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Weibo Big Picture (##微博查看大图)

New buttons for opening full sized pictures in new background tabs. Add "href" attributes to "Full size"/"查看大图"/"查看大圖" anchors so that you can mid-click or right-click them with more options.

// ==UserScript==// @name            Weibo Big Picture (##微博查看大图)// @namespace @description     New buttons for opening full sized pictures in new background tabs. Add "href" attributes to "Full size"/"查看大图"/"查看大圖" anchors so that you can mid-click or right-click them with more options.// @version         4.6// @license         GPL version 3// @include         *://*// @require @grant           GM_openInTab// @run-at          document-end// ==/UserScript==/*** Download** GitHub** Greasy Fork**/function initialize() {console.log('initialize', location.href);if ($('.WB_feed:not(.adelabs)').length == 0) { return false; }// Observe post list loading$('.WB_feed').each(function(i, o){console.log('observe', o);$(o).addClass('adelabs');var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {console.log('mutation', o);run();});observer.observe(o, {childList: true});});// Launch!run();return true;}var href = '';setInterval(function() {if (location.href != href) {if (initialize()) {href = location.href;}}}, 1000);function run() {console.log('run');// Create open-in-background buttons for thumbnails.$('ul.WB_media_a:not(.adelabs)').each(function(i, list){$(list).addClass('adelabs');// Get one href for each thumbnail.var hrefs = [];$(list).find('li[action-type="feed_list_media_img"] > img' + // single pic',' +'li[action-type="fl_pics"] > img' + // multiple pic'').each(function(){hrefs.push(get_href_from_bigcursor($(this)));});// One button for each thumbnail.for (var i=0; i<hrefs.length; ++i) {var button = create_button((i+1).toString(), [hrefs[i]]);$(list).before(button).before(' ');}// One extra button for all.if (hrefs.length > 1) {var button = create_button('all', hrefs);$(list).before(button);}});// Observe all "Full size" anchors and create buttons for them.$('div.WB_expand_media_box:not(.adelabs)').each(function(i, expand){$(expand).addClass('adelabs');// Each time a mid sized pic is expanded,var observer_for_expand = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {// for its "Full size" anchor,$(expand).find('a[action-type="widget_photoview"]').each(function(i, show_big){// set its href and add a new buttonfunction update(show_big) {href = get_href_from_show_big(show_big);if (show_big.attr('href') == href) { return; }show_big.attr('href', href);show_big.parent().find('a.adelabs').remove();var button = create_button('Open', [href]);show_big.after(button);button.hide().show(50);}update($(show_big));// Observe it and update it again when it changes.var observer_for_show_big = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {update($(show_big));});observer_for_show_big.observe(show_big, {attributes:true,attributeFilter: ['action-data']});});});observer_for_expand.observe(expand, {childList: true});});}// Create a button which opens `hrefs` in backgroud tabs when clicked.function create_button(text, hrefs) {var a = $('<a class="S_txt1 adelabs"><em class="W_new_count">' + text + '</em></a>');return{for (var i=0; i<hrefs.length; ++i) {GM_openInTab(hrefs[i], true);}});}function get_href_from_show_big(show_big) {var action_data = $(show_big).attr('action-data');var pid = action_data.replace(/.*\bpid=(\w+).*/, '$1');var href = '//' + pid;return href;}function get_href_from_bigcursor(bigcursor) {var src = bigcursor.attr('src');var basename = src.replace(/.*\//, '');var href = '//' + basename;return href;}