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Show Metacritic.com ratings (Safari)

Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), TV.com, Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo, allmovie.com, movie.com, Wikipedia (en), themoviedb.org, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide, followshows.com, TheTVDB.com, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork, Last.fm, TVNfo, rateyourmusic.com


คุณอาจชื่นชอบ Show Rottentomatoes meter

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// @description Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), TV.com, Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo, allmovie.com, movie.com, Wikipedia (en), themoviedb.org, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide, followshows.com, TheTVDB.com, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork, Last.fm, TVNfo, rateyourmusic.com
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function name2metacritic(s) {
return s.normalize('NFKD').replace(/\//g,"").replace(/[\u0300-\u036F]/g, '').replace(/&/g,"and").replace(/\W+/g, " ").toLowerCase().trim().replace(/\W+/g,"-");
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return seconds>60?parseInt(seconds/60)+" min ago":"now";
function randomStringId() {
var id10 = function() { return  Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000000000).toString(16).substring(1); };
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function fixMetacriticURLs(html) {
return html.replace(/<a /g,'<a target="_blank" ').replace(/href="\//g,'href="'+baseURL).replace(/src="\//g,'src="'+baseURL);
function searchType2metacritic(type) {
return ({
'movie' : 'movie',
'pcgame' : 'game',
'xonegame' : 'game',
'ps4game' : 'game',
'music' : 'album',
'tv' : 'tv'
function metacritic2searchType(type) {
return ({
"Album" : "music",
"TV" : "tv",
"Movie" : "movie",
"PC Game" : "pcgame",
"PS4 Game" : "ps4game",
"XONE Game" : "onegame",
"WIIU Game" : "xxxxx",
"3DS Game" : "xxxx"
function metaScore(score, word) {
var fg,bg,t;
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fg = "black";
bg = "#ccc";
t = "tbd";
} else if(score >= 75) {
fg = "white";
bg = "#6c3";
t = parseInt(score);
} else if(score < 40) {
fg = "white";
bg = "#f00";
t = parseInt(score);
} else {
fg = "white";
bg = "#fc3";
t = parseInt(score);
return '<span title="'+(word?word:'')+'" style="display: inline-block; color: '+fg+';background:'+bg+';font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 17px;font-style: normal;font-weight: bold;height: 2em;width: 2em;line-height: 2em;text-align: center;vertical-align: middle;">'+t+'</span>';
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return false;
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function metacritic_hoverInfo(url, docurl, cb, errorcb, nocache) {
// Get the metacritic hover info. Requests are cached.
var handleresponse = function(response, cached) {
if(response.status == 200 && response.responseText && cb) {
if(~response.responseText.indexOf('"jsonRedirect"')) { // {"viewer":{},"mixpanelToken":"6e219fd....","mixpanelDistinctId":"","omnitureDebug":0,"jsonRedirect":"\/movie\/national-lampoons-vacation"}
var blacklistedredirect = false;
var j = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
current.url = absoluteMetaURL(j["jsonRedirect"]);
delete cache[url]; // Delete original url from cache. The redirect URL will then be saved in metacritic_hoverInfo(...)
// Blacklist items from database received?
if("blacklist" in j && j.blacklist && j.blacklist.length) {
// Save new blacklist items
var data = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("black","[]"));
for(var i = 0; i < j.blacklist.length; i++) {
var save_docurl = j.blacklist[i].docurl;
var save_metaurl = j.blacklist[i].metaurl;
if(j["jsonRedirect"] == "/"+save_metaurl) {
// Redirect is blacklisted!
blacklistedredirect = true;
GM_setValue("black", JSON.stringify(data));
if(blacklistedredirect && errorcb) {
// Redirect was blacklisted, show nothing
errorcb(response.responseText, new Date(response.time));
} else {
// Load redirect
metacritic_hoverInfo(absoluteMetaURL(j["jsonRedirect"]), false, cb, errorcb, true);
} else {
cb(response.responseText, new Date(response.time));
} else if(response.status != 200 && errorcb) {
errorcb(response.responseText, new Date(response.time));
console.log("Show metacritic ratings: Error 01:"+response.status+"\n"+url);
} else if(!response.responseText) {
errorcb("", new Date(response.time));
console.log("Show metacritic ratings: Error 02: response empty. Status:"+response.status+"\n"+url);
var cache = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("hovercache","{}"));
for(var prop in cache) {
// Delete cached values, that are older than 2 hours
if((new Date()).getTime() - (new Date(cache[prop].time)).getTime() > 2*60*60*1000) {
delete cache[prop];
if(!nocache && url in cache) {
handleresponse(cache[url], true);
} else {
var requestURL = url;
var requestParams = "hoverinfo=1";
if(docurl && docurl.indexOf("metacritic.com") == -1 && docurl.indexOf(baseURL_database) == -1) {
// Ask database for correct metacritic entry:
requestURL = baseURL_database;
requestParams = "m=" + encodeURIComponent(docurl) + "&a=" + encodeURIComponent(url);
method: "POST",
url: requestURL,
data: requestParams,
headers: {
"Referer" : url,
"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
"Host" : getHostname(requestURL),  // This is important, otherwise Metacritic refuses to answer!
