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RU AdList JS Fixes

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นี่คือเวอร์ชันของสคริปต์นี้ที่โค้ดมีการอัปเดต แสดงเวอร์ชันทั้งหมด

  • v20201105.005-11-2020Replaced documentRewrite with static plug for i.ua.
  • v20201103.003-11-2020Replaced majority of zmcDocumentRewrite domains with fixed stubs since it looks like they using the same frame name without changing it.
  • v20201102.602-11-2020Limited documentRewrite on ukr.net to www.ukr.net only. Added documentRewrite for nv.ua.
  • v20201102.502-11-2020Moved hvylya.net from documentRewrite to zmcPlugTime section.
  • v20201102.402-11-2020Removed custom code for bigmir.net entirely and moved it to zmcPlugTime section.
  • v20201102.302-11-2020Replaced documentRewrite with zmcPlug for bigmir.net on their main page (subdomains are using different code).
  • v20201102.202-11-2020Replaced documentRewrite with zmcPlug for inforesist.org, implemented custom fixes for liga.net and segodnya.ua.
  • v20201102.102-11-2020Removed separate Gismeteo script.
  • v20201102.002-11-2020Extended zmcPlug to generate iframe names when they are based on datetime. Disabled documentRewrite on a multiple domains where zmctrack is blocked by old code.
  • v20201101.301-11-2020Removed another potential source of issues on echo.msk.ru.
  • v20201101.201-11-2020Removed code for echo.msk.ru and made custom fix for pravda.com.ua since it breaks in Firefox.
  • v20201101.101-11-2020Updated list of zmctrack domains.
  • v20201101.001-11-2020Majority of sites which using zmctrack moved to their latest code with already existing "clean" iframe on the page. Implemented per-site plugs.
  • v20201030.030-10-2020Fixed problem on rustorka.com. Apparently browser creates context for the script to run so early that feature test failed and attempted to run fix for old Fx versions.
  • v20201023.123-10-2020Updated code for sinoptik.ua for Violentmonkey (tested in 2.12.8 RC17). Apparently VM is not fast enough to reliably interrupt zmc script on the page. So, reused disabled code added in previous commit for Gismeteo.
  • v20201023.023-10-2020Added disabled code for Gismeteo which removes zmctrack script from the page code and rewrites the page. I don't want to use it because rewrite takes time (during which empty page is displayed) and may introduce problems with page functionality. But it may become a 'necessary evil' in case they completely randomize zmc frame name.
  • v20201023.023-10-2020Updated code for Gismeteo. Numbers in that stub had to be padded, apparently.
  • v20201022.122-10-2020Ooops! Forgot to remove part of the debug code and that crashed zmcPlug function.
  • v20201022.022-10-2020Updated code for Gismeteo. Added code for sinoptik.ua.
  • v20201021.021-10-2020Forgot to remove line of code from attempt to cache r###lts for faulty calls. Unnecessary complexity for unsupported browser version.
  • v20201021.021-10-2020Two tweaks for Proxy().toString() fix for Fx 60: Browser detection is feature-based now and instead of always calling Function.toString() when normal call fails wrapper should call appropriate one like Function.toSource() when toSource failed.
  • v20201019.019-10-2020Replaced fix for Proxy().toString() in Fx 60 ESR with more generic one.
  • v20201018.018-10-2020Fix for Firefox 60 ESR on rbc.ru. Calling toString on Proxy throws Error.
  • v20201017.017-10-2020Fixed "Uncaught in promise" error messages when GM.cookie.list promise returns "rejected: not supported" on stable version of Tampermonkey.
  • v20201015.615-10-2020Minifix for change in previous commit.
  • v20201015.515-10-2020Updated code for all-episodes.org.
  • v20201015.415-10-2020Updated code for Yandex.
  • v20201015.315-10-2020Updated code for vp.rambler.ru.
  • v20201015.215-10-2020Removed previously added code for Yandex since it doesn't help.
  • v20201015.115-10-2020Another minor update: Removed debug log record from one of previous updates.
  • v20201015.115-10-2020Removed unused variable left in previous update. Additionally, previous update replaced ReferenceError with TypeError since it makes more sence in context of property missing in object.
  • v20201015.115-10-2020Updated code for Yandex and frontend.vh.yandex.ru in particular.
  • v20201015.015-10-2020Updated code for starlight.digital.
  • v20201010.110-10-2020Updated code for auto.ru. Another tweak for yandex direct stub there.
  • v20201010.009-10-2020Updated code for auto.ru. Previous updated caused loss of functionality in some cases.
  • v20201009.109-10-2020Updated code for auto.ru.
  • v20201009.009-10-2020Disabled script on 1cfresh.com: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/19993-ru-adlist-js-fixes/discussions/64161 (it's not necessary there anyway)
  • v20201008.008-10-2020Added check for subdomains into first exceptions list regexp. Removed beru.ru from exceptions since it moved to market.yandex.ru.
  • v20201007.007-10-2020Added yastatic.net into exclude list (used on market.yandex.ru in frames).
  • v20200925.024-09-2020Replaced exclude list with 2 regexps. Added lineageos.org into list (nothing to block, win.Ya breaks review.lineageos.org)
  • v20200924.024-09-2020Temporary fix for zmctrack on Gismeteo.
  • v20200923.023-09-2020Disabled script on market.yandex.ru. It is not necessary there anyway and somehow occasionally breaks the UI (add to comparison button, remove from comparison and probably more).
  • v20200922.122-09-2020Updated code for Rambler.
  • v20200922.022-09-2020Updated code for Rambler.
  • v20200921.221-09-2020Updated code for Yandex.
  • v20200921.121-09-2020Updated code for glav.su.
  • v20200921.021-09-2020Updated code for Yandex Afisha. Removed duplicate logs of removed cookies.
  • v20200920.120-09-2020Updated code for Rambler. Fix for comments on Lenta and other their domains.
  • v20200920.020-09-2020Updated code for Rambler in general and Lenta's function wrapper in particular.
  • v20200919.219-09-2020Forgot to test new Rambler code in Firefox. Should work now.
