Show English and Chinese subtitles when you're watching coursera, and you may modify the script mannually as you like
// ==UserScript== // @name Show English and Chinese Subtitles for Coursera // @name:zh 于 Coursera 显示中英双字幕 // @name:zh-CN 于 Coursera 显示中英双字幕 // @name:zh-TW 于 Coursera 顯示中英雙字 // @namespace // @version 0.3 // @description Show English and Chinese subtitles when you're watching coursera, and you may modify the script mannually as you like // @description:zh 在 Coursera 显示中英双字幕或手动更改脚本来更换其它语言 // @description:zh-CN 在 Coursera 显示中英双字幕或手动更改脚本来更换其他语言 // @description:zh-TW 于 Coursera 顯示中英雙字或手動更改脚本來更換其他語言 // @author LouizQ // @include* // @include* // @grant none // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; //========================================================================================================== //If you're using high dpi screen, we strongly advise you to add the script: //若为高分辨率屏幕,我们强烈建议您使用: //若為高分辨率屏幕,我們强烈建議您使用: // //or uncomment following stript part to reduce size of coursera subtitle //或手动取消下面这段脚本的注释,以缩小字幕字号 //或手動取消下面這段脚本的注釋,以縮小字幕字號 /* var css = 'video::-webkit-media-text-track-display {font-size: 45%;}', head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; if (style.styleSheet){ style.styleSheet.cssText = css; } else { style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); } head.appendChild(style); */ //========================================================================================================== setInterval(function(){ var video = document.getElementById("c-video_html5_api"); if(video){ var n = video.textTracks; var bsubtitleoff = true; for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) { var i = n[o]; if (i.kind !== "subtitles") continue; if (i.mode == "showing") bsubtitleoff = false; } if (!bsubtitleoff) { for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) { var i = n[o]; //console.log(i.language); /* you may delete the double slash above (uncomment it), click save, and refresh coursera webpage to see the language list in console(F12). 你可以删除前一句双斜杠的注释符号,保存并刷新,在控制台(console,F12)中查看有哪些语言。 你可以刪除前一句雙斜杠的注釋符號,保存並刷新,在控制臺(console,F12)中查看有哪些語言。 */ if (i.kind !== "subtitles") continue; if (i.language == "zh-CN" || i.language == "zh-TW" || i.language == "en-US" || i.language == "en") { /* if you want to change the fixed language, just modify the word in quotation mark as you like 如果你希望更换语言,可以手动修改引号中的内容 如果你希望更換語言,可以手動修改引號中的内容 */ i.mode = "showing"; } else { i.mode = "hidden"; } } } else { //warning: you didn't allow to show any subtitles //字幕未开启//字幕未開啓 } } },500); })();