Greasy Fork is available in English.
Replaces an embedded video with a link to the video page.
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name LinkTube
- // @version 2019.11.25
- // @description Replaces an embedded video with a link to the video page.
- // @author sebaro
- // @namespace
- // @icon
- // @include *
- // ==/UserScript==
- /*
- Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 Sebastian Luncan
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
- Website:
- Contact:
- */
- (function() {
- // ==========Variables========== //
- // Userscript
- var userscript = 'LinkTube';
- // Page
- var page = {win: window, doc: window.document, url: window.location.href};
- // Contact
- var contact = '';
- // Warning
- var warning = 'Couldn\'t get the video link. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '">here</a>.';
- // Options
- var option = {'secure': true};
- // ==========Fixes========== //
- // Don't run on frames or iframes
- if ( != window.self) return;
- // ==========Functions========== //
- function createMyElement(type, content) {
- var obj = document.createElement(type);
- if (type == 'div') {
- if (content) obj.innerHTML = content;
- }
- return obj;
- }
- function getMyElement(element, get, tag) {
- var obj;
- if (get == 'parent') obj = element.parentNode;
- else if (get == 'source') {
- obj = element.src;
- if (!obj) {
- for (var i = 0; i < element.attributes.length; i++) {
- if (element.attributes[i].name.match(/^data.*src$/)) {
- obj = element.attributes[i].value;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (get == 'name') obj =;
- else if (get == 'value') obj = element.value;
- else if (get == 'children') obj = element.getElementsByTagName(tag);
- return obj;
- }
- function modifyMyElement(obj, type, content, clear) {
- if (type == 'div') {
- if (content) obj.innerHTML = content;
- }
- if (clear) {
- if (obj.hasChildNodes()) {
- while (obj.childNodes.length >= 1) {
- obj.removeChild(obj.firstChild);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function styleMyElement(obj, styles) {
- for (var property in styles) {
- if (styles.hasOwnProperty(property))[property] = styles[property];
- }
- }
- function appendMyElement(parent, child) {
- if (parent == 'body') document.body.appendChild(child);
- else parent.appendChild(child);
- }
- function removeMyElement(parent, child) {
- if (parent == 'body') document.body.removeChild(child);
- else parent.removeChild(child);
- }
- function replaceMyElement(parent, orphan, child) {
- parent.replaceChild(orphan, child);
- }
- function embedMyLinks(element) {
- var elements;
- if (element == 'iframe') elements = iframeElements;
- else if (element == 'object') elements = objectElements;
- else if (element == 'embed') elements = embedElements;
- var child, parent, video, param, name;
- var foundSite;
- var linkID, videoID, videoLink, videoURL;
- var myScriptLogo = [];
- myScriptLogo[element] = [];
- var myScriptMess = [];
- myScriptMess[element] = [];
- var myLinkWindow = [];
- myLinkWindow[element] = [];
- for (var e = elements.length - 1; e >= 0; e--) {
- foundSite = false;
- child = elements[e];
- parent = getMyElement(child, 'parent', '');
- if (element == 'iframe' || element == 'embed') {
- video = getMyElement(child, 'source', '');
- }
- else if (element == 'object') {
- params = getMyElement(child, 'children', 'param');
- for (var p = 0; p < params.length; p++) {
- name = getMyElement(params[p], 'name', '');
- if (name == 'movie' || name == 'src' || name == 'flashvars') {
- video = getMyElement(params[p], 'value', '');
- if (!video) video = getMyElement(params[p], 'source', '');
- }
- }
- }
- if (video) {
- for (var l = 0; l < linkParsers.length; l++) {
- if (video.match(linkParsers[l]['source'])) {
