&]+)/i.exec(text); text = ( rx ? rx[1] : ''); pTag['video'] = 'YOUTUBE'; }else if( /https?:\/\/(?:w{3}\.)?dailymotion\.com\/video\/.+/.test(text) ){ pTag['video'] = 'DAILYMOTION'; }else if(!/^[\d\w-]+$/.test(text)) text = false; return text; }; if(selected==''){ switch(tag){ case 'transparent': tagprop = tag; text = prompt('Please enter the Text to be transparent:', 'text hantu'); break; case 'noparse': text = prompt('Please enter Text or/with Tags to be no parsed:', '[code]-CODE-[/code]'); break; case 'link': text = prompt('Please enter the URL of your link:', 'http://'); tagprop = text; break; case 'image': text = prompt('Please enter the URL of your image:', 'http://'); break; case 'video': text = prompt('Please enter the Youtube or dailymotion URL', ''); break; } if(text==null) return endFocus(); if(tag=='video') text = is_video_link(text); if(tag=='link' || tag=='image') text = (isLink(text) ? text : null); if(!text) return endFocus(); else{ var prehead = [('['+pTag[tag]+(tagprop!=''?'='+tagprop:'')+']').length, 0]; prehead[1] = (prehead[0]+text.length); vB_textarea.setValue( '['+pTag[tag]+(tagprop!=''?'='+tagprop:'')+']'+text+'[/'+pTag[tag]+']', prehead ); } return endFocus(); } // end selected=='' tagprop = (tag=='transparent' ? 'transparent' : ''); if(tag=='link'||tag=='image'||tag=='video'){ var ptitle=(tag=='video' ? ['Please enter the Youtube or dailymotion URL','']:['Please enter the URL of your '+tag+':','http://']); text = prompt(ptitle[0], ptitle[1]); if(text==null) return endFocus(); switch(tag){ case 'link': tagprop = text; text = selected; break; case 'video': text = is_video_link(text); if(!text) return endFocus(); break; } var prehead = [('['+pTag[tag]+(tagprop!=''?'='+tagprop:'')+']').length, 0]; prehead[1] = (prehead[0]+text.length); vB_textarea.replaceSelected( '['+pTag[tag]+(tagprop!=''?'='+tagprop:'')+']'+text+'[/'+pTag[tag]+']', prehead ); return endFocus(); } vB_textarea.wrapValue( pTag[tag], (tagprop!='' ? tagprop:'') ); } } function create_popup_other(){ var el, id = 'popup_btn_other_menu', Attr, tCont; Attr = {id:id,'class':'vbmenu_popup', style:'width:130px;overflow:hidden;display:none;' }; el = createEl('div',Attr); var pasOther= { 'sub' : 'Index' ,'sup' : 'Exponent' ,'spoiler': 'Spoiler' ,'hide' : 'Hidden' ,'scroll' : 'Horizontal scrolling' ,'updown' : 'Vertical scrolling' ,'rand' : 'Random' ,'wow' : 'Wow' }; for (var tag in pasOther) { Attr={title:pasOther[tag],rel:tag,'class':'osize',style:'text-align:left;font-size:12px;'}; tCont = createEl('div',Attr,pasOther[tag]); on('click',tCont,function(e){||e; var eTag=e.getAttribute('rel'); var cont=Dom.g(id);'none'; do_insertTag(eTag); }); Dom.add(tCont,el); } create_dummy_input(el, id+'_dumy'); return el; } function create_popup_size(){ var id = 'vB_Editor_001_popup_size_menu'; var Attr = {id:id,'class':'vbmenu_popup', style:'overflow:hidden;display:none;' }; var el = createEl('div',Attr); var tCont,prop, tFont; for (var tipe in gvar.sizeoptions) { prop = gvar.sizeoptions[tipe]; // ['', ''] = [inner, value] Attr={title:prop[1],'class':'osize',style:'text-align:left;'}; tCont = createEl('div',Attr); tFont = createEl('font',{size:prop[0]+'pt'},tipe); Dom.add(tFont,tCont); on('click',tCont,function(e){||e; if(e.nodeName=='FONT') e=e.parentNode; var cont=Dom.g(id);'none'; var