Replaces an embedded video with a link to the video page.
// ==UserScript== // @name LinkTube // @version 2017.11.23 // @description Replaces an embedded video with a link to the video page. // @author sebaro // @namespace // @license GPL version 3 or any later version; // @icon // @include * // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // ==/UserScript== /* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2017 Sebastian Luncan This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. Website: Contact: */ (function() { // ==========Variables========== // // Userscript var userscript = 'LinkTube'; // Contact var contact = ''; // Warning var warning = 'Couldn\'t get the video link. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '">here</a>.'; // Options var option = {'secure': true}; // ==========Fixes========== // // Don't run on frames or iframes if ( != window.self) return; // ==========Functions========== // function createMyElement (type, content) { var obj = document.createElement(type); if (type == 'div') { if (content) obj.innerHTML = content; } return obj; } function getMyElement (element, get, tag) { var obj; if (get == 'parent') obj = element.parentNode; else if (get == 'source') obj = element.src; else if (get == 'name') obj =; else if (get == 'value') obj = element.value; else if (get == 'children') obj = element.getElementsByTagName(tag); return obj; } function modifyMyElement (obj, type, content, clear) { if (type == 'div') { if (content) obj.innerHTML = content; } if (clear) { if (obj.hasChildNodes()) { while (obj.childNodes.length >= 1) { obj.removeChild(obj.firstChild); } } } } function styleMyElement (obj, styles) { for (var property in styles) { if (styles.hasOwnProperty(property))[property] = styles[property]; } } function appendMyElement (parent, child) { if (parent == 'body') document.body.appendChild(child); else parent.appendChild(child); } function removeMyElement (parent, child) { if (parent == 'body') document.body.removeChild(child); else parent.removeChild(child); } function replaceMyElement (parent, orphan, child) { parent.replaceChild(orphan, child); } function cleanMyContent (content, unesc) { var myNewContent = content; if (unesc) myNewContent = unescape (myNewContent); myNewContent = myNewContent.replace (/\\u0025/g,'%'); myNewContent = myNewContent.replace (/\\u0026/g,'&'); myNewContent = myNewContent.replace (/\\/g,''); myNewContent = myNewContent.replace (/\n/g,''); return myNewContent; } function YouTube (url, target) { /* Decrypt Signature */ var ytScriptSrc; function ytDecryptSignature (s) {return null;} function ytDecryptFunction () { var ytSignFuncName, ytSignFuncBody, ytSwapFuncName, ytSwapFuncBody, ytFuncMatch; ytScriptSrc = ytScriptSrc.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, ''); ytSignFuncName = ytScriptSrc.match(/"signature"\s*,\s*(.*?)\(/); ytSignFuncName = (ytSignFuncName) ? ytSignFuncName[1] : null; if (ytSignFuncName) { ytFuncMatch = ytSignFuncName.replace(/\$/, '\\$') + '\\s*=\\s*function\\s*' + '\\s*\\(\\w+\\)\\s*\\{(.*?)\\}'; ytSignFuncBody = ytScriptSrc.match(ytFuncMatch); ytSignFuncBody = (ytSignFuncBody) ? ytSignFuncBody[1] : null; if (ytSignFuncBody) { ytSwapFuncName = ytSignFuncBody.match(/((\$|_|\w)+)\.(\$|_|\w)+\(\w,[0-9]+\)/); ytSwapFuncName = (ytSwapFuncName) ? ytSwapFuncName[1] : null; if (ytSwapFuncName) { ytFuncMatch = 'var\\s+' + ytSwapFuncName.replace(/\$/, '\\$') + '=\\s*\\{(.*?)