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Magic Userscript+: показать сайт всем UserJSJS-Находит доступные юзерскрипты для текущей веб-страницы.
Simple Sponsor SkipperJS-Skips annoying intros, sponsors and w/e on YouTube and its frontends like Invidious and CloudTube using the SponsorBlock API.
Paywall redirect to Archive.todayJS-Redirect spiegel.de faz.net zeit.de zerohedge.com Süddeutsche Zeitung SZPlus tagesspiegel paywall pages to archive.today
Remove Char Limit for Bing Chat AIJS-This Tampermonkey script enhances your search experience on Bing Chat by removing the character limit from the search input. Enjoy unrestricted search queries and explore endless possibilities with ease, as the script displays an infinity symbol (∞) in place of the character counter.