Greasy Fork is available in English.
// ==UserScript== // @name bilibili H5播放器快捷操作 // @namespace // @version // @description 快捷键设置,回车快速发弹幕,双击全屏,自动选择最高清画质、播放、全屏、关闭弹幕、自动转跳和自动关灯等 // @author jeayu // @license MIT // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; const q = function (selector) { let nodes = []; if (typeof selector === 'string') { Object.assign(nodes, document.querySelectorAll(selector)); nodes.selectorStr = selector; } else if (selector instanceof NodeList) { Object.assign(nodes, selector); } else if (selector instanceof Node) { nodes = [selector]; } = function (index = 0) { nodes.length > index && nodes[index].click(); return this; } nodes.addClass = function (classes, index = 0) { nodes.length > index && nodes[index].classList.add(classes); return this; } nodes.removeClass = function (classes, index = 0) { nodes.length > index && nodes[index].classList.remove(classes); return this; } nodes.text = function (index = 0) { return nodes.length > index && nodes[index].textContent || ''; } nodes.css = function (name, value, index = 0) { nodes.length > index && nodes[index].style.setProperty(name, value); return this; } nodes.getCss = function (name, index = 0) { return nodes.length > index && nodes[index].ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(nodes[index], null).getPropertyValue(name); } nodes.mouseover = function (index = 0) { return this.trigger('mouseover', index); } nodes.mouseout = function (index = 0) { return this.trigger('mouseout', index); } nodes.attr = function (name, index = 0) { const r###lt = nodes.length > index ? nodes[index].attributes[name] : undefined; return r###lt && r###lt.value; } nodes.hasClass = function (className, index = 0) { return nodes.length > index && nodes[index].className.match && (nodes[index].className.match(new RegExp(`(\\s|^)${className}(\\s|$)`)) != null); } nodes.append = function (text, where = 'beforeend', index = 0) { nodes.length > index && nodes[index].insertAdjacentHTML(where, text); return this; } nodes.find = function (name, index = 0) { return q(nodes[index].querySelectorAll(name)); } nodes.toggleClass = function (className, flag, index = 0) { return flag ? this.addClass(className, index) : this.removeClass(className, index); } = function (index = 0) { return nodes.length > index && nodes[index].nextElementSibling ? q(nodes[index].nextElementSibling) : []; } nodes.prev = function (index = 0) { return nodes.length > index && nodes[index].previousElementSibling ? q(nodes[index].previousElementSibling) : []; } nodes.trigger = function (event, index = 0) { if (nodes.length > index) { const evt = document.createEvent('Event'); evt.initEvent(event, true, true); nodes[index].dispatchEvent(evt); } return this; } nodes.last = function () { return q(nodes[nodes.length - 1]); } nodes.on = function (event, fn, useCapture=false, index = 0) { nodes.length > index && nodes[index].addEventListener(event, fn, useCapture); return this; } = function (index = 0) { nodes.length > index && nodes[index].select(); return this; } nodes.blur = function (index = 0) { nodes.length > index && nodes[index].blur(); return this; } nodes.val = function (value, index = 0) { if (value) { nodes[index].value = value; return this; } return nodes[index].value; } nodes.offset = function (index = 0) { if (nodes.length <= index) { return {top: 0, left: 0}; } const rect = nodes[index].getBoundingClientRect(); return {top: + document.body.scrollTop, left: rect.left + document.body.scrollLeft} } nodes.parseFloat = function (css, index = 0) { return (parseFloat(this.getCss(css, index)) || 0); } nodes.after = function (node, index = 0) { nodes.length > index && node instanceof Node && nodes[index].parentNode.insertBefore(node, nodes[index]); return this; } return