Показаны с любыми языками. Показать только имеющие язык: Русский.
Google scholar sci-hub popupJS-Save some time with sci-hub
SCI RIS Helper - EndNote+ScihubJS-Download the Refman(*.ris) with pdf URL queried from Sci-hub. Supported 80+ sites include Web of science, Researchgate, Springer, ScienceDirect, IEEE, MDPI, Scopus, etc. Just see: https://blog.cuger.cn/p/63499/
UTS Library RedirectJS-Automatically redirect from ACM, IEEE, Springer and ScienceDirect to UTS Library.
UWA Auto EzProxy RedirectorJS-Automatically redirect to the proxified equivalent as provided by the University of Western Australia.
wiki-referenceJS-Позволяет генерировать ссылки в формате {{статья}} и {{книга}} для ру-вики
TUM eAccess RedirectorJS-Automatically redirect to the proxified equivalent as provided by the libary of the Technische Universitaet Muenchen via the eAccess-System. TUM credentials required.
Publication Auto PDFJS-Automatically jumps to PDF when you visit a journal article abstract page. Also includes a utility to copy or download citation info.
Sci-hub buttonJS-Add sci-hub button on article page. Add sci-hub button after article link. Support Google scholar, bing academic and baidu xueshu. Jump CNKI English article to Chinese article.
web漫画にショートカットキーを追加JS-←→:前/次のページ Shift+A:頭出しオンオフ f [:全画面化 Shift+←→か ] Enter:前の話/次の話に移動 Shift+↑:作品情報ページに戻る (ニコニコ静画のみ)C:コメントオンオフ (作品情報ページで)→:第1話に移動、Enter:最新話に移動、Shift+↑:パンくずリスト1つ上に移動 Shift+@:インスタントsibling登録
Astronomy Journal to ADSJS-Add direct link to NASA/ADS on iop.org webpage for astronomy papers.
sciencedirect+ieeexplore+tandfonline+springer跳转HFUT_无按钮JS-sciencedirect+ieeexplore+tandfonline跳转 HFUT
Sciencedirect + SciHubJS-Adds SciHub links on Elsevier's Sciencedirect pages
NUS e-journals download redirectJS-e-journals download redirect for NUS students V0.1.3
NUS e-journals download redirectJS-e-journals download redirect for NUS students V1.0.1
Shanghai Library e-journals download redirectJS-e-journals download redirect for Shanghai Library V 0.1
NUS e-journals download redirectJS-e-journals download redirect for NUS students V1.0.2
KU Leuven E-SourcesJS-Redirect to KU Leuven E-Sources for scientific articles
Remove ScienceDirect spam linksJS-This script removes the annoying spam links (e.g., "Learn more about Micro-Organisms from ScienceDirect's AI-generated topic pages") which are scattered throughout all articles on the site.
Sci Hub InjectorJS-Adds SciHub links to popular publishing websites to make free access to science even easier.
ScienceDirect DownloadJS-Avoid jumping to online pdf,and directly download ScienceDirect literature to local,Support custom file names.
Auto add BnL Proxy into URLJS-Reserved for the user of Bibliothèque nationale du Luxembourg (BnL). Add ".proxy.bnl.lu" at the end of publication website URL
Automatically Literature Validation for NUS Staff 新加坡国立大学自动文#验证自动登录脚本(职工)JS-2022/02/12 22:00:29
ScienceDirect Hide or show the side two column information bar|ScienceDirect显示或隐藏两侧信息,加宽中间部分JS-sciencedirect 隐藏左右两列增宽中间部分
Academic Article UnlockerJS-Easily access open-access versions of academic articles with the click of a button. Say goodbye to paywalls and hello to knowledge.
NUS e-journals download redirectJS-e-journals download redirect for NUS students V1.0.3
NUS e-journals download redirectJS-e-journals download redirect for NUS students V1.1.0
NUS e-journals download redirectJS-e-journals download redirect for NUS students V1.1.0C
NUS e-journals download redirectJS-e-journals download redirect for NUS students V1.2.0
Collapse Sidebar in Academic WebsitesJS-Make elements on multiple websites collapsible
UNSW Library RedirectJS-Automatically redirect from ACM, IEEE, Springer and ScienceDirect to UNSW Library.
Redirect to UNSW LibraryJS-Redirect ACM, IEEE, Springer and ScienceDirect to UNSW Library.
NJU-Auto-IDPJS-Auto pass NJU IDP check in some academic websites
Automatically Literature Validation for NUS Student 新加坡国立大学自动文#验证自动登录脚本(学生)JS-2022/02/12 22:00:29
Journal ViewerJS-Optimize the online reading experience of journal articles
sciencedirect+ieeexplore+tandfonline+springer跳转HFUT_按钮JS-sciencedirect+ieeexplore+tandfonline跳转 HFUT
四方坪职院学术重定向JS-「重要更新」Update 1.4 切换图书馆API;通过重定向至图书馆包库,解锁期刊访问权限
Prevent Search and Copy Popup on ScienceDirectJS-阻止弹出“Search”和“Copy”弹窗,仅在包含sciencedirect或science-direct的网站上运行
sciencedirect+ieeexplore+tandfonline+springer跳转AHNU_按钮JS-sciencedirect+ieeexplore+tandfonline跳转 AHNU
Click2RedirectJS-Inserts a floating button in the page and you can click it to get ariticles.
sciencedirect+ieeexplore+tandfonline+springer跳转CUMT_按钮JS-sciencedirect+ieeexplore+tandfonline跳转 CUMT
出版社2SYSUJS-sciencedirect+ieeexplore+acm跳转 SYSU
预览Elsevier中的图片JS-提取ScienceDirect页面上以 .jpg 结尾的图片,左侧显示所有缩略图,点击缩略图才在中间显示主图并更新序号,按下 Esc 键关闭主图,等待页面完全加载后再执行