Показаны с любыми языками. Показать только имеющие язык: Русский.
помощник поисковых системJS-“Элегантный помощник поисковых систем” обеспечивает удобное переключение между поисковыми системами, поддерживает настройку, выделение ключевых слов и продвинутые функции. совместим с Baidu, Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, Yandex, Sogou, Qwant, Ecosia, You, Startpage, Brave, Yahoo, Yep, Swisscows, searXNG и другими поисковыми системами.
chatGPT tools Plus(修改版)JS-Google、必应、百度、Yandex、360搜索、谷歌镜像、搜狗、b站、F搜、duckduckgo、CSDN侧边栏Chat搜索,集成国内一言,星火,天工,混元,通义AI,ChatGLM,360智脑,miniMax,DeepSeek、Gemini。即刻体验AI,无需##,无需注册,无需等待!
Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites)JS-Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo, Startpage.com, Bing and Yahoo search r###lts. v2.3.5 2025-03-21
Press "g" to Google (DuckDuckGo)JS-Press "g" to Google in DuckDuckGo
ヤフオクで非表示とメモJS-q:非表示 w:アンドゥ b:NGワード Shift+Q:NG編集 12:メモを追加 34:自由メモ 56:定型文をメモ Shift+!:メモを編集 Shift+":自動メモのみ全削除 Shift+#:メモを一時非表示 Shift+56:定型文を設定 .:上限価格 t:半透明モード
DuckDuckGo - Ad RemoverJS-Remove ads from the DuckDuckGo search r###lts page
ChatGPT SearchJS-ChatGPT answers displayed in sidebar after search (Google, Bing, Baidu, DuckDuckGo and DeepL)
Изменитель URL для Поисковых СистемJS-Этот скрипт Tampermonkey улучшает использование поисковой системы за счет модификации URL-адресов в результатах поиска, перенаправляя на альтернативные сайты, что позволяет более настраиваемый и эффективный опыт просмотра. Вы также можете добавить свое собственное правило модификации URL в скрипт и приветствуется ваш вклад в этот скрипт своими правилами, чтобы сделать его еще более полезным.
Instant Search SwitcherJS-Changes search engine from one site to another without deleting search query.
DDG ai skip introJS-skips the intro when visiting duck.ai for the first time
Duck Hide SitesJS-Hide specific sites from DuckDuckGo search r###lts
DuckDuckNoJSJS-Forces DuckDuckGo to automatically redirect to non-JavaScript HTML search r###lts, for those that disable JavaScript.
DuckDuckVaderJS-Adds a Star Wars theme to DDG.
SatorinSatorinGoJS-Replace DuckDuckGo logo with Satorin. Now includes favicon.
HTTP-to-HTTPS redirectorJS-Replace http:// with https:// in the address bar, to make sure you're using the SSL-encrypted version of a page. Only enable for pages that you know are SSL enabled.
DuckDuckGo Extended [fork]JS-Extends DDG by adding a customizable list of additional search engines for making fast searches from other engines.
Vimperator DuckDuckGo Tile HintsJS-Enables Vimperator to identify DuckDuckGo tiles (e.g. image or video tiles) as something that should be hinted.
Alternative search engines 2JS-Adds search on other sites for google, bing, yandex, duckduckgo
DuckDuckGo bang fixerJS-Cross-references bangs on the DuckDuckGo bangs page
DuckDuckMenuJS-Extends DuckDuckGo by adding a customizable list of additional search engines for making fast searches from other engines.
DuckDuckGo to Google shortcut (and viceversa)JS-Search the same in Google with a shortcut and viceversa. Also in Youtube and Google Images
Web Search R###lt Domain FilterJS-Filter search r###lt based on domain names on web search of Bing, DuckDuckGo, Google, Yahoo. Some include search for news, books, etc. All exclude search for images and videos.
DuckDuckGo unsafe searchJS-Always disables safe search on DuckDuckGo
Duckduckgo - Quick bangJS-Skip one unnecessary page load and inmediately go to the bang search r###lt on Enter
DuckDuckGo - Add Google links with current queryJS-Adds Google links with current query used at DuckDuckGo (for faster and more comfortable way to check alternative search r###lts)
QOL on the WebJS-Just some general quality of (my) life changes. Reddit: disable pinned top-bar, enforce old, hide sidebar on small screen. YouTube: disable end cards, enforce theatre-mode. Facebook: enforce most-recent. Duckduckgo: soften the ads.
Google検索結果に時期指定、再生時間指定、画像サイズ指定、日本語のみボタンを設置するJS-画面解像度が高い人向き ニコ動・ヤフオク・ヨドバシ検索結果にも並べ替えボタンを設置 (実験的:Google検索結果にGoogle NewsやTwitter検索へのRSSリンクを追加)
DuckDuckGoogleJS-Try to search DuckDuckGo, and if it fails, use Google instead.
