Greasy Fork is available in English.
【装这一个脚本就够了!可能是你遇到的最好的豆瓣增强脚本】聚合数百家资源网站,通过右侧边栏1秒告诉你哪些网站能下载豆瓣页面上的电影|电视剧|纪录片|综艺|动画|音乐|图书等,有资源的网站显示绿色,没资源的网站显示黄色,就这么直观!所有豆瓣条目均提供在线播放|阅读、字幕|歌词下载及PT|NZB|BT|磁力|百度盘|115网盘等下载链接,加入官网打死也不出的豆列搜索功能,此外还能给豆瓣条目额外添加IMDB评分|IMDB TOP 250|Metascore评分|烂番茄评分|AniDB评分|Bgm评分|MAL|亚马逊评分等更多评分形式。官方电报群:@doubandown
// ==UserScript== // @name 豆瓣资源下载大师:1秒搞定豆瓣电影|音乐|图书下载 // @description 【装这一个脚本就够了!可能是你遇到的最好的豆瓣增强脚本】聚合数百家资源网站,通过右侧边栏1秒告诉你哪些网站能下载豆瓣页面上的电影|电视剧|纪录片|综艺|动画|音乐|图书等,有资源的网站显示绿色,没资源的网站显示黄色,就这么直观!所有豆瓣条目均提供在线播放|阅读、字幕|歌词下载及PT|NZB|BT|磁力|百度盘|115网盘等下载链接,加入官网打死也不出的豆列搜索功能,此外还能给豆瓣条目额外添加IMDB评分|IMDB TOP 250|Metascore评分|烂番茄评分|AniDB评分|Bgm评分|MAL|亚马逊评分等更多评分形式。官方电报群:@doubandown // @author 白鸽男孩 // @contributor Rhilip // @connect * // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_getResourceText // @require // @require // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @resource top250_css // @license Zlib/Libpng License // @version 8.3.5 // @icon // @run-at document-end // @namespace doveboy_js // ==/UserScript== /* global $, jQuery, encodeToGb2312 */ // This Userscirpt can't run under Greasemonkey 4.x platform if (typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest === "undefined") { alert("不支持Greasemonkey 4.x,请换用##猴或Tampermonkey"); return; } // 不属于豆瓣的页面 if (!/ { function AutoSearch(host, zInputSelector, btnSelector, dict) { if ( === host) { let match = location.href.match(/#search_(.+)/); // 从url的hash部分获取搜索关键词 if (match) { history.pushState("", document.title, window.location.pathname +; // 清空hash window.addEventListener("load", function () { // 等待页面完全加载完成 let zInput = $(zInputSelector); zInput.val(decodeURIComponent(match[1])); // 填入搜索值 dict = $.extend({}, dict); if (dict.ang) { // 补加Event,防止Angular绑定失效。 From: let changeEvent = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); changeEvent.initEvent("change", true, true); zInput[0].dispatchEvent(changeEvent); } if (dict.notarget) { // 取消form的提交跳转 $(btnSelector).parents("form").attr("target", "_self"); } $(btnSelector).click(); // 模拟点击 }); } } } AutoSearch("", '#filter-tag-list div.torrent-title-search > md-input-group > input', '#filter-tag-list > div.torrent-search > div:nth-child(3) > button:nth-child(4)', { ang: true }); AutoSearch("", '.search__input', '.icon-search', {}); AutoSearch("", '#searchText', '#btnSearch', {}); AutoSearch("", 'input.search_string_input', 'input.search_string_input+img', {}); return; // 终止脚本运行,防止豆瓣的css以及js片段等污染页面 } // 阻止其他豆瓣同类脚本加载 var seBwhA = document.createElement("a"); = "seBwhA"; document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].appendChild(seBwhA); // 注入脚本相关的CSS,包括:隐藏、调整豆瓣原先的元素,脚本页面样式 GM_addStyle(` .c-aside{margin-bottom:30px}.c-aside-body a{border-radius:6px;color:#37a;display:inline-block;letter-spacing:normal;margin:0 8px 8px 0;padding:0 8px;text-align:center;width:65px}.c-aside-body a:link,.c-aside-body a:visited{background-color:#f5f5f5;color:#37a}.c-aside-body a:active,.c-aside-body a:hover{background-color:#e8e8e8;color:#37a}.c-aside-body a.available{background-color:#5ccccc;color:#006363}.c-aside-body a.available:active,.c-aside-body a.available:hover{background-color:#3cc}.c-aside-body a.sites_r0{text-decoration:line-through} #c_dialog li{margin:10px}#c_dialog{text-align:center} #interest_sectl .rating_imdb{border-top:1px solid #eaeaea;border-bottom:1px solid #eaeaea;padding-bottom:0}#interest_sectl .rating_wrap{padding-top:15px}#interest_sectl .rating_more{border-bottom:1px solid #eaeaea;color:#9b9b9b;margin:0;padding:15px 0;position:relative}#interest_sectl .rating_more a{left:80px;position:absolute}#interest_sectl .rating_more .titleOverviewSprite{background:url( no-repeat;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle}#interest_sectl .rating_more .popularityImageUp{background-position:-14px -478px;height:8px;width:8px}#interest_sectl .rating_more .popularityImageDown{background-position:-34px -478px;height:8px;width:8px}#interest_sectl .rating_more .popularityUpOrFlat{color:#83c40b}#interest_sectl .rating_more .popularityDown{color:#930e02} .more{display:block;height:34px;line-height:34px;text-align:center;font-size:14px;background:#f7f7f7} div#drdm_setting input[type=checkbox]{display:none}div#drdm_setting input[type=checkbox]+label{display:inline-block;width:40px;height:20px;position:relative;transition:.3s;margin:0 20px;box-sizing:border-box;background:#ddd;border-radius:20px;box-shadow:1px 1px 3px #aaa}div#drdm_setting input[type=checkbox]+label:after,div#drdm_setting input[type=checkbox]+label:before{content:'';display:block;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:20px;height:20px;transition:.3s;cursor:pointer}div#drdm_setting input[type=checkbox]+label:after{background:#fff;border-radius:50%;box-shadow:1px 1px 3px #aaa}div#drdm_setting input[type=checkbox]:checked+label{background:#aedcae}div#drdm_setting input[type=checkbox]:checked+label:after{background:#5cb85c;left:calc(100% - 20px)} .drdm-dl-horizontal dt{float:left;width:160px;overflow:hidden;clear:left;text-align:right;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap}.drdm-dl-horizontal dd{margin-left:180px} `); if (GM_getValue('enable_extra_stylesheet', true)) { GM_addStyle('#dale_movie_chart_top_right,#dale_movie_home_bottom_right,#dale_movie_home_bottom_right_down,#dale_movie_home_download_bottom,#dale_movie_home_inner_bottom,#dale_movie_home_side_top,#dale_movie_home_top_right,#dale_movie_subject_bottom_super_banner,#dale_movie_subject_download_middle,#dale_movie_subject_inner_middle,#dale_movie_subject_middle_right,#dale_movie_subject_top_midle,#dale_movie_subject_top_right,#dale_movie_tags_top_right,#dale_movie_towhome_explore_right,#dale_review_best_top_right,#footer,#movie_home_left_bottom,.extra,,.qrcode-app,.top-nav-doubanapp,div.gray_ad,div.ticket{display:none}'); } // -- 定义基础方法 -- // 对使用GM_xmlhttpRequest返回的html文本进行处理并返回DOM树 function page_parser(responseText) { // 替换一些信息防止图片和页面脚本的加载,同时可能加快页面解析速度 // responseText = responseText.replace(/s+src=/ig, ' data-src='); // 图片,部分外源脚本 // responseText = responseText.replace(/<script[^>]*?>[\S\s]*?<\/script>/ig, ''); //页面脚本 return (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(responseText, 'text/html'); } function getDoc(url, meta, callback) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: url, onload: function (responseDetail) { if (responseDetail.status === 200) { let doc = page_parser(responseDetail.responseText); callback(doc, responseDetail, meta); } } }); } function getJSON(url, callback) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: url, headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, onload: function (response) { if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 400) { callback(JSON.parse(response.responseText), url); } else { callback(false, url); } } }); } // 缓存相关方法 function CacheStorage(name, expire = null) { let now =; let cache_name = "drdm_cache_" + (name ? name : 'default'); if (localStorage[cache_name + "_exp"]) { if (now > localStorage[cache_name + "_exp"]) { localStorage.removeItem(cache_name); } } let cache = localStorage[cache_name] ? JSON.parse(localStorage[cache_name]) : {}; localStorage.setItem(cache_name + "_exp", now + expire); return { flush: function () { localStorage.setItem(cache_name, JSON.stringify(cache)); }, add: function (name, value) { cache[name] = value; this.flush(); }, del: function (name) { if (name) { delete cache[name]; this.flush; } else { localStorage.removeItem(cache_name); } }, get: function (name, def = null) { if (name) { return cache[name] ? cache[name] : def; } else { return cache; } } } } function clearExpiredCacheValue(force) { let StorageKey = []; for (let i = 0, len = localStorage.length; i < len; ++i) { // 先从里面取出所有的key StorageKey.push(localStorage.key(i)); } let CacheKey = StorageKey.filter(function (x) { return x && x.match(/(drdm_cache_.