\\};'; ytSwapFuncBody = ytScriptSrc.match(ytFuncMatch); ytSwapFuncBody = (ytSwapFuncBody) ? ytSwapFuncBody[1] : null; } if (ytSwapFuncBody) ytSignFuncBody = 'var ' + ytSwapFuncName + '={' + ytSwapFuncBody + '};' + ytSignFuncBody; ytSignFuncBody = 'try {' + ytSignFuncBody + '} catch(e) {return null}'; ytDecryptSignature = new Function('a', ytSignFuncBody); } } } /* Parse Videos */ function ytVideos() { var ytVideoFormats = { '5': 'Very Low Definition FLV', '17': 'Very Low Definition 3GP', '18': 'Low Definition MP4', '22': 'High Definition MP4', '34': 'Low Definition FLV', '35': 'Standard Definition FLV', '36': 'Low Definition 3GP', '37': 'Full High Definition MP4', '38': 'Ultra High Definition MP4', '43': 'Low Definition WebM', '44': 'Standard Definition WebM', '45': 'High Definition WebM', '46': 'Full High Definition WebM', '82': 'Low Definition 3D MP4', '83': 'Standard Definition 3D MP4', '84': 'High Definition 3D MP4', '85': 'Full High Definition 3D MP4', '100': 'Low Definition 3D WebM', '101': 'Standard Definition 3D WebM', '102': 'High Definition 3D WebM', '135': 'Standard Definition Video MP4', '136': 'High Definition Video MP4', '137': 'Full High Definition Video MP4', '138': 'Ultra High Definition Video MP4', '139': 'Low Bitrate Audio MP4', '140': 'Medium Bitrate Audio MP4', '141': 'High Bitrate Audio MP4', '171': 'Medium Bitrate Audio WebM', '172': 'High Bitrate Audio WebM', '244': 'Standard Definition Video WebM', '247': 'High Definition Video WebM', '248': 'Full High Definition Video WebM', '266': 'Ultra High Definition Video MP4', '272': 'Ultra High Definition Video WebM', '298': 'High Definition Video MP4', '299': 'Full High Definition Video MP4', '302': 'High Definition Video WebM', '303': 'Full High Definition Video WebM', '313': 'Ultra High Definition Video WebM' }; var ytVideoFound = false; var ytVideos = ytVideosContent.split(','); var ytVideoParse, ytVideoCodeParse, ytVideoCode, myVideoCode, ytVideo; for (var i = 0; i < ytVideos.length; i++) { if (!ytVideos[i].match(/^url/)) { ytVideoParse = ytVideos[i].match(/(.*)(url=.*$)/); if (ytVideoParse) ytVideos[i] = ytVideoParse[2] + '&' + ytVideoParse[1]; } ytVideoCodeParse = ytVideos[i].match (/itag=(\d{1,3})/); ytVideoCode = (ytVideoCodeParse) ? ytVideoCodeParse[1] : null; if (ytVideoCode) { myVideoCode = ytVideoFormats[ytVideoCode]; if (myVideoCode) { ytVideo = cleanMyContent(ytVideos[i], true); ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/url=/, '').replace(/&$/, ''); if (ytVideo.match(/itag=/) && ytVideo.match(/itag=/g).length > 1) { if (ytVideo.match(/itag=\d{1,3}&/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/itag=\d{1,3}&/, ''); else if (ytVideo.match(/&itag=\d{1,3}/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&itag=\d{1,3}/, ''); } if (ytVideo.match(/clen=/) && ytVideo.match(/clen=/g).length > 1) { if (ytVideo.match(/clen=\d+&/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/clen=\d+&/, ''); else if (ytVideo.match(/&clen=\d+/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&clen=\d+/, ''); } if (ytVideo.match(/lmt=/) && ytVideo.match(/lmt=/g).length > 1) { if (ytVideo.match(/lmt=\d+&/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/lmt=\d+&/, ''); else if (ytVideo.match(/&lmt=\d+/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&lmt=\d+/, ''); } if (ytVideo.match(/type=(video|audio).*?&/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/type=(video|audio).*?&/, ''); else ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&type=(video|audio).*$/, ''); if (ytVideo.match(/xtags=[^%=]*&/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/xtags=[^%=]*?&/, ''); else if (ytVideo.match(/&xtags=[^%=]*$/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&xtags=[^%=]*$/, ''); if (ytVideo.match(/&sig=/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&sig=/, '&signature='); else if (ytVideo.match(/&s=/)) { var ytSig = ytVideo.match(/&s=(.*?)(&|$)/); if (ytSig) { var s = ytSig[1]; s = ytDecryptSignature(s); if (s) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&s=.*?