สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/23961/152310/CommentCoreLibrary.js
/** * Binary Search Stubs for JS Arrays * @license MIT * @author Jim Chen */ var BinArray = (function(){ var BinArray = {}; BinArray.bsearch = function(arr, what, how){ if(arr.length === 0) { return 0; } if(how(what,arr[0]) < 0) { return 0; } if(how(what,arr[arr.length - 1]) >=0) { return arr.length; } var low =0; var i = 0; var count = 0; var high = arr.length - 1; while(low<=high){ i = Math.floor((high + low + 1)/2); count++; if(how(what,arr[i-1])>=0 && how(what,arr[i])<0){ return i; } if(how(what,arr[i-1])<0){ high = i-1; }else if(how(what,arr[i])>=0){ low = i; }else { console.error('Program Error'); } if(count > 1500) { console.error('Too many run cycles.'); } } return -1; // Never actually run }; BinArray.binsert = function(arr, what, how){ var index = BinArray.bsearch(arr,what,how); arr.splice(index,0,what); return index; }; return BinArray; })(); var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; var CommentSpaceAllocator = (function () { function CommentSpaceAllocator(width, height) { if (width === void 0) { width = 0; } if (height === void 0) { height = 0; } this._pools = [ [] ]; this.avoid = 1; this._width = width; this._height = height; } CommentSpaceAllocator.prototype.willCollide = function (existing, check) { return existing.stime + existing.ttl >= check.stime + check.ttl / 2; }; CommentSpaceAllocator.prototype.pathCheck = function (y, comment, pool) { var bottom = y + comment.height; var right = comment.right; for (var i = 0; i < pool.length; i++) { if (pool[i].y > bottom || pool[i].bottom < y) { continue; } else if (pool[i].right < comment.x || pool[i].x > right) { if (this.willCollide(pool[i], comment)) { return false; } else { continue; } } else { return false; } } return true; }; CommentSpaceAllocator.prototype.assign = function (comment, cindex) { while (this._pools.length <= cindex) { this._pools.push([]); } var pool = this._pools[cindex]; if (pool.length === 0) { comment.cindex = cindex; return 0; } else if (this.pathCheck(0, comment, pool)) { comment.cindex = cindex; return 0; } var y = 0; for (var k = 0; k < pool.length; k++) { y = pool[k].bottom + this.avoid; if (y + comment.height > this._height) { break; } if (this.pathCheck(y, comment, pool)) { comment.cindex = cindex; return y; } } return this.assign(comment, cindex + 1); }; CommentSpaceAllocator.prototype.add = function (comment) { if (comment.height > this._height) { comment.cindex = -2; comment.y = 0; } else { comment.y = this.assign(comment, 0); BinArray.binsert(this._pools[comment.cindex], comment, function (a, b) { if (a.bottom < b.bottom) { return -1; } else if (a.bottom > b.bottom) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }); } }; CommentSpaceAllocator.prototype.remove = function (comment) { if (comment.cindex < 0) { return; } if (comment.cindex >= this._pools.length) { throw new Error("cindex out of bounds"); } var index = this._pools[comment.cindex].indexOf(comment); if (index < 0) return; this._pools[comment.cindex].splice(index, 1); }; CommentSpaceAllocator.prototype.setBounds = function (width, height) { this._width = width; this._height = height; }; return CommentSpaceAllocator; }()); var AnchorCommentSpaceAllocator = (function (_super) { __extends(AnchorCommentSpaceAllocator, _super); function AnchorCommentSpaceAllocator() { _super.apply(this, arguments); } AnchorCommentSpaceAllocator.prototype.add = function (comment) { _super.prototype.add.call(this, comment); comment.x = (this._width - comment.width) / 