+)_exp/); }); // 再从中提取出本脚本缓存的键值 for (let i = 0, len = CacheKey.length; i < len; ++i) { let key_name = CacheKey[i]; let exp_at = localStorage.getItem(key_name); if (force || exp_at < { localStorage.removeItem(key_name); localStorage.removeItem(key_name.slice(0, -4)); // 移除 _exp 后缀 } } } let _version = GM_getValue("version", "轻量版"); let delete_site_prefix = "delete_site_"; if (typeof GM_registerMenuCommand !== "undefined") { function changeVersionConfirm() { if (confirm(`你当前版本是 ${_version},是否进行切换?`)) { GM_setValue("version", _version === "完整版" ? "轻量版" : "完整版"); } } GM_registerMenuCommand("脚本功能切换", changeVersionConfirm); function changeTagBColor() { let now_bcolor_list = [GM_getValue("tag_bcolor_exist", "#e3f1ed"), GM_getValue("tag_bcolor_not_exist", "#f4eac2"), GM_getValue("tag_bcolor_need_login", ""), GM_getValue("tag_bcolor_error", "")]; let name = prompt("请依次输入代表'资源存在','资源不存在','站点需要登陆','站点解析错误'颜色的Hex值,并用英文逗号分割。当前值为:", `${now_bcolor_list.join(',')}`); if (name != null && name !== "") { try { let bcolor_list = name.split(","); GM_setValue("tag_bcolor_exist", bcolor_list[0] || "#e3f1ed"); GM_setValue("tag_bcolor_not_exist", bcolor_list[1] || "#f4eac2"); GM_setValue("tag_bcolor_need_login", bcolor_list[2] || ""); GM_setValue("tag_bcolor_error", bcolor_list[3] || ""); } catch (e) { alert("解析输入出错"); } } } GM_registerMenuCommand("更改标签背景色", changeTagBColor); function changeTagFColor() { let now_fcolor_list = [GM_getValue("tag_fcolor_exist", "#3377aa"), GM_getValue("tag_fcolor_not_exist", "#3377aa"), GM_getValue("tag_fcolor_need_login", "#3377aa"), GM_getValue("tag_fcolor_error", "#3377aa")]; let name = prompt("请依次输入代表'资源存在','资源不存在','站点需要登陆','站点解析错误'颜色的Hex值,并用英文逗号分割。当前值为:", `${now_fcolor_list.join(',')}`); if (name != null && name !== "") { try { let fcolor_list = name.split(","); GM_setValue("tag_fcolor_exist", fcolor_list[0] || "#3377aa"); GM_setValue("tag_fcolor_not_exist", fcolor_list[1] || "#3377aa"); GM_setValue("tag_fcolor_need_login", fcolor_list[2] || "#3377aa"); GM_setValue("tag_fcolor_error", fcolor_list[3] || "#3377aa"); } catch (e) { alert("解析输入出错"); } } } GM_registerMenuCommand("更改标签文字色", changeTagFColor); function forceCacheClear() { if (confirm("清空所有缓存信息(包括资源存在情况、登陆情况等)")) { clearExpiredCacheValue(true); } } GM_registerMenuCommand("清空脚本缓存", forceCacheClear); } let fetch_anchor = function (anchor) { return anchor[0].nextSibling.nodeValue.trim(); }; function starBlock(source, source_link, _rating, _vote, max = 10) { let starValue = parseFloat(_rating) / 2; starValue = starValue % 1 > 0.5 ? Math.floor(starValue) + 0.5 : Math.floor(starValue); starValue *= (100 / max); return `<div class=rating_logo >${source} 评分</div><div class="rating_self clearfix" typeof="v:Rating"><strong class="ll rating_num" property="v:average">${parseFloat(_rating).toFixed(1)}</strong><span property="v:best" content=10.0 ></span><div class="rating_right "><div class="ll bigstar ${'bigstar' + starValue}"></div><div class="rating_sum"> <a href=${source_link} class=rating_people target="_blank"><span property="v:votes">${_vote}</span>人${source === "MAL" ? "观看" : "评价"}</a> </div> </div> </div>` } function parseLdJson(raw) { return JSON.parse(raw.replace(/\n/ig, '')); } $(document).ready(function () { let douban_link, douban_id; douban_link = 'https://' + location.href.match(/\/subject\/\d+\//); //豆瓣链接 douban_id = location.href.match(/(\d{7,8})/g); let site_map = []; /** label对象键值说明: * name: String 站点名称,请注意该站点名称在不同的site_map中也应该唯一,以免脚本后续判断出错 * method: String 搜索请求方式,默认值为 "GET" * link: String 构造好的请求页面链接,作为label的href属性填入,用户应该能直接点开这个页面。 * ajax: String 如果站点使用ajax的形式加载页面,则需要传入该值作为实际请求的链接,即优先级比link更高。 * type: String 返回结果类型,脚本默认按html页面解析;只有当传入值为"json"时,脚本按JSON格式解析 * selector: String 搜索成功判断结果,默认值为 "table.torrents:last > tbody > tr:gt(0)" (适用于国内多数NexusPHP构架的站点) * 如果type为"page"(默认)时,为一个(jQuery)CSS选择器, * 如果type为"json"或"jsonp"时,为一个具体的判断式。 * selector_need_login 搜索需要登录的选择器,仅在type为默认时有用,其余用法同Selector一致。 * data: String 作为请求的主体发送的内容,默认为空即可 * headers: Object 修改默认请求头,(防止某些站点有referrer等请求头检查 * rewrite_href: Boolean 如果站点最终搜索显示的页面与实际使用搜索页面(特别是使用post进行交互的站点)不一致, * 设置为true能让脚本存储最终url,并改写label使用的href属性 * csrf: Object 一个类似这样的字典 { name: "_csrf", update: "link"} * 其中key为站点csrf防护的名称,update为需要更新的字段(一般为link或data) * * 注意: 1. 如果某键有默认值,则传入值均会覆盖默认值 * 2. 关于请求方法请参考: * */ if (douban_id) { clearExpiredCacheValue(false); // 清理缓存 let cache = CacheStorage(douban_id, 86400 * 7 * 1e3); let need_login_cache = CacheStorage("need_login", 86400 * 1e3); $("#content div.aside").prepend(`<div id="drdm_req_status" style="color: #C65E24;background: #F4F4EC; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; word-wrap: break-word;display: none;"> <div style="text-align: center;">豆瓣资源下载大师 - 资源搜索情况 <a href="javascript:void();" id="drdm_req_status_hide">(隐藏)</a> <hr></div> <p id="drdm_dep_notice" style="color: #C65E24;display:none;">脚本未完全加载,部分站点将受影响。请确保网络稳定或尝试重新刷新页面。</p> <table> <tr><td width="50%">存在:<span id="drdm_req_success"></span></td><td width="50%">不存在:<span id="drdm_req_noexist"></span></td></tr> <tr><td width="50%">请求中:<span id="drdm_req_asking"></span></td><td width="50%">失败或需要登陆:<span id="drdm_req_fail"></span></td></tr> </table> <span id="drdm_req_help"><hr> <span>是否隐藏当前未成功的搜索项? <a href="javascript:void();" id="drdm_hide_fail"> 是 </a> / <a href="javascript:void();" id="drdm_show_all"> 否 </a></span> </span> </div> <div id='drdm_sites'></div>`); $("#drdm_req_status_hide").click(function () { $("#drdm_req_status").hide(); }); $("#drdm_hide_fail").click(function () { $("#drdm_sites a[title!=\"资源存在\"]").hide(); $('#drdm_sites >').each(function () { let that = $(this); if (that.find('> div > ul > a:visible').length == 0) { that.hide() } }); }); $("#drdm_show_all").click(function () { $("#drdm_sites a:hidden").show(); $('#drdm_sites >').show(); }); let update_status_interval; function update_req_status() { let asking_length = $("#drdm_sites a[title=\"正在请求信息中\"]").length; $("#drdm_req_success").text($("#drdm_sites a[title=\"资源存在\"]").length); $("#drdm_req_asking").text(asking_length); $("#drdm_req_noexist").text($("#drdm_sites a[title=\"资源不存在\"]").length); $("#drdm_req_fail").text($("#drdm_sites a[title=\"站点需要登陆\"]").length + $("#drdm_sites a[title=\"遇到问题\"]").length); if (asking_length === 0) { clearInterval(update_status_interval); // 当所有请求完成后清除定时器 if (GM_getValue('enalbe_adv_auto_tip_hide', false)) { $("#drdm_req_status_hide").click(); } } } function _encodeToGb2312(str, opt) { let ret = ""; try { ret = encodeToGb2312(str, opt); } catch (e) { ret = Math.random() * 1e6; $("#drdm_dep_notice").show(); } return ret; } if ( === "") { // 查看原图 if ($('#mainpic p.gact').length === 0) { // 在未登录的情况下添加空白元素以方便查看原图交互按钮的定位 $("#mainpic").append("<p class=\"gact\"></p>"); } let posterAnchor = document.querySelector('#mainpic > a > img'); let postersUrl, rawUrl; if (posterAnchor) { postersUrl = posterAnchor.getAttribute("src"); rawUrl = postersUrl.replace(/photo\/[sl](_ratio_poster|pic)\/public\/(p\d+).