Auto create item lists from comparisons
A little gresemonkey script automatically generates wowhead links out of comparisons:
How to use it
It works in Firefox, Chrome and Opera browsers. To use scripts, you must first install these addons:
Tampermonkey for Chrome, Greasemonkey for Firefox, and Violentmonkey for Opera.
Then you can create a new script and replace its contents with my script.
On a wowhead 'comparison' page, you will see this:
To generate a list, first select 'Split' from a dropdown menu:
Then click this button:
The code will apppear in a textbox below and you can copy it and use it on your site
[Mantle of Prophecy]
[Replica Magister's Crown]
[Gloves of Creation]
[Klaxxi Lash of the Seeker]
[Scarlet Sandals]
[Leggings of the Icy Heart]
[Nub's Wand]
[Earthmender's Bracer of Shattering]
[Imperial Red Robe]
Update: new (Beta - may be weird) version,
Creates HTML, Markdown and ###ode. Added slot names.