2; }; AnchorCommentSpaceAllocator.prototype.willCollide = function (a, b) { return true; }; AnchorCommentSpaceAllocator.prototype.pathCheck = function (y, comment, pool) { var bottom = y + comment.height; for (var i = 0; i < pool.length; i++) { if (pool[i].y > bottom || pool[i].bottom < y) { continue; } else { return false; } } return true; }; return AnchorCommentSpaceAllocator; }(CommentSpaceAllocator)); //# sourceMappingURL=CommentSpaceAllocator.js.map var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; var CoreComment = (function () { function CoreComment(parent, init) { if (init === void 0) { init = {}; } this.mode = 1; this.stime = 0; this.text = ""; this.ttl = 4000; this.dur = 4000; this.cindex = -1; this.motion = []; this.movable = true; this._alphaMotion = null; this.absolute = true; this.align = 0; this._alpha = 1; this._size = 25; this._color = 0xffffff; this._border = false; this._shadow = true; this._font = ""; if (!parent) { throw new Error("Comment not bound to comment manager."); } else { this.parent = parent; } if (init.hasOwnProperty("stime")) { this.stime = init["stime"]; } if (init.hasOwnProperty("mode")) { this.mode = init["mode"]; } else { this.mode = 1; } if (init.hasOwnProperty("dur")) { this.dur = init["dur"]; this.ttl = this.dur; } this.dur *= this.parent.options.global.scale; this.ttl *= this.parent.options.global.scale; if (init.hasOwnProperty("text")) { this.text = init["text"]; } if (init.hasOwnProperty("motion")) { this._motionStart = []; this._motionEnd = []; this.motion = init["motion"]; var head = 0; for (var i = 0; i < init["motion"].length; i++) { this._motionStart.push(head); var maxDur = 0; for (var k in init["motion"][i]) { var m = init["motion"][i][k]; maxDur = Math.max(m.dur, maxDur); if (m.easing === null || m.easing === undefined) { init["motion"][i][k]["easing"] = CoreComment.LINEAR; } } head += maxDur; this._motionEnd.push(head); } this._curMotion = 0; } if (init.hasOwnProperty("color")) { this._color = init["color"]; } if (init.hasOwnProperty("size")) { this._size = init["size"]; } if (init.hasOwnProperty("border")) { this._border = init["border"]; } if (init.hasOwnProperty("opacity")) { this._alpha = init["opacity"]; } if (init.hasOwnProperty("alpha")) { this._alphaMotion = init["alpha"]; } if (init.hasOwnProperty("font")) { this._font = init["font"]; } if (init.hasOwnProperty("x")) { this._x = init["x"]; } if (init.hasOwnProperty("y")) { this._y = init["y"]; } if (init.hasOwnProperty("shadow")) { this._shadow = init["shadow"]; } if (init.hasOwnProperty("position")) { if (init["position"] === "relative") { this.absolute = false; if (this.mode < 7) { console.warn("Using relative position for CSA comment."); } } } } CoreComment.prototype.init = function (recycle) { if (recycle === void 0) { recycle = null; } if (recycle !== null) { this.dom = recycle.dom; } else { this.dom = document.createElement("div"); } this.dom.className = this.parent.options.global.className; this.dom.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.text)); this.dom.textContent = this.text; this.dom.innerText = this.text; this.size = this._size; if (this._color != 0xffffff) { this.color = this._color; } this.shadow = this._shadow; if (this._border) { this.border = this._border; } if (this._font !== "") { this.font = this._font; } if (this._x !== undefined) { this.x = this._x; } if (this._y !== undefined) { this.y = this._y; } if (this._alpha !