WoWhead Dressing Room
// ==UserScript== // @name Dressing Room // @version 3.1 // @description WoWhead Dressing Room // @namespace // @author // @match https://** // @match https://** // @grant GM_setValue // ==/UserScript== var HTML = '<style type="text/css" id="wmv_style">.dressing-room-controls-block.block-bg{display:none;}\ .dr_code_buttons>button{margin:4px 4px;background:#a71a19;padding:2px;font-size:10px;width:40px;.dr_link{background:transparent;}\ #record_video[active="true"]{background-color:red;}\ #dr_script_arrow_button:before{content: "\f078";}\ </style>\ <div id="dressing_room_script" data-open="false" style="border-top:1px dashed #ffd100;margin-top:10px;">\ <span id="dr_script_header" style="cursor:pointer;border-bottom:1px dashed;color:#ffd100;">Dressing Room Script</span>\ <div id="dr_script_arrow_button" style="cursor:pointer;color:#ffd100;"></div>\ <div id="dressing_room_wrapper" style="display:none;">\ <button id="comp_click" class="" \ style="border:1px solid #ffd100;color:#ffd100;padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;font-size:14px;margin-top:5px;background-color:transparent;">\ Import MogIt or WoWHead Comparison link</button>\ <div id="dr_itemlist" style="margin-top:5px;/*background:black*/;display:flex;flex-direction:row;" > \ <div id="dr-preview" style="padding:10px;font-size:10px;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px;border:1px solid #ffd100;display:block;width:90%;height:178px;" >\ </div>\ <textarea id="dr_code_box" style="padding:10px;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px;display:none;border:1px solid;font-size:10px;\ height:200px;width:90%;background:transparent;color:#ffd100;border-radius:0px;"></textarea>\ <div class="dr_code_buttons" style="text-align:center;display:flex;order:-1;flex-direction:column;vertical-align:top;">\ <button mode="preview" title="Preview">👁️</button>\ <button mode="html" title="Create HTML Item List">HTML</button><button mode="reddit" title="Create Reddit Markup Item List">Reddit</button>\ <button mode="forum" title="Create BBCode Item List">Forum</button><button mode="plain" title="Create Plain Text Item List">Plain</button>\ <button id="code_wmv" mode="wmv" title="Show WoW Model Viewer Code">WMV</button></div></div>\ <div id="wmv_pad" style="margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px;display:flex;flex-direction:row;justify-content: space-around;" >\ <button id="generate_chr" class="btn btn-site" href="javascript:void(0);"\ title="Save as an WoW Model Viewer
.CHR (Character) file.
Use Character -> Load Character in WMV"\ style="text-align:center;width:48%;">\ WMV .chr file</button>\ <button class="btn btn-site" id="generate_eq" href="javascript:void(0);"\ title="Save as an WoW Model Viewer
.EQ (equipment-only) file.
Use Character -> Load Equipment in WMV"\ style="text-align:center;width:48%;">\ WMV .eq file</button>\ <a class="fa canvas_screen dr_link" title="test
test" href="javascript:void(0);" style="text-align:center;display:none;border:0px solid;font-size:10px;padding:0px;">\ Save Screenshot</a>\ <div id="wmv_hide" style="display:none;"><a id="download_file" download="MyCharacter.chr" style="display:none;" href="javascript:void:(0);"></a>\ <a id="code_file" style="display:none;" target="File Code" href="javascript:void:(0);"></a>\ <a href="#" class="button" id="btn-download" download="my-file-name.png">Download</a>\ </div></div>\ <div id="video_recorder" style="border-top:1px dashed #ffd100;padding-top:5px;">\ <button id="record_video" style="border-radius:4px;background-color:#a71a19;color:white;">🎦 Record video</button>\ <a href="" id="download_video_link" download="movie.mkv" style="margin-left:10px;font-size:10px;">Download movie</a>\ <div>\ </div></div>'; var DR = {}; var $ = unsafeWindow.