"User-Agent" : navigator.userAgent,
"X-Requested-With" : "XMLHttpRequest"
onload: function(response) {
response.time = (new Date()).toJSON();
cache[url] = response;
if(!response.responseText) {
// Temporary fix:
// Hover info seems to be available only for movies.
requestURL = url;
if(requestURL.indexOf('/critic-reviews') !== -1) {
requestURL = url.split('/critic-reviews')[0]
method: "GET",
url: requestURL,
headers: {
"Referer" : url,
"Host" : getHostname(requestURL),  // This is important, otherwise Metacritic refuses to answer!
//"User-Agent" : "MetacriticUserscript "+navigator.userAgent,
"User-Agent" : navigator.userAgent
onload: function(response) {
response.time = (new Date()).toJSON();
let html;
try {
// Try parsing HTML
let doc = domParser().parseFromString(response.responseText, 'text/html');
doc.querySelector(".product_page_title h1")
doc.querySelectorAll("#nav_to_metascore .distribution")
let page_url = img_src = img_alt = title = publisher = release_date = starring = critics_score = critics_class = critics_number = critics_charts = user_score = user_class = user_number = user_charts = ''
page_url = requestURL + (requestURL.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/")
img_src = doc.querySelector(".summary_img").src
img_alt = doc.querySelector(".summary_img").alt
title = doc.querySelector(".product_page_title h1").textContent
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publisher = doc.querySelector(".details_section .distributor a").textContent
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let date = doc.querySelector(".details_section .release_date span:nth-child(2)").textContent
release_date = `
<div class="summary_detail release_data">
<span class="label">Release Date:</span>
<span class="data">${date}</span>
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starring = `
<div class="summary_detail product_credits">
<span class="label">Starring:</span>
<span class="data">
critics_class = "metascore_w medium tbd"
critics_score = "tbd"
user_class = "metascore_w medium user tbd"
user_score = "tbd"
if(doc.querySelector(".score_details .based_on")) {
critics_number = doc.querySelector(".score_details .based_on").textContent.match(/\d+/)
} else {
critics_number = "By"
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user_number = doc.querySelector(".user_score_summary .based_on").textContent.match(/\d+/)
} else {
user_number = "User"
// Remove text from distribution charts:
let label = doc.querySelector("#nav_to_metascore .charts .label.fl")
while(label) {
label.parentNode.title = label.textContent.trim() + " " + label.parentNode.querySelector(".count").textContent.trim()
label = doc.querySelector("#nav_to_metascore .charts .label.fl")
let scores = doc.querySelectorAll("#nav_to_metascore .distribution .metascore_w")
if(scores.length == 2) {
critics_score = scores[0].innerText
critics_class = scores[0].className.replace("larger", "medium")
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critics_charts = '<td class="meta">' + scores[0].parentNode.parentNode.querySelector(".charts").outerHTML + "</td>"
user_score = scores[1].innerText
user_class = scores[1].className.replace("larger", "medium")
scores[1].parentNode.parentNode.querySelector(".charts").style.width = '40px'
user_charts = '<td class="usr">' + scores[1].parentNode.parentNode.querySelector(".charts").outerHTML + "</td>"
} else if(scores.length == 1) {
if(scores[0].className.indexOf("user") === -1) {
critics_score = scores[0].innerText
critics_class = scores[0].className.replace("larger", "medium")
scores[0].parentNode.parentNode.querySelector(".charts").style.width = '40px'
critics_charts = '<td class="meta">' + scores[0].parentNode.parentNode.querySelector(".charts").outerHTML + "</td>"
} else {
user_score = scores[0].innerText
user_class = scores[0].className.replace("larger", "medium")
scores[0].parentNode.parentNode.querySelector(".charts").style.width = '40px'
user_charts = '<td class="usr">' + scores[0].parentNode.parentNode.querySelector(".charts").outerHTML + "</td>"
html = `
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<div class="summary_detail publisher">
<span class="data">${publisher}</span>
<div class="clr"></div>
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<td class="meta num">
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<div class="userscore_review_count">
<a target="_blank" href="${page_url}#nav_to_metascore">
<span>${user_number}</span> Ratings
<div class="clr"></div>
} catch(e) {
console.log("Show metacritic ratings: Error parsing HTML: "+e);
// fallback to cutting out the relevant parts
let parts = response.responseText.split('class="score_details')
let text_part = '<div class="' + parts[1].split('</div>')[0] + '</div>'
let title_text = '<div class="product_page_title' + response.responseText.split('class="product_page_title')[1].split('</div>')[0]
title_text = title_text.split('<h1>').join('<h1 style="padding:0px; margin:2px">')  + '</div>'
parts = response.responseText.split('id="nav_to_metascore"')
let meta_score_part = '<div ' + parts[1].split('<div class="subsection_title"')[0] + '</div></div>'
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html = meta_score_part.split('<div class="distribution">').join(text_part + '<div class="distribution">')
