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Bypass paywalls with google text cacheJS-Redirects websites with paywalls to a google cache version, bypassing paywalls. Based on "Bypass Medium paywall with google text cache" but does not only show text
medium-helperJS-a simple Medium helper to improve reading experience.
Anonymize MediumJS-Erase tracking ID of medium.com from localStorage. For cookie, use extensions like EditThisCookie.
Toc Bar, auto-generating table of contentJS-A floating table of content widget
Medium - noprint [~R]JS-Removes floating navbar when print
Альтернативный перенаправитель с открытым исходным кодомJS-Перенаправляет вас с проприетарных веб-сервисов на этические альтернативы (интерфейс).
Bypass Medium paywall with google text cacheJS-Redirects Medium, Towardsdatascience etc to a text-based google cache version, bypassing paywalls
Break the medium wall!JS-Read premium content on medium.com or towardsdatascience.com (credit to freedium.cfd).
Toc Bar, auto-generating table of contentJS-A floating table of content widget
Bypass PaywallsJS-A way to bypass paywalls for popular news sites.
Remove CookiesJS-The companion script for Bypass Paywalls.
Auto Redirect to FreediumJS-Automatically redirects Medium/TowardsDataScience articles to Freedium
Medium免费阅读 Medium UnlockJS-Adds a button to read full Medium articles via freedium.cfd
Medium to Freedium RedirectJS-Redirects Medium membership articles to freedium.cfd