- foundSite = true;
- linkID = l;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (foundSite) {
- myScriptLogo[element][e] = createMyElement('div', userscript);
- styleMyElement(myScriptLogo[element][e], {margin: '0px auto', padding: '10px', color: '#FFFFFF', fontSize: '20px', textAlign: 'center', textShadow: '#000000 -1px 1px 1px'});
- myScriptMess[element][e] = createMyElement('div', '');
- myLinkWindow[element][e] = createMyElement('div', '');
- appendMyElement(myLinkWindow[element][e], myScriptLogo[element][e]);
- appendMyElement(myLinkWindow[element][e], myScriptMess[element][e]);
- var childStyles = child.getAttribute('style');
- if (childStyles) {
- childStyles = childStyles.replace('absolute', 'relative');
- myLinkWindow[element][e].setAttribute('style', childStyles);
- styleMyElement(myLinkWindow[element][e], {border: '3px solid #F4F4F4', backgroundColor: 'transparent'});
- }
- else styleMyElement(myLinkWindow[element][e], {width: '100%', height: '100%', border: '3px solid #F4F4F4', backgroundColor: 'transparent'});
- styleMyElement(parent, {padding: '0px', height: '100%'});
- replaceMyElement(parent, myLinkWindow[element][e], child);
- videoID = video.match(linkParsers[linkID]['pattern']);
- videoID = (videoID) ? videoID[1] : null;
- if (videoID) {
- videoURL = linkParsers[linkID]['link'] + videoID;
- if (!option['secure']) videoURL = videoURL.replace(/^https/, 'http');
- videoLink = '<a href="' + videoURL + '" style="color:#336699;text-decoration:none;">' + videoURL + '</a>';
- styleMyElement(myScriptMess[element][e], {border: '1px solid #F4F4F4', margin: '5px', padding: '5px', backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', color: '#00C000', textAlign: 'center', fontSize: '16px'});
- modifyMyElement(myScriptMess[element][e], 'div', videoLink, false);
- }
- else {
- styleMyElement(myScriptMess[element][e], {border: '1px solid #F4F4F4', margin: '5px', padding: '5px', backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', color: '#AD0000', textAlign: 'center', fontSize: '16px'});
- modifyMyElement(myScriptMess[element][e], 'div', warning, false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // ==========Websites========== //
- /* Parsers */
- var linkParsers = [
- {'source': 'youtube(.com||\\?list)', 'pattern': 'list=(.*?)(&|$)', 'link': ''},
- {'source': 'youtube(.com|', 'pattern': '/embed/(.*?)(\\?|&|$)', 'link': ''},
- {'source': 'youtube(.com|', 'pattern': '/v/(.*?)(\\?|&|$)', 'link': ''},
- {'source': '', 'pattern': '/video/(.*?)$', 'link': ''},
- {'source': '!video)', 'pattern': '/swf/(.*?)$', 'link': ''},
- {'source': '', 'pattern': '/video/(.*?)$', 'link': ''},
- {'source': '', 'pattern': '/video/(.*?)(\\?|&|$)', 'link': ''},
- {'source': '', 'pattern': '/moogaloop.swf\\?clip_id=(.*?)(&|$)', 'link': ''},
- {'source': '', 'pattern': '/embed/(.*?)/', 'link': ''},
- {'source': '', 'pattern': '/fplayer/(.*?)/', 'link': ''},
- {'source': '', 'pattern': '/embed/(.*?)$', 'link': ''},
- {'source': '', 'pattern': 'video_ext.php\\?(.*?)$', 'link': ''},
- {'source': '', 'pattern': 'channel=(.*?)(&|$)', 'link': ''}
- ];
- var iframeElements;
- var objectElements;
- var embedElements;
- function LinkTube() {
- /* IFrame */
- iframeElements = getMyElement(document, 'children', 'iframe');
- if (iframeElements.length > 0 ) embedMyLinks('iframe');
- /* Object */
- objectElements = getMyElement(document, 'children', 'object');
- if (objectElements.length > 0 ) embedMyLinks('object');
- /* Embed */
- embedElements = getMyElement(document, 'children', 'embed');
- if (embedElements.length > 0 ) embedMyLinks('embed');
- }
- // ==========Run========== //
- LinkTube();
- {
- if (page.url != {
- page.doc =;
- page.url =;
- LinkTube();
- }
- }, 500);
- })();