if(html.indexOf('products_module') !== -1) {
// Critic reviews are not available for this Series yet -> Cut the preview for other series
html = html.split('products_module')[0] + '"></div>'
if(html.length > 5000) {
// Probably something went wrong, let's cut the response to prevent overly big content
console.log("Show metacritic ratings: Cutting response to 5000 chars")
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// Chrome fix: Otherwise JSON.stringify(cache) omits responseText
var newobj = {};
for(var key in response) {
newobj[key] = response[key];
newobj.responseText = html;
cache[url] = newobj;
handleresponse(newobj, false);
onerror: function(response) {
console.log("Show metacritic ratings: Hover info error 03: "+response.status+"\nURL: "+requestURL+"\nResponse:\n"+response.responseText);
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// Chrome fix: Otherwise JSON.stringify(cache) omits responseText
var newobj = {};
for(var key in response) {
newobj[key] = response[key];
newobj.responseText = response.responseText;
cache[url] = newobj;
handleresponse(response, false);
onerror: function(response) {
console.log("Show metacritic ratings: Hover info error 03: "+response.status+"\nURL: "+requestURL+"\nResponse:\n"+response.responseText);
function metacritic_searchR###lts(url, cb, errorcb) {
// Get metacritic search r###lts. Requests are cached.
var handleresponse = function(response, cached) {
if(response.r###lts.length && cb) {
cb(response.r###lts, new Date(response.time));
} else if(response.r###lts.length == 0 && errorcb) {
errorcb(response.r###lts, new Date(response.time));
var cache = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("searchcache","{}"));
for(var prop in cache) {
// Delete cached values, that are older than 2 hours
if((new Date()).getTime() - (new Date(cache[prop].time)).getTime() > 2*60*60*1000) {
delete cache[prop];
if(url in cache) {
handleresponse(cache[url], true);
} else {
method: "GET",
url: url,
headers: {
"Referer" : url,
"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
"Host" : "www.metacritic.com",
"User-Agent" : "MetacriticUserscript "+navigator.userAgent,
onload: function(response) {
var r###lts = [];
if(!~response.responseText.indexOf("No search r###lts found.")) {
var d = $('<html>').html(response.responseText);
d.find("ul.search_r###lts.module .r###lt").each(function() {
response = {
time : (new Date()).toJSON(),
r###lts : r###lts,
cache[url] = response;
handleresponse(response, false);
onerror: function(response) {
console.log("Show metacritic ratings: Search error 04: "+response.status+"\n"+url);
time : (new Date()).toJSON(),
r###lts : [],
}, false);
function metacritic_showHoverInfo(url, docurl) {
if(!url) {
metacritic_hoverInfo(url, docurl?docurl:false,
// On Success
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visibility: hidden;}.hoverinfo .metascore_label, .hoverinfo .userscore_label { font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 16px; margin-top: 2%;}.hoverinfo .metascore_review_count, .hoverinfo .userscore_review_count { font-size: 11px}.hoverinfo .hover_scores td { vertical-align: middle}.hoverinfo .hover_scores td.num { width: 39px}.hoverinfo .hover_scores td.usr.num { padding-left: 20px}.metascore_anchor, a.metascore_w { text-decoration: none !important} .metascore_w.album { padding-top:0px; !important} .metascore_w.user { border-radius: 55%; color: #fff;}.metascore_anchor, .metascore_w.album { padding: 0px;!important, padding-top: 0px;!important} a.metascore_w { text-decoration: none!important}.metascore_anchor:hover { text-decoration: none!important}.metascore_w:hover { text-decoration: none!important}span.metascore_w, a.metascore_w { display: inline-block}.metascore_w.xlarge, .metascore_w.xl { font-size: 42px}.metascore_w.large, .metascore_w.lrg { font-size: 25px}.m .metascore_w.medium, .m .metascore_w.med { font-size: 19px}.metascore_w.med_small { font-size: 14px}.metascore_w.small, .metascore_w.sm { font-size: 12px}.metascore_w.tiny { height: 1.9em; 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var sub = $("<div></div>").appendTo(div);
$('<time style="color:#b6b6b6; font-size: 11px;" datetime="'+time+'" title="'+time.toLocaleTimeString()+" "+time.toLocaleDateString()+'">'+minutesSince(time)+'</time>').appendTo(sub);
$('<a style="color:#b6b6b6; font-size: 11px;" target="_blank" href="'+url+'" title="Open Metacritic">'+decodeURI(url.replace("https://www.","@"))+'</a>').appendTo(sub);
$('<span title="Hide me" style="cursor:pointer; float:right; color:#b6b6b6; font-size: 11px; padding-left:5px;">&#10062;</span>').appendTo(sub).click(function() {
$('<span title="Assist us: This is the correct entry!" style="cursor:pointer; float:right; color:green; font-size: 11px;">&check;</span>').data("url", url).appendTo(sub).click(function() {
var docurl = document.location.href;
var metaurl = $(this).data("url");
var r = addToMap(docurl,metaurl);
balloonAlert("Thanks for your submission!\n\nSaved as a correct entry.\n\n"+r[0]+"\n"+r[1], 6000, "Success");
$('<span title="Assist us: This is NOT the correct entry!" style="cursor:pointer; float:right; color:crimson; font-size: 11px;">&cross;</span>').data("url", url).appendTo(sub).click(function() {
