Показаны с любыми языками. Показать только имеющие язык: Русский.
помощник поисковых системJS-“Элегантный помощник поисковых систем” обеспечивает удобное переключение между поисковыми системами, поддерживает настройку, выделение ключевых слов и продвинутые функции. совместим с Baidu, Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, Yandex, Sogou, Qwant, Ecosia, You, Startpage, Brave, Yahoo, Yep, Swisscows, searXNG и другими поисковыми системами.
Google Search Tools to SidebarCSS-Always expands the search tool and moves it back to the left side (legacy feature).
ヤフオクで非表示とメモJS-q:非表示 w:アンドゥ b:NGワード Shift+Q:NG編集 12:メモを追加 34:自由メモ 56:定型文をメモ Shift+!:メモを編集 Shift+":自動メモのみ全削除 Shift+#:メモを一時非表示 Shift+56:定型文を設定 .:上限価格 t:半透明モード
Don't track me GoogleJS-Removes the annoying link-conversion at Google Search/maps/...
ChatGPT SearchJS-ChatGPT answers displayed in sidebar after search (Google, Bing, Baidu, DuckDuckGo and DeepL)
Search Align ####er (simple impl) - Search R###lts Centering ScriptJS-A simple implementation of moving search r###lt to page center or anywhere for both Google and Bing. support new bing chat also . (the resize bar is hiddenn on left)
国际网站 伪装成 国内网站(汇总)JS-##人就用##网站
Изменитель URL для Поисковых СистемJS-Этот скрипт Tampermonkey улучшает использование поисковой системы за счет модификации URL-адресов в результатах поиска, перенаправляя на альтернативные сайты, что позволяет более настраиваемый и эффективный опыт просмотра. Вы также можете добавить свое собственное правило модификации URL в скрипт и приветствуется ваш вклад в этот скрипт своими правилами, чтобы сделать его еще более полезным.
Pano DetectiveJS-Find the exact time a Google Street View image was taken (default coverage)
Google Search Sponsored Products - Bypass Google Ad ServicesJS-Bypass Google Sponsored Products' tracking links, by removing the links that contain "aclk?" in the URL. This is in no way optimized for performance, contact me if you have any suggestions. This script is licensed under the MIT License.
Google Search SidebarJS-A foldable sidebar with scrolling function, helps users to quickly retrieve search r###lts in different languages and time ranges.
MylistPocketJS-動画をあとで見る + 簡易NG機能。 ZenzaWatchとの連携も可能。
Google ncrJS-自动重定向至google.com
search-engine-filterJS-filter something you don't like on search engine baidu or google
Original Google For Personal BlocklistJS-将使用Personal Blocklist (by Google)后的Google的搜索界面改成原来的样子
Google map keyboard acceleratorJS-Add keyboard shortcuts to Google map.
Google Night ModeJS-A night mode for google !
Google Images BlocklistJS-Blocks domains from showing up on google images search r###lts
ANWH:Agar通知WebhooksJS-Agar サーバー情報を Webhooks(例えばDiscord) に通知します
Copy google translation r###lt to camel case and copy it to clipboardJS-google翻訳結果をキャメルケースに変換してクリップボードにコピー
TED Talksを楽しむJS-TEDで講演者名でAmazon検索リンク追加、URLからパラメータを除去、ページタイトルの最初の:を除去 Google検索結果とted-jaにTED Talk日本語書き起こし記事を検索するリンクを設置
google_hide_r###lts2JS-Hide r###lts on Google search r###lts.
学園祭カレンダー絞り込みJS-s:絞り込み(h:強調付き) Shift+S:例で絞り込み (とどラン)a:相関が弱いものを消す
Language Switcher for Google™JS-a port of Language Switcher for Google™ Chome extension (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/language-switcher-for-goo/jbbappjmafnnhhalfbhdhiemchcgejcp) to userscript.js
Google-open-in-new-tabJS-Open links in the google search r###lts in a new tab
Yahoo News Original FinderJS-Yahoo! ニュース の元記事を探して自動でジャンプします。
ZenzaWatch DEV版(エラー回避版)JS-ZenzaWatchの開発 先行バージョン
Google redirectionJS-Redirect from other Google sites to the US site.