DuckDuckGo Meaningless Things RemoverJS-As we all know, there are things like "The search engine that doesn't track you" on DuckDuckGo, and I want to remove these things.
DuckDuckGooglyMooglyJS-DuckDuckGo in Google Theme
Add 'Google' button to duckduckgo.comJS-Adds a 'Google' button below the search box to repeat the search at google
DuckDuckGo layout cleanerJS-Remove useless clutter from duckduckgo.com
DuckDuckGo RTLJS-Adds RTL support to DuckDuckGo
Replace Full width bang to half widthJS-Replace Full width bang! to half width!
DuckDuckGo to Google ButtonJS-Displays a button on DuckDuckGo that redirects to the same search on Google.
DDG styleJS-设置duckduckgo主页为mojave主题
Alternative search engines 2.1JS-Adds search on other sites for google, bing, yandex, duckduckgo. It is a version with a changed google input selector in the code of "Alternative search engines 2".
DuckDuckGo Always Terminal ThemeJS-Enables Therminal Theme Forever.
Duckduckgo quick bangJS-Quick jump to startpage & google
Ecosia Default Search Engine in OperaJS-Sets Ecosia as default search engine by automatically redirecting you
Try Google on Duck Duck Go - WFJS-Places a button to search Google from DDG. DuckDuckGo is great for privacy. But still, it's not the best search engine. This button allows you to quickly re-search on Google when necessary.
Search CrossJS-不同搜索引擎间的切换,自用
DDG-like Vim keybindings for EcosiaJS-plants trees while navigating search r###lts by keyboard!
DuckDuckGo - Wider, Prettier and CustomizableCSS-Customizable UserCSS for DuckDuckGo
FKCSDNJS-it's a script to blocked The CSDN website like https://www.csdn.net/ in most broswers because the website is so disgusting
Press "s" to Startpage (DuckDuckGo)JS-Press "s" to Startpage in DuckDuckGo. Based on "Press "g" to Google (DuckDuckGo)" by Gea-Suan Lin
altsearchrefactoredJS-performs search on other sites
DuckDuckGo | Untitled Goose GameCSS-*Hjonk*
DistractionatorJS-Removes annoying news and feeds from Google, DuckDuckGO, Youtube, and Quora
RemoveAds(移除DuckDuckGo##广告)JS-Remove banner on the main page
Super-phrase - automatic "phrase search" on DuckDuckGo.JS-Adds a verbatim tick-box to the DuckDuckGo search bar.
Remove w3schools.com from duckduckgoJS-A userscript to nuke w3schools links from search r###lts
DuckDuckGo | Apple SearchJS-UserScript that revamps DuckDuckGo to make it look more Apple-ish
ddgwidthJS-resizes duckduckgo for smaller window widths.
DuckDuckGo: Default to past yearJS-Make DuckDuckGo (DDG) default to showing r###lts from the past year.
Stop DuckDuckGo changing url on clickingJS-Stop DuckDuckGo changing url on clicking to add more privacy.
UnDuckButtonJS-Buttons that redirect DuckDuckGo searches to other search engines
DuckDuckGo Meaningless Things Remover 2JS-Fork of DuckDuckGo Meaningless Things Remover (https://gfork.dahi.icu/en/scripts/371791-duckduckgo-meaningless-things-remover) that also removes the social medial menu。
DuckDuckGo - Multi-Columns (ORGANIC) (USw) v.59CSS-DuckDuckGo Less scrolling with a multi columns interface
DuckDuckGo Wacom scroll fixJS-Wacom tablets with touch enabled send left and right arrow keypresses when you scroll sideways, which is annoying for DDG users.
DuckDuckgGo Image Direct Link PatchJS-Make DuckDuckgGo Image search r###lt entry's image size information as link to the direct image resource.
duckduckgo scriptJS-make duckduckgo convenient
Tab Focus through Google Search R###ltsJS-Use the tab key to navigate through Google and DuckDuckGo search r###lts
Улучшения DuckDuckGoJS-Блокирует указанные доменные имена, ссылки без источника и быстро возвращает наверх страницы (ПКМ по пустому месту с обеих сторон)...
搜索结果已点击效果,区别已点击链接JS-百度、必应、谷歌、搜狗、360搜索、F搜、无追搜索、国搜、Ecosia、Naver、Goobe、DuckDuckGo、Yahoo、Qwant、SearchEncrypt、Startpage、Disroot SearX、Lukol、MetaGer、mojeek 搜索结果页面,【增强已点击链接的对比度】 高亮区别分开,强调强化已点击。
Streaming - DuckDuckGo - Streaming Helper (USw) (Organic) v.51CSS-Pour ne pas perdre du temps avec des sites de streaming qui ne marche pas (Vert: c'est Bon / Zébré: c'est Bof, Bof / Rouge: Méfiance...)
