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Direct LinkJS-Replace the redirect links with direct links
LinkedIn Grow Network.jsJS-To grow LinkedIn network
LinkedIn Photo PreviewJS-Preview profile images on LinkedIn
LinkedIn CC to PCJS-Mturk Crowdsource LinkedIn past worker count.
LinkedIn jobs filterJS-Filter jobs based on title and company
Linkedin G CacheJS-LinkedIn Redirect to Google Cache
LinkedIn Assessment AssistantJS-A light weight script to convert LinkedIn assessment questions into a clickable hyperlink to help you pass.
linkedIn learning video downloadJS-Allows to download learning videos you see on LinkedIn. Must be logged in.
linkedin-clean-urlJS-Cleans the tracking stuff from LinkedIn URLs.
LinkedIn Redirect to Google CacheJS-Redirects all pages under a domain+subdomains (currently LinkedIn) to Google Cache. Not really tested. Will break LinkedIn. Probably don't install.
Add All linkedIn users (for 2017 version)JS-ajouter tout le monde sur linkedin et accepte tout le monde
Get CSV of linked in group membersJS-Gets a CSV file of basic linked in group memebers info.
LinkedIn hide email contacts from "People You May Know"JS-Hides those annoying email contacts from PYMK
Add All linkedIn users (for older interface: new version available)JS-ajouter tout le monde sur linkedin et accepte tout le monde
LinkedIn - Hide Invite-only Email Contacts in People You May KnowJS-Hides the fake email-only contact cards to "Invite" which are mixed in with real profiles you can "Connect" to for LinkedIn.com - My Network - "People You May Know". NOTE: If you don't see more contacts loading at the end, you need to zoom or resize window so that you can scroll downwards to trigger it the first time. By Dan Moorehead ([email protected]), PowerAccess™ Framework for MS Access (https://www.PowerAccessDB.com/PowerAccess-Framework-MS-Access) and Visual3D Game Engine founder.
Power LinkedIn-Connect/Open All Contacts, Skip Add Note, Expand Profile & Visited Link Color OptionsJS-Get free PowerSheet.ai @ https://PowerSheet.ai and Power Bot for no-code app creation, intelligent spreadsheets, and AI powered social marketing and sales automation.
LinkedIn - Hide Invite Contacts by EmailJS-If you dont want to spam people not on LinkedIn by sending email invite to them.
hide_recruitersJS-Used to hide recruiting companies known to show "false" jobs, "hit and run" recruiting etc. on job board sites.
linkedin feedJS-try to take over the world!
Add All linkedIn users - 2018 UpdatedJS-Ajoute / Accepte tout le monde sur LinkedIn
Endorse all skillsJS-Single-button helper for bulk skills endorsing
LinkedIn Learning 字幕中文翻译JS-LinkedIn Learning 字幕中文翻译脚本
LinkedIn unsponsoredJS-Block sponsored posts in the LinkedIn feed
LinkedIn Job Search R###lt FilterJS-Filter out LinkedIn job search r###lt by title, company, and location. Edit filter list in the script before use, and keep a backup before updating script.
LinkedInNoPromotedJS-Removes promoted and suggested posts on LinkedIn
Open 20 random profilesJS-Random profile opening for LinkedIn search
Replacement for Unknown ProfilesJS-Random profile opening for LinkedIn search
Connect All LinkedIn users - 2019 UpdatedJS-Automatically connect to all suggested users.
LinkedIn Job Search Usability ImprovementsJS-Make it easier to review and manage job search r###lts, with faster keyboard shortcuts, read post tracking, and blacklists for companies and jobs
Linkedin ConnectJS-Connect every possible user with your message
new-LinkedIn-connection-openerJS-This script opens new connection profile after accepting the invitation
#英导出好友信息JS-基于#英好友列表界面,导出好友信息 excel
LinkedIn Job Search - Uncheck "Follow Company" CheckboxJS-Uncheck by default the "follow company" checkbox when applying for job offer
LinkedIn filterJS-Filter jobs based on title, company and places
Linkedin.com #英学习视频教程列出下载英文字幕+高速下载视频(最基本能下视频版)JS-Linkedin Learning #英学习(原 Lynda.com)视频教程列出下载英文字幕+高速下载视频(最基本能下视频版)!浮动出对应视频课程的英文字幕下载+视频下载成一个列表,点击就可以下!还可以逐一翻译成中文字幕并下载(需要高级功能请询问客服)!只有注册登录了#英学习站才可以用。声明:本人原创,付出了劳动,未经过本人允许请勿擅自更改后传播。觉得好,帮助了你大忙的可以扫码捐助我,谢谢!
LinkedIn Learning videos download directly from listing out (basic version for videos only)JS-LinkedIn Learning videos download directly from listing out (basic version for videos only).
