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Google Search Sidebar

A user script and user style to move Google search tools to sidebar.

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Google Search Sidebar
// @namespace       jmln.tw
// @version         0.4.3
// @description     A user script and user style to move Google search tools to sidebar.
// @author          Jimmy Lin
// @license         MIT
// @homepageURL     https://github.com/jmlntw/google-search-sidebar
// @supportURL      https://github.com/jmlntw/google-search-sidebar/issues
// @include         /^https:\/\/(?:ipv4|ipv6|www)\.google\.(?:[a-z\.]+)\/search\?(?:.+&)?q=[^&]+(?:&.+)?$/
// @exclude         /^https:\/\/(?:ipv4|ipv6|www)\.google\.(?:[a-z\.]+)\/search\?(?:.+&)?tbm=lcl(?:&.+)?$/
// @compatible      firefox
// @compatible      chrome
// @compatible      edge
// @compatible      opera
// @run-at          document-end
// @grant           none
// ==/UserScript==
function GM_addStyle (css) {
const style = document.createElement('style')
style.type = 'text/css'
style.textContent = css
return style
/** CSS Variables **/
:root {
--user-sidebar-width: 180px;
--user-sidebar-spacer: 20px;
--user-sidebar-primary-color: #dd4b39;
--user-action-menu-spacer: 2px;
--user-action-menu-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
--user-action-menu-font-size: 85%;
/** Navigation Bar **/
* 1. Hide "Tools" toggle button on the navigation bar.
#hdtb-tls {
display: none !important; /* 1. */
/** Search Menu **/
* 1. Reset all CSS properties of the search menu wrapper.
* 2. Show the search menu wrapper in the proper position.
#hdtbMenus {
all: unset !important; /* 1. */
display: block !important; /* 2. */
position: absolute !important; /* 2. */
* 1. Reset all CSS properties of the search menu parent.
* 2. Place search menus vertically.
* 3. Set the gap space between each search menu.
#hdtbMenus div[id^="tn_"][id$="_1"] {
all: unset !important; /* 1. */
display: flex !important; /* 2. */
flex-direction: column !important; /* 2. */
gap: var(--user-sidebar-spacer) !important; /* 3. */
* 1. Remove the leading space of the search menu wrapper.
#hdtbMenus div[id^="tn_"][id$="_1"] > div:nth-child(1) {
display: none !important; /* 1. */
* 1. Hide the menu toggle button.
* 2. Reset all CSS properties of the dropdown menu.
* 3. Show the dropdown menu in the proper position.
* 4. Set the sidebar width with paddings.
#hdtbMenus div[id^="tn_"][id$="_1"] g-popup > div:nth-child(1) {
display: none !important; /* 1. */
#hdtbMenus div[id^="tn_"][id$="_1"] g-popup > div:nth-child(2) {
all: unset !important; /* 2. */
display: block !important; /* 3. */
position: static !important; /* 3. */
width: calc(var(--user-sidebar-width) - 20px) !important; /* 4. */
max-width: calc(var(--user-sidebar-width) - 20px) !important; /* 4. */
* 1. Remove the check image on the active menu item.
* 2. Set the styles of the active menu item.
#hdtbMenus div[id^="tn_"][id$="_1"] g-menu-item.nvELY {
background-image: unset !important; /* 1. */
color: var(--user-sidebar-primary-color) !important; /* 2. */
font-weight: bolder !important; /* 2. */
* 1. Set the styles of "Clear" menu item on the sidebar.
#hdtbMenus div[id^="tn_"][id$="_1"] > a.hdtb-mn-hd {
padding: 4px 32px !important; /* 1. */
#hdtbMenus div[id^="tn_"][id$="_1"] > a.hdtb-mn-hd:hover {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) !important; /* 1. */
text-decoration: unset !important; /* 1. */
* 1. Fix the position of the label showing "About ***,*** r###lts...".
#appbar div.LHJvCe {
top: unset !important; /* 1. */
opacity: unset !important; /* 1. */
/** Main Page Content **/
* 1. Set the proper position of the main page content.
*    (No "!important" here to make Shopping search display correctly.)
#rcnt div.M8OgIe {
margin-left: var(--user-sidebar-width); /* 1. */
* 1. Set the proper position of the right information block.
*    ("--rhs-margin" is the CSS variable defined by Google.)
#rhs {
margin-left: var(--rhs-margin); /* 1. */
* Do not move the right block to the bottom of the page if there's not enough
* space.
@supports (selector(:has(p))) {
#rcnt:has(#center_col:first-child + #rhs) {
flex-wrap: nowrap !important;
/** Action Menu **/
* 1. Hide the dropdown arrow.
div.g g-popup > div {
display: none !important; /* 1. */
* 1. Reset all CSS properties of the dropdown menu.
* 2. Show the dropdown menu in the proper position.
div.g div.pkWBse {
all: unset !important; /* 1. */
display: inline-block !important; /* 2. */
* 1. Reset all CSS properties of the dropdown menu.
* 2. Place the menu item horizontally.
* 3. Set the gap space between each menu item.
div.g div.pkWBse g-menu {
all: unset !important; /* 1. */
display: flex !important; /* 2. */
flex-direction: row !important; /* 2. */
gap: var(--user-action-menu-spacer) !important; /* 3. */
div.g div.pkWBse g-menu-item {
all: unset !important; /* 1. */
div.g div.pkWBse g-menu-item > div {
all: unset !important; /* 1. */
* 1. Set the styles of the dropdown menu item.
div.g div.pkWBse g-menu-item a {
padding: 0 5px !important; /* 1. */
background-color: var(--user-action-menu-background) !important; /* 1. */
font-size: var(--user-action-menu-font-size) !important; /* 1. */
* Hide search time on sidebar
#r###lt-stats > nobr {
display: none;