+$/, "photo/raw/public/$2.jpg"); $('#mainpic p.gact').after(`<a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="${rawUrl}">查看原图</a>`); } // 调整底下剧情简介的位置 let interest_sectl_selector = $('#interest_sectl'); interest_sectl_selector.after($('div.grid-16-8 div.related-info')); interest_sectl_selector.attr('style', 'float:right'); $('div.related-info').attr('style', 'width:480px;float:left'); // Movieinfo信息生成相关 let this_title, trans_title, aka; let year, region, genre, language, playdate; let imdb_link, imdb_id, imdb_average_rating, imdb_votes, imdb_rating; let douban_average_rating, douban_votes, douban_rating; let episodes, duration; let director, writer, cast; let tags, introduction, awards; // 获得 <script type="application/ld+json" /> 里面的信息,这里面的东西和API返回需要的东西差不多 let ld_json; try { ld_json = parseLdJson($('head > script[type="application/ld+json"]').text()); } catch (e) { } // 增加Mediainfo的交互按钮与监听 if (GM_getValue("enable_mediainfo_gen", false)) { $("div#info").append("<br><span class=\"pl\">生成信息: </span><a id='movieinfogen' href='javascript:void(0);'>movieinfo</a>"); $("div.related-info").before("<div class='c-aside' style='float:left;margin-top:20px;width: 470px;display: none' id='movieinfo_div'><h2><i>电影简介</i>· · · · · · </h2><a href='javascript:void(0);' id='copy_movieinfo'>点击复制</a><div class=\"c-aside-body\" style=\"padding: 0 12px;\" id='movieinfo'></div></div>"); $("a#movieinfogen").click(function () { let descr = ""; descr += poster ? `[img]${poster}[/img]\n\n` : ""; descr += trans_title ? `◎译 名 ${trans_title}\n` : ""; descr += this_title ? `◎片 名 ${this_title}\n` : ""; descr += year ? `◎年 代 ${year.trim()}\n` : ""; descr += region ? `◎产 地 ${region}\n` : ""; descr += genre ? `◎类 别 ${genre}\n` : ""; descr += language ? `◎语 言 ${language}\n` : ""; descr += playdate ? `◎上映日期 ${playdate}\n` : ""; descr += imdb_rating ? `◎IMDb评分 ${imdb_rating}\n` : ""; // 注意如果长时间没能请求完成imdb信息,则该条不显示 descr += imdb_link ? `◎IMDb链接 ${imdb_link}\n` : ""; descr += douban_rating ? `◎豆瓣评分 ${douban_rating}\n` : ""; descr += douban_link ? `◎豆瓣链接 ${douban_link}\n` : ""; descr += episodes ? `◎集 数 ${episodes}\n` : ""; descr += duration ? `◎片 长 ${duration}\n` : ""; descr += director ? `◎导 演 ${director}\n` : ""; descr += writer ? `◎编 剧 ${writer}\n` : ""; descr += cast ? `◎主 演 ${cast.replace(/\n/g, '\n' + ' '.repeat(4) + ' ').trim()}\n` : ""; descr += tags ? `\n◎标 签 ${tags}\n` : ""; descr += introduction ? `\n◎简 介\n\n ${introduction.replace(/\n/g, '\n' + ' '.repeat(2))}\n` : ""; descr += awards ? `\n◎获奖情况\n\n ${awards.replace(/\n/g, '\n' + ' '.repeat(2))}\n` : ""; $("div#movieinfo").html(descr.replace(/\n/ig, "<br>")); $("#movieinfo_div").toggle(); }); $("a#copy_movieinfo").click(function () { let movieclip = $("#movieinfo").html().replace(/<br>/ig, "\n").replace(/<a [^>]*>/g, "").replace(/<\/a>/g, ""); GM_setClipboard(movieclip); $(this).text("复制成功"); }); } // 先对一些关键信息进行判断 let aka_anchor = $('#info"又名")'); let has_aka = aka_anchor.length > 0; let is_movie = $("[data-type='电影']").length > 0; let is_series = $("[data-type='电视剧']").length > 0; let is_anime = $('span[property="v:genre"]:contains("动画")').length > 0; let is_document = $('span[property="v:genre"]:contains("纪录片")').length > 0; // 页面元素定位 let regions_anchor = $('#info"制片国家/地区")'); //产地 let language_anchor = $('#info"语言")'); //语言 let episodes_anchor = $('#info"集数")'); //集数 let duration_anchor = $('#info"单集片长")'); //片长 let imdb_anchor = $('#info"IMDb")'); // IMDb let has_imdb = imdb_anchor.length > 0; // 基础Movieinfo信息 let chinese_title = document.title.replace('(豆瓣)', '').trim(); let foreign_title = $('#content h1>span[property="v:itemreviewed"]').text().replace(chinese_title, '').trim(); let poster = rawUrl ? rawUrl.replace('raw', 'l_ratio_poster').replace('img3', 'img1') : ''; if (has_aka) { aka = fetch_anchor(aka_anchor).split(' / ').sort(function (a, b) { //首字(母)排序 return a.localeCompare(b); }).join('/'); } if (foreign_title) { trans_title = chinese_title + (aka ? ('/' + aka) : ''); this_title = foreign_title; } else { trans_title = aka ? aka : ''; this_title = chinese_title; } playdate = $('#info span[property="v:initialReleaseDate"]').map(function () { //上映日期 return $(this).text().trim(); }).toArray().sort(function (a, b) {//按上映日期升序排列 return new Date(a) - new Date(b); }).join('/'); year = ' ' + $('#content > h1 > span.year').text().substr(1, 4); region = regions_anchor[0] ? fetch_anchor(regions_anchor).split(' / ').join('/') : ''; language = language_anchor[0] ? fetch_anchor(language_anchor).split(' / ').join('/') : ''; episodes = episodes_anchor[0] ? fetch_anchor(episodes_anchor) : ''; duration = duration_anchor[0] ? fetch_anchor(duration_anchor) : $('#info span[property="v:runtime"]').text().trim(); let is_europe = region.match(/美国|英国|加拿大|丹麦/); let is_japan = region.match(/日本/); let is_korea = region.match(/韩国/); let is_thai = region.match(/泰国/); let is_india = region.match(/印度/); let is_pakistan = region.match(/巴基斯#|Pakistan/) let is_mainland = region.match(/##大陆/); let is_mandarine = language.match(/汉语普通话/); let is_otherlan = language.match(/\//); genre = $('#info span[property="v:genre"]').map(function () { //类别 return $(this).text().trim(); }).toArray().join('/'); // 获取电影名 let title = $('#content > h1 > span')[0].textContent.split(' ').shift().replace(/[,]/g, " ").replace(/:.*$/, ""); let eng_title = [this_title, trans_title].join("/").split("/").filter(function (arr) { return /([a-zA-Z]){2,}/.test(arr); })[0] || ""; let is_chinese = title.match(/[^\x00-\xff]/); let unititle = is_chinese ? title : eng_title; // 剧集修正季数名 eng_title = eng_title.match(/Season\s\d\d/) ? eng_title.replace(/Season\s/, "S") : eng_title.replace(/Season\s/, "S0"); eng_title = eng_title.replace(/[:,!\-]/g, "").replace(/ [^a-z0-9]+$/, "").replace(/ +/g, " "); let eng_title_clean = eng_title.replace(/ S\d\d*$/, ""); let has_entitle = eng_title_clean; // 日剧春夏秋冬解析 let playdate_pro = new Date(playdate.split('/')[0]); let release_year = playdate.replace(/-.*$/, "").replace(/^\d{2}/, ""); let release_month = playdate_pro.getMonth() + 1; let drama_season; if ([4, 5, 6].includes(release_month)) { drama_season = "spring"; } else if ([7, 8, 9].includes(release_month)) { drama_season = "summer"; } else if ([10, 11, 12].includes(release_month)) { drama_season = "autumn"; } else { drama_season = "winter"; } // 电影+年份 (只有电影才搜索并赋值年份) let encode_year = is_movie ? year.replace(/ /, "_") : ""; let nian = is_movie ? year : ""; let encode_this_title = (this_title || "").replace(/:/, "").replace(/ /g, "_"); let ptzimu = encode_this_title + encode_year; chinese_title = chinese_title.replace(/[:,]/, " "); let gunititle = _encodeToGb2312(unititle, true); let punititle = encodeURI(unititle).replace(/%/g, "%25"); let uunititle = encodeURI(unititle).replace(/%/g, "_"); let ywm = eng_title + nian; let zwm = chinese_title + nian; let entitle = eng_title_clean + nian let is_ywm = ywm.match(/[A-Z]/); // Add top rank tag if (GM_getValue("enable_top_rang_tag", true)) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: "", onload: function (response) { let rank_json = JSON.parse(response.responseText); let insert_html_list = []; for (let i in rank_json) { let top_list = rank_json[i]; let list_num = top_list.list[douban_id]; if (list_num) { let list_order =; insert_html_list[list_order] = `<div class="top250"><span class="top250-no">${top_list.prefix ? top_list.prefix : "No."}${list_num}</span><span class="top250-link"><a href="${top_list.href}" title="${top_list.title}">${top_list.short_title}</a></span></div>`; } } if (insert_html_list) { if ($('link[href*="top250.css"]').length === 0) { GM_addStyle(GM_getResourceText("top250_css")); } insert_html_list.push("<div style=\"display: none;\" id='rank_toggle' data-toggle='show'><a href=\"javascript::\">展示剩余 →</a></div>"); let after = $("#content > h1"); after.before(insert_html_list.join(' ')); let top_selector = $(".top250"); top_selector.css("display", "inline-block"); if (top_selector.length > 4) { $(".top250:gt(3)").hide(); $("#rank_toggle").show().css("display", "inline-block").click(function () { if ($(this).attr("data-toggle") === "show") {; $(this).attr("data-toggle", "hide").html("<a href=\"javascript::\">隐藏剩余 ←</a>"); } else { $(".top250:gt(3)").hide(); $(this).attr("data-toggle", "show").css("display", "inline-block").html("<a href=\"javascript::\">展示剩余 →</a>"); } }) } } } }); } // 从中栏中先获取豆瓣评分信息(此时还没有imdb等第三方评价信息) let douban_vote_another = $('div[typeof="v:Rating"]:eq(0)'); if (douban_vote_another.length > 0) { douban_average_rating = douban_vote_another.find('[property="v:average"]').length > 0 ? douban_vote_another.find('[property="v:average"]').text() : 0; douban_votes = douban_vote_another.find('[property="v:votes"]').length > 0 ? douban_vote_another.find('[property="v:votes"]').text() : 0; douban_rating = douban_average_rating + '/10 from ' + douban_votes + ' users'; } // 中栏加强 $("div#interest_sectl").append(`<div class='rating_wrap clearbox' id='loading_more_rate'>加载第三方评价信息中.......