nodes; } const SELECTOR = { h5Player: "#bilibili-player video", playerContainer: ".bpx-player-container", playerControl: ".bpx-player-control-wrap", senderBarArea: ".bpx-player-sending-area", playerFull: ".bpx-player-ctrl-full", playerWeb: ".bpx-player-ctrl-web", playerWide: ".bpx-player-ctrl-wide", dmInput: "input.bpx-player-dm-input", dmInputFocus: "input.bpx-player-dm-input:focus", playerCurrentTime: ".bpx-player-ctrl-time-current", mirror: ".bpx-player-ctrl-setting-mirror input", lightOff: ".bpx-player-ctrl-setting-lightoff input", jumpContent: ".bpx-player-electric-jump", dmSwitch: ".bpx-player-dm-switch input", dmTypeScroll: ".bpx-player-block-typeScroll", dmTypeTop: ".bpx-player-block-typeTop", dmTypeBottom: ".bpx-player-block-typeBottom", dmTypeColor: ".bpx-player-block-typeColor", dmTypeSpecial: ".bpx-player-block-typeSpecial", videoQuality: ".bpx-player-ctrl-quality-menu-item", vipVideoQuality: ".bpx-player-ctrl-quality-badge-bigvip", moreDescribe: "#v_desc .toggle-btn", playerVideoArea: ".bpx-player-video-area", playerCtrlPrev: ".bpx-player-ctrl-prev", playerCtrlNext: ".bpx-player-ctrl-next", }; const [ON, OFF] = [1, 0]; const [FULLSCREEN, WEBFULLSCREEN, WIDESCREEN, DEFAULT, MINI] = ["full", "web", "wide", "normal", "mini"]; const KEY_BOARD = { keyCode: { 'enter': 13, 'esc': 27, '=': 187, '-': 189, '0': 48, '1': 49, '2': 50, '3': 51, '4': 52, '5': 53, '6': 54, '7': 55, '8': 56, '9': 57, 'a': 65, 'b': 66, 'c': 67, 'd': 68, 'e': 69, 'f': 70, 'g': 71, 'h': 72, 'i': 73, 'j': 74, 'k': 75, 'l': 76, 'm': 77, 'n': 78, 'o': 79, 'p': 80, 'q': 81, 'r': 82, 's': 83, 't': 84, 'u': 85, 'v': 86, 'w': 87, 'x': 88, 'y': 89, 'z': 90, 'left': 37, 'up': 38, 'right': 39, 'down': 40, 'space': 32, '[': 219, ']': 221, '\\': 220, ';': 186, "'": 222, ',': 188, '.': 190, '/': 191, '`': 192, }, defaultShortCut: { f: { text: 'f键', status: ON, bindKey: 'f' }, leftSquareBracket: { text: '[键', status: ON, bindKey: '[' }, rightSquareBracket: { text: ']键', status: ON, bindKey: ']' }, enter: { text: '回车键', status: OFF, bindKey: 'enter' }, up: { text: '↑键', status: OFF, bindKey: 'up' }, down: { text: '↓键', status: OFF, bindKey: 'down' }, right: { text: '←键', status: OFF, bindKey: 'left' }, left: { text: '→键', status: OFF, bindKey: 'right' }, space: { text: '空格键播放/暂停', status: OFF, bindKey: 'space' }, q: { text: 'q键-点赞', status: ON, bindKey: 'q' }, w: { text: 'w键-投币', status: ON, bindKey: 'w' }, e: { text: 'e键-收藏', status: ON, bindKey: 'e' }, r: { text: 'r键-长按三连', status: ON, bindKey: 'r' }, d: { text: 'd键-关闭弹幕', status: ON, bindKey: 'd' }, m: { text: 'm键-静音', status: ON, bindKey: 'm' }, }, getKeyCode(key) { return this.keyCode[key]; }, isGlobalHotKey(keyCode) { return ["left", "up", "right", "down", "space"].find(key => this.getKeyCode(key) == keyCode); }, isNumberKeyCode(keyCode) { return keyCode >= this.getKeyCode('0') && keyCode <= this.getKeyCode('9'); }, getDefaultShortCutStatus(key) { return STORAGE.getDefaultShortCutStatus(key, this.defaultShortCut[key].status); }, checkDefaultShortCut(keyCode) { return Object.entries(this.defaultShortCut) .some(([key, { text, status, bindKey }]) => this.getKeyCode(bindKey) == keyCode && this.getDefaultShortCutStatus(key)== ON); }, }; const H5_PLAYER = { variable: { speed: { text: '播放速度调整倍数', value: 0.25 }, minSpeed: { text: '最小播放速度倍数', value: 0.25 }, maxSpeed: { text: '最大播放速度倍数', value: 4 }, volume: { text: '音量调整百分比', value: 1 }, videoProgress: { text: '快进/快退调整秒数', value: 1 }, }, getVarSetting(key) { return this.variable[key].value; }, init() { this.h5Player = q(SELECTOR.h5Player); this.control = q(SELECTOR.playerControl); this.senderBar = q(SELECTOR.senderBarArea); this.played = false; console.log('H5_PLAYER