eTitle = e.getAttribute('title'); do_insertTag('size',eTitle); }); Dom.add(tCont,el); } create_dummy_input(el, id+'_dumy'); return el; } function create_popup_font(){ var id = 'vB_Editor_001_popup_fontname_menu'; var Attr = {id:id,'class':'vbmenu_popup', style:'width:200px;height:250px;overflow:auto;display:none;' }; var el = createEl('div',Attr), oL=gvar.fontoptions.length; var tClr,tFont,font; for (var idx=0; idx<oL; idx++) { font = gvar.fontoptions[idx]; if(!isString(font)) continue; // should do this, coz Opera lil weirdo Attr={'class':'ofont',title:font}; tClr = createEl('div',Attr); tFont = createEl('font',{face:font},font); Dom.add(tFont,tClr); on('click',tClr,function(e){||e; if(e.nodeName=='FONT') e=e.parentNode; var cont=Dom.g(id);'none'; var sfont = e.getAttribute('title'); do_insertTag('font',sfont); }); Dom.add(tClr,el); } create_dummy_input(el, id+'_dumy'); return el; } function create_popup_color(){ var id = 'vB_Editor_001_popup_forecolor_menu'; var Attr = {id:id,'class':'vbmenu_popup', style:'overflow:hidden;display:none;' }; var el = createEl('div',Attr); Attr = {cellPadding:0,cellSpacing:0,border:0}; var table = createEl('table', Attr); Dom.add(table,el); var i=0,tr,kolor,div,td; var pickColor = function(e){||e; if(e.nodeName=='DIV') e=e.parentNode; var etitle ='pick_color_',''); do_insertTag('color',etitle); Dom.g(id).style.display='none'; }; for (var hex in gvar.coloroptions) { if(!isString(gvar.coloroptions[hex])) continue; // should do this, coz Opera lil weirdo if (i % 8 == 0) tr = table.insertRow(-1); i++; kolor=gvar.coloroptions[hex]; div = createEl('div',{style:'background-color:'+kolor},' '); td = tr.insertCell(-1); td.className = "ocolor"; Dom.add(div,td); td.title = td.colorname = kolor; = "pick_color_"+td.colorname; on('click',td,function(e){ pickColor(e) }); } // last row for transparent tr = table.insertRow(-1); kolor='transparent'; div = createEl('div',{style:'background-color:'+kolor+';width:100%;','class':'gensmall'},'transparent'); td = tr.insertCell(-1); td.setAttribute("colspan",8); Dom.add(div,td); td.title = td.colorname = kolor; = "pick_color_"+td.colorname; on('click',td,function(e){ pickColor(e) }); create_dummy_input(el, id+'_dumy'); return el; } function create_dummy_input(parent, dumy_id){ var dumyEl = createEl('input',{id:dumy_id,style:'width:0px;height:0px;line-height:0px;border:0px;margin-left:-999999px;',value:''}); on('blur',dumyEl,function(ec){ if( gvar.stillOnIt ){ ec =||ec; if(ec && ec.nodeName=='INPUT') ec=ec.parentNode; window.setTimeout(function(){ delete( gvar.stillOnIt ); if( !gvar.stillOnIt && ec )'display', 'none', ''); }, 200); } }); on('focus',dumyEl,function(ec){gvar.stillOnIt=true}); Dom.add(dumyEl,parent); } // keydown on textarea // Ketika keydown tab dari textarea function is_keypress_pressed(C){ var C = (!C ? window.event : C), asocKey={}; if(C) { if(C.ctrlKey){ // mijit + Ctrl var B, A = C.keyCode ? C.keyCode : C.charCode; asocKey={ '13':'btn_post' // Enter ,'66':'Bold' // B ,'73':'Ital.' // I ,'85':'Underl.' // U ,'69':'Center' // E ,'76':'Left' // L ,'82':'Right' // R ,'74':'Justified' // U }; B = (isDefined(asocKey[A])? asocKey[A] : false); //alert('al;'+C + ' - ' + C.ctrlKey + ' - '+B); if(B===false) return false; if(A==13){ if(C.shiftKey) B = 'btn_preview'; // preview