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Grundos.cafe - RS Clock ONLY (Left Sidebar)JS-A second clock that counts down to the next shop restock, with links to all active shops
Grundo's Cafe Gourmet HelperJS-Show gourmets needed on gourmet page
Grundo's Cafe Book HelperJS-Show unread books on your pet's book page
Grundos Cafe Cliffhanger SolverJS-Will automatically fill in the solution for you.
Grundos.cafe - RS timerJS-A second clock that counts down to the next shop restock, with links to all active shops
Grundos.cafe - RS timer (mobile)JS-A second clock that counts down to the next shop restock, with links to all active shops
Grundos.cafe - SC/Colt/WoE/HS/BTJS-Timers for Scratchcard, Wheel of Excitement, Healing Springs, and Training School
Grundos.cafe - RE Timer w LoggerJS-Timer, reminder, and counter for random events (modified from npc timer)
GC - Food ClubJS-Automatically enters your maximum bet based on account age
Grundos.cafe - Sidebar & RS ClockJS-A second clock that counts down to the next shop restock, with links to all active shops
GC HelperJS-Adds helpful timers and links to the GC sidebar.
GC - Kad Fed NotificationJS-Displays a notification when youve fed a kad
Positive Arena FinderJS-for you, stuff-a-roo
GC - Active IconJS-A link to change your active pet
Grundo's Cafe Avatar ChecklistJS-Avatar checklist for Grundo's Cafe, visit https://www.grundos.cafe/~Milk
Grundos.cafe - RS Clock ONLYJS-A second clock that counts down to the next shop restock, with links to all active shops
GC - Quick LinksJS-A link to change your active pet
GC AIO Plugin: NotepadJS-Add a notepad to the sidebar on Grundo's Café
Grundos.cafe - RE Timer w ToggleJS-Timer, reminder, and counter for random events (modified from npc timer)
GC Restock timerJS-Displays the time it took you to restock an item on grundos.cafe
Grundos.cafe - RS Clock ONLY (AIO Sidebar)JS-A second clock that counts down to the next shop restock, with links to all active shops
Grundos.Cafe - Highlight Item Names On HoverJS-Highlights the item name in your shop and SDB when you hover over it for quick and easy copying
Grundo's Cafe Art Restoration ProjectJS-Restores original Neopets art to Grundo's Cafe.
Grundo's Cafe Plushie HelperJS-Show plushies needed on pet plushies page
GC - LottomaticJS-Generate lotto numbers with minimal overlap
GC - Gormball character selector and prize loggerJS-Remembers your last played character and up to 100 prizes
Grundo's Café stamp album helperJS-Extend features of the stamp album on Grundo's Café
GC - MI training school pet reorganizerJS-puts pets that are on a course at the top of the page
Hide AIO SidebarJS-Hide AIO Sidebar on gallery pages
GC - Rainbow Pool Missing ListsJS-Show what species or colors are missing from certain paint brushes or species
Grundos Cafe Shopban TimerJS-Display the remaining time of a Shop Ban in the sidebar, down to the seconds. It will require to visit a shop again after a purchase. Refresh ban will be picked up immediately. Will not work accurately across multiple devices.
GC - Inventory dropdown selectorJS-Remembers the last dropdown selection
GC - Custom Sidebar LinksJS-Add custom links to the sidebar
Grundo's Cafe - Go tombolWoke (or) Go tomBlrokeJS-Justice for the tombola man on grundos.cafe (GC)
Grundos Cafe Quest Cost CalculatorJS-Calculates the cost of the Grundos Cafe Quest items as the user searches for them on the Shop Wiz. Displays the info in a table above the Shop Wiz Search. Does not include Main Shops. Only Shop Wiz.
Grundo's Cafe Dynamic Guide LinksJS-Adds a dropdown with quick access to guides and resources relevant to the current page (such as training links for battledome, game-specific guides, and more). Compatible with both Firefox and Chrome.
Grundo's Cafe Brain TreeJS-Store and auto-populate answer info for Brain Tree daily quest.
GC - RE countdown timerJS-Sends a notification when it's time to refresh for an RE.
