
Greasy Fork is available in English.

Instagram - visible images counter

Shows in instagram profile pages how many images out of total (as a number and as a percentage) are currently visible, as you scroll down the page.

นี่คือเวอร์ชันของสคริปต์นี้ที่โค้ดมีการอัปเดต แสดงเวอร์ชันทั้งหมด

  • v2024.2.2323-02-2024Imported from URL
  • v2023.9.2726-09-2023

    Update Instagram_-_visible_images_counter.user.js

    Fix https://github.com/darkred/Userscripts/issues/52#issuecomment-1736307112

  • v2023.3.3131-03-2023Update Instagram_-_visible_images_counter.user.jsUpdated a selector after recent changes in Instagram HTML
  • v2022.11.1313-11-2022Update Instagram_-_visible_images_counter.user.jsFix https://github.com/darkred/Userscripts/issues/52#issuecomment-1304661340
  • v2022.11.505-11-2022Update Instagram_-_visible_images_counter.user.jsUpdated a selector after recent site redesign. Closes #52 .
  • v2022.9.504-09-2022Update Instagram_-_visible_images_counter.user.jsUpdated 'thePics' selector ( per https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/11635-instagram-visible-images-counter/discussions/142467 )
  • v2022.6.1212-06-2022Updated most selectors after recent site code changes+ create trust policy conditionally
  • v2022.2.1312-02-2022(Instagram - visible images counter) Updated/combined two selectors
  • v2021.12.1806-01-2022Removed unused var
  • v2021.12.1818-12-2021Update Instagram_-_visible_images_counter.user.jsRestored a previous selector after recent changes in Instagram HTML
  • v2021.12.1312-12-2021Update Instagram_-_visible_images_counter.user.jsUpdated most selectors after recent changes in Instagram HTML
  • v2021.4.1212-04-2021Update Instagram_-_visible_images_counter.user.jsFix for https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/11635-instagram-visible-images-counter/discussions/82028
  • v2021.3.1111-03-2021Update Instagram_-_visible_images_counter.user.js- avoid NaN in counter- fix for https://github.com/darkred/Userscripts/issues/24#issuecomment-796407167- updated/improved pics selector
  • v2021.3.1010-03-2021Update Instagram_-_visible_images_counter.user.jsRemoved a stray alert()
  • v2021.3.808-03-2021Update Instagram_-_visible_images_counter.user.jsBetter support for History API navigation
  • v2019.4.2825-06-2020(all scripts)Added @supportURL pointing to the GitHub repo (thanks to Jason Barnabe for the suggestion)
  • v2019.4.2827-10-2019(various scripts)Converted file encoding from 'UTF-8 with BOM' to 'UTF-8'
  • v2019.4.2827-04-2019(Instagram - visible images counter) Updated some selectors
  • v2018.12.201-12-2018Update Instagram_-_visible_images_counter.user.js(Instagram - visible images counter) Updated the 'avatarSelector', for the counter element creation, after recent changes in Instagram HTML (per https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/47370).
  • v2018.11.303-11-2018Update Instagram_-_visible_images_counter.user.jsUpdated the selector for the visible images counter(per https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/45041/x )
  • v2018.9.808-09-2018(Instagram - visible images counter)Added a second selector for 'totalString', for when you are not logged in.
  • v2018.8.1413-08-2018(Instagram - visible images counter)Now using a better selector for the 'total' element, i.e. without the jQuery ":contains()" selector.
  • v2018.8.808-08-2018(Instagram - visible images counter) Now it also works in localized pages, e.g. https://www.instagram.com/instagram/?hl=de
  • v2018.4.2820-05-2018(All scripts) Rearranged the metadata block
  • v2018.4.2827-04-2018(Instagram - visible images counter)- removed no longer needed code (for autoclicking the "LOAD MORE button")- now the script also works when following profile links from the 'Search' button r###lts
  • v2018.4.302-04-2018(Instagram - visible images counter) fix the selector specificity of the observer target
  • v2018.3.4.104-03-2018(Instagram - visible images counter) Fixed the counter to show the correct initial visible images count.Fixed the counter to become reset when navigating away from a profile page (to any other page).
  • v2018.3.404-03-2018(Instagram - visible images counter) Slightly renamed a variable and a function.
  • v2018.3.404-03-2018(Instagram - visible images counter) Changed again the selector for the avatar element in profile pages .Replaced in the the 'arrive' and 'leave' lines the jQuery element $(document)into pure javascript, i.e. 'document'Removed an unneeded if/else. Re-indented the script.
  • v2018.3.303-03-2018(Instagram - visible images counter) improved the selector for the avatar element in profile pages
  • v2018.2.2727-02-2018Changed the values values of a few @require keys(all for greasyfork.org) to point to non version specific URLs
  • v2018.2.1615-02-2018(Instagram - visible images counter) Now the script no longer re-calculates counter when you reach the end of the profile.Also, removed the unneeded property 'childList for the observer
  • v2018.2.1312-02-2018(Instagram - visible images counter) Updated for the latest Instagram changewhere, as you scroll down the page,and new top 'row' nodes(with 3 images each) are added,at the same time the top/oldest 'row' nodes are removed,in order to keep the document small.
  • v2017.11.2121-11-2017(Instagram - visible images counter) Improved some selectors and addedone more 'arrive'
  • v2017.11.1417-11-2017Greasemonkey 4.0 compatibility
  • v2017.11.512-11-2017Added '@licence MIT'(required by OUJS, in order to allow import and autoupdate of scriptsfrom GitHub)
  • v2017.11.505-11-2017(Instagram - visible images counter) updated the selectorfor when navigating/leaving a profile page.
  • v2016.11.1818-11-2016Synced from GitHub - (Instagram - visible images counter)Fix for when the counter should not appear (e.g. in timeline)
  • v2016.08.0217-09-2016Synced from GitHub - Converted all scripts encoding from UTF-8 back to UTF-8 BOM(i.e. with the same encoding that Greasemonkey installs them in)
  • v2016.08.0213-08-2016Imported from URL
  • v2016.08.0212-08-2016Imported from URL
  • v2016.08.0202-08-2016Some more refactoring
  • v2016.08.0202-08-2016
  • v2016.08.0202-08-2016
  • v2016.08.0202-08-2016Fix for instagram main page + refactoring\
  • v2016.08.0202-08-2016
  • v2016.08.0202-08-2016
  • v2016.08.0202-08-2016Now it's no no longer needed to open a profile page in a new tab (using the arrive.js library)
  • v2016.07.0403-07-2016Changed the @require (from jQueryUI to jQuery)
  • v2016.06.1313-06-2016Minor Update for recent changes in instagram HTML
