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Tumblr Reblog Fix Two

Fixes reblogs to allow them to be edited (for September 2015 update)

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Tumblr Reblog Fix Two

A script to "fix" reblogs on Tumblr so that they are editable.


On September 2nd, 2015, Tumblr destroyed our lives. I'm here to fix it.


Tumblr Reblog Fix is a user-end script that runs on the Tumblr dashboard and does the following:

  1. Installs the script in the page rather than running outside of the page
  2. Waits to be triggered by the Tumblr event for opening the new post form
  3. Determines if this is a reblogged post with quoted material, stops running if no to either
  4. Grabs theml HTML from the reblog chain and reformats it to not look ridiuclous
  5. Combines the HTML from the reblog chain and any HTML that is already in the reply box
  6. Replaces HTML in reply box with combined HTML
  7. Clicks the button to hide reblog chain
  8. Hides the reblog chain section


Step #1: Have a scripting extension installed on your browser

You must be using one of the following browsers and the supplied extension:

Note: Currently, these are the only known supported browsers.

Step #2: Install the script

Click the big green "Install Script" button above and then click the "Install" button that your scripting extension presents you.

Note: Do NOT click "Process With Chrome" as this will not work.

Step #3: Refresh and start reblogging

Refresh your page on Tumblr and try reblogging a post. All the work required to move everything into the reply area should be done for you, now.


Code is written and maintained by Allyson Moisan, who is known as gracefulally on Greasyfork and wolfspirals on Tumblr. License is MIT and copyright is to me.


The fastest way to contact me is via my ask box or submit box on Tumblr. Additionally, you may contact me via email or creating a comment in this sctipt's Feedback Forum which I check periodically.


When contacting me about a bug or problem, include the following information:

  • Browser: The browser you are using (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or Safari) [mandatory]
  • Extension: The browser scripting extension you are using (e.g. Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey) [mandatory]
  • Version: Version of Tumblr Reblog Fix that's installed, go to your script extension dashboard to find it [optional]
  • Bug Description: What's wrong? What steps did you take to create the problem? [mandatory]
  • Screenshot: Link(s) to screenshot(s) of the problem [optional]
  • Contact Info: How to get back to you specfically [optional]

Note: I will get back to you as soon as possible, but I'm not on at all hours nor do I have a set schedule, so you may have to wait a few hours. Also, never just say "it doesn't work" because that tells me nothing.


If this script helped you and you wish to send me a donation, you can do so via PayPal. Any amount is welcome and you do not have to donate if you don't want to or don't have the means.


Here are some other Tumblr scripts that I recommend:

by Vindicar

by benign-mx

Here are some user-styles for Tumblr that I recommend:

Finally, I always recommend the browser extension New xKit if you have the bandwidth for using it!