$; document.addEventListener('click', pageClick, false); function pageClick(e) { if ( === 'appearance-button') { if ( && { var bonus =; DR.setItem({ id:, bonus: bonus }); } } else if ( === 'dr_script_header') { $('#dressing_room_wrapper').slideToggle('slow'); } } DR.mode = "html"; DR.urlInput; DR.equipmentOrderToCharacterSlot = { 1: 1, 2: 3, 3: 15, 4: 5, 5: 4, 6: 19, 7: 9, 8: 10, 9: 6, 10: 7, 11: 8, 12: 16, 13: 17 }; DR.characterSlotToEquipmentOrder = { //Head 1: 1, //Shoulders 3: 2, //Cloak 16: 3, //Chest 5: 4, //Shirt 4: 5, //Tabard 19: 6, //Wrists 9: 7, //Hands 10: 8, //Waist 6: 9, //Legs 7: 10, //Feet 8: 11, //Ranged 15: 12, //1-Hand 13: 12, //2-Hand 17: 12, //Shield 14: 13, //Off-Hand 23: 13 }; DR.characterSlotToSlotName = { 1: "head", 3: "shoulder", 15: "back", 5: "chest", 4: "shirt", 19: "tabard", 9: "wrist", 10: "hands", 6: "waist", 7: "legs", 8: "feet", 16: "mainhand", 17: "offhand" }; DR.equipmentOrderToWMVSlot = { //Head 1: [0, 'Head'], //Shoulders 2: [1, 'Shoulders'], //Cloak 3: [11, 'Cloak'], //Chest 4: [6, 'Chest'], //Shirt 5: [4, 'Shirt'], //Tabard 6: [12, 'Tabard'], //Wrists 7: [7, 'Wrists'], //Hands 8: [8, 'Hands'], //Waist 9: [3, 'Waist'], //Legs 10: [5, 'Legs'], //Feet 11: [2, 'Feet'], //Ranged 12: [9, 'Main Hand'], //Shield 13: [10, 'Off-Hand'], } DR.init = function () { //console.log('WH.Wow.DressingRoom', WH.Wow.DressingRoom, 'Controls', $('div.dressing-room-controls')[0]); const switchers = $('.dressing-room-character-controls-category-switchers'); /*<a data-category="gear" href="javascript:" style="background-image: url("");" class=""></a>*/ //achievement_boss_grandmagustelestra petbattle_health inv_misc_toy_07 const a = $(`<a data-category="script" href="javascript:" style="order:90;background-image: url(''); background-position:center center;background-size:contain;" class=""></a>`); switchers.append(a); //console.log('TEST**************************************', $('.dressing-room-character-controls-category').last()); /*<div class="dressing-room-character-controls-category-option" data-character-customization-type="tattoo">Tessssssssssst</div>*/ const opt = $(`<div class="dressing-room-character-controls-category" data-active="false" data-category="script" style="pointer-events:auto;"></div>`); $('.dressing-room-character-controls-category').last().after(opt); $('head').append(`<style> .dressing-room-character-controls-category #dr_script_header { font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0 0 10px; text-transform: uppercase; } #dressing_room_script{ border:0 !important; margin-top:0 !important; } #dr_itemlist { flex-direction:column !important; } .dr_code_buttons { flex-direction:row !important; } </style>`); new MutationObserver(me => { for (let m of me) { if ( && === "A" && !== "script") { //console.log(,; if ( === "true") { opt[0] = false; a[0] = false; } } } }).observe($('.dressing-room-character-controls-category-switchers')[0], { attributes: true, childList: false, subtree: true, attributeFilter: ['data-active'], }); $('.dressing-room-character-controls-category-switchers').on('click', e => { const t =; if ( === "A") { if (t.dataset.category === "script") { $('.dressing-room-character-controls-category-switchers > a').each(function (index) { = false; }); $(".dressing-room-character-controls-category").each(function (index) { = false; }); $(".dressing-room-character")[0].dataset.category = "script"; opt[0] = true; a[0] = true; } /*else { opt[0] = false; a[0] = false; }*/ //console.log("CATEGORY SWITCH",t.dataset.category); } }); if (!WH.Wow.DressingRoom) { console.log('No Wowhead dressing room.'); return; } //$('div.dressing-room-character-controls-general').after('<div id="Dressing_Room_Script_Controls" style="max-width:315px;"></div>'); $('body').append('<div id="Dressing_Room_Script_Controls" style="background:#202020;position:fixed;z-index:100000;right:0;bottom:0;min-width:400px;padding:20px;"></div>'); //$('div.dressing-room-controls').append(HTML); //$('#Dressing_Room_Script_Controls').append(HTML); opt.append(HTML); $('#dressing_room_wrapper').show(); //console.log('Character', WH.Wow.DressingRoom.getCharacterForHash()); DR.urlInput = $('#comp_src'); DR.urlInput.change(DR.onUrlInput); $('#comp_click').click(DR.onImportClick); $('.dr_code_buttons button').on('click', function (e) { //console.log("CLICKED"); var mode = $('mode'); DR.createListCode(mode); DR.mode = mode; if (mode === "preview") { $('#dr_code_box').hide(); $('#dr-preview').show(); } else { $('#dr_code_box').show(); $('#dr-preview').hide(); } }); $('#generate_chr').on('click', function (e) { DR.createWMVCode(); $("#download_file")[0].click(); }); $('#generate_eq').on('click', function (e) { DR.createWMVCode('eq'); $("#download_file")[0].click(); }); $('#record_video').on('click', function (e) { $(this).attr('active', true); if (!DR.recorder) DR.initRecorder(); if (DR.recorder.state == 'inactive') DR.startRecording(); else if (DR.recorder.state == 'recording') DR.stopRecording(); }); var interval = setInterval(function () { var paperdoll = g_paperdolls['dressing-room-paperdoll']; if (paperdoll) { clearInterval(interval); DR.hookUpdateViewer(paperdoll); DR.hookUpdateViewer(Paperdoll.prototype); //DR.onUpdateDressingRoom(); } }, 100); } DR.hookUpdateViewer = function (p) { if (!p._updateSlots) { p._updateSlots = p.updateSlots; p.updateSlots = function (b) { this._updateSlots(b); try { //console.log('PAPER DOLL UPDATING SLOTS'); DR.onUpdateDressingRoom(); } catch (e) { console.log("COULD NOT INIT UPDATE SLOTS EVENT, ERROR ", e); } } } if (!p._updateCharAppearance) { p._updateCharAppearance = p.updateCharAppearance; p.updateCharAppearance = function (a) { this._updateCharAppearance(a); try { console.log('PAPER DOLL UPDATING CHAR APPEARANCE'); DR.onUpdateDressingRoom(); } catch (e) { console.log("COULD NOT INIT UPDATE CHAR APPEARANCE EVENT, ERROR ", e); } } } if (!p._saveData) { p._saveData = p.saveData; p.saveData = function (a) { var data = this._saveData(a); try { console.log('PAPER DOLL SAVING DATA'); DR.onUpdateDressingRoom(); } catch (e) { console.log("COULD NOT INIT SAVE PAPERDOLL DATA EVENT, ERROR ", e); } return data; } } } DR.recorder = null; DR.recorderActive = false; DR.onUpdateDressingRoom = function () { DR.createListCode(DR.mode); DR.multiAppearances(); } DR.initRecorder = function () { var stream = $('.paperdoll-model-inner canvas')[0].captureStream(); DR.recorder = new MediaRecorder(stream); DR.recorder.chunks = []; DR.recorder.totalsize = 0; DR.recorder.ondataavailable = function (event) { var audioURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(; this.chunks.push(; DR.recorder.totalsize = DR.recorder.totalsize +; var totalSize = DR.recorder.totalsize; for (var i in this.chunks) { totalSize = totalSize + this.chunks[i].size; } if (totalSize / Math.pow(####, 2) > 10) { console.log("More than 10MB of data"); this.stop(); } var totalSizeKB = Math.round(totalSize / Math.pow(####, 1)); var totalSizeMB = Math.round(totalSize / Math.pow(####, 2)); //var totalSizeGB = totalsize / Math.pow(####,3); $('#download_video_link').text('Download movie (' + totalSizeMB + 'MB)'); } DR.recorder.onstop = function (event) { var finalBlob = new Blob(this.chunks, { 'type': this.chunks[0].type }); //var finalBlob = new Blob(this.chunks, { type: "video/webm" }); var finalSrc = window.URL.createObjectURL(finalBlob); this.chunks = []; this.totalsize = 0; $('#record_video').text('Recording stopped'); $('#download_video_link').attr('href', finalSrc); } } DR.startRecording = function () { if (!this.recorder) this.initRecorder(); DR.recorder.chunks = []; DR.recorder.totalsize = 0; DR.recorder.start(500); $('#record_video').text('Recording video...'); } DR.stopRecording = function () { this.recorderActive = false; DR.recorder.stop(); } DR.test = function () { var i = e[i]; } DR.processUrl = function (url) { //console.log(url.match(/^compare\?items=/)); if (url.match(/^compare\?items=/)) { url = window.location.origin + '/' + url; } var _URL = new URL(url); if (_URL.hostname === "" && _URL.pathname === "/compare") { this.loadComparison(_URL); return; } if (url.match(/wowhead\.com\/compare/)) { this.loadComparison(url); } else if (url.match(/:\/\/\\/outfit=/)) { var s = "/outfit=" + url.match(/outfit=(\d+)/)[1]; $.get(s, function (data) { var l = data.match(/su_addToSaved\('([\d:.]+)',/)[1]; DR.loadComparison(document.domain + "/compare?items=" + l); }); } else { alert("Not a valid comparison or outfit URL"); } } DR.loadComparison = function (url) { //url ="?items=","").replaceAll(":",",") const itemList = DR.buildComparisonList(; //console.log("ITEMLIST",itemList); fetch("/beta/gatherer?items=" + itemList[0]).then(res=>res.text()).then(text=>{ var summary =,itemList[1]); var character = DR.setEquipment(WH.Wow.DressingRoom.getCharacterForHash(), summary); //console.log("Updating from hash",character); WH.Wow.DressingRoom.updateFromHash(character); DR.updatePaperdoll(); }); } DR.buildComparisonList = function(string) { string = string.replace("?items=","") var items = []; var itemsWithBonuses = []; var items_ = string.split(":"); for( var i of items_ ) { var i_ = i.split('.'); itemsWithBonuses.push(i_); items.push(i_[0]); } return [items.join(','),itemsWithBonuses]; } = function (text,items) { //console.log(''); let match = text.match(/(\{(.+)\})/); //console.log('NEW ITEMS',text,"match1",match[1]); if(!match || !match[1]) return; const json = JSON.parse(match[1]); //console.log("NEW ITEMS****************************",items,text); eval(text); if (!items) { alert("No item list in summary"); return null; } var itemlist = {}; for (var i of items) { //const id = i[0]; //const bonus = i[1]; //var slot = g_items[items[i][0]].jsonequip.slot; //console.log('g_items[i[0]]',i[0],g_items); //var slot = g_items[i[0]].json.slot; if(!json[i[0]]) continue; var slot = json[i[0]].json.slot; var slotEq = DR.characterSlotToEquipmentOrder[slot]; //console.log("TEST",json[i[0]],json[i[0]].json.slot,'slotEQ'+slotEq); //itemlist[slotEq] = { itemId: items[i][0], itemBonus: items[i][10], slotId: slot }; itemlist[slotEq] = { itemId: i[0], itemBonus: i[1], slotId: slot }; } return itemlist; } DR.setEquipment = function (character, equipment) { //console.log("NEW EQUIPMENT*************",equipment); for (var i in {[i].itemId = 0;[i].itemBonus = 0; var slot = DR.equipmentOrderToCharacterSlot[i];[i].slotId = slot; if (equipment[i]) {[i].itemId = equipment[i].itemId;[i].itemBonus = equipment[i].itemBonus; } } return character; } = function (text) { var s_match = text.match(/new Summary(\(.