== 1 || this.parent.options.global.opacity < 1) { this.alpha = this._alpha; } if (this.motion.length > 0) { this.animate(); } }; Object.defineProperty(CoreComment.prototype, "x", { get: function () { if (this._x === null || this._x === undefined) { if (this.align % 2 === 0) { this._x = this.dom.offsetLeft; } else { this._x = this.parent.width - this.dom.offsetLeft - this.width; } } if (!this.absolute) { return this._x / this.parent.width; } return this._x; }, set: function (x) { this._x = x; if (!this.absolute) { this._x *= this.parent.width; } if (this.align % 2 === 0) { this.dom.style.left = this._x + "px"; } else { this.dom.style.right = this._x + "px"; } }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(CoreComment.prototype, "y", { get: function () { if (this._y === null || this._y === undefined) { if (this.align < 2) { this._y = this.dom.offsetTop; } else { this._y = this.parent.height - this.dom.offsetTop - this.height; } } if (!this.absolute) { return this._y / this.parent.height; } return this._y; }, set: function (y) { this._y = y; if (!this.absolute) { this._y *= this.parent.height; } if (this.align < 2) { this.dom.style.top = this._y + "px"; } else { this.dom.style.bottom = this._y + "px"; } }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(CoreComment.prototype, "bottom", { get: function () { return this.y + this.height; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(CoreComment.prototype, "right", { get: function () { return this.x + this.width; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(CoreComment.prototype, "width", { get: function () { if (this._width === null || this._width === undefined) { this._width = this.dom.offsetWidth; } return this._width; }, set: function (w) { this._width = w; this.dom.style.width = this._width + "px"; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(CoreComment.prototype, "height", { get: function () { if (this._height === null || this._height === undefined) { this._height = this.dom.offsetHeight; } return this._height; }, set: function (h) { this._height = h; this.dom.style.height = this._height + "px"; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(CoreComment.prototype, "size", { get: function () { return this._size; }, set: function (s) { this._size = s; this.dom.style.fontSize = this._size + "px"; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(CoreComment.prototype, "color", { get: function () { return this._color; }, set: function (c) { this._color = c; var color = c.toString(16); color = color.length >= 6 ? color : new Array(6 - color.length + 1).join("0") + color; this.dom.style.color = "#" + color; if (this._color === 0) { this.dom.className = this.parent.options.global.className + " rshadow"; } }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(CoreComment.prototype, "alpha", { get: function () { return this._alpha; }, set: function (a) { this._alpha = a; this.dom.style.opacity = Math.min(this._alpha, this.parent.options.global.opacity) + ""; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(CoreComment.prototype, "border", { get: function () { return this._border; }, set: function (b) { this._border = b; if (this._border) { this.dom.style.border = "1px solid #00ffff"; } else { this.dom.style.border = "none"; } }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(CoreComment.prototype, "shadow", { get: function () { return this._shadow; }, set: function (s) { this._shadow = s; if (!this._shadow) { this.dom.className = this.parent.options.global.className + " noshadow"; } }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(CoreComment.prototype, "font", { get: function () { return this._font; }, set: function (f) { this._font = f; if (this._font.length > 0) { this.dom.style.fontFamily = this._font; } else { this.dom.style.fontFamily = ""; } }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); CoreComment.prototype.time = function (time) { this.ttl -= time; if (this.ttl < 0) { this.ttl = 0; } if (this.movable) { this.update(); } if (this.ttl <= 0) { this.finish(); } }; CoreComment.prototype.update = function () { this.animate(); }; CoreComment.prototype.invalidate = function () { this._x = null; this._y = null; this._width = null; this._height = null; }; CoreComment.prototype._execMotion = function (currentMotion, time) { for (var prop in currentMotion) { if (currentMotion.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { var m = currentMotion[prop]; this[prop] = m.easing(Math.min(Math.max(time - m.delay, 0), m.dur), m.from, m.to - m.from, m.dur); } } }; CoreComment.prototype.animate = function () { if (this._alphaMotion) { this.alpha = (this.dur - this.ttl) * (this._alphaMotion["to"] - this._alphaMotion["from"]) / this.dur + this._alphaMotion["from"]; } if (this.motion.length === 0) { return; } var ttl = Math.max(this.ttl, 0); var time = (this.dur - ttl) - this._motionStart[this._curMotion]; this._execMotion(this.motion[this._curMotion], time); if (this.dur - ttl > this._motionEnd[this._curMotion]) { this._curMotion++; if (this._curMotion >= this.motion.length) { this._curMotion = this.motion.length - 1; } return; } }; CoreComment.prototype.finish = function () { this.parent.finish(this); }; CoreComment.prototype.toString = function () { return ["[", this.stime, "|", this.ttl, "/", this.dur, "]", "(", this.mode, ")", this.text].join(""); }; CoreComment.LINEAR = function (t, b, c, d) { return t * c / d + b; }; return CoreComment; }()); var ScrollComment = (function (_super) { __extends(ScrollComment, _super); function ScrollComment(parent, data) { _super.call(this, parent, data); this.dur *= this.parent.options.scroll.scale; this.ttl *= this.parent.options.scroll.scale; } Object.defineProperty(ScrollComment.prototype, "alpha", { set: function (a) { this._alpha = a; this.dom.style.opacity = Math.min(Math.min(this._alpha, this.parent.options.global.opacity), this.parent.options.scroll.opacity) + ""; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); ScrollComment.prototype.init = function (recycle) { if (recycle === void 0) { recycle = null; } _super.prototype.init.call(this, recycle); this.x = this.parent.width; if (this.parent.options.scroll.opacity < 1) { this.alpha = this._alpha; } this.absolute = true; }; ScrollComment.prototype.update = function () { this.x = (this.ttl / this.dur) * (this.parent.width + this.width) - this.width; }; return ScrollComment; }(CoreComment)); //# sourceMappingURL=Comment.js.map /** * Comment Filters Module Simplified (only supports modifiers & types) * @license MIT * @author Jim Chen */ function CommentFilter(){ this.modifiers = []; this.runtime = null; this.allowTypes = { "1":true, "4":true, "5":true, "6":true, "7":true, "8":true, "17":true }; this.doModify = function(cmt){ for(var k=0;k<this.modifiers.length;k++){ cmt = this.modifiers[k](cmt); } return cmt; }; this.beforeSend = function(cmt){ return cmt; } this.doValidate = function(cmtData){ if(!this.allowTypes[cmtData.mode]) return false; return true; }; this.addRule = function(rule){ }; this.addModifier = function(f){ this.modifiers.push(f); }; this.runtimeFilter = function(cmt){ if(this.runtime == null) return cmt; return this.runtime(cmt); }; this.setRuntimeFilter = function(f){ this.runtime = f; } } /*! * Comment