Convert gairaigo (Japanese loan words) back to English
// ==UserScript== // @name Katakana Terminator // @description Convert gairaigo (Japanese loan words) back to English // @author Arnie97 // @license MIT // @copyright 2017-2021, Katakana Terminator Contributors ( // @namespace // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @icon // @match *://*/* // @exclude *://** // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_addStyle // @connect // @version 2022.02.18 // @name:ja-JP カタカナターミネーター // @name:zh-CN 片假名终结者 // @description:zh-CN 在网页中的日语外来语上方标注英文原词 // ==/UserScript== // define some shorthands var _ = document; var queue = {}; // {"カタカナ": [rtNodeA, rtNodeB]} var cachedTranslations = {}; // {"ターミネーター": "Terminator"} var newNodes = [_.body]; // Recursively traverse the given node and its descendants (Depth-first search) function scanTextNodes(node) { // The node could have been detached from the DOM tree if (!node.parentNode || !_.body.contains(node)) { return; } // Ignore text boxes and echoes var excludeTags = {ruby: true, script: true, select: true, textarea: true}; switch (node.nodeType) { case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() in excludeTags || node.isContentEditable) { return; } return node.childNodes.forEach(scanTextNodes); case Node.TEXT_NODE: while ((node = addRuby(node))); } } // Recursively add ruby tags to text nodes // Inspired by function addRuby(node) { var katakana = /[\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FD-\u30FF][\u3099\u309A\u30A1-\u30FF]*[\u3099\u309A\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FC-\u30FF]|[\uFF66-\uFF6F\uFF71-\uFF9D][\uFF65-\uFF9F]*[\uFF66-\uFF9F]/, match; if (!node.nodeValue || !(match = katakana.exec(node.nodeValue))) { return false; } var ruby = _.createElement('ruby'); ruby.appendChild(_.createTextNode(match[0])); var rt = _.createElement('rt'); rt.classList.add('katakana-terminator-rt'); ruby.appendChild(rt); // Append the ruby title node to the pending-translation queue queue[match[0]] = queue[match[0]] || []; queue[match[0]].push(rt); // <span>[startカナmiddleテストend]</span> => // <span>start<ruby>カナ<rt data-rt="Kana"></rt></ruby>[middleテストend]</span> var after = node.splitText(match.index); node.parentNode.insertBefore(ruby, after); after.nodeValue = after.nodeValue.substring(match[0].length); return after; } // Split word list into chunks to limit the length of API requests function translateTextNodes() { var apiRequestCount = 0; var phraseCount = 0; var chunkSize = 200; var chunk = []; for (var phrase in queue) { phraseCount++; if (phrase in cachedTranslations) { updateRubyByCachedTranslations(phrase); continue; } chunk.push(phrase); if (chunk.length >= chunkSize) { apiRequestCount++; googleTranslate('ja', 'en', chunk); chunk = []; } } if (chunk.length) { apiRequestCount++; googleTranslate('ja', 'en', chunk); } if (phraseCount) { console.debug('Katakana Terminator:', phraseCount, 'phrases translated in', apiRequestCount, 'requests, frame', window.location.href); } } // {"keyA": 1, "keyB": 2} => "?keyA=1&keyB=2" function buildQueryString(params) { return '?' + Object.keys(params).map(function(k) { return encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(params[k]); }).join('&'); } // Google Dictionary API, function googleTranslate(srcLang, destLang, phrases) { // Prevent duplicate HTTP requests before the request completes phrases.forEach(function(phrase) { cachedTranslations[phrase] = null; }); var joinedText = phrases.join('\n').replace(/\s+$/, ''), api = '', params = { client: 'gtx', dt: 't', sl: srcLang, tl: destLang, q: joinedText, }; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: api + buildQueryString(params), onload: function(dom) { try { var resp = JSON.parse(dom.responseText.replace("'", '\u2019')); } catch (err) { console.error('Katakana Terminator: invalid response', dom.responseText); return; } resp[0].forEach(function(item) { var translated = item[0].replace(/\s+$/, ''), original = item[1].replace(/\s+$/, ''); cachedTranslations[original] = translated; updateRubyByCachedTranslations(original); }); }, onerror: function(dom) { console.error('Katakana Terminator: request error', dom.statusText); }, }); } // Clear the pending-translation queue function updateRubyByCachedTranslations(phrase) { if (!cachedTranslations[phrase]) { return; } (queue[phrase] || []).forEach(function(node) { node.dataset.rt = cachedTranslations[phrase]; }); delete queue[phrase]; } // Watch newly added DOM nodes, and save them for later use function mutationHandler(mutationList) { mutationList.forEach(function(mutationRecord) { mutationRecord.addedNodes.forEach(function(node) { newNodes.push(node); }); }); } function main() { GM_addStyle("rt.katakana-terminator-rt::before { content: attr(data-rt); }"); var observer = new MutationObserver(mutationHandler); observer.observe(_.body, {childList: true, subtree: true}); function rescanTextNodes() { // Deplete buffered mutations mutationHandler(observer.takeRecords()); if (!newNodes.length) { return; } console.debug('Katakana Terminator:', newNodes.length, 'new nodes were added, frame', window.location.href); newNodes.forEach(scanTextNodes); newNodes.length = 0; translateTextNodes(); } // Limit the frequency of API requests rescanTextNodes(); setInterval(rescanTextNodes, 500); } // Polyfill for Greasemonkey 4 if (typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest === 'undefined' && typeof GM === 'object' && typeof GM.xmlHttpRequest === 'function') { GM_xmlhttpRequest = GM.xmlHttpRequest; } if (typeof GM_addStyle === 'undefined') { GM_addStyle = function(css) { var head = _.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (!head) { return null; } var style = _.createElement('style'); style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); style.textContent = css; head.appendChild(style); return style; }; } // Polyfill for ES5 if (typeof NodeList.prototype.forEach === 'undefined') { NodeList.prototype.forEach = function(callback, thisArg) { thisArg = thisArg || window; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {, this[i], i, this); } }; } main();