Google NoAdsJS-Removes Google Search Ads
Google NavigationJS-Navigate through Google Search with a set of hotkeys.
ACT.Google.DM.NCRJS-No country redirect, easy to switch region/language.
Google Searching Tags BoxJS-Make your searches easier by adding tags to your search queries with one click
Bypass Google Sorry (reCAPTCHA) / FixJS-Redirect Google reCAPTCHA to new search
Google 伪装成 百度JS-##人就用百度搜索
Google Knowledge Graph IDJS-View the ID of knowledge panels on Google search
多重搜索MultipleSearchJS-携带搜索词快捷切换搜索引擎、视频网站或博客网站。Quickly switch between search engines, video sites or blog sites with search words.
Opens “Tools” Menu by Default on GoogleJS-Opens the “Tools” menu on Google Search automatically when page loaded.
Site search on GoogleJS-Adds a button to search r###lts under specific websites with Google
知乎 search on googleJS-在 google 上加一个仅限 “知乎” 搜索结果的按钮
Google Snake Mod Loader (Standard)JS-Allows you to run multiple different google snake mods
搜索引擎新标签打开链接JS-谷歌、百度、搜狗、必应、F搜、头条、无追搜索、360、DuckDuckGo、Ecosia 搜索结果新标签打开
Google Search Classic NavbarJS-Restore the garbage UX nav bar.
Custom Google Homepage with Timer and Guess the NumberJS-Customize the Google homepage by adding buttons, a color changer feature, social media buttons, a timer, and a Guess the Number game.
Koishi Fumo DVD (Google)JS-Bouncing Fumo like a DVD icon
2012 google logo this is meant for 2012-2013 GoogleCSS-https://uso.kkx.one/style/192418
Auto Enable Dark mode for GoogleJS-Enable Dark mode automatically
pricing search on googleJS-在 google 上加一个仅限 “pricing” 搜索结果的按钮
Google Maps remember meJS-Remembers your last used Google (Maps) user
Show Google Maps in EU Search PagesJS-Bring Maps links to Google Search r###lt pages in the EU once again.
Google搜尋顯示桌面版網站JS-把 google 搜尋結果的行動裝置版網站取代為桌面版網站
4/21/2024 Latest Google Snake Mod Loader (fbx)JS-Allows you to run multiple different google snake mods. This is just here because the latest posted version here on Greasy Fork is outdated and doesn't work. By the way, here is the latest search term mods link: https://gfork.dahi.icu/en/scripts/493134-4-21-2024-latest-google-snake-mod-loader-standard
4/21/2024 Latest Google Snake Mod Loader (Standard)JS-Allows you to run multiple different google snake mods. This is just here because the latest posted version here on Greasy Fork is outdated and doesn't work. By the way, here is the latest fbx page mods link: https://gfork.dahi.icu/en/scripts/493133-4-21-2024-latest-google-snake-mod-loader-fbx
Fix Google Web SearchJS-Remove AI r###lts and other fluff from your Google search! Adds udm=14 to the search params of a new Google search, changing to the "Web" tab.
Fix Google Web SearchJS-Remove AI r###lts and other fluff from your Google search! Adds udm=14 to the search params of a new Google search, changing to the "Web" tab.
Google reCAPTCHA Bypass to DuckDuckGoJS-Automatically redirects Google reCAPTCHA page to DuckDuckGo search with the same query
隐藏继续使用 Google 搜索前须知JS-隐藏继续使用 Google 搜索前须知的弹出提示
Google Search URL Fixup ForkJS-Sets the links in the JavaScript-free Google Basic Variant (gbv=1) search r###lts to their original domains, which circumvents click routing through Google's query parameters, fixes browser history mismatch, and strips tracking query parameters.
BingBgForGoogleJS-Just change the background image of Google homepage to Bing
Google Scholar EnhancerJS-Enhance Google Scholar with column layout options, auto-paging, and advanced search features
Google - Without sponsor linksJS-Remove sponsored google links from google search r###lts
Google Images View ButtonJS-At the Google Images preview pan the script adds a button that opens an image in a new tab