Allows you to write Markdown in the notes, which will be rendered as HTML when the page loads.
// ==UserScript== // @name WaniKani Markdown Notes // @namespace rfindley // @description Allows you to write Markdown in the notes, which will be rendered as HTML when the page loads. // @version 1.4 // @require // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @copyright 2013, Jeshua // @run-at document-end // @grant none // ==/UserScript== wkmdnotes = {}; (function() { /** * Render the given markdown text. */ function render(text) { // Do some custom replacements. text = text.replace(/#kan#/g, '<span class="kanji-highlight highlight-kanji" rel="tooltip" data-original-title="Kanji">'); text = text.replace(/#\/kan#/g, '</span>'); text = text.replace(/#rad#/g, '<span class="radical-highlight highlight-radical" rel="tooltip" data-original-title="Radical">'); text = text.replace(/#\/rad#/g, '</span>'); text = text.replace(/#read#/g, '<span class="reading-highlight highlight-reading" rel="tooltip" data-original-title="Reading">'); text = text.replace(/#\/read#/g, '</span>'); text = text.replace(/#voc#/g, '<span class="vocabulary-highlight highlight-vocabulary" rel="tooltip" data-original-title="Vocabulary">'); text = text.replace(/#\/voc#/g, '</span>'); // Render the rest as markdown. return (new showdown.Converter()).makeHtml(text); } /** * Find all of the tooltips in the given container and tooltipify them. */ function activateTooltips(container) { if (container.tooltip) { container.find('span[rel="tooltip"]').tooltip(); } } /** * Setup the given note field with the required callbacks. */ function setupNoteField(note) { // Save the markdown and render the content. var html = note.html(); if (typeof html === 'undefined') html = '';'noteContent', html.replace(/<br>/g,'\n')); note.html(render(html)); activateTooltips(note); { if ( === 'textarea') { return; } // If the target is the div, they are going from display --> edit. if ( !== 'button') { var interval = setInterval(function() { // If we can find a textarea, they must have clicked to edit the text field. // So, we want to display the markdown content. if (note.find('textarea')) { clearInterval(interval); if ('noteContent') === 'Click to add note') { note.find('textarea').val(''); } else { note.find('textarea').val('noteContent')); } } }, 50); } // Otherwise, they are going from edit --> display. else { var textarea = note.find('textarea'); var str = textarea.val().replace(/\n/g,'\n'); textarea.html(str); var interval = setInterval(function() { // Keep waiting until there is no text area. Then, save the changed markdown // value to the data. Also re-render the note. if (note.find('textarea').length === 0) { clearInterval(interval);'noteContent', note.html().replace(/<br>/g,'\n')); note.html(render(note.html())); activateTooltips(note); } }, 50); } }); } function main() { // Convert the text in the meaning note. var noteFields = ['.note-meaning', '.note-reading']; $.each(noteFields, function(i, noteSelector) { // During reviews, we have to wait for the field to be added to the dom first. // Then, we can add a listener to the note selector. $('#option-item-info').click(function() { var interval = setInterval(function() { if ($(noteSelector).length !== 0) { clearInterval(interval); setupNoteField($(noteSelector)); } }, 50); }); // Setup the note field if it is on the page already. setupNoteField($(noteSelector)); }); } // Run startup() after window.onload event. if (document.readyState === 'complete') main(); else window.addEventListener("load", main, false); })(wkmdnotes);