+)/); if (!s_match || !s_match[0]) { alert("No summary detected"); return null; } var summary = null; var Summary = function (data) { = data; } summary = eval(s_match[0]); var items =[0]; if (!items) { alert("No item list in summary"); return null; } var itemlist = {}; for (var i in items) { var slot = g_items[items[i][0]].jsonequip.slot; var slotEq = DR.characterSlotToEquipmentOrder[slot]; itemlist[slotEq] = { itemId: items[i][0], itemBonus: items[i][10], slotId: slot }; } return itemlist; } DR.loadComparison_old = function (url) { $.ajax("/compare" +, { dataType: "text", complete: function (data) { var g_match = data.responseText.match(/(g_items.add.+)/g); eval(g_match.join('')); var summary =; var character = DR.setEquipment(WH.Wow.DressingRoom.getCharacterForHash(), summary); WH.Wow.DressingRoom.updateFromHash(character); DR.updatePaperdoll(); } }); } DR.setPaperdollSlot = function (itemId, itemBonus, k) { var item = { itemId: itemId, itemBonus: itemBonus }; item.slotId = DR.getGitemsJsonProp(itemId, 'slot'); var raw = WH.convertPaperdollItemDataToRaw(item); var data = { raw: raw, artifactAppearanceMod: 0 } g_paperdolls["dressing-room-paperdoll"].setSlot(data, true); } DR.updatePaperdoll = function () { var raw = []; var newCharacter = WH.Wow.DressingRoom.getCharacterForHash(); for (var i in { var item = {}; var slot =[i].slotId; if (!slot) {[i].slotId = DR.getGitemsJsonProp([i].itemId, 'slot'); } item.raw = WH.convertPaperdollItemDataToRaw([i]); item.artifactAppearanceMod = 0; raw.push(item); } g_paperdolls["dressing-room-paperdoll"].updateSlots(raw); } DR.onUrlInput = function (e) { var url =; DR.processUrl(url); } DR.onImportClick = function (e) { var urlInput = prompt("Enter MogIt or WoWHead comparison link e.g.\ncompare?items=115551:177580:25822:54473:18730:125171:51232:24112:71360\n", ""); if (urlInput != null && urlInput.length > 0) { DR.processUrl(urlInput); } } DR.getItem = function (id) { return unsafeWindow.g_items[id] } DR.getGitemsJsonProp = function (id, propname) { var gitem = unsafeWindow.g_items[id]; if (!gitem) { //console.log( "No such g_item: " + id , g_items[id] ); return null; } //console.log('JSON ITEM', g_items[id]); if (g_items[id].json && g_items[id].json[propname]) return g_items[id].json[propname]; else if (g_items[id].jsonequip && g_items[id].jsonequip[propname]) return g_items[id].jsonequip[propname]; else return null; } DR.itemAppearances = {}; DR.multiAppearances = function () { $('div.iconmedium > div.bonus-buttons').remove(); $('div.iconmedium a').css('outline', 'none'); var equipment = WH.Wow.DressingRoom.getCharacterForHash().equipment; for (var i in equipment) { var appearances = DR.getGitemsJsonProp(equipment[i].itemId, 'appearances'); if (appearances && Object.keys(appearances).length > 1) { //if item has more than one appearance if (!DR.itemAppearances[equipment[i].itemId]) DR.searchItem(equipment[i].itemId); else DR.createAppearanceButtons(equipment[i].itemId); } } } DR.getItemName = function (id) { var gitem = g_items[id]; for (var prop in gitem) { if (prop.match('name_')) { return gitem[prop]; } } return null; } DR.searchItem = function (id) { var name = this.getItemName(id); if (!name || name.length < 1) return false; var base = window.location.origin + '/search?q='; var url = base + encodeURIComponent(name) + '&json&skipcb&skipis'; $.post(url, function (res) { //console.log("SEARCHING ITEM", id); var a = eval(res); DR.searchItemProcess(id, a); }); } DR.searchItemProcess = function (id, data) { if (!data[1] || !data[1].items) { return false; } var bonuses = []; var items = data[1].items for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (items[i].id == id) { bonuses.push(items[i].bonuses[0]); } } DR.itemAppearances[id] = bonuses.sort(); //console.log(DR.itemAppearances); DR.createAppearanceButtons(id); } DR.createAppearanceButtons = function (id) { var bonuses = DR.itemAppearances[id]; //find paperdoll icon var a = $('div.iconmedium > a[href*="/item=' + id + '"]'); a.css('outline', '1px solid red'); a.parent('div.iconmedium').find('div.bonus-buttons').remove(); var div = $('<div class="bonus-buttons" style="z-index:300;position:absolute;display:flex;flex-direction:row;bottom:0px;"></div>'); a.parent('div.iconmedium').append(div); for (var b = 0; b < bonuses.length; b++) { var bonusButton = $('<button class="appearance-button" style="width:10px;font-size:9px;background:red;color:white;padding:0px;" />'); div.append(bonusButton); bonusButton[0].dataset.itemId = id; bonusButton[0].dataset.itemBonus = bonuses[b]; bonusButton.text(b); } } DR.setItem = function (info) { var eq = WH.Wow.DressingRoom.getCharacterForHash(); if (!info.slot) { for (var e in { if (parseInt([e].itemId) == parseInt( {[e].itemBonus = info.bonus; } } } WH.Wow.DressingRoom.updateFromHash(eq); DR.setPaperdollSlot(parseInt(, parseInt(info.bonus), true); } DR.createListCode = function (mode) { if (!mode) mode = DR.mode; if (mode == "wmv") return this.createWMVCode(); //var equipment = WH.Wow.DressingRoom.getCharacter().equipment; var equipment = WH.Wow.DressingRoom.getCharacterForHash().equipment; var list = []; for (var e in equipment) { if (equipment[e].itemId > 0) { var id = equipment[e].itemId; //var name = DR.getGitemsJsonProp( id , 'name' ).slice(1); var name = DR.getGitemsJsonProp(id, 'name'); var slot = DR.getGitemsJsonProp(id, 'slot'); //var slotName = g_item_slots[slot]; var slotName = DR.getSlotName(slot); slotName = slotName || ""; slotName = slotName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + slotName.slice(1); var subclass = DR.getGitemsJsonProp(id, 'subclass'); if (e > 11 && subclass > -1) { //weapons slotName = g_item_subclasses[2][subclass]; } slotName = (slotName) ? slotName : ""; name = (name) ? name : ""; var url = "https://" + document.domain + "/item=" + id + "&bonus=" + equipment[e].itemBonus; list.push({ name: name, href: url, slot: slotName }); } } var list_text = ""; var codes = { html: "", reddit: "", forum: "", plain: "" }; /* for( var i=0;i<list.length;i++ ) { if( mode == "html") list_text = list_text + list[i].slot + ": " + '<a href="' + list[i].href + '">' + list[i].name + '</a><br>\n'; else if( mode == "reddit") list_text = list_text + list[i].slot + ": " + '[' + list[i].name + '](' + list[i].href + ')\n\n'; else if( mode == "forum") list_text = list_text + list[i].slot + ': [url=' + list[i].href + ']' + list[i].name + '[/url]'; else list_text = list_text + list[i].slot + ': ' + list[i].name + '\n'; }*/ for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { codes.html = codes.html + list[i].slot + ": " + '<a href="' + list[i].href + '">' + list[i].name + '</a><br>\n'; codes.reddit = codes.reddit + list[i].slot + ": " + '[' + list[i].name + '](' + list[i].href + ')\n\n'; = + list[i].slot + ': [url=' + list[i].href + ']' + list[i].name + '[/url]'; codes.plain = codes.plain + list[i].slot + ': ' + list[i].name + '\n'; } //console.log( list_text ); $('#dr_code_box').val(codes[mode]); $('#dr-preview')[0].innerHTML = codes.html; DR.mode = mode; return codes; } DR.getSlotName = function (slotId) { if (!g_character_slots_data) return false; for (let i of g_character_slots_data) { if ( === slotId) return; } return false; } DR.createWMVItemCode = function (itemId, bonus, slot) { var gitem = g_items[itemId]; var charSlot = DR.equipmentOrderToWMVSlot[slot]; if (!charSlot || !gitem) { return ""; } var id, displayId, level; //if( gitem ) { var json = (gitem.json) ? gitem.json : gitem.jsonequip; id = itemId; var gappearance = g_items.getAppearance(id, [bonus], WH.Wow.DressingRoom.getCharacterForHash().settings.artifactAppearanceMod); if (gappearance) { displayId = gappearance[0]; var appearances = json.appearances; var levels = []; for (var o in appearances) { levels.push(appearances[o][0]); } level = levels.indexOf(gappearance[0]); } else { //if item has only 1 appearance for (var j in json.appearances) { if (json.appearances[j][0]) { displayId = json.appearances[j][0]; break; } } } //} id = (id) ? id : -1; displayId = (displayId) ? displayId : -1; level = (level) ? level : 0; var string = ' <item>\n' + ' <slot value="' + charSlot[0] + '" name="' + charSlot[1] + '"/>\n' + ' <id value="' + id + '" name="' + + '"/>\n' + ' <displayId value="' + displayId + '"/>\n' + ' <level value="' + level + '"/>\n' + ' </item>\n'; return string; } DR.testHairHat = function (equipment) { var baldHats = "cowl chapeau turban hat faceguard visor helm helmet fez cap shroud"; function isBald(name) { name = name.toLowerCase(); for (var i of baldHats.split(" ")) { if (name.includes(" "+i)||name.includes(i+" ")) return true; } return false; } if (equipment[1].itemId > 0) { var gitem = g_items[equipment[1].itemId]; var json = (gitem.json) ? gitem.json : gitem.jsonequip; let bald = isBald(; //console.log('HEAD', json, 'bald', bald,'json',json); return bald; } } DR.createWMVCode = function (param) { DR.mode = "wmv"; GM_setValue('mode', 'wmv'); DR.bald = false; var character = WH.Wow.DressingRoom.getCharacterForHash(); var settings = character.settings; //var race = g_file_races[settings.race]; var race = WH.getPageData('wow.race.names')[settings.race]; const genders = ['Male', 'Female']; //const showHair = (DR.testHairHat(; const showHair = 1; //var gender = g_file_genders[settings.gender]; var gender = genders[settings.gender]; //console.log('CHARACTER***************', character); const Custom = WH.getPageData('wow.dressingRoom.customizationOptions'); const getCustomizationOptions = function (e, t) { let i = Custom[e]; i = i && i[t]; i = i || []; return i.slice() } const opts = getCustomizationOptions(settings.race, settings.gender); //console.log('customizationOptions', opts); //console.log('RACE', settings.race, WH.getPageData('wow.race.names')); const hdModels = 'human gnome orc bloodelf tauren draenei nightelf troll dwarf scourge'; const optsByName = {}; function createCharDetail(detail) { let arr = []; for (let d in detail) { arr.push(`${d}="${detail[d]}"`); } return `<customization ${arr.join(" ")}/>`; } const optstrings = []; for (let set of opts) { const choices = set.choices; let oo = optsByName[set.slug]; oo = { id:, value: settings[set.slug], name:, }; for (let c of choices) { if ( === settings[set.slug]) { if (c.color) oo.color = '#' + c.color; else oo.valueName =; break; } } oo.string = createCharDetail(oo); optstrings.push(oo.string); optsByName[set.slug] = oo; } //console.log('OPTIONS', optsByName, optstrings.join("\n")); //Race Modification race = race.toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", ""); //If Naga if (settings.race == 13) race = "naga_"; //If Undead if (settings.race == 5) race = "scourge"; var classs = settings.class; var eyeGlow = 1; if (settings.class == 6) eyeGlow = 2; const classNames = WH.getPageData('wow.playerClass.names'); //console.log("CLASSES", classNames); var isDemonHunter = 0; var DHTattooStyle = 