Grundo's Café stamp album helperJS-Extend features of the stamp album on Grundo's Café
Grundo's Cafe Remember Training SelectionJS-Auto remembers and chooses the user's last selection on the training page on grundos.cafe.
GC - Neggsweeper better flaggingJS-Makes flagging easier
GC - BD Challengers ChecklistJS-BD challengers checklist for Grundo's Cafe
Grundo's Cafe Cooking Pot EnhancerJS-"Displays your Cooking Pot ingredients on the cooking r###lts page, just like a personal gourmet diary!"
Grundos.cafe - RS Clock ONLY NNSSJS-A second clock that counts down to the next shop restock, with links to all active shops
SDB under sales historyJS-SDB under sales history!
Grundo's Stock MarketJS-Visual update for the Grundo's Stock Market page. Highlights stock based on percent increase. Thresholds can be changed on lines 21-22.
Grundo's Wishing WellJS-Autofills the wishing well donation amount to 25. Then targets the wish input to allow the user to just hit enter repeatedly. Change the item wish on line 25.
Grundo's Cheese RollerJS-For use in the Cheeseroller game. Automatically selects 'Push Cheese Faster' in the game. Spam Enter!
GC - Quickstock KeeperJS-Set ignore lists to keep specific items in the inventory
GC Tyranu Evavu Keyboard ControlsJS-Adds keyboard controls so you can play Tyranu Evavu on GC without a mouse.
GC Dice-A-Roo Keyboard ControlsJS-Adds keyboard controls for Dice-A-Roo on GC.
GC Tyranu Evavu TrackerJS-Tracks Tyranu Evavu on the page so you don't need an external tool to count cards and tells you whether to choose Tyranu or Evavu.
Grundo's Quick Ref Extra FiltersJS-Provides the functionality to hide various info on the pets quick ref page
GC Neggsweeper TrackerJS-Tracks the number of neggs you have received each day. Does not work across multiple devices.
GC Bank Deposit MathJS-Calculates how many of your np to deposit so that you have a set amount left in your wallet (default 50k).
GC Food Club HelperJS-Moves the bet button above the form so you don't have to scroll when submitting someone else's bets.
GC Gourmet HighlighterJS-Supplements Rowan's Gourmet Helper script to highlight avatar gourmets.
AIO Side Bar to Floating Windows - grundos.cafeJS-Moves the AIO Side Bars to separate floating windows.
Grundo's Cafe - Battledome JournalJS-Keeps track of battledome history (prizes, moves per battle...) and some UI improvements
GC Food Colour HiderJS-Toggle for hiding the food colours that only have 1-2 pets for in the rainbow pool pet colours. Mostly Chia but also includes some other minor ones like coconut jubjub and mallow grundo. Keeps ones that apply to more pets like Strawberry. On by default.
GC - Neoboard Post Format RemoverJS-Add buttons to neoboard posts to wipe out all formatting in a post.
Item 'Feed to Pet' HiderJS-Hides the options for feeding an item to a pet. Can toggle back on if want to feed something to a pet.
Detailed Search LinkJS-Add Detailed Search link below the search bar.
Pet Pic Replacer AJS-Basic pet pic replacer proof of concept. Was done quickly at 4 am.
Pet Pic Replacer BJS-Basic pet pic replacer proof of concept. This one assuming you are replacing with images of another on site colour set of images.
GC Sidebar Timezone and Remaining TimeJS-Changes the times of stuff in the aio sidebar to both be user's local timezone, adds how many hours/minutes until that time, and highlights quest timers if less than 15 mins remain.
GC Faerie Bori Tail ShadingJS-Updates the art for the 'Circle' faerie bori art to one that adds shading to the tail fluff.
GC Larger Dice-A-Roo ButtonsJS-Easier to click Dice-A-Roo buttons so you can chill and idly tap a nice large target. Applies to the 'Roll Again' when playing, 'Press Me' when game over, and 'Lets Play!' when at the main menu buttons.
Darigan Draik Replacer - Green and CyanJS-Heemi's Edits, Twiggies' Code.
