Small CSS tweaks to youtube with color theme settings
// ==UserScript== // @name Youtube plus // @description Small CSS tweaks to youtube with color theme settings // @grant GM_addStyle // @include *://* // @include *://* // @run-at document-start // @version 3.5 // @namespace // ==/UserScript== var defaultcolor = "hsla(3, 60%, 47%, 1)"; var customcolor = defaultcolor; var firstrun = false; if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") { if (localStorage.yt_custom_color) { customcolor = localStorage.yt_custom_color; } else { firstrun = true; localStorage.yt_custom_color = customcolor; } } console.log("yt_custom_color", customcolor); var stylesheet = ` body { /* --yt-custom-color: " + customcolor + "; */ } .ytp-pause-overlay { display: none; } #player-ads { display: none; } body, ytd-app { --yt-brand-paper-button-color: var(--yt-custom-color) !important; --yt-brand-color: var(--yt-custom-color) !important; }, paper-button.ytd-subscribe-button-renderer { background-color: var(--yt-custom-color); }[subscribed] { background-color: var(--yt-spec-10-percent-layer); } ytd-guide-entry-renderer[active] { color: var(--yt-custom-color) !important; }, #progress.ytd-thumbnail-overlay-r###me-playback-renderer, .ytp-red2 .ytp-swatch-background-color, .ytp-red2 .ytp-swatch-background-color-secondary, .ytp-play-progress.ytp-swatch-background-color, .ytp-swatch-background-color-secondary, .ytp-scrubber-button.ytp-swatch-background-color { background-color: var(--yt-custom-color) !important; } path#lozenge-path, { fill: var(--yt-custom-color); } div#top div#player { max-height: calc(100vh - var(--ytd-masthead-height, 56px)); } `; var setcustomcolor = function (colorinput) { console.log("Changing color theme to: " + colorinput); customcolor = colorinput;'--yt-custom-color', customcolor); localStorage.yt_custom_color = customcolor; var savedcolor = localStorage.yt_custom_color; console.log("Saved color theme: " + savedcolor); } unsafeWindow.setcustomcolor = setcustomcolor; var pickcustomcolor = function () { console.log("click");; } unsafeWindow.pickcustomcolor = pickcustomcolor; var resetcustomcolor = function () { unsafeWindow.setcustomcolor(defaultcolor); } unsafeWindow.resetcustomcolor = resetcustomcolor; var video_emitkey = function(keycode) { var video_element = document.getElementById("movie_player"); if (video_element) { var ke = new KeyboardEvent('keydown'); delete ke.keyCode; Object.defineProperty(ke, "keyCode", {"value" : keycode}); video_element.dispatchEvent(ke); } } var volumecontrol_init = function() { var video_player = document.getElementById("ytd-player"); if (video_player) { if (!video_player.youtubeplus_wheel_hooked) { video_player.addEventListener('wheel', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (e.deltaY < 0) { video_emitkey(38); } if (e.deltaY > 0) { video_emitkey(40); } }); video_player.youtubeplus_wheel_hooked = true; } } } var redirectshorts_init = function() { if (location.href.includes("/shorts/")){ let redirect_url = location.href.replace("/shorts/", "/watch?v="); console.log("Shorts detected, redirecting to: " + redirect_url); window.location.href = redirect_url; } } var init = function() { if (typeof GM_addStyle != "undefined") { GM_addStyle (stylesheet); } else { var css = document.createElement("style"); css.type = "text/css"; css.innerHTML = stylesheet; document.head.appendChild(css); } var customcolorpicker = document.createElement('input'); customcolorpicker.type = "color"; customcolorpicker.onchange = "setcustomcolor(this.value);"; = "display: none;"; customcolorpicker.addEventListener("change", function() { setcustomcolor(this.value); }); redirectshorts_init(); setcustomcolor(customcolor); volumecontrol_init(); mutator_init(); console.log("Youtube++ init!"); } var mutator_callback = function() { //console.log("Mutation detected..."); volumecontrol_init(); mutator_init(); } var mutator_init = function() { var targetNode = document.body; if (targetNode && !targetNode.youtubeplus_mutator_hooked) { var observer = new MutationObserver(mutator_callback); observer.observe(targetNode, { childList: true }); targetNode.youtubeplus_mutator_hooked = true; } } if (typeof unsafeWindow.Request_OLD == "undefined") { var Request_OLD = unsafeWindow.Request; class Request extends Request_OLD { constructor(a,b) { b = b || {}; b.credentials = b.credentials || "same-origin"; super(a,b) } } unsafeWindow.Request = Request; } console.log("Youtube++ loaded!"); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { init(); console.log("Youtube++ init!"); });