Показаны с любыми языками. Показать только имеющие язык: Русский.
Прямые ссылки наружуJS-Убирает "Бла-бла-бла, Вы покидаете наш сайт" и переадресации из ссылок
Direct LinkJS-Replace the redirect links with direct links
自研 - 多个站点 - 反外站拦截JS-去除某些网站的外站拦截。目前已适配 16 个站点。
AMO: Manage My Submisions - View Listing LinksJS-Add/change add-ons view/edit link on AMO DevHub
View Add-on Compatibility ReportsJS-Adds a link to add-on compatibility reports on addons.mozilla.org.
AMO: Manage My Add-onJS-Manage your add-on from add-on page without having to visit dev-hub page first
AMO: Randomize Contribute ButtonJS-Randomize 'Contribute' button on Mozilla Add-ons
Stop AMO CondescensionJS-Stops mozilla from hiding links to download incompatible addons
SuMo Top Menu Hover RemoverJS-On the Mozilla Support site, change the top menus to show on click rather than mouseover, subdue the background colors
MDN 首选中文JS-在 developer.mozilla.org 阅读文档时,自动首选中文版本,避免手动切换。
Bugzilla - reveal the Depends, Blocks, See Also and Duplicates bug titlesJS-Reveal the Depends, Blocks, See Also and Duplicates bug titles in bugzilla.mozilla.org via keyboard shortcuts
Prevent a tab from popping up dialogs when closing the tabJS-Prevent a tab from popping up dialogs when closing the tab. Copied from UserScripts.org
OVSEmbeddedJS-Supprime les pubs et traceurs d'OVS,sans désactiver Adblock
MDN 重定向到中文JS-重定向 MDN 文档到中文
blue-mdnJS-blue mdn
Redmine快速标记完成JS-try to take over the world!
AMO View All VersionsJS-Click addon icon to access version history quickly
Bugzilla Atom feedJS-Adds an Atom feed to Bugzilla reports, powered by bugzillatoatom.affine.space
英文版本自动跳中文 插件JS-try to take over the world!
Link to XPIJS-Adds direct links to XPI
MDN自动中文 2019可用JS-自动首选中文版本,
MDN Live Sample PreviewJS-Displays live samples during preview
Auto KuisionerJS-try to take over the world!
noMyTT2JS-verhindert die Weiterleitung von click-tt zu myTischtennis.
MDN Web 文档优先简体中文JS-MDN Web Docs(MDN Web 文档)优先使用简体中文浏览
Toc Bar, auto-generating table of contentJS-A floating table of content widget
Swap colours of issue status icon at GitHub and Bugzilla. Open=red, closed=green.CSS-Makes "good" icons green and "bad" ones red. Closed issue is good, unresolved is bad.
MDN Search FilteringJS-Restores search topic filtering to MDN; for much better search r###lts!
Image PreviewJS-preview any image
MDN: Compat table: first and compactCSS-Moves compatibility and specs tables to the top and makes them compact in articles at developer.mozilla.org.
MDN: Content first (Header to Footer)CSS-Moves main content to the top, so the header with dropdown menus lands above footer.
MDN 文档辅助JS-在提供中文语言的页面自动切换为中文
MDN 自动切换中文JS-谷歌搜索的时候经常点击MDN文档打开的默认都是英文的, 很不方便, 来一个自动跳转, 如果需要其他语言, 手动点页面切换即可
Autoskip Prime TrailersJS-3/5/2021, 11:13:26 PM
mdn-auto-zh-CNJS-try to take over the world!
Much to mdn-auto-zh-CNJS-The Try to take over the world
MDN Toc Bar 中英文快速切换和序号目录JS-MDN 网站中英文快速切换和新标签页打开对比,需要先安装Toc Bar脚本
Mozilla Addon Widescreen NEW design (USw)v.147CSS-Mozilla Addon wide, compact and reorganized
MDN Old Logo (For March 2022 Redesign) - mozilla.orgJS-03/05/2022
Ctrl+K to focus on search (currently only works on MDN)JS-This is a userscript.
Lemonade: A Web Tool for Cleaner ChineseJS-Let Clean Chinese Refresh Your Eyes! 清除中文互联网页面上的“互联网黑话”、“营销号语言”和各种低幼化词汇。
快捷搜索-开发者搜索:掘金、react、google API、vscode插件市场、菜鸟搜索、docker、淘宝、华为云镜像官网、npmjs、mdn、antd、bilib、github等开发者常用网址JS-google translate、mobile.ant.mobile、掘金、npmjs、bilibibli、bootstra###DN、splunk、google API 快捷搜索,更多快捷搜索
MDN English OnlyJS-Redirect all translated MDN pages to the English version
外链自动跳转JS-第三方链接自动跳转 支持掘金、简书、CSDN、Gitee、QQ
MetasearchJS-Aggregated Searcher
MDN 文档自动重定向到中文JS-将 MDN 的文档自动重定向到中文
Autocorrect for MDN searchJS-Auto-redirects to first suggested r###lt when search r###lt is empty. Define search engine in your browser: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/search?q=%s&autocorrect
自动跳转 MDN 中文JS-点击 MDN 链接,自动跳转至中文路由
MS Learn and MDN always in EN-USJS-Redirect learn.microsoft.com and developer.mozilla.org to en-us version
Word CountJS-Count the words on mdn pages.
Progress BarJS-Show reading progress bar on mdn pages
NERD InserterJS-just enable it and see what happens
StackOverflow code标签替换JS-替换<code>为<strong>,使chrome的翻译拆分效果更好。否则code会截断一整个句子的翻译。
Prideless MDNJS-Remove the pride from MDN
MDN Web 文档优先简体中文-fixJS-MDN Web Docs(MDN Web 文档)优先使用简体中文浏览
Toc Bar, auto-generating table of contentJS-A floating table of content widget
Bugzilla - Merge CommentsJS-Merge comments by the same user on several Bugzilla 5.0.4 instance, merge "Updated" / auxiliary changes by the same user on Mozilla Bugzilla.
Mozilla Pastebin Paste Auto Submit with Clipboard PermissionJS-Automatically paste clipboard content and submit it on Mozilla Pastebin, retrying if clipboard permission is denied.