Automatically redirect content stealing websites to their original counterparts
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Original Content
- // @namespace
- // @description Automatically redirect content stealing websites to their original counterparts
- // @require
- // @license GPL-3.0+
- // @include *://**
- // @include *://**
- // @include *://*
- // @include *://**
- // @include *://*
- // @include *://**
- // @include *://*
- // @include *://**
- // @include *://*
- // @include *://**
- // @include *://*
- // @include *://**
- // @include *://*
- // @icon
- // @version 1.1.3
- // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
- // @run-at document-start
- // ==/UserScript==
- 'use strict';
- /**
- * The icon has been released by the user "Nisha A" on Flickr under the CC-BY license
- *
- * Image on Flickr:
- * Created by user:
- */
- const URL = window.location.href;
- /**
- * Call the given callback function at the given time during page load
- *
- * Note: This function assumes that it is being called during "document-start"!
- *
- * @param {Function} callback
- * The function to call
- * @param {String} run_at
- * During what stage of the page load the function should be called ("document-start", "document-end" or "load")
- * @param {Object} ...
- * Additional parameters to pass to the callback function
- */
- function _callback_run_at(callback, run_at)
- {
- // Read the additonal parameters
- var params =, 2);
- switch(run_at) {
- case 'document-start':
-, null, params);
- break;
- case 'load':
- window.addEventListener("load", function()
- {
-, null, params);
- }, false);
- break;
- default:
- document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function()
- {
-, null, params);
- }, false);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Process a single URL rewrite rule
- *
- * If `rewriter` is a function then it will receive the following parameters:
- * - URL: The URL of the current page
- * - r###lt: The r###lt of the regular expression matching operation
- *
- * @param {RegExp|String} regexp
- * The regular expression that must be match by the current page URL
- * @param {Function|String} rewriter
- * A function or XRegExp rewrite string used for replacing the URL
- */
- function rule_url(regexp, rewriter)
- {
- var r###lt = URL.match(regexp);
- if(r###lt) {
- var href = null;
- if(typeof(rewriter) == 'function') {
- href = rewriter(URL, r###lt);
- } else {
- // Rewrite URL using XRegExp :-)
- href = XRegExp.replace(URL, regexp, rewriter);
- }
- // Prevent page load
- //TODO: Get this to do anything more blanking the page
- var interval = window.setInterval(function()
- {
- document.documentElement.innerHTML = "";
- }, 1);
- document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event)
- {
- clearInterval(interval);
- });
- // Rewrite URL
- window.location.replace(href);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Follow a hyperlink on a page
- *
- * @param {RegExp|String} regexp
- * The regular expression that must be match by the current page URL
- * @param {Function|String} selector
- * A function or XRegExp rewrite string used to generated to selector of the element to click on
- * @param {String} [run_at="document-end"]
- * When to perform the action ("document-start", "document-end" or "load")
- */
- function rule_link(regexp, selector, run_at)
- {
- var r###lt = URL.match(regexp);
- if(r###lt) {
- if(typeof(selector) == 'function') {
- selector = selector(URL, r###lt);
- } else {
- // Rewrite URL using XRegExp
- selector = XRegExp.replace(URL, regexp, selector);
- }
- // Click at the correct stage during page load
- _callback_run_at(function(selector)
- {
- window.location.replace(document.querySelector(selector).href);
- }, (run_at || "document-end"), selector);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Process a single URL action rule
- *
- * If `callback` is a function then it will receive the following parameters:
- * - URL: The URL of the current page
- * - r###lt: The r###lt of the regular expression matching operation
- * If `callback` is a string then that string will be executed in the page's context
- *
- * @param {RegExp|String} regexp
- * The regular expression that must be match by the current page URL
- * @param {Function|String} callback(URL)
- * The function to call when the page URL matches the given regex
- * @param {String} [run_at="document-end"]
- * When to perform the action ("document-start", "document-end" or "load")
- */
- function rule_action(regexp, callback, run_at)
- {
- var r###lt = URL.match(regexp);
- if(r###lt) {
- // Create wrapper function for string callback
- if(typeof(callback) == "string") {
- var code = callback;
- callback = function()
- {
- window.location.href = "javascript:" + code;
- }
- }
- // Execute callback function at the correct stage during page load
- _callback_run_at(callback, (run_at || "document-end"), URL, r###lt);
- }
- }
- rule_url(/^http[s]?:\/\/([^.]+)\.bigresource\.com\/(?:[^-]+[-])+[-]?([A-Za-z0-9]{9,})\.html$/i, "http://$$2/");
- rule_url(/^http[s]?:\/\/(?:[^.]+\.)*bighow\.net\/(\d+)-([^.]+)\.html$/i, "$1/$2");
- rule_link(/^http[s]?:\/\/(?:[^.]+\.)*linuxine\.com\/story\/.+$/i, "a.pviewlink");
- rule_link(/^http[s]?:\/\/(?:[^.]+\.)*forumsee\.com\/.+$/i, "a.bigLink");
- rule_link(/^http[s]?:\/\/(?:[^.]+\.)*youku\.io\/.+$/i, "#a_text > .pub_info > a");
- rule_action(/^http[s]?:\/\/(?:[^.]+\.)*techforumnetwork\.com\/techqns\/[a-z0-9-]+\/$/i, "readPost()", "document-end");
- rule_action(/^http[s]?:\/\/(?:[^.]+\.)*techassistbox\.com\/[A-Za-z0-9-]+_\d+[.]html$/i, function()
- {
- var id = document.querySelector("#answerQuestion > button").onclick.toString().match(/v_th\(['"]([A-Za-z0-9]+)['"]\)/i)[1];
- window.location.replace("" + id + "/");
- });