(&|$)/, '&signature=' + s + '$1'); else ytVideo = ''; } else ytVideo = ''; } ytVideo = cleanMyContent(ytVideo, true); if (ytVideo.indexOf('ratebypass') == -1) ytVideo += '&ratebypass=yes'; if (ytVideo && ytVideo.indexOf('http') == 0) { if (ytVideoTitle) ytVideo += '&title=' + ytVideoTitle; if (!ytVideoFound) ytVideoFound = true; ytVideoList += '<a href="' + ytVideo + '">' + myVideoCode + '</a><br>'; } } } } if (!ytVideoFound) { if (ytVideosContent.indexOf('conn=rtmp') != -1) ytVideoList = 'ERROR: RTMP!'; else ytVideoList = 'ERROR: No videos!'; } } var ytVideosContent; var ytVideoTitle; var ytVideoLength; var ytVideoList = ''; try { GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: url, onload: function(response) { if (response.readyState === 4 && response.status === 200) { /* Get Page Source */ ytPageSource = response.responseText; /* Get Video Title */ ytVideoTitle = ytPageSource.match(/"title":"(.*?)","lengthSeconds"/); ytVideoTitle = (ytVideoTitle) ? ytVideoTitle[1] : null; if (!ytVideoTitle) { ytVideoTitle = ytPageSource.match(/document.title\s*=\s*"(.*?)"/); ytVideoTitle = (ytVideoTitle) ? ytVideoTitle[1] : null; } if (!ytVideoTitle) { ytVideoTitle = ytPageSource.match(/meta\s+itemprop="name"\s+content="(.*?)"/); ytVideoTitle = (ytVideoTitle) ? ytVideoTitle[1] : null; } if (!ytVideoTitle) { ytVideoTitle = ytPageSource.match(/meta\s+property="og:title"\s+content="(.*?)"/); ytVideoTitle = (ytVideoTitle) ? ytVideoTitle[1] : null; } if (ytVideoTitle) { ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/"/g, '\'').replace(/"/g, '\'').replace(/"/g, '\''); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/'/g, '\'').replace(/'/g, '\''); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/&/g, 'and').replace(/&/g, 'and'); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/\?/g, '').replace(/[#:\*]/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '-'); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '').replace(/\.+$/g, ''); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/^YouTube\s-\s/, ''); } /* Get Video Length */ ytVideoLength = ytPageSource.match(/"lengthSeconds":"(.*?)"/); ytVideoLength = (ytVideoLength) ? ytVideoLength[1] : null; if (ytVideoLength) { ytVideoLength = new Date(ytVideoLength * 1000).toISOString().substr(11, 8).replace(/00:0?/, ''); } else { ytVideoLength = ytPageSource.match(/meta\s+itemprop="duration"\s+content="(.*?)"/); ytVideoLength = (ytVideoLength) ? ytVideoLength[1].replace('PT', '').replace('M', ':').replace('S', '') : null; } /* Get Videos Content */ var ytVideosEncodedFmts, ytVideosAdaptiveFmts; ytVideosEncodedFmts = ytPageSource.match(/"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map":\s*"(.*?)"/); ytVideosEncodedFmts = (ytVideosEncodedFmts) ? ytVideosEncodedFmts[1] : null; if (ytVideosEncodedFmts) ytVideosEncodedFmts = cleanMyContent(ytVideosEncodedFmts, false); ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = ytPageSource.match(/"adaptive_fmts":\s*"(.*?)"/); ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = (ytVideosAdaptiveFmts) ? ytVideosAdaptiveFmts[1] : null; if (ytVideosAdaptiveFmts) ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = cleanMyContent(ytVideosAdaptiveFmts, false); if (ytVideosEncodedFmts) { ytVideosContent = ytVideosEncodedFmts; } if (ytVideosAdaptiveFmts) { ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = ytVideosAdaptiveFmts.replace(/clen=\d+&/g, '').replace(/&clen=\d+/g, ''); ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = ytVideosAdaptiveFmts.replace(/lmt=\d+&/g, '').replace(/&lmt=\d+/g, ''); if (ytVideosContent) ytVideosContent += ',' + ytVideosAdaptiveFmts; else ytVideosContent = ytVideosAdaptiveFmts; } /* Get Videos */ if (ytVideosContent) { if (ytVideosContent.match(/&s=/) || ytVideosContent.match(/,s=/) || ytVideosContent.match(/u0026s=/)) { var ytScriptURL = ytPageSource.match(/"js":\s*"(.*?)"