Qwant Search Engine for OperaJS-Redirect you to Qwant Services
DuckDuckGo Extended [shorter version] (Mobile)JS-Extends DDG by adding a customizable list of additional search engines for making fast searches from other engines.
Lemonade: A Web Tool for Cleaner ChineseJS-Let Clean Chinese Refresh Your Eyes! 清除中文互联网页面上的“互联网黑话”、“营销号语言”和各种低幼化词汇。
Lite Duckduckgo Remove TrackingJS-Remove tracking lite Duckduckgo using get method
搜索引擎切换器 / Search Engine SwitcherJS-在搜索引擎左侧显示一个快速切换列表,节省「另开搜索引擎」和「输入关键词」的动作和时间,提高搜索效率。在原作者基础上修改了部分内容,原链接:https://gfork.dahi.icu/zh-CN/scripts/440235。另外还撸了一款:[在线辞典切换器 / Online Dictionary Switcher](https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/446974)
MetasearchJS-Aggregated Searcher
minimal duckduckgo liteJS-make the lite version more minimalistic and clean
Search Engine Switcher (Jerry Modified)JS-More transparent and working better on both dark and light mode; added stackoverflow, devdocs etc; modified from https://gfork.dahi.icu/en/scripts/446492
Google Hit Hider by Domain 汉化版JS-从Google、DuckDuckGo、Startpage.com、Bing和Yahoo搜索结果中屏蔽不需要的站点。 v2.3.1 2024-05-11
Generic SearchJS-DuckDuckGo debranded and stripped down to the search boxes and r###lts. License: GNU GPL
chatGPT tools Cutoff(精简版)JS-Google、必应、百度、Yandex、360搜索、谷歌镜像、Fsou、duckduckgo侧边栏Chat搜索,即刻体验AI,无需##,无需注册,无需等待!
NickGPTJS-Use NickGPT on Google Search page!
搜索引擎切换 - Search Engine SwitcherJS-A userscript to switch search engine with current keywords.
DuckDuckGo - Alt FaviconJS-Changes DDG favicon to their logo without any orange in it
DuckDuckGo Search Buttons to other search engines Google, Amazon, ecc -TampermonkeyJS-Adds Google, Google Shopping, YouTube, Amazon, eBay, Bing, Reddit, and GitHub search buttons to DuckDuckGo search r###lts with a visually appealing design for small and large displays, super optimized cache loading.
搜索引擎新标签打开链接JS-谷歌、百度、搜狗、必应、F搜、头条、无追搜索、360、DuckDuckGo、Ecosia 搜索结果新标签打开
Add Google Search Buttons to Duckduckgo - faster searching in Google and Google Shopping (mobile)JS-Adds Google and Google Shopping search buttons to DuckDuckGo search r###lts with a visually appealing design for small and large displays, following the DuckDuckGo color scheme
Bye Bye PinterestJS-Hides Pinterest from search and Image r###lts
Lift Web Restrictions: ModifiedJS-A user extension that modifies many sites.
Fitgirl [ Youtube Preview ]JS-adds YouTube Preview and Review links below video game titles, easily watch a video or review of the game before playing it
Disable safesearchJS-Set off safesearch on Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yep, You, Yahoo, Ecosia, Qwant, Metager, Startpage, brave
Google ConvertJS-...
搜索引擎重定向优化(百度、搜狗、谷歌、必应)JS-1.绕过百度、搜狗、谷歌、好搜搜索结果中的自己的跳转连接,直接访问原始网页-反正都能看懂 2.新增自定义网站拦截功能 3添加Favicon显示 4.页面CSS 5.添加计数 6.开关选择以上功能 7.自动翻页功能
DDG HTML direct linksJS-unwrap links on DuckDuckGo HTML version
DDG Focus FixJS-Keep focusing on the search bar when window focus changes
Ultimate ScrollBarCSS-Customizable scrollbar for Chromium based browsers (Chrome/Edge/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi), with minimal Firefox support
ChatGPT Access Assistant Master Edition/Keep ChatGPT No Magic Magic/LadderJS-Мастер доступа к ChatGPT решает проблему невозможности открыть доступ к ChatGPT или OpenAI/KeepChatGPT, восточный ip заблокирован OpenAI или операторы связи не могут зарегистрироваться или не могут получить доступ Отказано в доступе/chatgpt, предоставляя Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex , Поиск 360°, DuckDuckGo, Стартовая страница