Highlight posts by VIPs, Mods, Alpha and Delta Teamates, Devs, Admins, and SysOps.
// ==UserScript== // @id highlight-important-people // @name What.CD: Highlight Important People // @namespace hateradio))) // @author hateradio // @version 1.85 // @description Highlight posts by VIPs, Mods, Alpha and Delta Teamates, Devs, Admins, and SysOps. // @homepage http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/94902 // @include http*://*what.cd/forums.php* // @license Creative Commons // @updated May 21 2012 // @since Jan 17 2011 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var highlight = { xpt : document.evaluate("//tr[contains(@class, 'colhead_dark')]//strong//text()[contains(.,'(')]", document, null, XPathR###lt.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null), snd : function(){ return document.querySelectorAll('table:not(.important_user) .secondary_class') }, tab : document.querySelectorAll('table.forum_post'), reg : /\b(?:VIP|Legend|Moderator|Support|Team|Developer|Administrator|SysOp)\b/, txt : 'table.important_user {box-shadow: 0 0 3px 1px magenta !important;}', sty : document.createElement('style'), nit : function(){ this.css(); this.col(); this.col2(); }, css : function(){ this.sty.type = 'text/css'; this.sty.textContent = this.txt; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(this.sty); }, col : function(){ var i = this.xpt.snapshotLength, t; while(i--){ t = this.xpt.snapshotItem(i); if(this.reg.test(t.textContent)){ this.tab[i].className += ' important_user'; } } }, col2 : function(){ var p = this.snd(), i = p.length; while(i--){ p[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.className += ' important_user'; } } }; highlight.nit();