Избранное by xxalexx
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Загрузчик InstagramJS-Добавьте кнопки для загрузки или открытия медиа
Telegram Web - Allow Saving ContentJS-Bypass Telegram's saving content restrictions for media and text; batch download media from selected messages
Twitch - Disable automatic video downscaleJS-Disables the automatic downscaling of Twitch streams while tabbed away
YouTube - Stay Active and Play ForeverJS-Tired of Youtube pausing playback asking you to click 'yes' to continue playing? This script will make the popup never appear, music will never stop. Never pause, never inactive, never worry. The script will keep you active and keep playing music FOREVER. Enables playing in background on mobile.
Youtube Card Annotations DisableJS-Assign an extra option to the default annotations button to toggle the new youtube cards
Twitch Auto Channel Points ClaimerJS-Automatically claim channel points.
Volafile UnremoverJS-Preserves messages and files auto-removed by Volafile and prevents navigation to front page on room closure.
YouTube shorts seek forward/backward shortcutJS-Adds seek forward/backward shortcut buttons to shorts similair to how the default video player works. Additionaly also adds a shortcut to open the short in the default player.
Instagram Anonymous Story ViewerJS-Blocks a specific request to maintain anonymity while viewing Instagram stories.
VSCO Gallery DLJS-Bulk DL or Single DL on img click