if(Dom.g(B)) SimulateMouse(Dom.g(B), 'click', true); }else{ do_align_BIU(B); } C = do_an_e(C); }else if(C.altKey){ // mijit + Alt var B='', A = C.keyCode ? C.keyCode : C.charCode; asocKey={ '83':'btn_post' // [S] Submit post ,'80':'btn_preview' // [P] Preview }; B = (isDefined(asocKey[A])? asocKey[A] : false); if(B===false) return false; if(Dom.g(B)) SimulateMouse(Dom.g(B), 'click', true); C = do_an_e(C); }else if(C.keyCode==9){ // mijit tab C = do_an_e(C); if($D('#btn_preview')) $D('#btn_post').focus(); } // end keyCode==9 return false; } // end event C } // end event for every buttons function isThisThread(){ return $D('#text_editor_textarea') } //===== // static routine function isDefined(x) { return !(x == null && x !== null); } function isUndefined(x) { return x == null && x !== null; } function isString(x) { return (typeof(x)!='object' && typeof(x)!='function'); } function trimStr(x) { return (typeof(x)=='string' && x ? x.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"") : '') }; function isLink(x) { return x.match(/((?:http(?:s|)|ftp):\/\/)(?:\w|\W)+(?:\.)(?:\w|\W)+/); } function on(m,e,f,p){Dom.Ev(e,m,function(e){typeof(f)=='function'?f(e):void(0)},!p?false:true)} function do_an_e(A) { if (!A) { window.event.returnValue = false; window.event.cancelBubble = true; return window.event } else { A.stopPropagation(); A.preventDefault(); return A } } function createEl(type, attrArray, html){ var node = document.createElement(type); for (var attr in attrArray) if (attrArray.hasOwnProperty(attr)) node.setAttribute(attr, attrArray[attr]); if(html) node.innerHTML = html; return node; } function createTextEl(txt){ return document.createTextNode(txt); } function getTag(name, parent){ var ret = (typeof(parent)!='object' ? document.getElementsByTagName(name) : parent.getElementsByTagName(name) ); return (isDefined(ret[0]) ? ret : false); } function addClass(cName, Obj){ if(cName=="") return; var neocls = (Obj.className ? Obj.className : ''); if(neocls.indexOf(cName)!=-1) return; neocls+=(neocls!=''?' ':'')+cName; Obj.setAttribute('class', neocls); } function removeClass(cName, Obj){ if(cName=="") return; var neocls = (Obj.className ? Obj.className : ''); neocls = trimStr ( neocls.replace(cName,"") ); // replace and trim Obj.setAttribute('class', neocls); } function SimulateMouse(elem,event,preventDef) { if(typeof(elem)!='object') return; var evObj = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); preventDef=(isDefined(preventDef) && preventDef ? true : false); evObj.initEvent(event, preventDef, true); try{elem.dispatchEvent(evObj);} catch(e){ clog('Error. elem.dispatchEvent is not function.'+e)} } // ----my ge-debug-------- function show_alert(msg, force) { if(arguments.callee.counter) { arguments.callee.counter++; } else { arguments.callee.counter=1; } GM_log('('+arguments.callee.counter+') '+msg); if(force==0) { return; } } function clog(msg) { if(!gvar.