0; var DHTattooColor = 0; var DHHornStyle = 0; var DHBlindFolds = 0; //If Demon Hunter if (classs == 12) { isDemonHunter = 1; DHTattooStyle = settings.tattoos; DHTattooColor = 0; DHHornStyle = settings.hornstyle; DHBlindFolds = settings.blindfolds; } var hdon = (g_paperdolls["dressing-room-paperdoll"].enableHD); var hd = ""; //Races that have HD & OLD models /*if( settings.race < 12 ){ if(hdon) hd = "_hd"; //demon hunter models should be hd if(classs == 12) hd = "_hd"; }*/ if (hdModels.split(" ").indexOf(race) > -1) { hd = "_hd"; } //If Naga //if( settings.race == 13 ) race = "naga_"; //Old char details /* ' <skinColor value="' + settings["skin-color"] + '"/>\n' + ' <faceType value="' + settings.face + '"/>\n' + ' <hairColor value="' + settings["hair-color"] + '"/>\n' + ' <hairStyle value="' + settings["hair-style"] + '"/>\n' +*/ gender = gender.toLowerCase(); var modelstring = 'character/' + race + '/' + gender + '/' + race + gender + hd; var equiplist = WH.Wow.DressingRoom.getCharacterForHash().equipment; let equipText = ""; for (var i in equiplist) { try { var itemCode = DR.createWMVItemCode(equiplist[i].itemId, equiplist[i].itemBonus, i); equipText = equipText + itemCode; } catch (e) { console.log("Error processing item " + equiplist[i].itemId + " \n Errorcode: " + e); } } const modelText = `<model> <file name="${modelstring}.m2"/> <CharDetails> ${optstrings.join("\n")} <eyeGlowType value="${eyeGlow}"/> <showUnderwear value="1"/> <showEars value="1"/> <showHair value="${showHair}"/> <showFacialHair value="1"/> <showFeet value="0"/> <isDemonHunter value="${isDemonHunter}"/> </CharDetails> </model>`; var text = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SavedCharacter version="2.0"> ${(param == 'eq') ? "" : modelText} <equipment> ${equipText} </equipment> </SavedCharacter>`; /*if (param == 'eq') text = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' + ' <SavedCharacter version="1.0">\n' + '<equipment>\n'; text = text + ' </equipment>\n' + ' </SavedCharacter>\n';*/ text = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n` + DR.prettifyXml(text); $('#wmv_export').val(text); var file_uri = 'data:text/xml;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text); $("#download_file").attr('href', file_uri); $("#code_file").attr('href', file_uri); var filename = "My Character"; if (param == "eq") $("#download_file").attr('download', filename + ".eq"); else $("#download_file").attr('download', filename + ".chr"); filename = "My Character"; $("#dr_code_box").val(text); return text; } DR.prettifyXml = function (sourceXml) { var xmlDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(sourceXml, 'application/xml'); var xsltDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString([ // describes how we want to modify the XML - indent everything '<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="">', ' <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>', ' <xsl:template match="para[content-style][not(text())]">', // change to just text() to strip space in text nodes ' <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>', ' </xsl:template>', ' <xsl:template match="node()|@*">', ' <xsl:copy><xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/></xsl:copy>', ' </xsl:template>', ' <xsl:output indent="yes"/>', '</xsl:stylesheet>', ].join('\n'), 'application/xml'); var xsltProcessor = new XSLTProcessor(); xsltProcessor.importStylesheet(xsltDoc); var r###ltDoc = xsltProcessor.transformToDocument(xmlDoc); var r###ltXml = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(r###ltDoc); return r###ltXml; }; DR.init();