if(!confirm("This is NOT the correct entry!\n\nAdd to blacklist?")) return;
var docurl = document.location.href;
var metaurl = $(this).data("url");
var r = addToBlacklist(docurl,metaurl);
balloonAlert("Thanks for your submission!\n\nSaved to blacklist.\n\n"+r[0]+"\n"+r[1], 6000, "Success");
// Open search
metacritic_searchcontainer(null, current.searchTerm);
metacritic_search(null, current.searchTerm);
// On error i.e. no r###lt on metacritic.com
function(html, time) {
// Make search available
var handleresponse = function(response) {
var data;
var multiple = false;
try {
data = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
} catch(e) {
console.log("Error in JSON 05: search_term="+current.searchTerm);
if(data && data.autoComplete && data.autoComplete.r###lts && data.autoComplete.r###lts.length) {
// Remove data with wrong type
data.autoComplete = data.autoComplete.r###lts;
var newdata = [];
data.autoComplete.forEach(function(r###lt) {
if(metacritic2searchType(r###lt.refType) == current.type) {
data.autoComplete = newdata;
if(data.autoComplete.length == 0) {
// No r###lts
console.log("No r###lts (after filtering by type) for search_term="+current.searchTerm);
} else if(data.autoComplete.length == 1) {
// One r###lt, let's show it
console.log("Only one exact match for search_term="+current.searchTerm);
if(!isBlacklisted(absoluteMetaURL(data.autoComplete[0].url))) {
} else {
// More than one r###lt
multiple = true;
console.log("Multiple r###lts for search_term="+current.searchTerm);
var exactMatches = [];
data.autoComplete.forEach(function(r###lt,i) { // Try to find the correct r###lt by matching the search term to exactly one movie title
if(current.searchTerm == r###lt.name) {
if(exactMatches.length == 1) {
// Only one exact match, let's show it
console.log("Only one exact match for search_term="+current.searchTerm);
if(!isBlacklisted(absoluteMetaURL(exactMatches[0].url))) {
if( url != absoluteMetaURL(exactMatches[0].url)) {
} else {
console.log("Loop detected for: "+url);
} else {
console.log("No r###lts (at all) for search_term="+current.searchTerm);
// HERE: multiple r###lts or no r###lt. The user may type "meta" now
if(multiple) {
balloonAlert("Multiple metacritic r###lts. Type &#34;meta&#34; for manual search.", 10000, false, {bottom: 5, top:"auto", maxWidth: 400, paddingRight: 5}, metacritic_searchcontainer);
var cache = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("autosearchcache","{}"));
for(var prop in cache) {
// Delete cached values, that are older than 2 hours
if((new Date()).getTime() - (new Date(cache[prop].time)).getTime() > 2*60*60*1000) {
delete cache[prop];
if(current.type == "music") {
current.searchTerm = current.data[0];
} else {
current.searchTerm = current.data.join(" ");
if(current.searchTerm in cache) {
handleresponse(cache[current.searchTerm], true);
} else {
method: "POST",
url: baseURL_autosearch,
data: "search_term="+encodeURIComponent(current.searchTerm)+"&image_size=98&search_each=1&sort_type=popular",
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"X-Requested-With" : "XMLHttpRequest"
onload: function(response) {
response = {
time : (new Date()).toJSON(),
responseText : response.responseText,
cache[current.searchTerm] = response;
handleresponse(response, false);
function metacritic_waitForHotkeys() {
function metacritic_searchcontainer(ev, query) {
if(!query) {
if(current.type == "music") {
query = current.data[0];
} else {
query = current.data.join(" ");
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var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
if(code == 13) { // Enter key
$('<button id="mcisearchbutton" style="background:silver;color:black;">').text("Search").appendTo(div).click(metacritic_search);
function metacritic_search(ev, query) {
if(!query) { // Use values from search form
query = $("#mcisearchquery").val();
var type = searchType2metacritic(current.type);
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = CSS;
var div = $("#mcdiv123");
var loader = $('<div style="width:20px; height:20px;" class="grespinner"></div>').appendTo($("#mcisearchbutton"));
var url = baseURL_search.replace("{type}",encodeURIComponent(type)).replace("{query}",encodeURIComponent(query));
// On success
function(r###lts, time) {
var accept = function(ev) {
var a = $(this.parentNode).find("a[href*='metacritic.com']");
var metaurl = a.attr("href");
var docurl = document.location.href;
var denyAll = function(ev) {
var urls = [];
var docurl = document.location.href;
$("#mcdiv123searchr###lts").find("div.r###lt a[href*='metacritic.com']").each(function() {
addToBlacklist(docurl, this.href);
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var singler###lt = $('<div class="r###lt"></div>').html(fixMetacriticURLs(html)+'<div style="clear:left"></div>').appendTo(r###ltdiv);
$('<span title="Assist us: This is the correct entry!" style="cursor:pointer; color:green; font-size: 13px;">&check;</span>').prependTo(singler###lt).click(accept);
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$('<span title="Assist us: None of the above is the correct item!" style="cursor:pointer; float:right; color:crimson; font-size: 11px;">&cross;</span>').appendTo(sub).click(function() {if(confirm("None of the above is the correct item\nConfirm?")) denyAll()});