/); ytScriptURL = (ytScriptURL) ? ytScriptURL[1] : null; if (ytScriptURL) { ytScriptURL = 'https:' + cleanMyContent(ytScriptURL, false); GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: ytScriptURL, onload: function(response) { if (response.readyState === 4 && response.status === 200) { ytScriptSrc = response.responseText; if (ytScriptSrc) { ytDecryptFunction(); ytVideos(); ytVideoList = ytVideoTitle + ' (' + ytVideoLength + ')<br>' + '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a><br>' + ytVideoList; modifyMyElement (target, 'div', ytVideoList, false); } else { ytVideoList = ytVideoTitle + ' (' + ytVideoLength + ')<br>' + '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a><br>ERROR: No script!'; modifyMyElement (target, 'div', ytVideoList, false); } } else { ytVideoList = ytVideoTitle + ' (' + ytVideoLength + ')<br>' + '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a><br>ERROR: No script response!'; modifyMyElement (target, 'div', ytVideoList, false); } } }); } else { ytVideoList = ytVideoTitle + ' (' + ytVideoLength + ')<br>' + '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a><br>ERROR: No script!'; modifyMyElement (target, 'div', ytVideoList, false); } } else { ytVideos(); ytVideoList = ytVideoTitle + ' (' + ytVideoLength + ')<br>' + '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a><br>' + ytVideoList; modifyMyElement (target, 'div', ytVideoList, false); } } else { ytVideoList = ytVideoTitle + ' (' + ytVideoLength + ')<br>' + '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a><br>ERROR: No videos content!'; modifyMyElement (target, 'div', ytVideoList, false); } } else { ytVideoList = ytVideoTitle + ' (' + ytVideoLength + ')<br>' + '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a><br>ERROR: No videos!'; modifyMyElement (target, 'div', ytVideoList, false); } } }); } catch(e) { try { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: url, onload: function(response) { if (response.readyState === 4 && response.status === 200) { /* Get Page Source */ ytPageSource = response.responseText; /* Get Video Title */ ytVideoTitle = ytPageSource.match(/"title":"(.*?)","lengthSeconds"/); ytVideoTitle = (ytVideoTitle) ? ytVideoTitle[1] : null; if (!ytVideoTitle) { ytVideoTitle = ytPageSource.match(/document.title\s*=\s*"(.*?)"/); ytVideoTitle = (ytVideoTitle) ? ytVideoTitle[1] : null; } if (!ytVideoTitle) { ytVideoTitle = ytPageSource.match(/meta\s+itemprop="name"\s+content="(.*?)"/); ytVideoTitle = (ytVideoTitle) ? ytVideoTitle[1] : null; } if (!ytVideoTitle) { ytVideoTitle = ytPageSource.match(/meta\s+property="og:title"\s+content="(.*?)"/); ytVideoTitle = (ytVideoTitle) ? ytVideoTitle[1] : null; } if (ytVideoTitle) { ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/"/g, '\'').replace(/"/g, '\'').replace(/"/g, '\''); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/'/g, '\'').replace(/'/g, '\''); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/&/g, 'and').replace(/&/g, 'and'); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/\?/g, '').replace(/[#:\*]/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '-'); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '').replace(/\.+$/g, ''); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/^YouTube\s-\s/, ''); } /* Get Video Length */ ytVideoLength = ytPageSource.match(/"lengthSeconds":"(.*?)"/); ytVideoLength = (ytVideoLength) ? ytVideoLength[1] : null; if (ytVideoLength) { ytVideoLength = new Date(ytVideoLength * 1000).toISOString().substr(11, 8).replace(/00:0?/, ''); } else { ytVideoLength = ytPageSource.match(/meta\s+itemprop="duration"\s+content="(.*?)"/); ytVideoLength = (ytVideoLength) ? ytVideoLength[1].replace('PT', '').replace('M', ':').replace('S', '') : null; } /* Get Videos Content */ var ytVideosEncodedFmts, ytVideosAdaptiveFmts; ytVideosEncodedFmts = ytPageSource.match(/"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map":\s*"(.*?)"