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Linkify Plus PlusJS-Based on Linkify Plus. Turn plain text URLs into links.
Absolute Enable Right Click & CopyJS-Force Enable Right Click & Copy & Highlight
Manga Loader (unmaintained)JS-Support for over 70 sites! Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet
Manga OnlineViewerJS-Shows all pages at once in online view for these sites: Asura Scans, Batoto, BilibiliComics, Comick, Dynasty-Scans, Flame Comics, Ikigai Mangas - EltaNews, Ikigai Mangas - Ajaco, KuManga, LHTranslation, Local Files, MangaBuddy, MangaDemon, MangaDex, MangaFox, MangaHere, Mangago, MangaHub, MangaKakalot, MangaNelo, MangaNato, MangaOni, Mangareader, MangaToons, ManhwaWeb, MangaGeko.com, MangaGeko.cc, ReadComicsOnline, ReaperScans, TuMangaOnline, WebNovel, WebToons, WeebCentral, Vortex Scans, ZeroSc
AdsBypasserJS-Bypass Ads
Youtube UnblockerJS-Automatically forwards country-blocked YouTube videos to clipzag.com and unblocks the video.
Прямые ссылки наружуJS-Убирает "Бла-бла-бла, Вы покидаете наш сайт" и переадресации из ссылок
Affiliate killerJS-No more Affiliate Link! Plz Original URL!
The Pirate Bay CleanerJS-Release 2024 Build 1
True URL downloadsJS-迅雷、快车、QQ旋风等专有链解密,嗅探下载链接并批量管理
GoogleSearchExtraButtonsJS-Кнопки вариантов поиска для страницы поиска Google (1-2-3 дня, недели, PDF, ...)
Ads DOM RemoverJS-Removes Ad Containers from DOM (doesn't replace adblocker extension, but blocks dynamic content which the adblocker fails to block by removing whole sections from the HTML DOM.)
Tumblr Tumview LinkerJS-Add Tumview.com link on Tumblr sites and vice versa.
Tumblr Easy Page BrowsingJS-Now it works on all tumblr blogs even if not with a tumblr domain. Adds a draggable navigation panel that contains buttons for newer page, older page, home and archive. The script stores the position of the panel.
Search By ImageJS-Search By Image | 以图搜图
[TS] Linx AmenderJS-Generic tracking/redirection/open-in-new-tab removal; Amend page title; URL redirector; and more power functionality. Has rules for Pixiv, deviantArt, twitter, youtube, blogger, Batota etc.
Eza's Tumblr ScrapeJS-Creates a new page showing just the images from any Tumblr
VNDB Cover PreviewJS-Previews covers in vndb.org searches when hovering over the respective hyperlinks.
PageExpandJS-All Image Download. Image Zoom. Expand Thumbnail and Audio and Video. Expand the short URL. Generate a link from text. Extend BBS. etc...
Markdown-тулбар для USOJS-Включает формат Markdown по умолчанию, добавляет справочные ссылки по форматам, добавляет панель кнопок форматирования markdown
FaviconizeGoogleJS-Adds favicons next to Google search r###lts. Also works for Ecosia, StartPage and Searx.
Auto-focus on first textboxJS-Auto-focuses on the first/main textbox of a site
[grom] phpBB forum helperJS-phpBB: view user's posts and topics; cleans (tab) titles; removes ads and hidden metadata.
The Pirate BayJS-A better layout, many addition servers
Tumblr note cleanupJS-A small line of code that removes all the useless likes and reblogs without comments from the notes list below a post.
General URL CleanerJS-Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
The Pirate HelperJS-Enhances your pirating experience!
RefLinkGeneratorJS-Generate reference link in all kinds of markup languages like html, markdown etc and copy to system clipboard.
Markdown toolbar for reddit.comJS-Creates a Markdown toolbar whenever you make/edit text posts or comments in reddit.com
mozillaZine Forums - insert titles to bug linksJS-Inserts titles to bug links that are plain URLs, in forums.mozillazine.org
SF.net: Direct download linksJS-Replaces links in the Files tab on sourceforge.net with direct download links
8chan Infinity Next Reverse Image SearchJS-Add google, tineye, iqdb and saucenao reverse image search to 8ch.net Infinity Next and all subdomains
IMDb: Link 'em all!JS-Adds all kinds of links to IMDb, customizable!
reCAPTCHA HelperJS-This automatically clicks or executes on any reCAPTCHA on the webpage and submits its form directly after you solved it.
Prevent idle pop-up on 9gag.comJS-Simulates scroll event to prevent idle pop-up
Pocket Web Reader WidthJS-Change the width of the article view in the Pocket.com Web Reader
reddit image infoJS-Shows and highlights media/author information from imgur, gfycat, giphy, sli.mg, and more, adds an improved image/video expando, and detects reposted imgur comments.
frisch's UserScript ExtenderJS-Extends the document with a new namespace for user script crosswide functions to utilize. Has no use alone but can be accessed by other scripts using document.fExt
frisch's UtilitiesJS-Combines several userscripts. Includes Shift-Copy, Image Transformation, Html Element Deletion, Mousegrab for Link selection
Remove sponsored content from PocketJS-It tries to remove sponsored content from Pocket's queue.
Toggle Simplenote SidebarJS-Button in footer to hide Simplenote siadebar.
Link GuruJS-Adds boxes full on links to a few sites.
NoKissReload [CAPTCHA SKIP]JS-Plays the next Episode without reloading the page
9gag remember positionJS-If you scroll down and then close your browser, you lose your scrolling progress. This script adds one magical button, that remembers the position for you as bookmarkable link. Easily allowing you to continue where you left off.
Remove junk URL parametersJS-Hides UTM and other tracking parameters from URLs.
KissAnime Auto Captcha V3.2JS-Auto complete KissAnime Captcha
GrayscalerJS-Render entire page in grayscale (greyscale). Updated 2017-07-08.