// On error i.e. no r###lts
function(r###lts, time) {
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url : null,
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searchTerm : null
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var docurl = document.location.host.replace(/^www\./,"") + document.location.pathname + document.location.search;
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metacritic_showHoverInfo(url, docurl);
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"mapped" : function metacritic_mapped(url, type) {
// url was in the map/whitelist
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current.type = type;
current.searchTerm = url;
"music" : function metacritic_music(artistname, albumname) {
current.data = [albumname.trim(),artistname.trim()]
artistname = name2metacritic(artistname);
albumname = albumname.replace("&"," ");
albumname = name2metacritic(albumname);
var url = baseURL_music + albumname + "/" + artistname;
current.url = url;
current.type = "music";
current.searchTerm = albumname + "/" + artistname;
"movie" : function metacritic_movie(moviename) {
current.data = [moviename.trim()]
moviename = name2metacritic(moviename);
var url = baseURL_movie + moviename;
current.url = url;
current.type = "movie";
current.searchTerm = moviename;
"tv" : function metacritic_tv(seriesname) {
current.data = [seriesname.trim()]
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current.url = url;
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current.data = [gamename.trim()]
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"xonegame" : function metacritic_xonegame(gamename) {
current.data = [gamename.trim()]
gamename = name2metacritic(gamename);
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current.url = url;
current.type = "xonegame";
current.searchTerm = gamename;
var Always = function() { return  true; };
var sites = {
'bandcamp' : {
host : ["bandcamp.com"],
condition : function() {
return unsafeWindow.TralbumData
products : [{
condition : Always,
type : "music",
data : function() { return  [unsafeWindow.TralbumData.artist, unsafeWindow.TralbumData.current.title]; }
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host : ["itunes.apple.com"],
condition : Always,
products : [{
condition : function() { return  ~document.location.href.indexOf("/movie/")},
type : "movie",
data : function() { return  parseLDJSON("name", function(j) {return  j["@type"] == "Movie"}  )}
condition : function() { return  ~document.location.href.indexOf("/tv-season/")},
type : "tv",
data : function() {
var name = parseLDJSON("name", function(j) {return  j["@type"] == "TVSeries"});
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name = name.split(", Season")[0];
return name;
condition : function() { return  ~document.location.href.indexOf("/album/")},
type : "music",
data : function() {
var ld = parseLDJSON(["name","byArtist"], function(j) {return  j["@type"] == "MusicAlbum"});
var album = ld[0];
var artist = ld[1]["name"]
return [artist, album];
'music.apple' : {
host : ["music.apple.com"],
condition : Always,
products : [{
condition : function() { return  ~document.location.href.indexOf("/album/")},
type : "music",
data : function() {
var ld = parseLDJSON(["name","byArtist"], function(j) {return  j["@type"] == "MusicAlbum"});
var album = ld[0];
var artist = ld[1]["name"]
return [artist, album];
'googleplay' : {
host : ["play.google.com"],
condition : Always,
products : [
condition : function() { return  ~document.location.href.indexOf("/album/")},
type : "music",
data : function() { return  [document.querySelector('[itemprop="byArtist"] meta[itemprop="name"]').content, document.querySelector('[itemtype="https://schema.org/MusicAlbum"] meta[itemprop="name"]').content]}
condition : function() { return  ~document.location.href.indexOf("/movies/details/")},
type : "movie",
data : function() { return  document.querySelector("*[itemprop=name]").textContentt}
'imdb' : {
host : ["imdb.com"],
condition : function() {
return !~document.location.pathname.indexOf("/mediaviewer") && !~document.location.pathname.indexOf("/mediaindex") && !~document.location.pathname.indexOf("/videoplayer");
products : [
condition : function() {
var e = document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']");
if(e) {
return e.content == "video.movie"
return false;
type : "movie",
data : function() {
if(document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']") && document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content) { // English/Worldwide title, this is the prefered title for search
name = document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content.trim()
if (name.indexOf('- IMDb') !== -1) {
name = name.replace('- IMDb', '').trim()
name = name.replace(/\(\d{4}\)/, '').trim()
return name
} else if(document.querySelector(".originalTitle") && document.querySelector(".title_wrapper h1"))   { // Use English title 2018
return document.querySelector(".title_wrapper h1").firstChild.data.trim();
} else if(document.querySelector('script[type="application/ld+json"]')) { // Use original language title
return parseLDJSON("name");
