Markdown Viewer(Markdown 阅读器)
MarkdownViewer.user.js 开发参考了:扩展Markdown Viewer
To make this script works, you need click [menu]→[More Tools]→[Extensions] to find [Tampermonkey]→"☑Allow access to file URLs"
如果脚本要生效,需要在 [菜单]→[更多工具]→[扩展程序E] 找到 [Tampermonkey]→勾选☑允许访问文件网址
Code Highlight Theme Optionable(可以选择代码高亮风格)
- coy
- dark
- funky
- okaidia
- prism
- solarized
- twilight
Theme Optionable(可以选择主题)
- foghorn
- ghostwriter
- github_dark
- github
- godspeed
- markdown_alt
- markdown
- markdown5
- markdown6
- markdown7
- markdown8
- markdown9
- markedapp_byword
- radar
- screen
- solarized_dark
- solarized_light
- torpedo
- vostok
Parse Options (可以选择转换选项)
- breaks
Enable GFM line breaks(requires the gfm option to be true)
允许 GFM 断行(gfm 选项开启才能生效)
- gfm
Enable GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
开启GFM (GitHub 特有的 Markdown 格式)
- pedantic
Don't fix any of the original markdown bugs or poor behavior
不修正 markdown 源 的错误或错漏
- sanitize
Ignore any HTML that has been input
忽略所有已经输入的 HTML
- smartLists
Use smarter list behavior than the original markdown'
- smartypants
Use "smart" typographic punctuation for things like quotes and dashes
- tables
Enable GFM tables (requires the gfm option to be true)
开启 GFM 表格转换 (gfm 选项开启才能生效)
More function developing ...