// ==UserScript== // @name AC-必应取词+翻译 // @description 一个可以在浏览器中自由使用的屏幕取词脚本-alt+鼠标翻译,或者选中按Q翻译;必应智能翻译,翻译精准 // @version 2.6 // @namespace youdao // @license GPL-3.0-only // @author AC -modified from :Liu Yuyang([email protected]) // @include * // @icon https://gitee.com/remixAC/GM_script/raw/master/images/head.jpg // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/10783-md5/code/md5.js?version=60242 // @run-at document-end // @note V2.6 2020-07-19 修复翻译API失效的问题 // @note V2.5 2019-12-05 修复由于之前没注意的点导致的部分网站运行异常的问题 // @note V2.3 2019-09-06 搜狗翻译彻底失效,由于搜狗采用的方案越来越狗血,无法较好的获取到实际的sign,因此放弃使用搜狗,转为使用必应来进行翻译 // @note V2.2 2019-08-28 更新搜狗翻译失效的问题,修改为搜狗的api翻译 // @note V2.1 2019-05-25 继续修复翻译失效的问题,后来发现是Resouece无法即时的刷新,所以现在采用脚本自动的获取数据,同时也支持了其他脚本的运行 // @note V2.0 2019-03-24 只支持Tampermonkey。由于GM_getResourceText在GM下的不支持的原因,所以暂时只支持Tampermonkey的运行 // @note V1.9 2019-02-21 继续更新搜狗API更新导致的无法翻译的bug -- 变更为库文件更新模式,可以很方便的更新token // @note V1.8 2018-12-19 更新搜狗API的key,且修复了部分特殊关键词无法翻译的bug // @note V1.7 2018-12-04 修复搜狗搜索API更新的问题--已经更换为搜狗的翻译API;如果搜狗更新的话,那估计又要换回必应翻译了 // @note V1.6 2018-05-23 修复部分英文单词翻译不出来的bug,同时修复特殊的BOLD标签 // @note V1.5 2018-05-16 修复英文翻译单词的bug,同时修复语音的问题,暂时就这样了,最近不更新了,有需要的话提出来,以后再说 // @note V1.4 2018-05-16 修复上一次更新导致的bug,同时修复多种语言翻译,结果却翻译成了英文的bug // @note V1.3 2018-05-16 修复word词组的时候翻译出错的问题 // @note V1.2 2018-05-16 修复没有添加connect的错误问题 // @note V1.1 2018-05-12 有道自己不更新~~HTTPS证书过期,现在使用搜狗翻译吧,老司机们说搜狗翻译还是很有优势的,至于百度翻译,再说吧 // @note V1.0 2017-11-22 修复firefox57的翻译的BUG // @note V0.9 2017-11-15 修复了一大堆,优化了下界面的展示问题 // @note V0.8 2017-2-21 修正了由于z-index过低导致的淘宝页面翻译过于底层而看不见 // @note V0.7 2016-9-29 修正了部分格式错误,换行的时候稍微好了点 // @note V0.6 2016-1-12 终于修正了,之前只改了句子翻译中的文字颜色,才发现单词翻译后的颜色简直看不清。。。 // @note V0.5 2016-1-9 修改默认背景色 // @note V0.4 2016-1-8 修正chrome的支持 // @note V0.3 2016-1-8 修改窗体默认大小,尽可能的显示回车功能,避免了以前的全部显示在同一行--依旧有bug // @note V0.2 2015-11-26 修改部分地方适合自己使用,选中文字,按下Q翻译,或者alt+鼠标选中,自动翻译 // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @connect fanyi.youdao.com // @connect fanyi.sogou.com // @connect xbaidu.ntaow.com // @connect cn.bing.com // @connect www.bing.com // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM.setValue // ==/UserScript== (function(){ var curX; var curY; var timeout; var transR###lt; var Config = {}; // 之前忘了加上参数的定义,导致了污染全局的变量 if (typeof(GM) == "undefined") { // 这个是ViolentMonkey的支持选项 GM = {}; GM.setValue = GM_setValue; GM.getValue = GM_getValue; } Promise.all([GM.getValue("Config")]).then(function (data) { if (data[0] != null) { Config = data[0]; }else{ Config = {}; } // 初始化完成之后才能调用正常函数 callback(); }).catch(function (except) { console.log(except); }); function callback() { document.body.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e){curX = e.clientX; curY = e.clientY;}, false); document.body.addEventListener("keypress", callbackWrapper, false); document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", callbackWrapper, false); document.body.addEventListener("dblclick", callbackWrapper, false); GM_addStyle("bold{font-weight: bold;}"); } function callbackWrapper(e) { if(e.type === 'dblclick' && isInACTransPop()){ // console.log("双击操作:复制目标文本"); // console.log(transR###lt); return; } if(e.charCode == 113 || e.type == "mouseup"){ //Q // remove previous .ACyoudaoPopup if exists var previous = document.querySelector(".ACyoudaoPopup"); if(previous && isInACTransPop()){ document.body.removeChild(previous); transR###lt = ""; } // quick fix. with ctrl key held if (e.type == "mouseup" && !e.altKey) { return; } clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(function(){ translate(); }, 120); } } function isInACTransPop(){ var checkNode = document.getSelection().anchorNode.parentNode; return checkNode && (""+checkNode.className).indexOf("ACyoudao") < 0; } function translate() { var selectObj = document.getSelection(); if (selectObj.anchorNode.nodeType == 3) { var word = selectObj.toString(); if (word == "") { return; } word = word.replace(new RegExp('(\r\n)+', 'g'), 'QWER');// 特殊标记便于替换 var ts = new Date().getTime(); var mx = curX; var my = curY; translate(word, ts); } function popup(mx, my, r###lt) { var youdaoWindow = document.createElement('div'); youdaoWindow.classList.toggle("ACyoudaoPopup"); // parse var res = JSON.parse(r###lt); var dictJSON = res[0]['translations'][0]; var query = dictJSON['displayTarget'] || dictJSON['text']; // var errorCode = dictJSON['errorCode']; if (dictJSON['dictionary']) { word(); } else { sentence(); } // main window // first insert into dom then there is offsetHeight!IMPORTANT! document.body.appendChild(youdaoWindow); youdaoWindow.style = "color: #000; text-align: left; position: fixed; background: rgb(237, 246, 255); border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px; opacity: 1; min-width: 300px; max-width: 550px; overflow-wrap: break-word; font-size: 15px;padding: 3px; z-index: 2147483647;display:block !important;"; youdaoWindow.style.left = mx + 10 + "px"; if (mx + 200 + 30 >= window.innerWidth) { youdaoWindow.style.left = parseInt(youdaoWindow.style.left) - 200 + "px"; } //alert(window.innerHeight); if (my + youdaoWindow.offsetHeight + 30 >= window.innerHeight) { youdaoWindow.style.bottom = "20px"; } else { youdaoWindow.style.top = my + "px"; } function word() { function play(soundURL) { if(soundURL.indexOf("http") != 0) soundURL = "https:" + soundURL; function playSound(buffer) { var source = context.createBufferSource(); source.buffer = buffer; source.connect(context.destination); source.start(0); } var context = new AudioContext(); // var soundUrl = 'https://dict.youdao.com/dictvoice?type=2&audio='+encodeURIComponent(word); console.log(soundURL); var soundUrl = soundURL; var p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var ret = GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: soundUrl, responseType: 'arraybuffer', onload: function(res) { try { context.decodeAudioData(res.response, function(buffer) { resolve(buffer); }); } catch(e) { reject(e); } } }); }); p.then(playSound, function(e) { console.log(e); }); } // var basic = dictJSON['basic'] != null ? dictJSON['basic'] : dictJSON['dictionary']['content'][0]; var basic = dictJSON; var header = document.createElement('div'); var phoneticText = []; header.className = "ACyoudaoPopupDIV"; // header var span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = "ACyoudaoPopupSpan"; span.innerHTML = query; header.appendChild(span); // phonetic if there is var phonetic = basic['phonetic']; var transWord; try{ transWord = basic['category'][0]['sense'][0]['description']; }catch (e) { transWord = basic['usual'][0]['values']; } if(typeof(phonetic) == "object"){ var i = 0; phonetic.map(function(one){ phoneticText[i] = one['text']+";"; i++; }); }else{ phoneticText[0] = phonetic; } for(var i = 0; i < phoneticText.length; i++){ var phoneticNode = document.createElement('span'); if(i == phoneticText.length-1) phoneticNode.innerHTML = '[' + phoneticText[i] + ']:'+transWord; else phoneticNode.innerHTML = '[' + phoneticText[i] + ']'; phoneticNode.style.cursor = "pointer"; header.appendChild(phoneticNode); var playLogo = document.createElement('span'); header.appendChild(phoneticNode); (function(index){ phoneticNode.addEventListener('mouseup', function(e){ if (e.target === phoneticNode) { } e.stopPropagation(); play(phonetic[index]['filename']); }, false); })(i); } header.style.lineHeight = "1.8"; header.style.color = "black"; header.style.margin = "0"; header.style.padding = "0"; span.style.fontSize = "15px"; span.style.color = "black"; youdaoWindow.appendChild(header); var