} else if(document.querySelector("h1[itemprop=name]")) { // Movie homepage (New design 2015-12)
return document.querySelector("h1[itemprop=name]").firstChild.textContent.trim();
} else if(document.querySelector("*[itemprop=name] a") && document.querySelector("*[itemprop=name] a").firstChild.data) { // Subpage of a move
return document.querySelector("*[itemprop=name] a").firstChild.data.trim();
} else if(document.querySelector(".title-extra[itemprop=name]")) { // Movie homepage: sub-/alternative-/original title
return document.querySelector(".title-extra[itemprop=name]").firstChild.textContent.replace(/\"/g,"").trim();
} else { // Movie homepage (old design)
return document.querySelector("*[itemprop=name]").firstChild.textContent.trim();
condition : function() {
var e = document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']");
if(e) {
return e.content == "video.tv_show"
return false;
type : "tv",
data : function() {
var year = null;
if(document.querySelector("*[itemprop=name]")) {
return document.querySelector("*[itemprop=name]").textContent;
} else {
var jsonld = JSON.parse(document.querySelector('script[type="application/ld+json"]').innerText);
return jsonld["name"];
'steam' : {
host : ["store.steampowered.com"],
condition : function() { return  document.querySelector("*[itemprop=name]")},
products : [{
condition : Always,
type : "pcgame",
data : function() { return  document.querySelector("*[itemprop=name]").textContent}
'tv.com' : {
host : ["www.tv.com"],
condition : function() { return document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']") },
products : [{
condition : function() { return document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content == "tv_show" && document.querySelector("h1[data-name]") },
type : "tv",
data : function() { return document.querySelector("h1[data-name]").dataset.name }
'rottentomatoes' : {
host : ["www.rottentomatoes.com"],
condition : Always,
products : [{
condition : function() { return  document.location.pathname.startsWith("/m/")},
type : "movie",
data : function() { return document.querySelector("h1").firstChild.textContent}
condition : function() { return   document.location.pathname.startsWith("/tv/")} ,
type : "tv",
data : function() { return unsafeWindow.BK.TvSeriesTitle}
'serienjunkies' : {
host : ["www.serienjunkies.de"],
condition : Always,
products : [{
condition : Always,
type : "tv",
data : function() {
return parseLDJSON("name", function(j) { return j["@type"] == "TVSeries"; });
'gamespot' : {
host : ["gamespot.com"],
condition : function() { return  document.querySelector("[itemprop=device]")},
products : [
condition : function() { return  ~$("[itemprop=device]").text().indexOf("PC")},
type : "pcgame",
data : function() { return parseLDJSON("name", function(j) { return j["@type"] == "VideoGame"; }); }
condition : function() { return  ~$("[itemprop=device]").text().indexOf("PS4")},
type : "ps4game",
data : function() { return parseLDJSON("name", function(j) { return j["@type"] == "VideoGame"; }); }
condition : function() { return  ~$("[itemprop=device]").text().indexOf("XONE")},
type : "xonegame",
data : function() { return parseLDJSON("name", function(j) { return j["@type"] == "VideoGame"; }); }
'amazon' : {
host : ["amazon."],
condition : Always,
products : [
condition : function() { return  document.location.hostname == "music.amazon.com" && document.location.pathname.startsWith("/albums/") && document.querySelector(".viewTitle") }, // "Amazon Music Unlimited" page
type : "music",
data : function() {
var artist = document.querySelector(".artistLink").textContent.trim();
var title = document.querySelector(".viewTitle").textContent.trim();
title = title.replace(/\[([^\]]*)\]/g,"").trim(); // Remove [brackets] and their content
if(artist && title) {
return [artist, title];
return false;
condition : function() { // "Normal amazon" page
try {
if(document.querySelector(".nav-categ-image").alt.toLowerCase().indexOf("musi") != -1) {
return true;
} catch(e) {}
var music = ["Music","Musique","Musik","Música","Musica","音楽"];
return music.some(function(s) {
if(~document.title.indexOf(s)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
type : "music",
data : function() {
var artist = document.querySelector("#ProductInfoArtistLink").textContent.trim();
var title = document.querySelector("#dmusicProductTitle_feature_div").textContent.trim();
title = title.replace(/\[([^\]]*)\]/g,"").trim(); // Remove [brackets] and their content
return [artist, title];
condition : function() { return  document.querySelector('[data-automation-id=title]') && (document.getElementsByClassName("av-season-single").length || document.querySelector('[data-automation-id="num-of-seasons-badge"]'))},
type : "tv",
data : function() { return  document.querySelector('[data-automation-id=title]').textContent.trim()}
condition : function() { return  document.querySelector('[data-automation-id=title]')},
type : "movie",
data : function() { return  document.querySelector('[data-automation-id=title]').textContent.trim()}
'BoxOfficeMojo' : {
host : ["boxofficemojo.com"],
condition : function() { return  ~document.location.search.indexOf("id=")},
products : [{
condition : function() { return  document.querySelector("#body table:nth-child(2) tr:first-child b")},
