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Spotify AdBlockerJS-Comprehensive Spotify AdBlocker (audio, banners, premium prompts).
kiwiSpotifyJS-make spotify working on mobile
HTML5 thingie for Spotify Web PlayerJS-Play music on the browser without having to install Flash Player. Yes, I know why SWF bridges exist.
Stig's Art GrabrJS-Grabbing big high resolution album cover-art from various sites
Spotify ad skipperJS-Detects and skips ads on spotify
Lucida DownloaderJS-Download music from Spotify, Qobuz, Tidal, SoundCloud & Amazon Music via Lucida. Inserts a download button on Spotify and a floating Lucida button in the bottom right corner.
SpotidownloadJS-download spotify songs and playlists!
Show Metacritic.com ratingsJS-Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo, allmovie.com, fandango.com, Wikipedia (en), themoviedb.org, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide, followshows.com, TheTVDB.com, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork, Last.fm, TVnfo, rateyourmusic.com, GOG, Epic Games Store, save.tv
Spotify open in appJS-This userscript redirects open.spotify.com links to the desktop app
Spotify Genius LyricsJS-Shows lyrics from genius.com on the Spotify web player
WebSpotifyJS-Make spotify web player working on mobile device.
Spotify MuterJS-Automatically mute spotify when an ad comes on
Spotify RomajiJS-Converts kana and kanji to romaji in Spotify webapp
OpenSpotify-For-MobileJS-Make spotify web player working on mobile device.
YouTube / Spotify Playlists ConverterJS-Convert your music playlists between YouTube & Spotify with a single click.
Change the background color of Spotify lyrics.JS-Spotifyの歌詞の背景色を変更するスクリプト。
mute spotify adsJS-Automatically mute Spotify ads.
Spotify Enhancer (Spotify to YouTube)JS-Easily find YouTube videos for a Spotify track.
Swyter Tweaks for SpotifyJS-Mutes the audio ads on play.spotify.com, while they are still being played, so *everyone* is happy.
Show Metacritic.com ratings (Safari)JS-Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), TV.com, Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo, allmovie.com, movie.com, Wikipedia (en), themoviedb.org, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide, followshows.com, TheTVDB.com, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork, Last.fm, TVNfo, rateyourmusic.com
HTML5 notifications on Spotify Web PlayerJS-Adds silent song notifications with title, artist and cover art
Open spotify keyboard controlsJS-control open spotify with the keyboard
Spotify Playlist SorterJS-Sorts Spotify Web Player playlists by track name.
Spotify & Amplituner Power AutoJS-Script that turns power ON/OFF in my amplituner (with autohotkey http server) automatically with spotify play/pause. For this script browser has to allow mixed content (https spotify vs http autohotkey server)
Spotify Web - Копировать данные трекаJS-Добавить пункт контекстного меню, копирующий имя выбранной песни и исполнителя в буфер обмена.
Oh My Rockness Spotify LinkJS-Add a spotify link to a band in the shows calander to make it easier to listen to them.
Spotify Automatic facebook loginJS-Automatically log in to Spotify web with your facebook account, no need to click the multiple login buttons anymore
Spotify Play Random AlbumJS-Load all of your albums and play random ones
Next and Previous key shortcuts for SpotifyJS-Allows the left and right keyboard arrows to be used to go to the previous and next songs on Spotify.
Spotify Web - Copy playlist infoJS-Copy playlist info for export
Spotify Desktop notificationsJS-Show desktop notifications whenever the track changes
Spotify song-name helperJS-Make craftwar's obs plugin (https://craftwarblog.blogspot.com/2018/01/obs-plugin-playing-song.html) able to get Spotify song name.
remove spotify web adJS-try to take over the world!
SpotifreshJS-Reload and autoplay Spotify when it stops (because I'm blocking ads)
Spotify Web Sidebar TogglerJS-Adds the ability to toggle the main sidebar on Spotify Web using a keyboard shortcut (ctrl + alt + B), original code from https://github.com/dumptyd/slack-sidebar-toggler
XMwiki专辑曲目列表生成JS-几个常用音乐##专辑曲目列表生成 Grab song list information from some websites
●→■ Unround Everything Everywhere ◙CSS-Forces zero border-radius to everything.