done'); }, addEventListener(event, func) { this.h5Player.on(event, func); }, addPlayingEvent(func) { this.addEventListener('playing', func); }, addPauseEvent(func) { this.addEventListener('pause', func); }, addEndedEvent(func) { this.addEventListener('ended', func); }, getDuration() { return this.h5Player[0].duration; }, getCurrentTime() { return this.h5Player[0].currentTime; }, setVideoCurrentTime(time) { if (time > -1 && time <= this.h5Player[0].duration) { this.h5Player[0].currentTime = time; } }, play() { this.h5Player[0].play(); }, pause() { this.h5Player[0].pause(); }, isPaused(){ return this.h5Player[0].paused; }, playAndPause() { this.isPaused() ? : this.pause(); }, subSpeed() { this.h5Player[0].playbackRate = Math.max(this.h5Player[0].playbackRate - this.getVarSetting('speed'), this.getVarSetting('minSpeed')); }, addSpeed() { this.h5Player[0].playbackRate = Math.min(this.h5Player[0].playbackRate + this.getVarSetting('speed'), this.getVarSetting('maxSpeed')); }, resetSpeed() { this.h5Player[0].playbackRate = 1; }, getPlaybackRate() { return this.h5Player[0].playbackRate; }, getVolume() { return this.h5Player[0].volume; }, setVolume(volume) { this.h5Player[0].volume = volume; }, mute() { this.h5Player[0].muted = !this.h5Player[0].muted; }, subVolume() { this.setVolume(Math.max(this.getVolume() - (this.getVarSetting('volume') / 100), 0)); }, addVolume() { this.setVolume(Math.min(this.getVolume() + (this.getVarSetting('volume') / 100), 1)); }, subProgress() { this.h5Player[0].currentTime -= this.getVarSetting('videoProgress'); }, addProgress() { this.h5Player[0].currentTime += this.getVarSetting('videoProgress'); }, offsetTop() { return this.h5Player.offset().top; } }; const UI = { addStyle(css, id) { id = id ? `id=${id}` : ''; q('head').append(`<style ${id} type="text/css">${css}</style>`); }, removeStyle(styleId) { const styleNode = q(styleId)[0]; styleNode && styleNode.parentNode.removeChild(styleNode); }, showHint(info, hideVolumeIcon=true) { clearTimeout(this.hintTimer); q('div.bpx-player-volume-hint').length || this.initShowHint(); q('div.bpx-player-volume-hint').css('opacity', 1).css('display', ''); q('span.bpx-player-volume-hint-icon').css('display', hideVolumeIcon ? 'none' : ''); q('span.bpx-player-volume-hint-text')[0].innerHTML = info; this.hintTimer = setTimeout(() => { q('div.bpx-player-volume-hint').css('opacity', 0).css('display', 'none'); q('span.bpx-player-volume-hint-icon').css('display', ''); }, 1E3); }, initShowHint() { const html = ` <div class="bpx-player-volume-hint" style="opacity: 0; display: none;"> <span class="bpx-player-volume-hint-icon"><span class="bpx-common-svg-icon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 22 22"> <use xlink:href="#bpx-svg-sprite-volume"></use> </svg> </span> <span class="bpx-common-svg-icon" style="display: none;"> <svg viewBox="0 0 22 22"> <use xlink:href="#bpx-svg-sprite-volume-off"></use> </svg> </span> </span> <span class="bpx-player-volume-hint-text">70%</span> </div> `; q(SELECTOR.playerVideoArea).append(html); }, hideSenderBar() { this.hideSenderBarCss(); }, hideSenderBarCss() { const css = `${SELECTOR.senderBarArea}{opacity: 0!important;display: none!important}`; this.addStyle(css, 'qd-hideSenderBar'); }, showSenderBar() { H5_PLAYER.senderBar.css('opacity', 1).css('display', ''); this.removeStyle('#qd-hideSenderBar'); }, h5PlayerRotate(flag, rotationDeg=90) { const h5Player = H5_PLAYER.h5Player[0]; const deg = this.getRotationDeg(H5_PLAYER.h5Player) + rotationDeg * flag; let transform = `rotate(${deg}deg)`; if (deg == 0 || deg == 180 * flag) { transform += ` scale(1)`; } else { transform += ` scale(${h5Player.videoHeight / h5Player.videoWidth})`; } this.setH5PlayerRransform(transform); }, setH5PlayerRransform(transform) { H5_PLAYER.h5Player.css('-webkit-transform', transform) .css('-moz-transform', transform) .css('-ms-transform', transform) .css('-o-transform', transform) .css('transform', transform); }, getTransformCss(e) { return e.getCss('-webkit-transform') || e.getCss('-moz-transform') || e.getCss('-ms-transform') || e.getCss('-o-transform') || 'none'; }, getRotationDeg(e) { const transformCss = this.getTransformCss(e); let matrix = transformCss.match('matrix\\((.