Core Library CommentManager * @license MIT * @author Jim Chen * * Copyright (c) 2014 Jim Chen */ var CommentManager = (function() { var getRotMatrix = function(yrot, zrot) { // Courtesy of @StarBrilliant, re-adapted to look better var DEG2RAD = Math.PI/180; var yr = yrot * DEG2RAD; var zr = zrot * DEG2RAD; var COS = Math.cos; var SIN = Math.sin; var matrix = [ COS(yr) * COS(zr) , COS(yr) * SIN(zr) , SIN(yr) , 0, (-SIN(zr)) , COS(zr) , 0 , 0, (-SIN(yr) * COS(zr)) , (-SIN(yr) * SIN(zr)) , COS(yr) , 0, 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ]; // CSS does not recognize scientific notation (e.g. 1e-6), truncating it. for(var i = 0; i < matrix.length;i++){ if(Math.abs(matrix[i]) < 0.000001){ matrix[i] = 0; } } return "matrix3d(" + matrix.join(",") + ")"; }; function CommentManager(stageObject){ var __timer = 0; this._listeners = {}; this._lastPosition = 0; this.stage = stageObject; this.options = { global:{ opacity:1, scale:1, className:"cmt" }, scroll:{ opacity:1, scale:1 }, limit: 0 }; this.timeline = []; this.runline = []; this.position = 0; this.limiter = 0; this.filter = null; this.csa = { scroll: new CommentSpaceAllocator(0,0), top:new AnchorCommentSpaceAllocator(0,0), bottom:new AnchorCommentSpaceAllocator(0,0), reverse:new CommentSpaceAllocator(0,0), scrollbtm:new CommentSpaceAllocator(0,0) }; /** Precompute the offset width **/ this.width = this.stage.offsetWidth; this.height = this.stage.offsetHeight; this.startTimer = function(){ if(__timer > 0) return; var lastTPos = new Date().getTime(); var cmMgr = this; __timer = window.setInterval(function(){ var elapsed = new Date().getTime() - lastTPos; lastTPos = new Date().getTime(); cmMgr.onTimerEvent(elapsed,cmMgr); },10); }; this.stopTimer = function(){ window.clearInterval(__timer); __timer = 0; }; } /** Public **/ CommentManager.prototype.stop = function(){ this.stopTimer(); }; CommentManager.prototype.start = function(){ this.startTimer(); }; CommentManager.prototype.seek = function(time){ this.position = BinArray.bsearch(this.timeline, time, function(a,b){ if(a < b.stime) return -1 else if(a > b.stime) return 1; else return 0; }); }; CommentManager.prototype.validate = function(cmt){ if(cmt == null) return false; return this.filter.doValidate(cmt); }; CommentManager.prototype.load = function(a){ this.timeline = a; this.timeline.sort(function(a,b){ if(a.stime > b.stime) return 2; else if(a.stime < b.stime) return -2; else{ if(a.date > b.date) return 1; else if(a.date < b.date) return -1; else if(a.dbid != null && b.dbid != null){ if(a.dbid > b.dbid) return 1; else if(a.dbid < b.dbid) return -1; return 0; }else return 0; } }); this.dispatchEvent("load"); }; CommentManager.prototype.insert = function(c){ var index = BinArray.binsert(this.timeline, c, function(a,b){ if(a.stime > b.stime) return 2; else if(a.stime < b.stime) return -2; else{ if(a.date > b.date) return 1; else if(a.date < b.date) return -1; else if(a.dbid != null && b.dbid != null){ if(a.dbid > b.dbid) return 1; else if(a.dbid < b.dbid) return -1; return 0; }else return 0; } }); if(index <= this.position){ this.position++; } this.dispatchEvent("insert"); }; CommentManager.prototype.clear = function(){ while(this.runline.length > 0){ this.runline[0].finish(); } this.dispatchEvent("clear"); }; CommentManager.prototype.setBounds = function(){ this.width = this.stage.offsetWidth; this.height= this.stage.offsetHeight; this.dispatchEvent("resize"); for(var comAlloc in this.csa){ this.csa[comAlloc].setBounds(this.width,this.height); } // Update 3d perspective this.stage.style.perspective = this.width * Math.tan(40 * Math.PI/180) / 2 + "px"; this.stage.style.webkitPerspective = this.width * Math.tan(40 * Math.PI/180) / 2 + "px"; }; CommentManager.prototype.init = function(){ this.setBounds(); if(this.filter == null) { this.filter = new CommentFilter(); //Only create a filter if none exist } }; CommentManager.prototype.time = function(time){ time = time - 1; if(this.position >= this.timeline.length || Math.abs(this._lastPosition - time) >= 2000){ this.seek(time); this._lastPosition = time; if(this.timeline.length <= this.position) { return; } }else{ this._lastPosition = time; } for(;this.position < this.timeline.length;this.position++){ if(this.timeline[this.position]['stime']<=time){ if(this.options.limit > 0 && this.runline.length > this.limiter) { continue; // Skip comments but still move the position pointer } else if(this.validate(this.timeline[this.position])){ this.send(this.timeline[this.position]); } }else{ break; } } }; CommentManager.prototype.rescale = function(){ }; CommentManager.prototype.send = function(data){ if(data.mode === 8){ console.log(data); if(this.scripting){ console.log(this.scripting.eval(data.code)); } return; } if(this.filter != null){ data = this.filter.doModify(data); if(data == null) return; } if(data.mode === 1 || data.mode === 2 || data.mode === 6){ var cmt = new ScrollComment(this, data); }else{ var cmt = new CoreComment(this, data); } switch(cmt.mode){ case 1:cmt.align = 0;break; case 2:cmt.align = 2;break; case 4:cmt.align = 2;break; case 5:cmt.align = 0;break; case 6:cmt.align = 1;break; } cmt.init(); this.stage.appendChild(cmt.dom); switch(cmt.mode){ default: case 1:{this.csa.scroll.add(cmt);}break; case 2:{this.csa.scrollbtm.add(cmt);}break; case 4:{this.csa.bottom.add(cmt);}break; case 5:{this.csa.top.add(cmt);}break; case 6:{this.csa.reverse.add(cmt);}break; case 17: case 7:{ if(data.rY !== 0 || data.rZ !== 0){ /** TODO: revise when browser manufacturers make up their mind on Transform APIs **/ cmt.dom.style.transform = getRotMatrix(data.rY, data.rZ); cmt.dom.style.webkitTransform = getRotMatrix(data.rY, data.rZ); cmt.dom.style.OTransform = getRotMatrix(data.rY, data.rZ); cmt.dom.style.MozTransform = getRotMatrix(data.rY, data.rZ); cmt.dom.style.MSTransform = getRotMatrix(data.rY, data.rZ); } }break; } cmt.y = cmt.y; this.dispatchEvent("enterComment", cmt); this.runline.push(cmt); }; CommentManager.prototype.sendComment = function(data){ console.log("CommentManager.sendComment is deprecated. Please use send instead"); this.send(data); // Wrapper for Backwards Compatible APIs }; CommentManager.prototype.finish = function(cmt){ this.dispatchEvent("exitComment", cmt); this.stage.removeChild(cmt.dom); var index = this.runline.indexOf(cmt); if(index >= 0){ this.runline.splice(index, 1); } switch(cmt.mode){ default: case 1:{this.csa.scroll.remove(cmt);}break; case 2:{this.csa.scrollbtm.remove(cmt);}break; case 4:{this.csa.bottom.remove(cmt);}break; case 5:{this.csa.top.remove(cmt);}break; case 6:{this.csa.reverse.remove(cmt);}break; case 7:break; } }; CommentManager.prototype.addEventListener = function(event, listener){ if(typeof this._listeners[event] !== "undefined"){ this._listeners[event].push(listener); }else{ this._listeners[event] = [listener]; } }; CommentManager.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(event, data){ if(typeof this._listeners[event] !