__DEBUG__) return; show_alert(msg); } //========= Global Var Init ==== var GM_addGlobalStyle=function(css, id, tobody) { // Redefine GM_addGlobalStyle with a better routine var sel=createEl('style',{type:'text/css'}); if(isDefined(id) && isString(id)) sel.setAttribute('id', id); sel.appendChild(createTextEl(css)); if(isDefined(tobody) && tobody){ document.body.insertBefore(sel,document.body.firstChild); }else{ var hds = getTag('head'); if( isDefined(hds[0]) && hds[0].nodeName=='HEAD' ) window.setTimeout(function() { hds[0].appendChild(sel); }, 100); else document.body.insertBefore(sel,document.body.firstChild); } return sel; }; // Get Elements var $D=function (q, root, single) { if (root && typeof root == 'string') { root = $D(root, null, true); if (!root) { return null; } } if( !q ) return false; if ( typeof q == 'object') return q; root = root || document; if (q[0]=='/' || (q[0]=='.' && q[1]=='/')) { if (single) { return document.evaluate(q, root, null, XPathR###lt.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; } return document.evaluate(q, root, null, XPathR###lt.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); } else if (q[0]=='.') { return root.getElementsByClassName(q.substr(1)); } else { return root.getElementById( (q[0]=='#' ? q.substr(1):q.substr(0)) ); } return root.getElementsByTagName(q); }; // utk add - remove element var Dom = { g: function(el) { if(!el) return false; return ( isString(el) ? document.getElementById(el) : el ); }, add: function(el, dest) { var el = this.g(el); var dest = this.g(dest); if(el && dest) dest.appendChild(el); }, remove: function(el) { var el = this.g(el); if(el && el.parentNode) el.parentNode.removeChild(el); }, Ev: function() { if (window.addEventListener) { return function(el, type, fn, ph) { if(typeof(el)=='object') this.g(el).addEventListener(type, function(e){fn(e);}, (isUndefined(ph) ? false : ph)); }; }else if (window.attachEvent) { return function(el, type, fn) { var f = function() {, window.event); }; this.g(el).attachEvent('on' + type, f); }; } }() }; var GM_XHR = { uri:null, returned:null, forceGM:false, // force with GM-XHR & avoid using Native-XHR when with multifox cached:false, events:false, request: function(cdata,met,callback){ if(!GM_XHR.uri) return; met=(isDefined(met) && met ? met:'GET'); cdata=(isDefined(cdata) && cdata ? cdata:null); if(typeof(callback)!='function') callback=null; var pReq_xhr = { method:met, url:GM_XHR.uri + (GM_XHR.cached ? '':(GM_XHR.uri.indexOf('?')==-1?'?':'&rnd=') + Math.random().toString().replace('0.','')), headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, data:(isString(cdata) ? cdata : ''), onload: function(ret) { if(ret.status==503){ show_alert('Reach 503, retrying...'); setTimeout(GM_XHR.request(cdata,met,callback), 777); }else{ var rets=ret; if(callback!=null) callback(rets); else GM_XHR.returned = rets; } } }; if( !GM_XHR.forceGM ) // always use this native; except update checker NAT_xmlhttpRequest( pReq_xhr ); else GM_xmlhttpRequest( pReq_xhr ); } }; // native/generic XHR needed for Multifox, failed using GM_xmlhttpRequest. var NAT_xmlhttpRequest=function(obj) { var request=new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onreadystatechange=function() { if(obj.onreadystatechange) { obj.onreadystatechange(request); }; if(request.readyState==4 && obj.onload) { obj.onload(request); } } request.onerror=function() { if(obj.onerror) { obj.onerror(request); } } try {,obj.url,true); } catch(e) { if(obj.onerror) { obj.onerror( {readyState:4,responseHeaders:'',responseText:'',responseXML:'',status:403,statusText:'Forbidden'} ); }; return; } if(obj.headers) { for(name in obj.headers) { request.setRequestHeader(name,obj.headers[name]); } } request.send(; return