</div> <div class="rating_wrap clearbox rating_imdb" style="display:none"></div> <div class="rating_wrap clearbox rating_rott" style="display:none"></div> <div class="rating_wrap clearbox rating_anidb" style="border-top: 1px solid #eaeaea; display:none"></div> <div class="rating_more" style="display:none"></div>`); // 修复部分情况$("div.rating_betterthan")不存在情况 // put on more ratings let rating_more_data = [ /** {name, link || `${imdb_link}`, text} */]; function update_rating_more(data) { rating_more_data.push(data); let rating_more = $('#interest_sectl .rating_more'); let rating_more_html = ''; for (let i = 0; i < rating_more_data.length; i++) { let rating_data = rating_more_data[i]; rating_more_html += `<div>${rating_data['name']} <a href='${rating_data['link'] || imdb_link}' style="${rating_data['name'].length <= 4 ? 'margin-left:-20px' : ''} " target="_blank" title="${rating_data['data']}">${rating_data['data']}</a></div>`; } rating_more.html(rating_more_html);; $("#loading_more_rate").hide(); } // 请求IMDb信息(最慢,最先且单独请求) if (has_imdb) { imdb_id = fetch_anchor(imdb_anchor); imdb_link = `${imdb_id}/` // 把豆瓣删除的超链接给加回去 $(imdb_anchor[0].nextSibling).replaceWith(` <a href="${imdb_link}" target="_blank">${imdb_id}</a>`); getDoc(imdb_link, null, function (doc) { // 判断是不是新版界面 let new_another = $('script#__NEXT_DATA__', doc); let is_new = new_another.length > 0; let ld_json_imdb; try { // IMDb 评分 (评分信息直接从 ld_json 中获取算了) ld_json_imdb = parseLdJson($('head > script[type="application/ld+json"]', doc).text()); imdb_average_rating = ld_json_imdb["aggregateRating"]["ratingValue"]; imdb_votes = ld_json_imdb["aggregateRating"]["ratingCount"]; imdb_rating = imdb_votes ? imdb_average_rating + '/10 from ' + imdb_votes + ' users' : ''; // MovieinfoGen 相关 $('#interest_sectl div.rating_imdb').html(starBlock("IMDB", imdb_link + 'ratings?ref_=tt_ov_rt', imdb_average_rating, imdb_votes)).show(); // 分级信息 可以从 ld_json 中获取 if (ld_json_imdb['contentRating']) { const contentRatingMap = { 'G': '大众级 | 全年龄', 'PG': '指导级 | ≥6岁', 'PG-13': '特指级 | ≥13岁', 'NC-17': '限定级 | ≥17岁', 'R': '限制级 | ≥18岁', 'Not Rated': '未分级' }; update_rating_more({ name: '分级', // MPAA link: imdb_link + 'parentalguide#certification', data: contentRatingMap[ld_json_imdb['contentRating']] || ld_json_imdb['contentRating'] }); } // Metascore let metascore_selector = is_new ? 'a[href*="criticreviews"] span.score' : 'a[href^=criticreviews] span'; if ($(metascore_selector, doc).length > 0) { update_rating_more({ name: 'Metascore', link: imdb_link + 'criticreviews?ref_=tt_ov_rt', data: $(metascore_selector, doc).text() }); } // 流行度 let popularity_selector = is_new ? 'div[class^="TitleBlockButtonBase__ButtonContentWrap"]:has( > div[class^="TrendingButton__ContentWrap"])' : 'div:contains("Popularity") + div > span.subText'; if ($(popularity_selector, doc).length > 0) { let popularity_another = $(popularity_selector, doc); let pop_score, pop_delta, pop_up; if (is_new) { pop_score = popularity_another.find('div[class^="TrendingButton__TrendingScore"]').text(); pop_delta = popularity_another.find('div[class^="TrendingButton__TrendingDelta"]').text(); pop_up = popularity_another.find('svg.ipc-icon--arrow-drop-up').length > 0; } else { let pop_text_match = popularity_another.text().match(/(\d+)\n.+?(\d+)/i); if (pop_text_match && pop_text_match.length >= 3) { pop_score = pop_text_match[1]; pop_delta = pop_text_match[2]; pop_up = popularity_another.find('span.popularityImageUp').length > 0; } } if (pop_score) { update_rating_more({ name: '流行度', link: imdb_link + 'criticreviews?ref_=tt_ov_rt', data: `${pop_score} (${pop_up ? '∧' : '∨'}${pop_delta})` }); } } // TODO let reviews; // 从网页中获取的部分信息,要区分是否新版页面 if (GM_getValue("enable_imdb_ext_info", true)) { if (is_new) { if ($("li.ipc-metadata-list__item.fJEELB:contains('Budget')", doc).length > 0) { update_rating_more({ name: '总成本', data: $("li.ipc-metadata-list__item.fJEELB:contains('Budget')", doc).text().replace(/^Budget/, '').replace(/\(estimated\)/, '') }); } if ($("li.ipc-metadata-list__item.fJEELB:contains('Opening weekend US & Canada')", doc).length > 0) { update_rating_more({ name: '美首周', data: $("li.ipc-metadata-list__item.fJEELB:contains('Opening weekend US & Canada')", doc).text().replace(/^Opening weekend US & Canada/, '').replace(/[a-zA-Z]+ \d+, \d+$/, '') }); } if ($("li.ipc-metadata-list__item.fJEELB:contains('Gross US & Canada')", doc).length > 0) { update_rating_more({ name: '美票房', data: $("li.ipc-metadata-list__item.fJEELB:contains('Gross US & Canada')", doc).text().replace(/^Gross US & Canada/, '') }); } if ($("li.ipc-metadata-list__item.fJEELB:contains('Gross worldwide')", doc).length > 0) { update_rating_more({ name: '总票房', data: $("li.ipc-metadata-list__item.fJEELB:contains('Gross worldwide')", doc).text().replace(/^Gross worldwide/, '') }); } if ($("li.ipc-metadata-list__item:contains('Aspect ratio')", doc).length > 0) { update_rating_more({ name: '宽高比', data: $("li.ipc-metadata-list__item:contains('Aspect ratio')", doc).text().replace(/^Aspect ratio/, '') }); } } else { // 旧版代码 if ($("div.txt-block:contains('Budget:')", doc).length > 0) { update_rating_more({ name: '总成本', data: $("div.txt-block:contains('Budget:')", doc).text().trim().replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/ .*$/, '').replace(/^Budget:/, '').replace(/CNY./, '¥').replace(/KRW./, '₩').replace(/JPY./, '円').replace(/HKD./, '港') }); } if ($("div.txt-block:contains('Opening Weekend:'):not(:contains('USA:'))", doc).text().length > 0) { update_rating_more({ name: '本首周', data: $("div.txt-block:contains('Opening Weekend:'):not(:contains('USA:'))", doc).text().trim().replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/^Opening Weekend:/, '').replace(/ \(.*$/, '').replace(/CNY./, '¥').replace(/KRW./, '₩').replace(/JPY./, '円').replace(/HKD./, '港') }); } if ($("div.txt-block:contains('Opening Weekend USA:')", doc).text().length > 0) { update_rating_more({ name: '美首周', data: $("div.txt-block:contains('Opening Weekend USA:')", doc).text().trim().replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/^Opening Weekend USA:/, '').replace(/,\d+ .*$/, '') }); } if ($("div.txt-block:contains('Gross USA:')", doc).text().length > 0) { update_rating_more({ name: '美票房', data: $("div.txt-block:contains('Gross USA:')", doc).text().trim().replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/^Gross USA:/, '').replace(/\, \d+ .*$/, '') }); } if ($("div.txt-block:contains('Cumulative Worldwide Gross:')", doc).text().length > 0) { update_rating_more({ name: '总票房', data: $("div.txt-block:contains('Cumulative Worldwide Gross:')", doc).text().trim().replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/^Cumulative Worldwide Gross:/, '').replace(/\, \d+ .