== "undefined"){ for(var i = 0; i < this._listeners[event].length; i++){ try{ this._listeners[event][i](data); }catch(e){ console.err(e.stack); } } } }; /** Static Functions **/ CommentManager.prototype.onTimerEvent = function(timePassed,cmObj){ for(var i= 0;i < cmObj.runline.length; i++){ var cmt = cmObj.runline[i]; if(cmt.hold){ continue; } cmt.time(timePassed); } }; return CommentManager; })(); /** * AcFun Format Parser * @license MIT License * An alternative format comment parser */ function AcfunParser(jsond){ var list = []; try{ var jsondt = JSON.parse(jsond); }catch(e){ console.log('Error: Could not parse json list!'); return []; } for(var i=0;i<jsondt.length;i++){ //Read each comment and generate a correct comment object var data = {}; var xc = jsondt[i]['c'].split(','); if(xc.length > 0){ data.stime = parseFloat(xc[0]) * 1000; data.color = parseInt(xc[1]) data.mode = parseInt(xc[2]); data.size = parseInt(xc[3]); data.hash = xc[4]; data.date = parseInt(xc[5]); data.position = "absolute"; if(data.mode != 7){ data.text = jsondt[i].m.replace(/(\/n|\\n|\n|\r\n|\\r)/g,"\n"); data.text = data.text.replace(/\r/g,"\n"); data.text = data.text.replace(/\s/g,"\u00a0"); }else{ data.text = jsondt[i].m; } if(data.mode == 7){ //High level positioned dm try{ var x = JSON.parse(data.text); }catch(e){ console.log('[Err] Error parsing internal data for comment'); console.log('[Dbg] ' + data.text); continue; } data.position = "relative"; data.text = x.n; /*.replace(/\r/g,"\n");*/ data.text = data.text.replace(/\ /g,"\u00a0"); if(x.a != null){ data.opacity = x.a; }else{ data.opacity = 1; } if(x.p != null){ data.x = x.p.x / 1000; // relative position data.y = x.p.y / 1000; }else{ data.x = 0; data.y = 0; } data.shadow = x.b; data.dur = 4000; if(x.l != null) data.moveDelay = x.l * 1000; if(x.z != null && x.z.length > 0){ data.movable = true; data.motion = []; var moveDuration = 0; var last = {x:data.x, y:data.y, alpha:data.opacity, color:data.color}; for(var m = 0; m < x.z.length; m++){ var dur = x.z[m].l != null ? (x.z[m].l * 1000) : 500; moveDuration += dur; var motion = { x:{from:last.x, to:x.z[m].x/1000, dur: dur, delay: 0}, y:{from:last.y, to:x.z[m].y/1000, dur: dur, delay: 0} }; last.x = motion.x.to; last.y = motion.y.to; if(x.z[m].t !== last.alpha){ motion.alpha = {from:last.alpha, to:x.z[m].t, dur: dur, delay: 0}; last.alpha = motion.alpha.to; } if(x.z[m].c != null && x.z[m].c !== last.color){ motion.color = {from:last.color, to:x.z[m].c, dur: dur, delay: 0}; last.color = motion.color.to; } data.motion.push(motion); } data.dur = moveDuration + (data.moveDelay ? data.moveDelay : 0); } if(x.r != null && x.k != null){ data.rX = x.r; data.rY = x.k; } } list.push(data); } } return list; } /** * Bilibili Format Parser * @license MIT License * Takes in an XMLDoc/LooseXMLDoc and parses that into a Generic Comment List **/ function BilibiliParser(xmlDoc, text, warn){ function format(string){ // Format the comment text to be JSON Valid. return string.replace(/\t/,"\\t"); } function formatmode7(text) { if (text.charAt(0) == '[') switch (text.charAt(text.length - 1)) { case ']': return text; case '"': return text + ']'; case ',': return text.substring(0, text.length - 1) + '"]'; default: return formatmode7(text.substring(0, text.length - 1)); }; if (text.charAt(0) !== '[') return text; }; if(xmlDoc !== null){ var elems = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('d'); }else{ if(!document || !document.createElement){ // Maybe we are in a restricted context? Bail. return []; } if(warn){ if(!confirm("XML Parse Error. \n Allow tag soup parsing?