request; }; var vB_textarea = { init: function(id) { this.Obj = (isUndefined(id) ? Dom.g(gvar.id_textarea) : Dom.g(id)); this.content = (this.Obj ? this.Obj.value : ""); this.cursorPos = this.rearmPos(); // [start, end] this.last_scrollTop = this.Obj.scrollTop; // last scrolltop pos }, rearmPos: function(){ return [this.getCaretPos(), this.Obj.selectionEnd]; }, clear: function (id){ if(!this.Obj) this.Obj = (isUndefined(id) ? Dom.g(gvar.id_textarea) : Dom.g(id)); this.set('');'1px'; // min-height should be set before this.enabled(); this.focus(); }, disabled: function(){ this.Obj.setAttribute('disabled','disabled'); }, readonly: function(id){ this.Obj = (isUndefined(id) ? Dom.g(gvar.id_textarea) : Dom.g(id)); removeClass('txa_enable', this.Obj); addClass('txa_readonly', this.Obj); this.Obj.setAttribute('readonly',true); }, enabled: function(id){ if(!this.Obj) this.Obj = (isUndefined(id) ? Dom.g(gvar.id_textarea) : Dom.g(id)); this.Obj.removeAttribute('disabled'); this.Obj.removeAttribute('readonly'); removeClass('txa_readonly', this.Obj); addClass('txa_enable', this.Obj); }, focus: function(){ if(!this.Obj) this.Obj = Dom.g(gvar.id_textarea); this.Obj.focus(); }, set: function(value){ if(!this.Obj) this.Obj = Dom.g(gvar.id_textarea); this.Obj.value = this.content = value; }, lastfocus: function (){ var pos = Dom.g(gvar.id_textarea).value.length; // use the actual content if(this.Obj.setSelectionRange) { this.focus(); this.Obj.setSelectionRange(pos,pos); } this.focus(); }, add: function(text){ // used on fetch post only this.Obj.value+=text; this.enabled(); this.focus(); // fix chrome weird var lastpos=(this.cursorPos[0] + text.length); this.setCaretPos( lastpos, lastpos ); }, subStr: function(start, end){ return this.content.substring(start, end);}, getSelectedText : function() { return (this.cursorPos[0]==this.cursorPos[1]? '': this.subStr(this.cursorPos[0], this.cursorPos[1]) ); }, getCaretPos : function() { this.enabled(); /* this.focus();*/ var CaretPos = 0; //Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape 7+ support if(this.Obj) if (this.Obj.selectionStart || this.Obj.selectionStart == '0') CaretPos = this.Obj.selectionStart; return CaretPos; }, setCaretPos : function (pos,end){ if(isUndefined(end)) end = pos; if(this.Obj.setSelectionRange) { // Firefox, Opera and Safari this.focus(); this.Obj.setSelectionRange(pos,end); } }, // ptpos stand to puretext position [start, end] setValue : function(text, ptpos){ var start=this.cursorPos[0]; var end=this.cursorPos[1]; if(isUndefined(ptpos)) ptpos=[text.length,text.length]; if(start!=end) { this.replaceSelected(text,ptpos); return; } var bufValue = this.subStr(0, start) + text + this.subStr(start, this.content.length); this.set(bufValue); // fix chrome weird this.setCaretPos( (start + ptpos[0]), (start+ptpos[1]) ); if(vB_textarea.overflow!='hidden') this.Obj.scrollTop = (this.last_scrollTop+1); return bufValue; }, wrapValue : function(tag, title){ var start=this.cursorPos[0], end=this.cursorPos[1],bufValue; tag = tag.toUpperCase(); bufValue = this.subStr(0, start) + '['+tag+(title?'='+title:'')+']' + (start==end ? '' : this.subStr(start, end)) + '[/'+tag+']' + this.subStr(end, this.content.length); this.set(bufValue); var st2 = (start + ('['+tag+(title?'