*)\\)'); if (matrix) { matrix = matrix[1].split(','); if (matrix) { const rad = Math.atan2(matrix[1], matrix[0]); return (rad * 180 / Math.PI) | 0; } } return 0; }, isWide() { return q(SELECTOR.playerContainer).attr('data-screen') == WIDESCREEN || q(SELECTOR.playerWide).hasClass('bpx-state-entered'); }, ultraWidescreenCss() { this.removeStyle('#qd-ultraWidescreen'); const clientWidth = document.body.clientWidth; const marginLeft = q('#bilibili-player ').offset().left; const css = ` .bpx-player-container[data-screen=wide] { width:${clientWidth}px!important;margin-left:-${marginLeft}px!important;z-index: 1000!important; } `; this.addStyle(css, 'qd-ultraWidescreen'); }, rConCss() { this.removeStyle('#qd-rCon'); if (!this.isBottomTitle || !this.isWide()) { return; } const top = H5_PLAYER.h5Player.parseFloat('height'); const css = ` .r-con{margin-top:${top}px!important} .right-container{margin-top:${top}px!important} `; this.addStyle(css, 'qd-rCon'); }, bottomTitle() { q('#viewbox_report').after(q('#playerWrap')[0]); if (!this.isBottomTitle) { const css = `#viewbox_report {height:auto!important;}`; this.addStyle(css, 'qd-bottomTitle'); this.isBottomTitle = true; } }, removeFixedHeader() { q('.bili-header').removeClass('fixed-header'); }, }; const REPEAT_CONTROLLER = { repeatStart: undefined, repeatEnd: undefined, setRepeatStart() { this.repeatStart = H5_PLAYER.getCurrentTime(); UI.showHint(`起点 ${q(SELECTOR.playerCurrentTime).text()}`); }, setRepeatEnd() { this.repeatEnd = H5_PLAYER.getCurrentTime(); UI.showHint(`终点 ${q(SELECTOR.playerCurrentTime).text()}`); }, resetRepeat() { this.repeatEnd = this.repeatStart = undefined; UI.showHint(`清除循环点`) }, check() { return this.repeatEnd && this.repeatStart && this.repeatEnd <= H5_PLAYER.getCurrentTime(); }, start() { H5_PLAYER.setVideoCurrentTime(this.repeatStart); } }; const CONTROLLER = { keydownFn: undefined, hintTimer: undefined, config: { globalHotKey: { text: '快捷键设置全局', status: OFF, tips: '上下左右空格不会滚动页面' }, }, quickDo: { settingPanel: { value: '`', text: '设置面板', }, fullscreen: { value: 'f', text: '全屏', }, webFullscreen: { value: 'w', text: '网页全屏', }, widescreen: { value: 'q', text: '宽屏', }, subSpeed: { value: '[', text: '减少速度', }, addSpeed: { value: ']', text: '增加速度', }, resetSpeed: { value: '\\', text: '重置速度', }, danmu: { value: 'd', text: '弹幕', }, playAndPause: { value: 'p', text: '暂停播放', }, prevPart: { value: 'k', text: '上一P', }, nextPart: { value: 'l', text: '下一P', }, showDanmuInput: { value: 'enter', text: '发弹幕', }, mirror: { value: 'j', text: '镜像', }, danmuTop: { value: 't', text: '顶部弹幕', }, danmuBottom: { value: 'b', text: '底部弹幕', }, danmuScroll: { value: 's', text: '滚动弹幕', }, danmuSpecial: { value: '', text: '高级弹幕', }, danmuColor: { value: 'c', text: '彩色弹幕', }, rotateRight: { value: 'o', text: '向右旋转', }, rotateLeft: { value: 'i', text: '向左旋转', }, lightOff: { value: 'y', text: '灯', }, mute: { value: 'm', text: '静音', }, scroll2Top: { value: ';', text: '回到顶部', }, jumpContent: { value: 'g', text: '跳过鸣谢', }, playerSetOnTop: { value: "'", text: '播放器置顶', }, setRepeatStart: { value: ',', text: '循环起点', }, setRepeatEnd: { value: '.', text: '循环终点', }, resetRepeat: { value: '/', text: '清除循环点', }, subVolume: { value: '', text: '减少音量', }, addVolume: { value: '', text: '增加音量', }, subProgress: { value: '', text: '快退', }, addProgress: { value: '', text: '快进', }, }, initKeyDown() { this.keydownFn = this.keydownFn || (e=> !q('input:focus, textarea:focus').length && this.keyHandler(e)); q(document).on('keydown', this.keydownFn, true); console.log('initKeyDown done'); }, keyHandler(e) { const {keyCode, ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey} = e; if (ctrlKey || shiftKey || altKey) { return; } if (KEY_BOARD.checkDefaultShortCut(keyCode)) { e.stopPropagation(); } if (this.getControllerConfigStatus('globalHotKey') === ON) { if (KEY_BOARD.isGlobalHotKey(keyCode)) { this.focusPlayer(); e.preventDefault(); } } Object.keys(this.quickDo) .some(quickDoKey => keyCode === this.getQuickDoKeyCode(quickDoKey) && (!this[quickDoKey]() || !e.preventDefault())) || this.numberKeySkip(keyCode); e.defaultPrevented; }, bindDanmuInputKeydown() { q(SELECTOR.dmInput).on('keydown', e => { e.keyCode === KEY_BOARD.keyCode.enter && this.hideDanmuInput(); }); }, getControllerConfigStatus(key) { return STORAGE.getControllerConfigStatus(key, this.config[key].status); }, getQuickDoKeyCode(quickDoKey) { return KEY_BOARD.getKeyCode(STORAGE.getQuickDoKey(quickDoKey, this.quickDo[quickDoKey].value)); }, focusPlayer() {; }, numberKeySkip(keyCode) { if (KEY_BOARD.isNumberKeyCode(keyCode)) { const multiple = keyCode - KEY_BOARD.getKeyCode('0'); H5_PLAYER.setVideoCurrentTime(H5_PLAYER.getDuration()/ 10 * multiple); } }, triggerSleep(el, event='click', ms=100) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (el && el[0]) { el.trigger(event); setTimeout(resolve, ms); } else { reject(); } }); }, mode(mode, check=true) { const curMode = q(SELECTOR.playerContainer).attr('data-screen'); if (check && mode == curMode) { return; } switch (mode) { case FULLSCREEN: return this.fullscreen(); case WEBFULLSCREEN: return this.webFullscreen(); case WIDESCREEN: return this.widescreen(); case MINI: return q(SELECTOR.playerContainer)[0].setAttribute('data-screen', 'mini'); case DEFAULT: return curMode == MINI ? q(SELECTOR.playerContainer)[0].setAttribute('data-screen', DEFAULT) : this.mode(curMode, false); default: return; } }, ultraWidescreen() { this.mode(WIDESCREEN); UI.ultraWidescreenCss(); }, // --------------- settingPanel() { SETTING_PANEL.switch(); }, fullscreen() { q(SELECTOR.playerFull).click(); }, webFullscreen() { q(SELECTOR.playerWeb).click(); }, widescreen() { q(SELECTOR.playerWide).click(); }, subSpeed() { H5_PLAYER.subSpeed(); UI.showHint("速度: " + H5_PLAYER.getPlaybackRate() + "x"); }, addSpeed() { H5_PLAYER.addSpeed(); UI.showHint("速度: " + H5_PLAYER.getPlaybackRate() + "x"); }, resetSpeed() { H5_PLAYER.resetSpeed(); UI.showHint("速度: " + H5_PLAYER.getPlaybackRate() + "x"); }, danmu() { q(SELECTOR.dmSwitch).click(); }, playAndPause() { H5_PLAYER.playAndPause(); }, prevPart() { q(SELECTOR.playerCtrlPrev).click() }, nextPart() { q(SELECTOR.playerCtrlNext).click(); }, showDanmuInput() { UI.showSenderBar(); const danmuInput = q(SELECTOR.dmInput); if (!q(SELECTOR.dmInputFocus).length) { this.triggerSleep(danmuInput, 'mouseover').then(() => {; }).catch(() => {}); } }, hideDanmuInput() { UI.hideSenderBar(); const danmuInput = q(SELECTOR.dmInput); this.triggerSleep(danmuInput, 'mouseout').then(() => { danmuInput.blur(); this.focusPlayer(); }).catch(() => {}); }, mirror() { UI.setH5PlayerRransform(''); q(SELECTOR.mirror).click(); }, danmuType(selector) { q(selector).click(); const text = q(`${selector} .bpx-player-block-filter-label`).text(); if (q(`${selector}.bpx-player-active`).length) { UI.showHint(`开启${text}`); } else { UI.showHint(`关闭${text}`); } }, danmuTop() { this.danmuType(SELECTOR.dmTypeTop); }, danmuBottom() { this.danmuType(SELECTOR.dmTypeBottom); }, danmuScroll() { this.danmuType(SELECTOR.dmTypeScroll); }, danmuColor() { this.danmuType(SELECTOR.dmTypeColor); }, danmuSpecial() { this.danmuType(SELECTOR.dmTypeSpecial); }, rotateRight() { UI.h5PlayerRotate(1); }, rotateLeft() { UI.h5PlayerRotate(-1); }, isLightOff() { return