type : "movie",
data : function() { return  document.querySelector("#body table:nth-child(2) tr:first-child b").firstChild.data}
'AllMovie' : {
host : ["allmovie.com"],
condition : function() { return  document.querySelector("h2[itemprop=name].movie-title")},
products : [{
condition : function() { return  document.querySelector("h2[itemprop=name].movie-title")},
type : "movie",
data : function() { return  document.querySelector("h2[itemprop=name].movie-title").firstChild.data.trim()}
'en.wikipedia' : {
host : ["en.wikipedia.org"],
condition : Always,
products : [{
condition : function() {
if(!document.querySelector(".infobox .summary")) {
return false;
var r = /\d\d\d\d films/;
return $("#catlinks a").filter(function(i,e) {return e.firstChild.data.match(r)}).length;
type : "movie",
data : function() { return  document.querySelector(".infobox .summary").firstChild.data}
condition : function() {
if(!document.querySelector(".infobox .summary")) {
return false;
var r = /television series/;
return $("#catlinks a").filter(function(i,e) {return e.firstChild.data.match(r)}).length;
type : "tv",
data : function() { return  document.querySelector(".infobox .summary").firstChild.data}
'movies.com' : {
host : ["movies.com"],
condition : function() { return  document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']")},
products : [{
condition : Always,
type : "movie",
data : function() { return  document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content}
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host : ["themoviedb.org"],
condition : function() { return  document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']")},
products : [{
condition : function() { return  document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content == "movie"},
type : "movie",
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condition : function() { return  document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content == "tv_series"},
type : "tv",
data : function() { return  document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content}
'letterboxd' : {
host : ["letterboxd.com"],
condition : function() { return  unsafeWindow.filmData && "name" in unsafeWindow.filmData},
products : [{
condition : Always,
type : "movie",
data : function() { return  unsafeWindow.filmData.name}
'TVmaze' : {
host : ["tvmaze.com"],
condition : function() { return  document.querySelector("h1")},
products : [{
condition : Always,
type : "tv",
data : function() { return  document.querySelector("h1").firstChild.data}
'TVGuide' : {
host : ["tvguide.com"],
condition : Always,
products : [{
condition : function() { return  document.location.pathname.startsWith("/tvshows/")},
type : "tv",
data : function() {
if(document.querySelector("meta[itemprop=name]")) {
return document.querySelector("meta[itemprop=name]").content;
} else {
return document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content.split("|")[0];
'followshows' : {
host : ["followshows.com"],
condition : Always,
products : [{
condition : function() { return  document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content == "video.tv_show"},
type : "tv",
data : function() { return  document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content}
'TheTVDB' : {
host : ["thetvdb.com"],
condition : Always,
products : [{
condition : function() { return  document.location.pathname.startsWith("/series/") || ~document.location.search.indexOf("tab=series") },
type : "tv",
data : function() { return  document.getElementById("series_title").firstChild.data.trim() }
'ConsequenceOfSound' : {
host : ["consequenceofsound.net"],
condition : function() { return  document.querySelector("#main-content .review-summary") },
products : [{
condition : function() { return  document.title.match(/(.+?)\s+\u2013\s+(.+?) \| Album Review/) },
type : "music",
data : function() {
let m = document.title.match(/(.+?)\s+\u2013\s+(.+?) \| Album Review/)
return [m[1], m[2]]
'Pitchfork' : {
host : ["pitchfork.com"],
condition : function() { return ~document.location.href.indexOf("/reviews/albums/") },
products : [{
condition : function() { return document.querySelector(".single-album-tombstone")},
type : "music",
data : function() {
var artist, album;
if(document.querySelector(".single-album-tombstone .artists")) {
artist = document.querySelector(".single-album-tombstone .artists").innerText.trim();
} else if(document.querySelector(".single-album-tombstone .artist-list")) {
artist = document.querySelector(".single-album-tombstone .artist-list").innerText.trim();
if(document.querySelector(".single-album-tombstone h1.review-title")) {
album = document.querySelector(".single-album-tombstone h1.review-title").innerText.trim();
} else if(document.querySelector(".single-album-tombstone h1")) {
album = document.querySelector(".single-album-tombstone h1").innerText.trim();
return [artist, album];
'Last.fm' : {
host : ["last.fm"],
condition :function() {return document.querySelector("*[data-page-resource-type]") && document.querySelector("*[data-page-resource-type]").dataset.pageResourceType == "album" },
products : [{
condition : function() { return document.querySelector("*[data-page-resource-type]").dataset.pageResourceName },