='+title:'')+']').length); this.setCaretPos( st2, st2+this.subStr(start, end).length ); if(vB_textarea.overflow!='hidden') this.Obj.scrollTop = (this.last_scrollTop+1); return bufValue; }, replaceSelected : function(text, ptpos){ var start=this.cursorPos[0]; var end=this.cursorPos[1]; if(start==end) return; var bufValue = this.subStr(0, start) + text + this.subStr(end, this.content.length); this.set(bufValue); this.setCaretPos( (start + ptpos[0]), (start+ptpos[1]) ); if(vB_textarea.overflow!='hidden') this.Obj.scrollTop = (this.last_scrollTop+1); }, }; var rSRC = { getSetOf: function(type){ if(isUndefined(type)) return false; switch(type){ case "color": return { "#000000": "Black", "#A0522D": "Sienna", "#556B2F": "DarkOliveGreen", "#006400": "DarkGreen", "#483D8B": "DarkSlateBlue", "#000080": "Navy", "#4B0082": "Indigo", "#2F4F4F": "DarkSlateGray", "#8B0000": "DarkRed", "#FF8C00": "DarkOrange", "#808000": "Olive", "#008000": "Green", "#008080": "Teal", "#0000FF": "Blue", "#708090": "SlateGray", "#696969": "DimGray", "#FF0000": "Red", "#F4A460": "SandyBrown", "#9ACD32": "YellowGreen", "#2E8B57": "SeaGreen", "#48D1CC": "MediumTurquoise", "#4169E1": "RoyalBlue", "#800080": "Purple", "#808080": "Gray", "#FF00FF": "Magenta", "#FFA500": "Orange", "#FFFF00": "Yellow", "#00FF00": "Lime", "#00FFFF": "Cyan", "#00BFFF": "DeepSkyBlue", "#9932CC": "DarkOrchid", "#C0C0C0": "Silver", "#FFC0CB": "Pink", "#F5DEB3": "Wheat", "#FFFACD": "LemonChiffon", "#98FB98": "PaleGreen", "#AFEEEE": "PaleTurquoise", "#ADD8E6": "LightBlue", "#DDA0DD": "Plum", "#FFFFFF": "White" }; break; case "font": return ["Arial","Arial Black","Arial Narrow","Book Antiqua","Century Gothic","Comic Sans MS","Courier New","Fixedsys","Franklin Gothic Medium","Garamond","Georgia","Impact","Lucida Console","Lucida Sans Unicode","Microsoft Sans Serif","Palatino Linotype","System","Tahoma","Times New Roman","Trebuchet MS","Verdana"]; break; case "size": // name : [inner, value] return { 'tiny' : ["1","7"] ,'small' : ["2","9"] ,'normal' : ["3","12"] ,'large' : ["5","18"] ,'huge' : ["7","24"] }; break; case "pasangan": return { 'addbbcode0' : 'Bold' ,'addbbcode2' : 'Ital.' ,'addbbcode4' : 'Underl.' ,'addbbcode34': 'Strike' ,'addbbcode52': 'Left' ,'addbbcode30': 'Center' ,'addbbcode32': 'Right' ,'addbbcode46': 'Justified' ,'addbbcode6' : 'Quote' ,'addbbcode8' : 'Code' ,'addbbcode14': 'Image' ,'addbbcode16': 'Link' ,'btn_video' : 'Video' ,'addbbcode10':'dotlist' ,'addbbcode12':'numberlist' ,'addbbcode99':'line_break' }; break; }; return false; } ,getCSS: function(){ return ('' +'#'+gvar.id_textarea+'{min-height:'+(gvar.isQR?'125':'250')+'px}' +'.ofont:hover, .ocolor:hover, .osize:hover, .cdefault:hover {cursor:default!important;}' +'.ofont:hover, .osize:hover{border:1px solid #2085C1!important;background-color:#B0DAF2!important;}' +'.ofont, .osize, .ocolor {color:#000!important;background:#FFF!important;padding:1px!important;}' +'.ofont, .osize{border:1px solid transparent}' +'.ofont{text-align:left;}' +'div.vbmenu_popup table td {line-height:10px;width:13px!important;border:1px solid transparent;}' +'div.vbmenu_popup table td:hover {cursor:pointer!important;border:1px solid #2085C1;background-color:#B0DAF2;}' +'div.vbmenu_popup table td div {width:10px}' +'div.vbmenu_popup {z-index:99;position:absolute; background:#FFF; left:0; top:0; padding:3px; width:auto; height:auto; margin-top:21px!important;border:1px solid #DADADA;}' +'#text_edit button.button2{margin:0 1.5px!important}' +'.sepr{margin-left:1px;}' +'.vbmenu_option, .vbmenu_hilite{padding:1px 3px;}' +'.vbmenu_option:hover, .vbmenu_hilite:hover{background-color:#B0DAF2!important;color:blue;}' +'.vbmenu_option{background: #BBC7CE;color: #000000;font: 11px verdana, arial;white-space: nowrap;cursor: pointer;}' +'.vbmenu_hilite{background: #8A949E;color: #FFFFFF;font: 11px verdana, arial;white-space: nowrap;cursor: pointer;}' +'' ); } ,getTPL_qr_control: function(){ return ('' +'<table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td align="left"><span id="text_edit" style=""><button class="button2" type="button" id="addbbcode0" accesskey="b" title="Bold"><img title="Bold" src="'+gvar.img_path+'text_bold.png" alt="Bold"></button><button class="button2" type="button" id="addbbcode2" accesskey="i" title="Ital."><img title="Italic" src="'+gvar.img_path+'text_italic.png" alt="Ital."></button><button class="button2" type="button" id="addbbcode4" accesskey="u" title="Underline"><img title="Underl." src="'+gvar.img_path+'text_underline.png" alt="Underl."></button><button class="button2" type="button" id="addbbcode34" accesskey="x" title="Strike"><img title="Strike" src="'+gvar.img_path+'text_strikethrough.png" alt="Strike"></button>' // [left,center,right,justified] +'<img src="'+gvar.img_path+'separator.png" style="vertical-align: middle;" alt="" class="sepr">' +'<button class="button2" type="button" id="addbbcode52" accesskey="m" title="Left"><img title="Left" src="'+gvar.img_path+'text_align_left.png" alt="Left"></button><button class="button2" type="button" id="addbbcode30" accesskey="t" title="Center"><img title="Center" src="'+gvar.img_path+'text_align_center.png" alt="Center"></button><button class="button2" type="button" id="addbbcode32" accesskey="g" title="Right"><img title="Right" src="'+gvar.img_path+'text_align_right.png" alt="Right"></button><button class="button2" type="button" id="addbbcode46" accesskey="jt" title="Justified"><img title="Justified" src="'+gvar.img_path+'text_align_justify.png" alt="Justified"></button>' // [list,numberlist,hr] +( !gvar.isQR ? '' +'<img src="'+gvar.img_path+'separator.png" style="vertical-align: middle;" alt="" class="sepr">' +'<button class="button2" type="button" id="addbbcode10" accesskey="l" title="dotlist"><img title="-List" src="'+gvar.img_path+'text_list_bullets.png" alt="-List"></button><button class="button2" type="button" id="addbbcode12" accesskey="o" title="Ordered List"><img title="Ordered List" src="'+gvar.img_path+'text_list_numbers.png" alt="numberlist"></button><button class="button2" type="button" id="addbbcode99" title="Insert a line break"><img title="Insert a line break" src="'+gvar.img_path+'text_horizontalrule.png" alt="line_break"></button>' : '') // [quote,code,table] +'<img src="'+gvar.img_path+'separator.png" style="vertical-align: middle;" alt="" class="sepr">' +'<button class="button2" type="button" id="addbbcode6" accesskey="q" title="Quote"><img title="Quote" src="'+gvar.img_path+'comments.png" alt="Quote"></button><button class="button2" type="button" id="addbbcode8" accesskey="c" title="Code"><img