hr = document.createElement('hr'); hr.className = "ACyoudaoPopupHR"; hr.style.margin = "0"; hr.style.padding = "0"; hr.style.height = "1px"; hr.style.borderTop = "dashed 1px black"; youdaoWindow.appendChild(hr); var ul = document.createElement('ul'); ul.className = "ACyoudaoPopupUL"; // ul style ul.style.margin = "0"; ul.style.padding = "0"; var mapNode; try{ mapNode = basic['category'][0]['sense'][0]['example']; }catch (e) { mapNode = basic['content'][0]['item']['core']; } mapNode.map(function(trans) { var li = document.createElement('li'); li.className = "ACyoudaoPopupLi"; li.style.listStyle = "none"; li.style.margin = "0"; li.style.padding = "0"; li.style.background = "none"; li.style.color = "#008CD8"; var innerHTML = ""; if(trans['source'] != undefined){ innerHTML = trans['source']+":"+trans['target']; }else{ innerHTML = trans['detail']['zh']+":" + trans['detail']['en']+":"; } var divNode = document.createElement("div"); divNode.innerHTML = innerHTML; li.appendChild(divNode); ul.appendChild(li); }); youdaoWindow.appendChild(ul); } function sentence() { var ul = document.createElement('ul'); ul.className = "ACyoudaoPopupUL"; // ul style ul.style.margin = "0"; ul.style.padding = "0"; var trans = dictJSON['displayTarget'] || dictJSON['text']; // 翻译结果 // var oriText = dictJSON['translate']['text']; // 原始文本-找不到 var li = document.createElement('li'); li.style.listStyle = "none"; li.style.margin = "0"; li.style.padding = "0"; li.style.background = "none"; li.style.color = "#008CD8"; li.className = "ACyoudaoPopupLi"; trans = trans.replaceAll('QWER', '\n').replaceAll(",", ", "); console.log(trans); // if(oriText.length < 70 && !/\n/.test(oriText)) // 如果长度比较短,并且没有回车符 // trans = oriText+"\n"+trans; transR###lt += trans; var reg = new RegExp("\n","gm"); while(reg.exec(trans) != null){// 如果找不到回车了,那么最后重复一次新建<p> //找到一个回车,那么添加一个新的<p>,内容为:trans.sub(0, ?); trans = trans.sub(?); var newNode = document.createElement("li"); newNode.className = "ACyoudaoPopupLi"; newNode.style.listStyle = "none"; newNode.style.margin = "0"; newNode.style.padding = "0"; newNode.style.background = "none"; newNode.style.color = "#008CD8"; newNode.style.fontSize = "15px"; newNode.innerHTML = trans.substring(0, reg.lastIndex-1); li.appendChild(newNode); trans = trans.substring(reg.lastIndex); } var newNode = document.createElement("div"); newNode.className = "ACyoudaoPopupDiv"; newNode.innerHTML = trans; newNode.style = "line-height: 1.8;color:#008CD8 !important;font-size:15px !important;margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;"; li.appendChild(newNode); ul.appendChild(li); youdaoWindow.appendChild(ul); } } function ToCDB(str) { var tmp = ""; for(var i=0;i<str.length;i++) { if(str.charCodeAt(i)>65248&&str.charCodeAt(i)<65375) { tmp += String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(i)-65248); } else { tmp += String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(i)); } } return tmp } function translate(word, ts) { var ToLANGUAGE = "en"; if(!/[\u4E00-\u9FA5]/g.test(word)) // 如果没有中文,那么说明是外文--> to=中文 ToLANGUAGE = "zh-Hans"; var data = `fromLang=auto-detect&to=${ToLANGUAGE}&text=${encodeURIComponent(word)}`; console.log(data); var ret = GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: "https://www.bing.com/ttranslatev3", method: "POST", data: data, binary: true, headers: {"Accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, // can be omitted... onload: function(res) { var retContent = res.response; console.log(retContent); retContent = ToCDB(retContent); //console.log(retContent) popup(mx, my, retContent); }, onerror: function(res) { console.log("error"); } }); } String.prototype.replaceAll = function(s1,s2){ return this.replace(new RegExp(s1,"gm"),s2); }; } })();