Tuna browser scriptJS-Get song information from web players, based on NowSniper by Kıraç Armağan Önal
Open Spotify links in Desktop appJS-Include closing new spotify tab in browser
Tuna browser scriptJS-Get song information from web players, based on NowSniper by Kıraç Armağan Önal
Spotify CopyJS-Add an entry in the context menu here copies the name of the song and the artist examined to the clipboard
Spotify - Add label search linkJS-add label search link
Hide Podcast RecommendationsJS-Hide podcasts from homepage
spotify ads muteJS-player mute when ads
Spotify - Append Artist Name and Title to Copied LinkJS-Spotify - Append Artist Name and Title to Copied Link.
Spotify - Ensure Default Ctrl + Click BebehaviorJS-Spotify - Ensure Default Ctrl + Click Bebehavior.
spotify 中文字体JS-spotify with chinese font
Spotify don't open in appJS-This userscript prevents open.spotify.com links from opening the app
Spotify - Unlimit Tab CountsJS-Spotify - Unlimit Tab Counts.
Switch Music ServiceJS-Switch Music Service.
Always open spotify desktop appJS-Always open spotify links in the desktop app
Spotify Mini PlayerJS-An enhancement to the spotify web player to make it a usable player in small window sizes. Especially useful when installing the web player as a standalone web app.
Download Spotify album artJS-Downloads Spotify images on album pages.
Spotify WaveformJS-Display Waveforms for Tracks on Spotify
Spotify - Random ButtonsJS-Add missing randomize features to Spotify (only random artist for now, more to come later).
spotify friend activityJS-web version of desktop friend activity
Spotify URL - Open to Desktop AppJS-Modifies Spotify URLs to use the "spotify:" app handler and open the url to desktop app
Spotify CleanerJS-This script removes the buttons next to the avatar on Spotify Web.
Open in Spotify Desktop clientJS-Opens spotify links in the desktop app
What's New for WebJS-Adds Spotify's What's New feature to the web version
LZT Music StreamingJS-Трансляция музыки с ВК и ЯМ в статус профилея Lolzteam
spotify removerJS-spotify div remover
Spotify link open in desktop appJS-This userscript redirects open.spotify.com links to the desktop app and close Spotify tab in browser
Download Spotify Playlist art downloaderJS-Downloads Spotify images on album pages.
Better Spotify PiPJS-overrides the old spotify pip feature with a new one that is much more helpful
YouTube & Spotify Lyrics PopupJS-Display lyrics for currently playing songs on YouTube and Spotify
Spotify Web - Скачать обложкуJS-Добавляет кнопку для скачивания обложки в полном размере из веб-плеера Spotify
Infinite Scroll Spotify EpisodesJS-Automatically clicks the "Load More Episodes" button when visible on Spotify using IntersectionObserver for improved efficiency
SPOTIFY ADBLOCKERJS-no annoying spotify ads >:|
Button RemoverJS-Removes the "Explore Premium" and "Install App" buttons from Spotify web player.
Spotify lyric background color changeJS-hi
Spotify Text Selector and Context MenuJS-Позволяет выделять и копировать текст на странице Spotify и разблокирует контекстное меню / Allows selecting and copying text on Spotify pages and unlocks the context menu
Spotify DownloaderJS-Adds convenient download buttons to Spotify tracks, allowing users to download music directly from the web.
Copy Playlist LinksJS-Copy Playlist Links from spotify
Spotify Enhancer (Cover Art Downloader)JS-Add a button to view and download full-sized cover art.
Spotify Enhancer (Cover Art Bulk Downloader)JS-Add a button to download multiple cover arts at once.
Spotify Enhancer (Copy Track Info, ID & Link)JS-Add a button to copy track info, ID, and link.
SpeedifyJS-Tweak your music’s playback speed to your liking, with pitch control and custom ranges. Redesigned fork of ‘Spotify Playback Speed’ by Rnikko, 2022
Spotify unblock right click and text selectionJS-in the name
Spotify Downloader with LucidaJS-Automates Spotify link submission to Lucida downloader and auto-scrolls the Lucida page undetected.
Spotify Track Link SaverJS-Saves the links of tracks from playlists and liked songs on Spotify.
Cigi Spotify TranslatorJS-Extract, translate, and display Spotify lyrics with a language selector and manual translation trigger
Spotify Silent AdsJS-Mute audio when Spotify ads are detected
Audio Tab TitleJS-Change the window title on YouTube based on the channel name and video title, and append the website name on Spotify and SoundCloud pages.
Spotify Lyrics ExtractorJS-获取并复制 Spotify Web 歌词