// ==UserScript== // @name Jandan+ // @namespace Jandan+@Byzod // @description 煎蛋评论显示图链接 // @include /^https?:\/\/jandan\.net\// // @version 2016-11-24 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function JandanPlus(){ var self = this; var IMAGE_URL_REGEX = /(ftp|http)s?:\/\/[^\s\r\n]+\.(jpe?g|png|bmp|gif|ico|tga|tpic|tiff|svgz?|webp|jp2|j2c)/gi; self.RegisterCommentListMutation = function(){ var commentLists = document.querySelectorAll(".commentlist"); var observer = new MutationObserver( (e)=>{ self.ParseImgURLTextInComment(e); } ); var config = { childList: true, subtree: true }; if(commentLists){ for(var commentList of commentLists){ observer.observe(commentList, config); } } }; self.ParseImgURLTextInComment = function(e){ for(var record of e){ if(record.target.id == "ds-hot-posts" || (record.previousSibling && record.previousSibling.id == "ds-hot-posts")){ // 评论 var comments = record.addedNodes[1].querySelectorAll(".ds-comment-body"); // console.log("jd+ comment-body: %o", comments);//debug for(var comment of comments){ var commentText = comment.querySelector("p").innerHTML; var matches = commentText.match(IMAGE_URL_REGEX); if(matches){ for(var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++){ commentText = commentText.replace(matches[i], '<img src="' + matches[i] + '"></img>'); // console.log("jd+ matches[%d]: %o;\n replace to: %o", i, matches[i], i, commentText);//debug } comment.querySelector("p").innerHTML = commentText; } } } } }; } var oioi = new JandanPlus(); oioi.RegisterCommentListMutation();