Mass follow and unfollow blogs on Tumblr
Now accepts both comma and space separated lists.
Now has checking/handling for URLs in the list that Tumblr might have changed the dashes to en-dashes. (boo, Tumblr!)
Removed included URL because Tumblr doesn't provide form keys on subsequent pages so no point in having Followr there.
NOTE: You may have to run Followr a couple times to get everyone because sometimes Tumblr didn't follow the URL though it told the script it did. Also, you can only have 200 Following changes per day (follows or unfollows) so keep that in mind.
It now notifies you when it's done!
I still need to add a notification for successful follows/unfollows and when it's finished, but for now, just enter your comma separated list and hit submit. Boom. It works. I've tried it several times already.