*$/, '') }); } if ($("div.txt-block:contains('Aspect Ratio:')", doc).text().length > 0) { update_rating_more({ name: '宽高比', link: imdb_link + 'technical?ref_=tt_dt_spec', data: $("div.txt-block:contains('Aspect Ratio:')", doc).text().trim().replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/^Aspect Ratio:/, '') }); } } } } catch (e) { // throw e; }; if (GM_getValue("enable_tomato_rate", true)) { //烂番茄评分显示功能 // add rottentomatoes block let movieTitle = ld_json_imdb['name'].trim(); let rottURL = '' + movieTitle.replace(/:|-/, "").replace(/\s+/g, "_").replace(/\W+/g, "").replace(/_+/g, "_").toLowerCase(); getDoc(rottURL, null, function (rotdoc) { $('#interest_sectl div.rating_rott').html(`<span class="rating_logo ll">烂番茄评分</span><br><div id="rottValue" class="rating_self clearfix"></div></div>`).show(); if ($('script#score-details-json', rotdoc).length > 0) { let rottJson = JSON.parse($('#score-details-json', rotdoc).text()); if (rottJson.modal && rottJson.modal.tomatometerScoreAll) { let tomatometerScoreAll = rottJson.modal.tomatometerScoreAll || {}; let rating_rott_value = tomatometerScoreAll.score || 0; let fresh_rott_value = tomatometerScoreAll.likedCount || 0; let rotten_rott_value = tomatometerScoreAll.notLikedCount || 0; $('#interest_sectl .rating_rott #rottValue').append(`<strong class="ll rating_num"><a target="_blank" href="${rottURL}">${rating_rott_value}%</a></strong><div class="rating_right" style="line-height: 16px;"><span>鲜: ${fresh_rott_value}</span><br><span>烂: ${rotten_rott_value}</span></div>`); } } else { $('#interest_sectl div.rating_rott').append(`<br>搜索rotta: <a target='_blank' href='${'' + encodeURI(movieTitle)}'>${movieTitle}</a>`); } }); } $("#loading_more_rate").hide(); }); } if (GM_getValue("enable_blue_date", true)) { //蓝光发售日期显示功能 let ywm = eng_title.replace(/[:,!\-]/g, "").replace(/ /g, '-'); let blueURL = '' + ywm.toLowerCase() + '/blu-ray/'; getDoc(blueURL, null, function (bluedoc) { let r###lt_0 = $('span[title*="Blu-ray"][title*="release date"]:not(:contains("TBA")):first', bluedoc); if (r###lt_0.length > 0) { let blueDate = new Date(r###lt_0.text()); update_rating_more({ // 这种写法可能会导致 蓝光发售日期显示顺序飘忽不定,不过没有太大关系 name: '蓝光发售', link: blueURL, data: `${blueDate.getFullYear()}年${blueDate.getMonth() + 1}月${blueDate.getDate()}日` }); } }); } if (GM_getValue("enable_anime_rate", true)) { //开启动漫评分显示功能 // 如果是动漫,请求anydb的anidb、bgm、mal信息 if (is_anime) { getJSON("" + douban_id, function (data1) { let _anydb_html = ""; if (data1.success) { let source_list = ["AniDB", "Bgm", "MAL"]; for (let i = 0; i < source_list.length; i++) { let source = source_list[i]; let _data = data1.matched[source.toLowerCase()]; if (_data) { let _group = _data.rate.match(/([\d.]+?) \((\d+)\)/); let _rating = _group[1]; let _vote = _group[2]; _anydb_html += starBlock(source, _data.url, _rating, _vote); } } if (_anydb_html.trim().length > 0) { $('#interest_sectl > div.rating_anidb').html(_anydb_html).show(); } } $("#loading_more_rate").hide(); }); } } if (GM_getValue("enable_mediainfo_gen", false)) { // 请求豆瓣附属信息用于Mediainfo生成 GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: douban_link + 'awards/', headers: { 'Host': '', // 'Referer' : location.href, }, onload: function (responseDetail) { if (responseDetail.status === 200) { let doc = page_parser(responseDetail.responseText); awards = $('#content>div>div.article', doc).html() .replace(/[ \n]/g, '') .replace(/<\/li><li>/g, '</li> <li>') .replace(/<\/a><span/g, '</a> <span') .replace(/<(div|ul)[^>]*>/g, '\n') .replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '') .replace(/ /g, ' ') .replace(/ +\n/g, '\n') .trim(); } } }); // 该影片的评奖信息 // 简介 (首先检查是不是有隐藏的,如果有,则直接使用隐藏span的内容作为简介,不然则用 span[property="v:summary"] 的内容) introduction = $('#link-report > span.all.hidden').length > 0 ? $('#link-report > span.all.hidden').text() : // 隐藏部分 ($('[property="v:summary"]').length > 0 ? $('[property="v:summary"]').text() : '暂无相关剧情介绍'); introduction = introduction.split('\n').map(function (a) { return a.trim() }).join('\n'); // 处理简介缩进 // 导演,编剧,演员 (只能获取到显示的,没API丰富) let director_another = $('span > span:contains("导演")').parent('span'); // 往上回溯一级 let writer_another = $('span > span:contains("编剧")').parent('span'); let cast_another = $(''); if (ld_json) { // 优先使用ld_json中内容,没有则做页面解析 if (ld_json['director']) director = ld_json['director'].map(function (d) { return d['name'] }).join(' / '); if (ld_json['author']) writer = ld_json['author'].map(function (d) { return d['name'] }).join(' / '); if (ld_json['actor']) cast = ld_json['actor'].map(function (d) { return d['name'] }).join('\n'); } if (typeof director == 'undefined' && director_another.length > 0) director = director_another.find('a[href^="/celebrity"]').map(function () { return $(this).text() }).get().join(' / '); if (typeof writer == 'undefined' && writer_another.length > 0) writer = writer_another.find('a[href^="/celebrity"]').map(function () { return $(this).text() }).get().join(' / '); if (typeof cast == 'undefined' && cast_another.length > 0) cast = cast_another.find('a[href^="/celebrity"]').map(function () { return $(this).text() }).get().join('\n'); // 标签 let tag_another = $('div.tags-body > a[href^="/tag"]'); if (tag_another.length > 0) tags = () { return $(this).text() }).get().join(' | '); } // 资源名称 let zwzy = (unititle.replace(/ /g, ".").replace(":", ".").replace(/\.\./g, ".") + "." + eng_title.replace(": ", ".").replace(/ /g, ".") + "." + year.replace(/ /, "")).replace(/\.{2,}/g, "."); let imdbzy = has_imdb ? "." + imdb_id : ""; $("div#info").append(`<br><span class=\"pl\">资源名称: </span>${zwzy}${imdbzy}`); let neizhan = has_imdb ? imdb_id : ('/subject/' + douban_id); // PT内站 智能判定是用IMDB ID还是豆瓣ID let gongwang = has_imdb ? imdb_id : douban_id; let jingzhun = has_imdb ? imdb_id : ywm; let dbzw = has_imdb ? imdb_id : unititle + nian; let unit3d = has_imdb ? "imdb=" + imdb_id.slice(2) : "search=" + ywm; let movieright = is_movie ? "movies" : "tv-shows"; if (_version === "完整版") { let npid = has_imdb ? ('imdb=' + imdb_id) : ('douban=' + douban_id); // NPUBITS 智能判定是用IMDB ID还是豆瓣ID let ttgid = has_imdb ? ('IMDB' + imdb_id.slice(2)) : zwm; // TTG 智能判定是用IMDB ID还是中文名 let ptfriend = has_imdb ? (imdb_id + '&search_area=4') : (douban_id + '&search_area=5'); // PT之友 智能判定是用IMDB ID还是豆瓣ID let zxid = has_imdb ? imdb_id : zwm; // ZX 智能判定是用IMDB ID还是中文名 let monid = has_imdb ? ('imdbId=' + imdb_id) : ('name=' + zwm); // MONIKA智能判定是IMDB ID还是中文名 let spid = has_imdb ? (imdb_id + '&search_area=4') : (unititle + '&search_area=0'); // Spring、天空、馒头 智能判定是用IMDB ID还是中文名 let leid = has_imdb ? (imdb_id + '&search_area=imdb') : (douban_id + '&search_area=douban'); // Lemon 智能判定是用IMDB ID还是豆瓣ID site_map.push({ name: "20万+种PT内站", label: [ { name: "HDSky", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + spid, }, { name: "MTeam", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + spid, }, { name: "PT之友", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + ptfriend, selector: "table.torrents table.torrentname" }, { name: "TTG", link: '¬newword=1&search_field=' + ttgid, selector: "table#torrent_table:last > tbody > tr:gt(0)" }, ] }); site_map.push({ name: "10万+种PT内站", label: [ { name: "Audience", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "BTSchool", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan,/* selector: "table.torrents:last > tbody > tr:gt(0)"}, */ }, { name: "CHDBits", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "HD#####", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, selector: "table.torrent_list:last > tbody > tr:gt(0)" }, { name: "HDHome", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "OurBits", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "PTHOME", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "SJTU", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, selector: "table.torrents:last > tbody > tr" }, { name: "TJUPT", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, selector: "table.torrents table.torrentname" }, ] }); 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site_map.push({ name: "1万+种PT内站", label: [ { name: "52PT", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan,/* selector: "table.torrents:last > tbody > tr:gt(0)"}, */ }, { name: "FRDS", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, selector: "table.torrents table.torrentname" }, { name: "JoyHD", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, selector: "tr table.torrentname" }, { name: "Hares", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, selector: "div.layui-torrents-title" }, { name: "HDCity", link: '¬newword=1&iwannaseethis=' + neizhan, selector: "center > div > div > div.text" }, { name: "HDVIDEO", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "HDZone", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "龙之家", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "小蚂蚁", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "壹PT吧", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, ] }); site_map.push({ name: "5千+种PT内站", label: [ // { name: "HDAI", method: "post", link: '' + unititle, ajax:'', data:`{"keyword":"${unititle}"}`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" }, selector: 'data.length > 0' }, { name: "3Wmg", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "BeiTai", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan,/* selector: "table.torrents:last > tbody > tr:gt(0)"}, */ }, { name: "FreeFarm", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "OshenPT", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "UBits", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "WinSaku", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "ZmPT", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "铂金学院", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "海棠PT", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, ] }); site_map.push({ name: "1千+种内站", label: [ { name: "ICC", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "OKPT", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "PT分享站", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "UltraHD", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "库非", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, ] }); if (is_anime) { site_map.push({ name: "PT动漫游戏", label: [ { name: "AB", link: '' + ywm, selector: "div.thin > div.group_cont" }, { name: "BakaBT", link: '' + ywm, selector: "table.torrents > tbody > tr:gt(0)", selector_need_login: "#loginForm" }, { name: "CC", link: '' + ywm, selector: "table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > table > tbody > tr:gt(0)", selector_need_login: "table[style='border-color:#E70000']" }, { name: "MONIKA", link: '' + monid, selector: "td.torrent-listings-overview" }, { name: "SkySnow", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + unititle + nian, selector: "table.torrents > tbody > tr:gt(0)" }, { name: "U2", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + this_title, }, ] }); } site_map.push({ name: "PT影视IPV6", label: [ { name: "6V", method: "POST", link: '', selector: '#threadlist > table > tbody > tr:gt(0)', data: `srchtxt=${gunititle}&srchfilter=all&srchfrom=0&before=0&orderby=lastpost&ascdesc=desc&srchfid[]=all&searchsubmit=yes`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, rewrite_href: true, csrf: { name: "formhash", update: "data" } }, { name: "BYRBT", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "HUDBT", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "NPUBITS", link: '¬newword=1&' + npid, selector: "#torrents_table > tbody > tr:gt(0)" }, { name: "NWSUAF", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + neizhan, }, { name: "PT江湖", method: "POST", link: '', selector: '#threadlist li.pbw', data: `srchtxt=${unititle}&searchsubmit=yes`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, rewrite_href: true, csrf: { name: "formhash", update: "data" }, selector_need_login: "#messagetext" }, { name: "ZX", link: '' + zxid + '/', selector: "table.torrenttable > tbody > tr:gt(1)" }, ] }); site_map.push({ name: "PT影视原声", label: [ { name: "DicMusic", link: '' + unititle, selector: "td.td_info.big_info" }, { name: "OpenCD", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + unititle, selector: "table.torrents:last > tbody > tr:gt(0)" }, { name: "JPOP", link: '' + eng_title, selector: "#torrent_table > tbody > tr:gt(0)" }, { name: "Red", link: '' + eng_title, selector: "tr.group_torrent.edition_1" }, ] }); site_map.push({ name: "PT影视外站", label: [ { name: "AR", link: '' + ywm, selector: "#torrent_table > tbody > tr:gt(0)" }, { name: "AHD", link: '' + imdb_id, selector: ".torrent_table", selector_need_login: "#loginform" }, { name: "AsiaCine", link: '' + unit3d, selector: "div.table-responsive a.view-torrent" }, { name: "BHD", link: '' + imdb_id, selector: "table.tb_detail.grey.torrenttable:last > tbody > tr:gt(0)" }, { name: "Classix", link: '' + eng_title, selector: "table.ttable_headinner tr.t-row" }, { name: "FileList", link: '' + imdb_id, selector: "div.torrentrow a[data-html='true']" }, { name: "HDB", link: '' + imdb_id, selector: "#torrent-list", selector_need_login: "a[href='/recover.php']" }, { name: "HDF", link: '' + ywm, selector: "#torrent_table > tbody > tr:gt(0)" }, { name: "HDME", link: '' + imdb_id, selector: "table:nth-child(13) > tbody > tr" }, { name: "HDMonkey", link: '' + ywm, selector: "table.ttable_headinner > tbody > tr:gt(0)" }, { name: "HDS", link: '' + imdb_id, selector: "table.lista:last > tbody > tr:gt(0)", selector_need_login: "form[name='login']" }, { name: "HDT", link: '' + imdb_id, selector: "table.mainblockcontenttt b", selector_need_login: "form[name='login']" }, { name: "IPT", link: '' + imdb_id, selector: "#torrents" }, { name: "MTV", link: '' + eng_title_clean, selector: "table.torrent_table > tbody > tr:gt(0)" }, { name: "PTF", link: '' + ywm, selector: "#tortable > tbody > tr.rowhead:gt(0)" }, { name: "PTP", link: '' + imdb_id, selector: '#torrent-table tr.group_torrent.group_torrent_header:gt(0)', selector_need_login: "#loginform" }, { name: "RTF", link: '' + imdb_id, selector: "td table.torrentname" }, { name: "SC", link: '' + imdb_id, selector: "div.torrent_card" }, { name: "SDB", link: '' + imdb_id, selector: "#torrent-list tr.light" }, { name: "Speed", link: '' + imdb_id, selector: "div.boxContent > table:first >tbody > tr:gt(0)" }, { name: "TD", link: '' + imdb_id, selector: "#torrentTable td.torrentNameInfo" }, { name: "TS", link: '' + eng_title + year + '%22', selector: "table.table.table-bordered > tbody > tr.browse_color:gt(0)" }, { name: "TT", link: '' + imdb_id, selector: "table#torrents-table > tbody > tr:gt(0)" }, { name: "TL", type: "json", link: "" + eng_title + nian, ajax: "" + eng_title + year, selector: "numFound > 0" }, { name: "UHD", link: '' + imdb_id, selector: "table.torrent_table > tbody >" }, ] }); if (is_india || is_pakistan) { site_map.push({ name: "PT印度电影站", label: [ { name: "BwT", link: "" + ywm, selector: "table.pager + table tr.browse" }, { name: "Hon3yHD", link: "" + eng_title, selector: "table" }, { name: 'Desitor', method: "post", type: "json", link: '' + ywm, ajax: '', data: `selected_group=&search_username=&selected_sorting=relevance&search_string=${ywm}`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" }, selector: 'torrent_html.length > 0' }, ] }); } } if (_version === "完整版" && has_imdb) { site_map.push({ name: "NZB终身影视", label: [ { name: "altHUB", link: '' + ywm, selector: "#browsetable a.title", selector_need_login: "#modalLogin" }, { name: "Crawler", link: '' + ywm, selector: "#browsetable a.title", selector_need_login: "#modalLogin" }, { name: "Miatrix", link: '' + ywm, selector: "#browsetable > tbody > tr:gt(0)", selector_need_login: "form[action='login']" }, { name: "Ninja", link: '' + ywm, selector: "#browsetable a.title", selector_need_login: "form[action='login']" }, { name: "NZBCat", link: '' + ywm, selector: "#browsetable > tbody > tr:gt(0)", selector_need_login: "form[action='login']" }, { name: "NZBgeek", link: '' + imdb_id.slice(2), selector: "table > tbody > tr.HighlightTVRow2:gt(0)", selector_need_login: "input[value='do_login']" }, { name: "NZBGrab", link: '' + imdb_id, selector: "h3.threadtitle", selector_need_login: "form[action='login.php?do=login']" }, { name: "NZBP", link: '' + ywm, selector: "#browsetable > tbody > tr:gt(0)", selector_need_login: "form[action='login']" }, { name: "NZBs2GO", link: '' + ywm, selector: "#browsetable > tbody > tr:gt(0)", selector_need_login: "form[action='login']" }, { name: "Oznzb", link: '' + ywm, selector: "#browsetable > tbody > tr.ratingReportContainer:gt(0)", selector_need_login: "#login" }, { name: "SNZB", link: '' + ywm, selector: "#browsetable > tbody > tr:gt(0)", selector_need_login: "form[action='login']" }, ] }); 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' ' + $('#info"作者")')[0].nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent.replace(/\[[^\]]+\]/g, '').replace(/([^)]+)/g, '').replace(/^\s{1,}/g, '') : ''; let gtitle = _encodeToGb2312(title, true); let ptitle = encodeURI(title).replace(/%/g, "%25"); let isbn_anchor = $('#info"ISBN")'); let isbn = isbn_anchor[0] ? fetch_anchor(isbn_anchor) : ''; // 比较时无视英文名大小写 jQuery.expr[':'].Contains = function (a, i, m) { return jQuery(a).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(m[3].toUpperCase()) >= 0; }; function isbn13to10(str) { //ISBN 10位和13位码互相转换 var s; var c; var checkDigit = 0; var r###lt = ""; s = str.substring(3, str.length); for (let i = 10; i > 1; i--) { c = s.charAt(10 - i); checkDigit += (c - 0) * i; r###lt += c; } checkDigit = (11 - (checkDigit % 11)) % 11; r###lt += checkDigit == 10 ? 'X' : (checkDigit + ""); return (r###lt); } let isbn10 = isbn13to10(isbn); // 当前只对有isbn号的书籍开启中栏评分增强 if (isbn) { let rating_more_hit = false; $("div#interest_sectl").append(`<div class='rating_wrap clearbox' id='loading_more_rate'>加载第三方评价信息中.......</div> <div class="rating_wrap clearbox rating_amazon_cn" rel="v:rating" style="display:none"></div> <div class="rating_wrap clearbox rating_goodreads" style="display:none"></div>`); if (GM_getValue("enable_book_amazon.cn_rate", true)) { rating_more_hit = true; // 通过ISBN信息在亚马逊##上搜索 getDoc("" + isbn, null, function (doc) { let r###lt_0 = $('div[data-index="0"]', doc); if (r###lt_0.length > 0) { // 这本书在亚马逊##上能搜索到 let book_id_in_amazon = r###lt_0.attr("data-asin"); let book_url = "" + book_id_in_amazon; let vote_text = r###lt_0.text().replace(/\n/g, " "); // 这是一个很取巧的获取方式,很可能因为页面结构更改而失效。 最近检查于 2019.09.25 let _group = vote_text.match(/([\d.]+?) 颗星,最多 5 颗星 +([\d,]+)/); if (_group) { let _rating = _group[1]; let _vote = _group[2]; $('#interest_sectl div.rating_amazon_cn').html(starBlock("亚马逊##", book_url, _rating, _vote, 5)).show(); } } else { $('#interest_sectl div.rating_amazon_cn').append(`<br>搜索亚马逊##: <a target='_blank' href='${`${encodeURI(title)}&i=stripbooks`}'>${title}</a>`); } $('#loading_more_rate').hide(); }); } if (GM_getValue('enable_book_goodreads', false) && GM_getValue('apikey_goodreads', false)) { rating_more_hit = true; getJSON(`${GM_getValue('apikey_goodreads', '')}&format=json&isbns=${isbn}`, function (data) { try { let book = data['books'][0]; let goodread_id = book['id']; let goodread_url = `${goodread_id}`; let rating = book['average_rating']; let vote = book['work_ratings_count']; $('#interest_sectl div.rating_goodreads').html(starBlock("GoodReads", goodread_url, rating, vote, 5)).show(); } catch (e) { $('#interest_sectl div.rating_goodreads').append(`<br>搜索GoodReads: <a target='_blank' href='${`${encodeURI(title)}`}'>${title}</a>`); } $('#loading_more_rate').hide(); }); } if (!rating_more_hit) { $('#loading_more_rate').hide(); } } if (_version === "完整版") { site_map.push({ name: "会员精准匹配", label: [ { name: "mLook©", link: "" + isbn, selector: "div.books div.fl.meta" }, { name: 'Gold©', link: '' + isbn, selector: 'i.glyphicon-download-alt:not(:contains("0"))' }, { name: 'Z-Lib©', link: '' + isbn, selector: '#searchR###ltBox div.authors' }, ] }); 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site_map.push({ name: "PT音乐教育", label: [ { name: "NYPT♬", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + title + singer, selector: "table.torrents:last > tbody > tr" }, { name: "SJTU♬", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + title + singer, selector: "table.torrents:last > tbody > tr" }, ] }); site_map.push({ name: "PT音乐外站", label: [ { name: "JPOP♬", link: '' + title + singer, selector: "#torrent_table > tbody > tr:gt(0)" }, { name: "Orpheus♬", link: '' + title + singer, selector: "#torrent_table:last > tbody > tr.group_torrent:gt(0)" }, { name: "Red♬", link: '' + title + singer, selector: "#torrent_table > tbody > tr.group_torrent:gt(0)" }, { name: "Waffles♬", link: '' + title + singer, selector: "#browsetable:last > tbody > tr:gt(0)" }, ] }); site_map.push({ name: "音乐论坛资源", label: [ { name: "AIPT♬", link: '¬newword=1&search=' + title + singer, }, { name: "磨坊", method: "post", link: "", data: `srchtxt=${gtitle}${gsinger}&searchsubmit=yes`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, rewrite_href: true, selector: " li.pbw" }, { name: "无损音乐网", link: '' + title + '%26%26' + singer.trim(), selector: 'ul.r###lt li.res-list' }, { name: "盘乐网音", link: '' + title, selector: " li.pbw" }, { name: "炫音音乐", link: `${title}${singer}`, selector: "#r###lts h3.c-title" }, ] }); } site_map.push({ name: "在线音乐播放", label: [ { name: 'QQ音乐', link: '' + title + singer, ajax: "" + title + singer, type: "json", selector: 'data.album.totalnum > 0' }, { name: '百度音乐', link: '' + title + singer, selector: '#album_list div.album-info' }, { name: '#我音乐', link: '' + title + singer, selector: 'div.album p.musicName' }, { name: '咪咕音乐', link: `${title}${singer}`, selector: `div.album-name font:contains(${title})` }, { name: '虾米音乐', link: `${title}${singer}`, selector: ` > a[title='${title}'] + a[title='${singer.trim()}']` }, { name: '网易云音乐', link: '' + title + singer, ajax: "" + title + singer, type: "json", selector: 'r###lt.songCount > 0' }, ] }); if (is_single) { site_map.push({ name: "单曲无损网站", label: [ { name: '51Ape', link: '' + title + '+intitle%3A' + singer, selector: '#b_content div.b_caption' }, ] }); } site_map.push({ name: "音乐免费网站", label: [ { name: 'DTShot', link: '' + title + singer + '/', selector: `div.case_info div.meta-title:contains(${title})` }, { name: 'XZPC音乐', method: "post", link: '' + title, ajax: '', data: `key=${title}`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, selector: 'p a' }, { name: '#无损', link: '' + title + singer, selector: '#main h2.entry-title' }, { name: '小浣熊音乐', link: `${title}${singer}`, selector: `div.r###lt_p a[title*='${title}']` }, ] }); site_map.push({ name: "音乐国内网盘", label: [ { name: '小白盘音乐', link: '' + title + '.html?order=size', selector: 'h4.job-title a' }, ] }); site_map.push({ name: "音乐国外网盘", label: [ { name: 'AvaxHome♬', link: '' + title + singer, selector: 'div.col-xs-12.col-sm-8.col-md-8.col-lg-8 div.panel-heading' }, { name: 'Rutrack♬', link: '' + title, ajax: `${title}`, selector: '`a > h3:contains(${title})`' }, ] }); } // 检查站点是否需要登陆的方法 res 应该是GM_xmlhttpRequests返回对象 ,返回bool值,true时为需要登陆 function login_check(res) { let need_login = false; if (/login|verify|checkpoint|returnto/ig.test(res.finalUrl)) { need_login = true; // 检查最终的URL看是不是需要登陆 } else if (/refresh: \d+; url=.