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PagetualJS-Автоматическая подгрузка следующих страниц и вставка их содержимого в текущую страницу. Поддерживает тысячи сайтов даже с настройками по умолчанию.
Image DownloaderJS-Images can be extracted and batch downloaded from most websites. Especially for websites the right click fails or image can not save. Extra features: zip download / auto-enlarge image. See the script description at info page (suitable for chrome/firefox+tampermonkey)
DownloadAllContentJS-Lightweight web scraping script. Fetch and download main textual content from the current page, provide special support for novels
My Novel ReaderJS-小说阅读脚本,统一阅读样式,内容去广告、修正拼音字、段落整理,自动下一页
Popup Blocker Script(备份)JS-The most efficient user script for blocking popups of all types. Designed to fight the sneakiest popups including the ones on adult and streaming websites.
网易云音乐显示完整歌单JS-解除歌单歌曲展示数量限制 & 播放列表 1000 首上限
微博关注列表 添加批量选中按钮功能JS-微博列表页面,没有批量选中按钮,微博默默的给我关注了300多个美白,整容,减肥,微商,乱七八糟的账号,自己一个一个点击取消得累死所以自己想办法加了一个批量选中的按钮。
bilibili Danmaku DisablerJS-Automatically turn off bilibili HTML5 player danmaku
Greasyfork script-set-edit buttonJS-Add / Remove script into / from script set directly in GF script info page
Pixiv Origin ImageJS-Pixiv原图显示