Save External CSS
// ==UserScript== // @name Gazelle : External CSS Saver // @namespace hateradio))) // @description Save External CSS // @include http*://*.what.cd/user.php?action=edit&userid=* // @include http*://*.apollo.rip/user.php?action=edit&userid=* // @version 2 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function(){ var strg, saver; strg = { on:(function(){ try { var s = window.localStorage; if(s.getItem&&s.setItem&&s.removeItem){return true;} }catch(e){return false;} }()), read:function(key){ return this.on ? JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(key)) : false; }, save:function(key, dat){ return this.on ? !window.localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(dat)) : false; }, wipe:function(key){ return this.on ? !window.localStorage.removeItem(key) : false; }, zero:function(o){ var k; for(k in o){ if(o.hasOwnProperty(k)){ return false; } } return true; }, grab:function(key, def){ return this.read(key) || def; } }; saver = { boxes : 8, cssBoxUrl : document.getElementById('styleurl'), cssBox : document.getElementById('styleurl').parentNode, submitButton : document.querySelector('input[value="Save Profile"]'), data : strg.grab('css_saves', {}), reg : /(?:\.css)/, init : function () { this.box.insert(); this.submitButton.addEventListener('click', this.box.saveValues, false); }, box : { saveValues : function () { var i = 0, s = {}, v = ''; for (i; i < saver.boxes; i++) { v = document.getElementById('addcss'+i).value; s[i] = saver.reg.test(v) ? v : ''; } strg.save('css_saves', s); }, putValue : function () { if (saver.reg.test(this.value)) { document.getElementById('styleurl').value = this.value; } }, getValue : function (id) { return saver.data[id] || ''; }, insert : function () { var i = 0, e, f = document.createDocumentFragment(), s = document.createElement('small'); f.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); for (i; i < saver.boxes; i++) { e = document.createElement('input'); e.type = 'url'; e.id = 'addcss' + i; e.value = this.getValue(i); e.size = 60; e.addEventListener('dblclick', saver.box.putValue, false); f.appendChild(e); f.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); } s.textContent = 'Submit the form to save.'; f.appendChild(s); saver.cssBox.appendChild(f); } } }; saver.init(); }());