/); ytVideosEncodedFmts = (ytVideosEncodedFmts) ? ytVideosEncodedFmts[1] : null; if (ytVideosEncodedFmts) ytVideosEncodedFmts = cleanMyContent(ytVideosEncodedFmts, false); ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = ytPageSource.match(/"adaptive_fmts":\s*"(.*?)"/); ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = (ytVideosAdaptiveFmts) ? ytVideosAdaptiveFmts[1] : null; if (ytVideosAdaptiveFmts) ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = cleanMyContent(ytVideosAdaptiveFmts, false); if (ytVideosEncodedFmts) { ytVideosContent = ytVideosEncodedFmts; } if (ytVideosAdaptiveFmts) { ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = ytVideosAdaptiveFmts.replace(/clen=\d+&/g, '').replace(/&clen=\d+/g, ''); ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = ytVideosAdaptiveFmts.replace(/lmt=\d+&/g, '').replace(/&lmt=\d+/g, ''); if (ytVideosContent) ytVideosContent += ',' + ytVideosAdaptiveFmts; else ytVideosContent = ytVideosAdaptiveFmts; } /* Get Videos */ if (ytVideosContent) { if (ytVideosContent.match(/&s=/) || ytVideosContent.match(/,s=/) || ytVideosContent.match(/u0026s=/)) { var ytScriptURL = ytPageSource.match(/"js":\s*"(.*?)"/); ytScriptURL = (ytScriptURL) ? ytScriptURL[1] : null; if (ytScriptURL) { ytScriptURL = 'https:' + cleanMyContent(ytScriptURL, false); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: ytScriptURL, onload: function(response) { if (response.readyState === 4 && response.status === 200) { ytScriptSrc = response.responseText; if (ytScriptSrc) { ytDecryptFunction(); ytVideos(); ytVideoList = ytVideoTitle + ' (' + ytVideoLength + ')<br>' + '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a><br>' + ytVideoList; modifyMyElement (target, 'div', ytVideoList, false); } else { ytVideoList = ytVideoTitle + ' (' + ytVideoLength + ')<br>' + '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a><br>ERROR: No script!'; modifyMyElement (target, 'div', ytVideoList, false); } } else { ytVideoList = ytVideoTitle + ' (' + ytVideoLength + ')<br>' + '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a><br>ERROR: No script response!'; modifyMyElement (target, 'div', ytVideoList, false); } } }); } else { ytVideoList = ytVideoTitle + ' (' + ytVideoLength + ')<br>' + '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a><br>ERROR: No script!'; modifyMyElement (target, 'div', ytVideoList, false); } } else { ytVideos(); ytVideoList = ytVideoTitle + ' (' + ytVideoLength + ')<br>' + '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a><br>' + ytVideoList; modifyMyElement (target, 'div', ytVideoList, false); } } else { ytVideoList = ytVideoTitle + ' (' + ytVideoLength + ')<br>' + '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a><br>ERROR: No videos content!'; modifyMyElement (target, 'div', ytVideoList, false); } } else { ytVideoList = ytVideoTitle + ' (' + ytVideoLength + ')<br>' + '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a><br>ERROR: No videos!'; modifyMyElement (target, 'div', ytVideoList, false); } } }); } catch(e) { ytVideoList = ytVideoTitle + ' (' + ytVideoLength + ')<br>' + '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a><br>ERROR: No videos!'; modifyMyElement (target, 'div', ytVideoList, false); } } } function embedMyLinks (element) { var elements; if (element == 'iframe') elements = iframeElements; else if (element == 'object') elements = objectElements; else if (element == 'embed') elements = embedElements; var child, parent, video, param, name; var foundSite; var linkID, videoID, videoLink, videoURL; var myScriptLogo = []; myScriptLogo[element] = []; var myScriptMess = []; myScriptMess[element] = []; var myLinkWindow = []; myLinkWindow[element] = []; for (var e = elements.length - 1; e >= 0; e--) { foundSite = false; child = elements[e]; parent = getMyElement (child, 'parent', ''); if (element == 'iframe' || element == 