q(SELECTOR.lightOff)[0].checked; }, lightOff() { q(SELECTOR.lightOff).click(); }, light(status) { if (status == ON && this.isLightOff()) { q(SELECTOR.lightOff).click(); } else if (status == OFF && !this.isLightOff()) { q(SELECTOR.lightOff).click(); } }, mute() { H5_PLAYER.mute(); }, scroll2Top() { window.scrollTo(0, 0); }, jumpContent() { q(SELECTOR.jumpContent).click(); }, playerSetOnTop() { this.scroll2Top(); window.scrollTo(0, H5_PLAYER.offsetTop()); }, setRepeatStart() { REPEAT_CONTROLLER.setRepeatStart(); }, setRepeatEnd() { REPEAT_CONTROLLER.setRepeatEnd(); }, resetRepeat() { REPEAT_CONTROLLER.resetRepeat(); }, subVolume() { H5_PLAYER.subVolume(); UI.showHint(`${Math.ceil(H5_PLAYER.getVolume() * 100)}%`, false); }, addVolume() { H5_PLAYER.addVolume(); UI.showHint(`${Math.ceil(H5_PLAYER.getVolume() * 100)}%`, false); }, subProgress() { H5_PLAYER.subProgress(); }, addProgress() { H5_PLAYER.addProgress(); }, // --------------- }; const AUTOMATON = { playerCheckbox: { options: { hideSenderBar: { text: '隐藏弹幕栏', status: ON, fn: 'hideOrShowSenderBar', tips: '发弹幕快捷键可显示' }, widescreenScroll2Top: { text: '宽屏时回到顶部', status: OFF, ban:['widescreenPlayerSetOnTop'], fn: 'setWidescreenPos' }, widescreenPlayerSetOnTop: { text: '宽屏时播放器置顶部', status: ON, ban:['widescreenScroll2Top'], fn: 'setWidescreenPos' }, lightOffWhenPlaying: { text: '播放时自动关灯', status: OFF, }, lightOnWhenPause: { text: '暂停时自动开灯', status: OFF, }, screenWhenPause: { text: '暂停还原屏幕', status: OFF, }, ultraWidescreen: { text: '超宽屏', status: ON, fn: 'ultraWidescreen', tips: '宽屏模式宽度和窗口一样'}, bottomTitle: { text: '标题位于播放器下方', status: ON, tips: '刷新生效' }, }, btn: '播放器设置', }, startCheckbox: { options: { lightOff: { text: '自动关灯', status: OFF }, webFullscreen: { text: '自动网页全屏', status: OFF, ban:['widescreen'] }, widescreen: { text: '自动宽屏', status: ON, ban:['webFullscreen'] }, highQuality: { text: '自动最高画质', status: ON, ban:['vipHighQuality'] }, vipHighQuality: { text: '自动最高画质(大会员使用)', status: OFF, ban:['highQuality'] }, vipHighQualityNot4K: { text: '自动最高画质不选择4K', status: OFF }, moreDescribe: { text: '自动展开视频简介', status: ON }, }, btn: '播放前自动设置', }, endCheckbox: { options: { lightOn: { text: '播放结束自动开灯', status: ON, tips: '还有下一P不触发' }, exitScreen: { text: '播放结束还原屏幕', status: ON, ban:['exit2WideScreen'], tips: '还有下一P不触发' }, exit2WideScreen: { text: '播放结束还原宽屏', status: OFF, ban:['exitScreen'], tips: '还有下一P不触发' }, autoJumpContent: { text: '跳过充电鸣谢', status: ON }, }, btn: '播放结束自动设置', }, checkPlayingSetting(key) { return STORAGE.checkPlayingSetting(key, this.startCheckbox.options[key].status); }, checkPlayerSetting(key) { return STORAGE.checkPlayerSetting(key, this.playerCheckbox.options[key].status); }, checkEndedSetting(key) { return STORAGE.checkEndedSetting(key, this.endCheckbox.options[key].status); }, trigger(mutation, target) { if (target.hasClass('bpx-player-control-bottom-right')) { if (mutation.addedNodes[0].className == 'bpx-player-ctrl-btn bpx-player-ctrl-quality') { this.videoQuality(); } else if (mutation.addedNodes.length == 1 && mutation.addedNodes[0].className.indexOf('bpx-player-ctrl-full') > 0) { this.playStartMode(); } } else if (target.hasClass('bpx-player-state-buff-icon')) { UI.rConCss(); } }, attributesTrigger() { this.adjustUI(); }, adjustUI() { this.checkPlayerSetting('ultraWidescreen') && UI.ultraWidescreenCss(); if (this.checkPlayerSetting('widescreenScroll2Top') && UI.isWide()) { CONTROLLER.scroll2Top(); } else if (this.checkPlayerSetting('widescreenPlayerSetOnTop') && UI.isWide()) { CONTROLLER.playerSetOnTop(); } UI.rConCss(); }, init() { window.addEventListener('resize', () => { this.adjustUI(); }); H5_PLAYER.addEventListener('loadeddata', () => { this.checkPlayerSetting('hideSenderBar') && UI.hideSenderBar(); this.checkPlayerSetting('bottomTitle') && UI.bottomTitle(); this.checkPlayingSetting('moreDescribe') && this.moreDescribe(); this.playStartMode(); }); H5_PLAYER.