Greasy Fork is available in English.
Automates the use of chat and message BB-Codes: [coords][url][player][alliance][b][i][s][u] - Contact list for whispering - Type /chelp <enter> in chat for help.
Tiberium Alliances Extension : Chat Helper Enhanced Yiannis Mod
Server Patch 17.4 function-status: Fine
Automates the use of chat and message BB-Codes: [coords][url][player][alliance][b][i][s][u] - Contact list for whispering - Type /chelp in chat for help.
What does it do?
URLs and Coords are automatically tagged when you hit the enter key in chat.
ex: 321.1234.Tungsten creates a coordinate link to 321:1234 called Tungsten
Added support for mailclient (v3.2.0)
Several bugfixes and improvements made by Yiannis
4-digit coords working. Map links that contained coordinates from were previously broken, should work now.
Downgrade to version 3.0.1 if you have any serious problems with the new changes and please report!
New Features in v3.0.0+
Contacts list This a barebones implementation, no color yet, please report any bugs on the Discussions (forum) here at userscripts. Rollback to 2.3.3 If you don't like the contact feature.
Auto-completes player names when whispering. Use the right-arrow key to complete a name, tab is a bit harder to deal with, sry.
/add "player" --adds a contact. Same as sending a whisper with no message.
/whisper "player" -every time you whisper someone you will have the option to add them to your contacts. Just hit enter again after sending the message to add them.
/list or /contacts for an ugly popup list
/del "player" --removes a single player from your list
/del all --clears your entire list
New Features in v2.0:
/chelp in any text box for a popup command list.
Alt+p alias for Alt+3 player
Alt+a alias for Alt+4 alliance
Alt+b for bold
Alt+i for italics
Alt+u for underline
Alt+s for strike-through
(Browser alt+menu shortcuts for these keys are suppressed while a textbox is selected)
Alt+1 force tag all coordinates and urls in a Message/Forum post
Alt+2 to manually enter an url (only necessary if the url doesn't begin with http)
Alt+3 Player tag
Alt+4 Alliance tag
Alt+0 Clear all [url], [coords], [player] and [alliance] tags
Player ( Alt+3 ) and Alliance( Alt+4 )
-tags a selected/highlighted name with trailing space correction
-tags the last word if you don't hit space
-if you hit space an empty set of tags are inserted and the cursor moves to the middle.(ripped from Rubbyx)
Credits : Yiannis
Original script : credit : BR01