'embed') { video = getMyElement (child, 'source', ''); } else if (element == 'object') { params = getMyElement (child, 'children', 'param'); for (var p = 0; p < params.length; p++) { name = getMyElement (params[p], 'name', ''); if (name == 'movie' || name == 'src') { video = getMyElement (params[p], 'value', ''); if (!video) video = getMyElement (params[p], 'source', ''); } } } if (video) { for (var l = 0; l < linkParsers.length; l++) { if (video.match(linkParsers[l]['source'])) { foundSite = true; linkID = l; break; } } } if (foundSite) { myScriptLogo[element][e] = createMyElement ('div', userscript); styleMyElement (myScriptLogo[element][e], {margin: '0px auto', padding: '10px', color: '#FFFFFF', fontSize: '20px', textAlign: 'center', textShadow: '#000000 -1px -1px 1px'}); myScriptMess[element][e] = createMyElement ('div', ''); myLinkWindow[element][e] = createMyElement ('div', ''); appendMyElement (myLinkWindow[element][e], myScriptLogo[element][e]); appendMyElement (myLinkWindow[element][e], myScriptMess[element][e]); var childStyles = child.getAttribute('style'); if (childStyles) { childStyles = childStyles.replace('absolute', 'relative'); myLinkWindow[element][e].setAttribute('style', childStyles); styleMyElement (myLinkWindow[element][e], {backgroundColor: '#F4F4F4'}); } else styleMyElement (myLinkWindow[element][e], {width: '100%', height: '100%', backgroundColor: '#F4F4F4'}); styleMyElement (parent, {padding: '0px', height: '100%'}); replaceMyElement(parent, myLinkWindow[element][e], child); videoID = video.match(linkParsers[linkID]['pattern']); videoID = (videoID) ? videoID[1] : null; if (videoID) { videoURL = linkParsers[linkID]['link'] + videoID; if (!option['secure']) videoURL = videoURL.replace(/^https/, 'http'); styleMyElement (myScriptMess[element][e], {border: '3px solid #F4F4F4', margin: '0px auto', padding: '10px', backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', color: '#00C000', textAlign: 'center', fontSize: '16px'}); if (videoURL.indexOf('') != -1) { YouTube(videoURL, myScriptMess[element][e]); } else { videoLink = '<a href="' + videoURL + '">' + videoURL + '</a>'; modifyMyElement (myScriptMess[element][e], 'div', videoLink, false); } } else { styleMyElement (myScriptMess[element][e], {border: '3px solid #F4F4F4', margin: '0px auto', padding: '10px', backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', color: '#AD0000', textAlign: 'center', fontSize: '16px'}); modifyMyElement (myScriptMess[element][e], 'div', warning, false); } } } } // ==========Websites========== // /* Parsers */ var linkParsers = [ {'source': 'youtube(.com||\\?list)', 'pattern': 'list=(.*?)(&|$)', 'link': ''}, {'source': 'youtube(.com|', 'pattern': '/embed/(.*?)(\\?|&|$)', 'link': ''}, {'source': 'youtube(.com|', 'pattern': '/v/(.*?)(\\?|&|$)', 'link': ''}, {'source': '', 'pattern': '/video/(.*?)$', 'link': ''}, {'source': '!video)', 'pattern': '/swf/(.*?)$', 'link': ''}, {'source': '', 'pattern': '/video/(.*?)$', 'link': ''}, {'source': '', 'pattern': '/video/(.*?)(\\?|&|$)', 'link': ''}, {'source': '', 'pattern': '/moogaloop.swf\\?clip_id=(.*?)(&|$)', 'link': ''}, {'source': '', 'pattern': '/embed/(.*?)/', 'link': ''}, {'source': '', 'pattern': '/fplayer/(.*?)/', 'link': ''}, {'source': '', 'pattern': '/embed/(.*?)$', 'link': ''}, {'source': '', 'pattern': 'video_ext.php\\?(.*?)$', 'link': ''}, {'source': '', 'pattern': 'channel=(.*?)(&|$)', 'link': ''} ]; /* IFrame */ var iframeElements = getMyElement (document, 'children', 'iframe'); if (iframeElements.length > 0 ) embedMyLinks ('iframe'); /* Object */ var objectElements = getMyElement (document, 'children', 'object'); if (objectElements.length > 0 ) embedMyLinks ('object'); /* Embed */ var embedElements = getMyElement (document, 'children', 'embed'); if (embedElements.length > 0 ) embedMyLinks ('embed'); })();