Grundo's Battledome LogJS-Logs Battledome rewards with a button to export
GC PB/MP Rainbow Pool LinksJS-Add link to rainbow pool for relevant pet/colour for paint brush and morphing potions when viewing them in your inventory or in the search details
MSP Aisha - Grungy GreenJS-Heemi's Edit, Twiggies' Code.
GC - Pet + Petpet Lab Ray - Safety FirstJS-Hide specific pets and petpets from the lab ray page so no accidental zapping!
GC - Esophagor No Double ClickJS-Helps prevent accidental double clicking on esophagor buttons, so to prevent missing brain tree quest info.
Larger Lever of Doom ButtonJS-Larger Lever of Doom Buttonn
Grundo's Cafe: Stock Market - Update LinksJS-Update stock market navigation links to replace the find stocks to immediately go to all stocks.
Grundo's Cafe: Stock Market - Highlight Buyable Stocks (at 15nps)JS-Move rows with Current Price 15 to the top and change their background color to highlight yellow or display a message if there are no buyable stocks.
GC - Games Points til Max NPJS-Adds to games a quick reference of how many points you'll need to max out your remaining NP and how many points you'll need to get the max amount of NP in one game.
GC - AIO Kad Link SortedJS-Makes the link to the kadoatery in the AIO sidebar link to the sorted version.
GC - Garden Donated AmountJS-Adds a button in the guild garden section to refresh and show a (rough) calculation of how much you've donated per month (based on the date you joined to current day). This amount is stored and displayed until you want to refresh it again. If you've been in a guild for less than a month it will just show the exact amount you donated without any additional calculation.
GC - Copy SDB InventoryJS-Adds a button to your SDB page above your items. When clicked it copies all the items on the current page.
GC - Wise Old KingJS-Autofill words of wisdom
[GC] Neggs CounterJS-Show how many Negg Tokens you have in the inventory
[GC] UL Trophy orderingJS-Order trophies by gold/silver/bronze in every userlookup and also shows the CSS code used in the browser's console
Symol Hole AutoselectJS-Automatically selects an option at the symol hole.
GC - Neggsweeper Mines RemainingJS-Shows how many mines are left in a neggsweeper game, assuming that you flagged mines correctly.
GC - Quest Reward Stat CollectorJS-Collects reward and the items requested from quests to put into a shared spreadsheet for stats. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17lADRhz5POPYPxKRa6ZVYlJuKuYxxev0_bxnFPbK0Bk/edit?gid=1499161972#gid=1499161972
Snowball Fight User Shop LinkJS-Adds a link to the target's shop so you can quickly check if they're one of the event price gougers to aid your decision to throw snowballs or not.
GC - Wheel PrizeJS-Automatically show the wheel of mediocrity, excitement, misfortune and knowledge prizes without having to click the button.
GC - Shop NumpadJS-Adds an on screen number pad to click on to fill in a haggle price at stores.
[GC] - Underwater Fishing Data LoggerJS-Fishing rewards sorting, logging and Discord Webhooks.
GC Bilge Dice TrackerJS-Tracks your current Bilge Dice streak. Does not work across multiple devices.
GC - Quest Quick LinksJS-On the quest pages, attaches to the images for each quest item a link to either the SDB if you have the item in your SDB, or the Shop Wizard.
GC Bilge Dice Keyboard ControlsJS-Binds each die to a number and "keep" to Enter so you can play without a mouse.
[GC] - SDB Removal ImprovementsJS-Never try to remove too many items from your SDB again!
[GC] - Bilge Dice Keyboard Controls & Tracking EnhancementsJS-Keyboard controls for Bilge Dice. Streak tracking tweaked so the new in-game streak is displayed during gameplay. You can now press enter to start a game with a default Ante, which is set to 10 NP unless you change it.
GC - Faerie Quest SW LinkJS-Adds a textbox with a link to the shop wizard search on the Faerie Quests page so that you can just copy that and send it to your friends to make it easier for them to find the item for you.
GC - Gormball Click Image to ContinueJS-Clicking the image of the 'the gormball explodes on x' continues the game.
[GC | BETA] - Enhanced UB Search HelperJS-Adds enhanced search features to SW and TP to make the navigation of searching and browsing expensive items easier.