\n[WARNING: This is unsafe.]")){ return []; } }else{ // TODO: Make this safer in the future text = text.replace(new RegExp("</([^d])","g"), "</disabled $1"); text = text.replace(new RegExp("</(\S{2,})","g"), "</disabled $1"); text = text.replace(new RegExp("<([^d/]\W*?)","g"), "<disabled $1"); text = text.replace(new RegExp("<([^/ ]{2,}\W*?)","g"), "<disabled $1"); } var tmp = document.createElement("div"); tmp.innerHTML = text; var elems = tmp.getElementsByTagName('d'); } var tlist = []; for(var i=0;i < elems.length;i++){ if(elems[i].getAttribute('p') != null){ var opt = elems[i].getAttribute('p').split(','); if(!elems[i].childNodes[0]) continue; var text = elems[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue; var obj = {}; obj.stime = Math.round(parseFloat(opt[0])*1000); obj.size = parseInt(opt[2]); obj.color = parseInt(opt[3]); obj.mode = parseInt(opt[1]); obj.date = parseInt(opt[4]); obj.pool = parseInt(opt[5]); obj.position = "absolute"; if(opt[7] != null) obj.dbid = parseInt(opt[7]); obj.hash = opt[6]; obj.border = false; if(obj.mode < 7){ obj.text = text.replace(/(\/n|\\n|\n|\r\n)/g, "\n"); }else{ if(obj.mode == 7){ try{ adv = JSON.parse(format(formatmode7(text))); obj.shadow = true; obj.x = parseFloat(adv[0]); obj.y = parseFloat(adv[1]); if(Math.floor(obj.x) < obj.x || Math.floor(obj.y) < obj.y){ obj.position = "relative"; } obj.text = adv[4].replace(/(\/n|\\n|\n|\r\n)/g, "\n"); obj.rZ = 0; obj.rY = 0; if(adv.length >= 7){ obj.rZ = parseInt(adv[5], 10); obj.rY = parseInt(adv[6], 10); } obj.motion = []; obj.movable = false; if(adv.length >= 11){ obj.movable = true; var singleStepDur = 500; var motion = { x:{from: obj.x, to:parseFloat(adv[7]), dur:singleStepDur, delay:0}, y:{from: obj.y, to:parseFloat(adv[8]), dur:singleStepDur, delay:0}, }; if(adv[9] !== ''){ singleStepDur = parseInt(adv[9], 10); motion.x.dur = singleStepDur; motion.y.dur = singleStepDur; } if(adv[10] !== ''){ motion.x.delay = parseInt(adv[10], 10); motion.y.delay = parseInt(adv[10], 10); } if(adv.length > 11){ obj.shadow = adv[11]; if(obj.shadow === "true"){ obj.shadow = true; } if(obj.shadow === "false"){ obj.shadow = false; } if(adv[12] != null){ obj.font = adv[12]; } if(adv.length > 14){ // Support for Bilibili Advanced Paths if(obj.position === "relative"){ console.log("Cannot mix relative and absolute positioning"); obj.position = "absolute"; } var path = adv[14]; var lastPoint = {x:motion.x.from, y:motion.y.from}; var pathMotion = []; var regex = new RegExp("([a-zA-Z])\\s*(\\d+)[, ](\\d+)","g"); var counts = path.split(/[a-zA-Z]/).length - 1; var m = regex.exec(path); while(m !== null){ switch(m[1]){ case "M":{ lastPoint.x = parseInt(m[2],10); lastPoint.y = parseInt(m[3],10); }break; case "L":{ pathMotion.push({ "x":{"from":lastPoint.x, "to":parseInt(m[2],10), "dur": singleStepDur / counts, "delay": 0}, "y":{"from":lastPoint.y, "to":parseInt(m[3],10), "dur": singleStepDur / counts, "delay": 0} }); lastPoint.x = parseInt(m[2],10); lastPoint.y = parseInt(m[3],10); }break; } m = regex.exec(path); } motion = null; obj.motion = pathMotion; } } if(motion !== null){ obj.motion.push(motion); } } obj.dur = 2500; if(adv[3] < 12){ obj.dur = adv[3] * 1000; } var tmp = adv[2].split('-'); if(tmp != null && tmp.length>1){ var alphaFrom = parseFloat(tmp[0]); var alphaTo = parseFloat(tmp[1]); obj.opacity = alphaFrom; if(alphaFrom !== alphaTo){ obj.alpha = {from:alphaFrom, to:alphaTo} } } }catch(e){ console.log('[Err] Error occurred in JSON parsing'); console.log('[Dbg] ' + text); } }else if(obj.mode == 8){ obj.code = text; //Code comments are special } } if(obj.text != null) obj.text = obj.text.replace(/\u25a0/g,"\u2588"); tlist.push(obj); } } return tlist; }