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => { REPEAT_CONTROLLER.check() && REPEAT_CONTROLLER.start(); }); H5_PLAYER.addPlayingEvent(() => { if (!H5_PLAYER.played) { this.checkPlayingSetting('lightOff') && CONTROLLER.light(OFF); } this.checkPlayerSetting('lightOffWhenPlaying') && CONTROLLER.light(OFF); H5_PLAYER.played = true; }); H5_PLAYER.addPauseEvent(() => { this.checkPlayerSetting('lightOnWhenPause') && CONTROLLER.light(ON); this.checkPlayerSetting('screenWhenPause') && CONTROLLER.mode(DEFAULT); }); H5_PLAYER.addEndedEvent(() => { this.checkEndedSetting('lightOn') && CONTROLLER.light(ON); this.checkEndedSetting('autoJumpContent') && CONTROLLER.jumpContent(); if (this.checkEndedSetting('exitScreen')) { CONTROLLER.mode(DEFAULT); } else if (this.checkEndedSetting('exit2WideScreen')) { CONTROLLER.mode(WIDESCREEN); } }); }, playStartMode() { if (this.checkPlayingSetting('webFullscreen')) { CONTROLLER.mode(WEBFULLSCREEN); } else if (this.checkPlayingSetting('widescreen')) { CONTROLLER.mode(WIDESCREEN); } }, videoQuality() { if (!this.checkPlayingSetting('highQuality') && !this.checkPlayingSetting('vipHighQuality')) { return; } const btn = q(SELECTOR.videoQuality); let index = -1; if (this.checkPlayingSetting('highQuality')) { index = btn.findIndex(e => !q(e).find(SELECTOR.vipVideoQuality)[0]); } else if (this.checkPlayingSetting('vipHighQualityNot4K')) { index = btn.findIndex(e => !e.textContent.includes('4K')) } index > -1 && btn[index].click(); }, moreDescribe() { q(SELECTOR.moreDescribe).click(); } }; const STORAGE = { version: 'v1', getDefaultShortCutStatus(key, defaultValue) { return this.get('defaultShortCut', key, defaultValue); }, getQuickDoKey(quickDoKey, defaultValue) { return this.get('quickDo', quickDoKey, defaultValue); }, getControllerConfigStatus(key, defaultValue) { return this.get('controllerConfig', key, defaultValue); }, checkPlayingSetting(key, defaultValue) { return this.get('startCheckbox', key, defaultValue) === ON; }, checkPlayerSetting(key, defaultValue) { return this.get('playerCheckbox', key, defaultValue) === ON; }, checkEndedSetting(key, defaultValue) { return this.get('endCheckbox', key, defaultValue) === ON; }, gmKey(configName, key) { return `${this.version}:${configName}:${key}`; }, get(configName, key, defaultValue) { if (GM_getValue(this.gmKey(configName, key)) == undefined) { return defaultValue; } return GM_getValue(this.gmKey(configName, key)); }, save(configName, key, value) { GM_setValue(this.gmKey(configName, key), value); }, }; const SETTING_PANEL = { init() { this.newSettingPanel(); ['playerCheckbox', 'startCheckbox', 'endCheckbox'].forEach(configName => { for (let [key, { text, status, ban, fn, tips }] of Object.entries(AUTOMATON[configName].options)) { this.addCheckboxSettingItem(configName, key, text, status, ban, fn, tips); } }); for (let [key, { value, text }] of Object.entries(CONTROLLER.quickDo)) { this.addInputSettingItem('quickDo', key, value, text); } for (let [key, { text, status, tips }] of Object.entries(CONTROLLER.config)) { this.addCheckboxSettingItem('controllerConfig', key, text, status, null, null, null); } for (let [key, { text, status, bindKey }] of Object.entries(KEY_BOARD.defaultShortCut)) { this.addCheckboxSettingItem("defaultShortCut", key, `屏蔽${text}`, status, null, null, null); } }, newSettingPanel() { const id = 'qd-setting-panel'; const araeId = id + '-area' const colseId = id + '-close' const html = ` <div id='${id}' style="height: 500px;width: 800px;color: #fff;border-radius: 4px;position: absolute;text-align: center;z-index: 80;-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;background-color: rgba(33,33,33,.9);left: 50%;top: 50%;-webkit-transform: translate(-50%,-50%);transform: translate(-50%,-50%);"> <div style="font-size: 16px;text-align: center;line-height: 40px;border-bottom: 1px solid hsla(0,0%,100%,.1);"> bilibili H5播放器快捷操作设置 <span id='${colseId}' style="float: right;margin-right: 10px;"> X </span> </div> <div id='${araeId}' class="bpx-player-hotkey-panel-area" style="touch-action: pan-x; user-select: none; -webkit-user-drag: none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);min-height: 430px;padding-left: 35px;"> <div class="bpx-player-hotkey-panel-content" style="transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1); transition-duration: 0ms; transform: translate(0px, 0px) scale(1) translateZ(0px);"> </div> </div> </div> `; q(SELECTOR.playerVideoArea).append(html); this.settingPanel = q(`#${id}`); this.settingPanelArea = q(`#${araeId}`); q(`#${colseId}`).on('click', () => { this.close(); }) this.close(); }, addCheckboxSettingItem(configName, key, text, status, ban, fn, tips) { const checked = STORAGE.get(configName, key, status) == ON ? 'checked' : ''; const checkboxId = `${configName}-${key}-box`; let item = ` <div style="min-width: 185px;float: left;height: 24px;line-height: 24px;text-align: left;"> <span> <input id="${checkboxId}" type="checkbox" ${checked}></input> </span> <span>${text}</span> </div>` this.settingPanelArea.append(item); q(`#${checkboxId}`).on('click', function(e) {, key, this.checked ? ON : OFF); }); }, addInputSettingItem(configName, key, value, text) { const inputId = `${configName}-${key}-input`; const val = STORAGE.get(configName, key, value); let item = ` <div style="min-width: 185px;float: left;height: 24px;line-height: 24px;text-align: left;"> <span> <input id="${inputId}" type="input" value="${val}" style="width: 35px;height: 12px;color: black;text-align: center;"></input> </span> <span>${text}</span> </div>` this.settingPanelArea.append(item); const input = q(`#${inputId}`); input.on('keydown', e => { const isGlobalHotKey = KEY_BOARD.isGlobalHotKey(e.keyCode); const key = isGlobalHotKey || e.key.toLowerCase(); const isA2Z = e.keyCode >= 65 && e.keyCode <= 90; const isSymbol = "[]\\;',./-=".indexOf(key) > -1; if ((isGlobalHotKey || isA2Z || isSymbol || e.keyCode === KEY_BOARD.keyCode.enter) && KEY_BOARD.getKeyCode(key)) { input.val(key); } const isDelete = e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 46; (!isDelete || isGlobalHotKey) && e.preventDefault(); }).on('keyup', e => {, key, input.val()); }).on('click', e => {; e.preventDefault(); }); }, show() { this.settingPanel.css('display', ''); }, close() { this.settingPanel.css('display', 'none'); }, switch() { this.settingPanel.getCss('display') == 'none' ? : this.close(); } }; new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => { mutations.forEach(mutation => { const target = q(; if (target.hasClass('fixed-header')) { UI.removeFixedHeader(); } if (target.hasClass('header-v2')) { if (H5_PLAYER.h5Player) { H5_PLAYER.played = false; return; } try { H5_PLAYER.init(); CONTROLLER.initKeyDown(); AUTOMATON.init(); SETTING_PANEL.init(); console.log('bilibili-quickdo done'); } catch (e) { console.error('bilibili-quickdo init error:', e); } } else if (target.hasClass('bpx-player-sending-bar') && mutation.addedNodes.length) { CONTROLLER.bindDanmuInputKeydown(); } else { AUTOMATON.trigger(mutation, target); } }); }).observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true, }); new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => { AUTOMATON.attributesTrigger(); }).observe(document.body, { attributes: true, }); })();