You can save current position in displayed webpage using shortcuts Shift-Alt-0‥9;
later, you may return to saved position by pressing Alt -0‥9.
Markers created in this way are kept in browser's persistent memory and they will be restored next time you open the page. |

- Before jumping to marker the script stores the current page position, so you can get back by pressing
Alt-minus (that on the right of zero.)
- When you open webpage the script tries to restore previously saved position #0.
- Positions are calculated in screen's pixels, so if you alter zoom factor, or text column width, or something else,
markers may become invalid
- press Alt-Shift-0 twice to set starting Y-position for any page in the whole domain
- click on pop-up message at top-right corner to remove all markers for current webpage.
- You can change script's keyboard shortcuts using GreaseMonkey menu:
User Script Commands → Y-marker hotkeys

(I use Win key - it seems working on any site.)
- you can control the script through bookmarklets:
- jump to bookmark #0;
- set up bookmark #0.
bookmarklets work in chrome
© trespassersW