General URL Cleaner RevivedJS-Cleans URLs from various popular sites and removes tracking parameters
Linkedin - noprint [~R]JS-Print job offers
See LinkedIn Profile ViewsJS-3/30/2022
f*ck linkedinJS-4/27/2022, 3:20:07 PM
Clear All LinkedIn NotificationsJS-Clears all your LinkedIn Notifications so you can have a clean slate!
Hide promoted r###lts in jobs searchJS-20/09/2022, 17:29:11
LinkedIn: No Messages BoxesJS-It will close all the message boxes that are automatically added to the bottom left of the LinkedIn page.
LinkedIn Endorse All ButtonJS-Adds an Endorse All button to linked profiles you view
Linkedin.uncheckJS-uncheck the follow box if active on easy apply
Linkedin Enhancer-Logo&Favicon invisiableJS-Enhance your LinkedIn experience with this script! Hide favicon & navbar on linkedin web page. Feel free to seek new oppotunities when you're at work. lol
LinkedInJunkFilterJS-Removes customizable job offers from LinkedIn
LinkedIn Withdraw All Connection RequestsJS-Withdraw all LinkedIn connection requests with a single click
Not more job spampostingJS-block the spammy publishers!
LinkedIn ToolJS-Minor enhancements to LinkedIn. Mostly just hotkeys.
No promoted job announces filterJS-adds filter for hide "promoted" marked announces from job search r###lts
LinkedIn Company Matcher RevisedJS-Check if LinkedIn job company is in IND km sponsor list
LinkedIn Clear SpamJS-Filters out companies from job listings.
LinkedIn Promoted Content BlockerJS-Blocks promoted posts from the LinkedIn feed.
linked in grab downJS-this is a test.
See LinkedIn Profile ViewsJS-10/20/2023
Expand small chat on LinkedinJS-11/4/2023, 8:44:59 PM
Mammada ya Alia? a LinkedIn analysisJS-Extract and display top 5 first names, last names, and occupations from LinkedIn connections
LinkedIn Highlight AliensJS-Apply red color to the title if " • 1st" is not present in visually-hidden span
LinkedIn UnFollow After ApplyingJS-Automatically unchecks the "Follow this company" checkbox after applying for a job on LinkedIn.
Use keyboard to change paginationJS-Use '<' and '>' to change LinkedIn's pagination
LinkedIn CleanerJS-Only show actual posts on your feed and not likes / comments / reposts.
Simulate Traffic to LinkedIn URLJS-Simulate traffic to a specified LinkedIn URL by sending HTTP requests every 10 seconds.
Company Name Extractor with Block List (Enhanced)JS-Extract and manage company names from job listings on LinkedIn job search, with immediate blocking and interactive UI for managing blocked companies.
LinkedIn Job NavigatorJS-Navigate LinkedIn jobs and pages using arrow keys (up and down to navigate jobs, left and right to navigate pages), and apply to jobs with 'S' key press.
LinkedIn Easy Apply Unfollow & Automate Submit/Close WindowsJS-Automatically unclicks the Follow button in the Easy Apply application, and automates the process of submitting and closing the application once all the information has been entered.
LinkedIn search r###ltsJS-Colour LinkedIn job search r###lts that have already been seen
Copy Job DescriptionJS-Copy LinkedIn Job Description
DontFollow for LinkedinJS-Unticks the annoying "Follow company for more updates" in the final Easy Apply modal.
LinkedIn Learning 字幕大小调整JS-在 LinkedIn Learning 视频播放器设置菜单中添加字幕大小调整功能
Declutter LinkedInJS-Remove the feed, LinkedIn Premium upsells, news, and other clutter from LinkedIn
LinkedIn Comments DeleterJS-Deletes ALL of your comments on Linkedin
Hide Promoted job posts LinkedinJS-This script removes any promoted job posting on the Linkedin job board.
Suppress Suggested & Promoted Posts on LinkedInJS-Remove LinkedIn posts labeled as "Suggested" and dynamically observe for new ones
Extract linkedin user info from user search listJS-Script that extracts and copies linkedin account information in CSV format to the clipboard when searching for users.
MDA linkedin improvementsJS-my linkedin improvements started 2025-01-11
LinkedIn Job Visibility Settings; year, job status highlightJS-11/13/2024, 5:53:40 PM
LinkedInJunkFilterJS-Removes customizable job offers from LinkedIn by automatically hiding any job element that has any keywords from the filterList. Fork from https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/465779/LinkedInJunkFilter.user.js
LinkedIn Job Skills HighlighterJS-Highlight skills in LinkedIn job postings with color groups
Hide LinkedIn Promoted PostsJS-Hide promoted posts on LinkedIn feed
LinkedIn ConnectJS-Add "Auto Connect" button that automatically sends connection requests
Remove LinkedIn Promoted JobsJS-Hides promoted job listings on LinkedIn