type : "music",
data : function() {
var artist = document.querySelector("*[data-page-resource-type]").dataset.pageResourceArtistName;
var album = document.querySelector("*[data-page-resource-type]").dataset.pageResourceName;
return [artist, album];
'TVNfo' : {
host : ["tvnfo.com"],
condition : function() {return document.querySelector("#tvsign")},
products : [{
condition : Always,
type : "tv",
data : function() {return document.querySelector(".heading h1").textContent.trim()}
'rateyourmusic' : {
host : ["rateyourmusic.com"],
condition :function() {return document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']") },
products : [{
condition : function() { return document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content == "music.album" },
type : "music",
data : function() {
var artist = document.querySelector(".section_main_info .artist").innerText.trim();
var album = document.querySelector(".section_main_info .album_title").innerText.trim();
return [artist, album];
'spotify_webplayer' : {
host : ["open.spotify.com"],
condition : Always,
products : [{
condition : function() {return document.querySelector("#main .main-view-container .content.album") },
type : "music",
data : function() {
var artist = document.querySelector("#main .media-bd div a[href*='artist']").textContent;
var album = document.querySelector("#main .media-bd h2").textContent;
return [artist, album];
condition : function() {return document.location.pathname.startsWith("/album/") && document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content == "music.album" },
type : "music",
data : function() {
var artist = "";
var album = document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content;
return [artist, album];
'spotify' : {
host : ["play.spotify.com"],
condition : Always,
products : [{
condition : function() {return document.location.pathname.startsWith("/album/") },
type : "music",
data : function() {
var artist = document.querySelector(".context_landing p.secondary-title").textContent;
var album = document.querySelector(".context_landing p.primary-title").textContent;
return [artist, album];
'nme' : {
host : ["nme.com"],
condition : function() {return document.location.pathname.startsWith("/reviews/") },
products : [
condition : function() {return document.location.pathname.startsWith("/reviews/movie/") },
type : "movie",
data : function() {
try {
return document.querySelector(".title-primary").textContent.match(/‘(.+?)’/)[1];
} catch(e) {
return document.querySelector("h1").textContent.match(/:\s*(.+)/)[1].trim();
condition : function() {return document.location.pathname.startsWith("/reviews/album/") },
type : "music",
data : function() {return document.querySelector(".title-primary").textContent.match(/\s*(.+?)\s*.\s*‘(.+?)’/).slice(1) }
'albumoftheyear' : {
host : ["albumoftheyear.org"],
condition : Always,
products : [{
condition : function() {return document.location.pathname.startsWith("/album/") },
type : "music",
data : function() {
var artist = document.querySelector("*[itemprop=byArtist] *[itemprop=name]").textContent;
var album = document.querySelector(".albumTitle *[itemprop=name]").textContent;
return [artist, album];
'epguides' : {
host : ['epguides.com'],
condition : function() {return  document.getElementById('TVHeader')},
products : [{
condition : function() {return  document.getElementById('TVHeader') && document.querySelector('body>div#header h1')},
type : 'tv',
data : function() {return  document.querySelector('body>div#header h1').textContent.trim()}
'ShareTV' : {
host : ['sharetv.com'],
condition : function() {return  document.location.pathname.startsWith("/shows/")},
products : [{
condition : function() {return  document.location.pathname.split("/").length === 3 && document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']")},
type : 'tv',
data : function() {return  document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content}
function main() {
var dataFound = false;
var map = false;
for(var name in sites) {
var site = sites[name];
if(site.host.some(function(e) {return ~this.indexOf(e)}, document.location.hostname) && site.condition()) {
for(var i = 0; i < site.products.length; i++) {
if(site.products[i].condition()) {
// Check map for a match
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map = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("map","{}"));
var docurl = document.location.host.replace(/^www\./,"") + document.location.pathname + document.location.search;
docurl = filterUniversalUrl(docurl);
if(docurl in map) {
// Found in map, show r###lt
var metaurl = map[docurl];
metacritic["mapped"].apply(undefined, [absoluteMetaURL(metaurl), site.products[i].type]);
// Try to retrieve item name from page
var data;
try {
data = site.products[i].data();
} catch(e) {
data = false;
if(data) {
metacritic[site.products[i].type].apply(undefined, Array.isArray(data)?data:[data]);
dataFound = true;
return dataFound;
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var lastContent = document.body.innerText;
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window.setTimeout(newpage, 500);
} else {
lastCounter = 0;
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