+login.+/ig.test(res.responseHeaders)) { need_login = true; // 检查responseHeader有没有重定向 } else { let responseText = res.responseText; if (typeof responseText === "undefined") { need_login = true; // 检查最终的Text,如果什么都没有也可能说明需要登陆 } else if (responseText.length < 800 && /login|not authorized/.test(responseText)) { need_login = true; // 对Text进行检查,断言“过短,且中间出现login字段”即说明可能需要登陆 } } return need_login; 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let body = doc.querySelector("body"); // 因为jQuery的选择器丰富,故这里不用 dom.querySelector() 而用 jQuery.find() if (label.selector_need_login && $(body).find(label.selector_need_login).length) { TagNeedLogin(); // 如果存在selector_need_login选择器,则先判断是否存在以确定是否需要登录 } else if ($(body).find(label.selector || "table.torrents:last > tbody > tr:gt(0)").length) { TagExist(res.finalUrl); // 最后使用selector选择器判断资源是否存在 } else { TagNotExist(); // 所有情况都失败则未存在 } } } catch (e) { TagError("解析错误"); } } }, onerror: function () { TagError("请求故障"); }, ontimeout: function () { TagError("请求超时"); }, }); } // 请求动作方法 function check_func() { $(psite).attr("title", "正在请求信息中"); if (label.csrf) { // 对某些启用了csrf的站点,先使用正常方式请求一次获取csrf值 GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url:, timeout: 45e3, // 默认45s服务器无响应算超时 onload: function (res) { if (!login_check(res)) { try { let doc = page_parser(res.responseText); let csrf_ = $(`input[name='${}'`, doc); let csrf_key = csrf_.attr("value"); // 获取csrf值 label[label.csrf.update] += `&${}=${csrf_key}`; // 更新对应选项 check_core(label); } catch (e) { TagError("解析故障"); } } }, onerror: function () { TagError("请求错误"); }, ontimeout: function () { TagError("请求超时"); }, }); } else { check_core(label); } } // 根据设置,是自动请求还是鼠标移动时在做请求 if (GM_getValue("enable_adv_auto_search", true)) { check_func(); } else { $(psite).mouseenter(function (e) { // 鼠标进入时才自动搜索并反馈 if ($(psite).attr('title') == 'empty') { // 防止重复请求 check_func(); $(psite).unbind('mouseenter'); } }); } } function site_exist_status() { $("#drdm_req_status").show(); for (let i = 0; i < site_map.length; i++) { let map_dic = site_map[i]; if (GM_getValue(delete_site_prefix +, false)) { continue; } $('#drdm_sites').append(`<div class="c-aside name-offline" data-id="${i}"><h2><i>${}</i>· · · · · ·</h2><div class=c-aside-body style="padding: 0 12px;"> <ul class=bs > </ul> </div> </div>`); let in_site_html = $(`div[data-id='${i}']`); for (let j = 0; j < map_dic.label.length; j++) { let label = map_dic.label[j]; if (GM_getValue(delete_site_prefix +, false)) { continue; } in_site_html.append(`<a href="${}" data-name="${}" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" class="name-offline" title="empty">${}</a>`); Exist_check(label); } } update_status_interval = window.setInterval(update_req_status, 1e3); if (!GM_getValue("enable_adv_auto_search", true)) { $("#drdm_req_status_hide").click(); } } site_exist_status(); } // 脚本页面切换方法 function wrapper_change(id, html, callback) { if ($(`div#wrapper > div#${id}`).length === 0) { $('div#wrapper').append(html); if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(); } } let ele_inst = $(`div#wrapper > div#${id}`); let ele_other = $(`div#wrapper > div#content, div#footer`); if (':visible')) { ele_other.hide();; } else {; ele_inst.hide(); } } // 加载豆列搜索 if (GM_getValue("enable_doulist_search", true)) { GM_addStyle('#db-nav-movie a.movieannual {margin-left: 350px !important;}'); $('div.nav-items ul').append('<li><a id="search_dlist" href="javascript:void(0);">豆列搜索</a></li>'); $("#search_dlist").click(function () { let int_html = `<div id='drdm_doulist'><h1>豆列搜索</h1><div class="grid-16-8 clearfix"><div class="article"><div class="indent"><div class="movie-list"></div><a class="more" href="javascript:;" style="display:none">加载更多</a></div></div><div class="aside"><div><h2>豆列搜索 · · · · · ·</h2><div><span><p><div id="form-doulist"><input class="doulist" id="input-doulist" placeholder="Criterion, 46534919, ..." value=""</input><input type="submit" id="doulist-submit" value="search" /input></div></p></span><span style="" class="search_r###lt c-aside-body"></span></div></div><div class="doulist_intro"><h2>豆列搜索说明 · · · · · ·</h2><p>输入你想搜的关键词,点击搜索。就这么简单。</p></div></div></div></div>`; wrapper_change("drdm_doulist", int_html, function () { let load_more = $("#drdm_doulist a.more"); $('#doulist-submit').click(function () { let doulist = $("#input-doulist").val(); $('').html(""); let get_doulist = function (doulist, page) { load_more.text("加载中......").show(); getDoc('' + doulist + '&first=' + page, null, function (doc, res, meta) { let r###lt = $('ol#b_r###lts .b_algo', doc); r###lt = r###lt.filter(function () { return $("a[href^='']", this).length > 0; }); if (r###lt.length === 0) { load_more.text('没有找到相关豆列'); } else { r###lt.each(function () { let title = $(this).find("a[href^='']"); let caption = $(this).find("div.b_caption"); let id = title.attr("href").match(/doulist\/(\d+)/)[1]; let title_clean = title.text().replace(/(\(豆瓣\)|\s-\s豆瓣电影|\s-\s豆瓣)/, '').replace(/ -, ''); caption.find("div.b_attribution").remove(); let detail = caption.html(); if ($(` > div[data-dlist=${id}]`).length === 0) { // 重复的不再插入 $('').append(`<div data-dlist="${id}"><div><h2 style="font-size:13px;"><a href="${id}" target="_blank">${title_clean}</a></h2><div></div></div><div class="tags">${detail}<p class="ul"></p></div></div>`); } }); // 更新加载信息 let load_id = page + 10; load_more.text('加载更多');"click", function () { get_doulist(doulist, load_id); }); } }); } get_doulist(doulist, 1); }); }); }); } // 脚本设置 $("#db-global-nav > div >").append(`<a href="javascript:;" id="drdm_setting_btn">脚本设置</a>`); $("#drdm_setting_btn").click(function () { let int_html = `<div id='drdm_setting'><h2>脚本设置界面正在开发中,请等待完善......</h2></div>`; wrapper_change("drdm_setting", int_html, function () { // TODO 评分信息,豆列搜索等杂项功能启用情况 let config_setting = "<h1>脚本基本功能启用状况</h1><dl class='drdm-dl-horizontal'>"; function config_setting_gen(name, key, note, def = true) { config_setting += `<dt>${name}</dt><dd><input type="checkbox" id="drdm_config_${key}" ${GM_getValue(key, def) ? 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'' : 'checked'} data-config="${delete_site_prefix +}" data-par="${}" data-type="map"><label for="${'drdm_config_site_' +}"></label></h2><table><tbody><tr>`; for (let j = 0; j < map_dic.label.length; j++) { let label = map_dic.label[j]; setting_site += `<td style="text-align:right;"><span>${}</span><input type="checkbox" id="${'drdm_config_site_' +}" ${GM_getValue(delete_site_prefix +, false) || GM_getValue(delete_site_prefix +, false) ? '' : 'checked'} ${GM_getValue(delete_site_prefix +, false) ? 'disabled' : ''} data-config="${delete_site_prefix +}" data-par="${}" data-type="site"><label for="${'drdm_config_site_' +}"></label></td>`; if ((j + 1) % 7 === 0) { setting_site += '</tr><tr>'; } } setting_site += "</tbody></table></div><hr>"; } $("#drdm_setting").append(config_setting + setting_site); $("input[id^='drdm_config_']").click(function () { let that = $(this); GM_setValue(that.attr("data-config"), that.attr("data-config").match(delete_site_prefix) ? !that.prop("checked") : that.prop("checked")); if (that.attr("data-type") && that.attr("data-type") === "map") { let par = that.attr("data-par"); $(`input[id^='drdm_config_site_'][data-type='site'][data-par='${par}']`).prop("disabled", !that.prop("checked")).prop("checked", that.prop("checked")); } }); // 其他回调 $('input#drdm_setting_apikey_goodreads').on('input change', function () { let that = $(this); GM_setValue('apikey_goodreads', that.val()); }); }); }); });