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eBay copy short url buttonJS-Adds a copy short url button to ebay item page. Copies a nice link instead of a long one. The short url - http://www.ebay.com/itm/item_id
eBay Kalkulator danaJS-Prikazuje koliko je dana prošlo od kupnje i dodatne datume u vezi kontaktiranja prodavaca i otvaranja "case"-a.
eBay - Display Totals with Shipping ReduxJS-Computes and displays the total price with shipping added.
eBay hide duplicate r###lts updatedJS-easy toggle to show or hide bunches of repeated r###lts in eBay searches
eBay - Display Totals with ShippingJS-Computes and displays the total price with shipping added.
eBay - Show Option PricesJS-Inserts prices for all the extra options that may be included in the eBay page.
eBay - Hilight Items With BidsJS-Hilights items that have bids with a red border and yellow background.
Autofill eBay Maximum BidJS-Automatically fills in the maximum bid box with the minimum possible bid.
eBay - Display Totals with ShippingJS-Computes and displays the total price with shipping added. Inserts prices for all the extra options that may be included in the eBay page. Makes a new column that shows the final price for both the BuyItNow and Shipping price. Note: Only tested on ebay AU.
A Better eBay FilterJS-Allow filtering eBay searches based on additional criteria, global site support
Ebay Buy It Now by PriceJS-Auto set Buy It Now, sort by price and Gallery view parameters on Ebay search
EBay: Custom Page Controls And Seller Block ListJS-Adds more flexibility to eBay search r###lts. Also, includes a seller block list and can filter out r###lt items from blocked sellers.
Ebay Fix Desc ButtonJS-Ebay description button fix
ebaytotalprice-userscriptJS-Add the total eBay auction price including postage in the auction listing
eBay Collection SorterJS-Sorts Collections on eBay
Ebay collection only filterJS-Hides all collection only listings.
Ebay - Add links to similar and suggested itemsJS-Adds links to similar/suggested items pages for all item pages
Ininate Scroll EbayJS-enter something useful
eBay display feed item infoJS-Shows hover information on feed
eBay Local TimeJS-Converts times on ebay.com and ebay.co.uk to the user's local time
Check the cardJS-Adds a warning to amazon and ebay to check card before checking out
Remove noscript mask on ebayJS-Sets display property of noscript to none
eBay on Google MapsJS-Show eBay items on a Google Map. Links from search r###lts and individual items.
Hide ebay range listingsJS-Remove ebay listings that have range values
Ebay collection only filterJS-Hides all collection only listings.
Ebay Collection only filter v2JS-Hides all collection only listings. tested on Firefox 58 & Chrome 63
Ebay Collection only warningJS-Makes the postage background red and adds text "Collection Only" to submit button. Tested on Firefox 58 & Chrome 63
Hide eBay items with price rangeJS-Hide items with a price range from the eBay search r###lts
Ebay no Redirect to similar itemJS-Adds "nordt=true" to all itm links on ebay, which prevents a redirect to a "similar item" //keine Weiterleitung auf ähnlichen Artikel bei Ebay
Cashback Reminder EnhancedJS-A reminder to check for cashback before completing a purchase online.
eBay short URLJS-Replaces long url by short url.
eBay Remove Variation ListingsJS-Removes variation listings (multiple prices, $X to $Y) from eBay
Improved Inbox / Messages Page - eBay AustraliaJS-This script improves the usability of the Inbox/Messages page within eBay. Adds support for middle/ctrl click and cleans up message list.
eBay - Better Seller HubJS-Makes your Seller Hub more productive.
eBay sponsored listings removerJS-Remove sponsored listings on ebay.*
eBay Seller BlacklistJS-Adds a blacklist for sellers on eBay that will emphasize or remove r###lts from blacklisted sellers
Ebay Collection only filter v2 fixedJS-Hide collection only listings
eBay - Transactions TotalsJS-Calculate Totals
ebay sponsored listings removerJS-Remove sponsored listings on ebay
eBay Seller Location ForkJS-Displays the registration location of eBay sellers on search r###lts and product pages.
eBay Annoyances RemoverJS-Removes eBay Ads, Reviews, Recommendations & Other General Annoyances
Ebay - Set item location to home countryJS-Set ebay location to home country (based on https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/threads/greasemonkey-ebay-uk-only-script.18632813/)
MultibyeJS-Say bye to scammy multi-item listings on eBay
eBay easy item IDJS-Puts the item ID under the title with buttons for copying it and the cleaned URL
Redirect eBay Top Level DomainJS-Redirects eBay URLs to your desired location. Useful for when you get eBay links from friends in other countries and want to see your local version.
This is a Local Shop for Local PeopleJS-A simple script to reload eBay UK listing pages to only show you r###lts from eBay UK.
Hide ebay collection listingsJS-Remove ebay listings that have "Free collection in person"
eBay Cosmetic FiltersJS-Hide distractions such as similar, sponsored and suggested listings.