title="Code" src="'+gvar.img_path+'page_white_code.png" alt="Code"></button>' // table +( !gvar.isQR ? '' +'<button class="button2" onclick="selectWysiwyg(this,\'table_gui\')" onmouseover="helpline(\'tab\')" type="button" id="addbbcodetable" accesskey="" title="Insert a table"><img title="Insert a table" src="'+gvar.img_path+'table.png" alt="insert_table"></button>' :'') // [upload,image,link, flash,video] +'<img src="'+gvar.img_path+'separator.png" style="vertical-align: middle;" alt="" class="sepr">' +'<button class="button2" type="button" id="servimg" accesskey="y" title="Host an image" onclick="'+gvar.auth.func+'('+gvar.auth.obj+',\'''\',\''+gvar.auth.hash+'\',\''+gvar.auth.tid+'\')"><img title="Host an image" src="'+gvar.img_path+'picture_save.png" alt="hostupload"></button><button class="button2" type="button" id="addbbcode14" accesskey="p" title="Image"><img title="Image" src="'+gvar.img_path+'picture.png" alt="Image"></button><button class="button2" type="button" id="addbbcode16" accesskey="w" title="Link"><img title="Link" src="'+gvar.img_path+'link.png" alt="Link"></button>' +( !gvar.isQR ? '' +'<button class="button2" onclick="selectWysiwyg(this,\'flash\')" onmouseover="helpline(\'fl\')" type="button" title="Flash"><img title="Flash" src="'+gvar.img_path+'page_white_flash.png" alt="Flash"></button><button id="btn_video" class="button2" type="button" title="Video"><img title="Video" src="'+gvar.img_path+'film.png" alt="Video"></button>' :'') // [size,color,font] +'<img src="'+gvar.img_path+'separator.png" style="vertical-align: middle;" alt="" class="sepr">' +'<div class="imagebutton_color" id="vB_Editor_001_popup_fontsize" style="display:inline-block;position:relative">' +'<button id="pick_size" class="button2" type="button" title="Font size"><img title="Font size" src="'+gvar.img_path+'style.png" alt="Font size"></button>' +'</div>' // #vB_Editor_001_popup_fontsize +'<div class="imagebutton_color" id="vB_Editor_001_popup_forecolor" style="display:inline-block;position:relative">' +'<button id="pick_kolor" class="button2" type="button" title="Font color"><img src="'+gvar.img_path+'color_swatch.png" alt="Font color"></button>' +'</div>' // #vB_Editor_001_popup_forecolor +'<div class="imagebutton_color" id="vB_Editor_001_popup_fontname" style="display:inline-block;position:relative">' +'<button id="pick_font" class="button2" type="button" title="Font"><img title="Font" src="'+gvar.img_path+'font.png" alt="Font"></button>' +'</div>' // #vB_Editor_001_popup_fontname +'<img src="'+gvar.img_path+'separator.png" style="vertical-align: middle;" alt="" class="sepr">' +'<div class="imagebutton_color" id="popup_btn_other" style="display:inline-block;position:relative">' +'<input id="btn_other" class="button2" value="Others" style="height: 22px;" type="button">' +'</div>' // #btn_other +(gvar.isQR ? '' +'<img src="'+gvar.img_path+'separator.png" style="vertical-align: middle;" alt="" class="sepr">' +'<button class="button2" style="width: 20px;" type="button" onclick="selectWysiwyg(this, \'sel_smilies\')"><img src="" alt=""></button>' :'') +'</td>' +'<td align="right"><span class="gensmall"><a id="btn_clear" href="javascript:;">reset</a></span></td></tr></tbody></table>' +'' ); } }; // ----------- if( isThisThread() ) init(); // ----------- })(); // script by ~Idx